Transcript: Episode 0075

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Welcome to the Stone Choir Podcast.

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I am Corey J.

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And I'm still Woe.

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On today's Stone Choir, we're going to be doing another sort of meta episode where we talk about how it is that we select the topics for Stone Choir.

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And more generally, how is it that we choose to pick some of the fights that we pick?

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Why are we picking fights?

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Why do we want to fight at all?

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It's a turn off to some people.

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Why do a couple of guys want to argue about stuff that frankly most people aren't arguing about?

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And in the world, when you look at some of the people talking about the things that we've done entire episodes and series on, some of the people are pretty awful.

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They're from the opposite side politically.

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They're trying to make an issue of something that most Christians have never thought about.

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And today we're going to talk about sort of at a meta level, why are we looking at this stuff?

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Why do we want you to care?

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Why would we spend all this time saying, hey, look over here, this thing that's annoying that you don't want to deal with at all is actually really crucial.

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We're going to talk about the thought process behind how that happens.

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And although we're going to use a bunch of stuff about Stone Choir as an example, this is fundamentally about trying to teach our audience how to think, how to think generally.

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Because as you're looking out in the world, you're seeing the same thing we're seeing, you're seeing things we don't see maybe, the general applicability of the thought process is going to serve you in the future.

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And so we're going to explain why we do what we do, because it's a context that we share to help understand where men are doing things well, and where some of us are doing things really poorly as we're engaging with the world.

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Just very brief housekeeping, the Stone Choir Challenge coins finally arrived.

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Corey has begun shipping them out.

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A few of you have already received them.

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It's going to take a few weeks to get them all out, because we had a whole bunch of pre-orders.

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Unfortunately, I can't help ship them, so he's got to do everything, and he's writing handwritten notes to everybody, so it's going to take a little while.

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Thank you for your continued patience.

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Thank you for your low time preference on this, and especially thank you for your support for what we do here.

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Your support helps make it possible for us to actually spend all the time that we do this.

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As we look at target selection and how we deal with stuff in the world, I want to begin by giving you an example from computers that most of you are not familiar with.

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I'm not trying to teach you about computers.

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I'm trying to give you an example that most of you know nothing about, just because the fact that you don't know anything about it means you don't have any baggage.

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Because when I compare it to things you are familiar with, you're going to see that the things you do know have baggage, and so I'm giving you a new word for something that is going to be neutral as we apply it throughout this episode.

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And for those of you who are familiar, I apologize for the things I'm going to gloss over.

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This is not an autistic definition of the thing.

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It's simplified just for the sake of making the point today.

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In computers, there's something known as an interrupt.

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Basically at a very low level, in fact at the hardware level, there can be something called an interrupt that gets thrown when certain events occur.

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And when that happens, the software sitting above it will have policies about what do I do when a certain type of interrupt is thrown.

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And there's a special type of interrupt that's called a non-maskable interrupt that the policy can't ignore it.

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So whenever a non-maskable interrupt occurs, no matter what, the system basically has to stop whatever it's doing, which is why it's called an interrupt, and handle that event.

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And computers have gotten fast enough and sophisticated enough and software can do all sorts of things effectively simultaneously that it doesn't completely halt the system like it did 30, 40 years ago.

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But the useful thing about the concept of an interrupt is that although in the software there's a policy to say, if I see this sort of thing, I'm going to handle it in a certain way, the software doesn't know when it's coming.

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It's some external event that triggers the interrupt, and that's just got to deal with it.

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So your phone or your computer is just plugging along doing its stuff.

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And then say, for example, on a computer, one thing that might trigger a type of interrupt would be if you plug in a USB device.

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There's going to be an interrupt at the hardware level to say, hey, something new has happened.

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We need to handle this right away, even if you're doing other stuff.

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And of course, the software has to make sure that it doesn't cause glitches and hangs and anything that would disrupt the rest of work you're doing, but it has to immediately handle the fact that you plugged something in.

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It can't just wait five minutes and then later on notice.

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Before interrupts, they had what was called polling, where it would check periodically, but that's expensive.

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So if they interrupt, it can just say, hey, something just happened, let's deal with it.

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An example that you are familiar with would be something like a fire drill.

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And when I worked at Apple, we have fire drills annually.

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And the enunciators, the alarms for those fire drills were deafeningly loud.

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I would stick my fingers inside my ears and it was still deafening.

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They were so loud that even if you're completely deaf, you could still feel it in your chest.

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So, when there was a fire drill, you knew you had to leave.

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The entire building became inhospitable.

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You weren't getting anything else done.

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That's an example of an interrupt because when the fire drill or an actual fire occurs, whatever you're doing in your day, in your workplace, same thing, the fire alarm goes off, you're doing work.

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It doesn't matter what you're doing.

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It doesn't matter what your plans were for the next five minutes or hour.

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You have to get up and leave the building.

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Ideally, go to wherever your prearranged evacuation zone was and get your head count and everything.

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You can't do what you're doing because the alarm went off.

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Now, the reason for introducing the concept of an interrupt is that the fire drill or an actual fire is what we consider to be an emergency.

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And emergencies are sort of emotionally fraught.

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It's like when the fire alarm goes off, it's a visceral assault on the senses.

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If there's an actual fire or if you don't know there's a fire, there's the additional potential anxiety of, you know, am I in danger?

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You know, I mean, you're smelling for smoke.

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If there's an actual fire, you're potentially going to be panicky.

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You might be scared.

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And that's part of the reason for the rehearsal of the fire drill, so that you're used to going through the emergency process of something you don't normally do.

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But when the event comes up, you have to be ready for it.

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What we face in the world today is a type of this.

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We see in politics and in the church and just in general discourse that periodically there are these things that pop up that cause a stink.

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You know, race is an example.

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A long time ago, nobody talked about race.

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Like it really wasn't much of a discussion.

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And today when we look back, we think, oh, well, there was no races back then.

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Realistically, when you look at why no one was really talking much about race, it's like all the races were effectively kept separate.

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God separated the races and they pretty much stayed separate.

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The exceptions to that would be in coastal cities or in major cities where there's some commerce, there would be some interchange of different races coming to one place where you would have coexistence of cultures.

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It's always happened historically, but apart from that, races were always separate.

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So there wasn't a lot of talk about it, because why would you talk about something that wasn't an issue?

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As more and more in the last century and a half, races have been mashed together in the West, where all of our canon comes from, suddenly people start talking about it.

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And so if you look back at kind of the history of discussion, you would think, well, there was no race, and then somebody invented race, and now everybody's fighting about it.

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And so the natural tendency of most people, most of you in the audience probably, because you're normal people, like our audience is not some weird wild-eyed racist audience.

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You're just normal people, most of you are church-going.

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For those of you who aren't, I hope you'll start.

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It's certainly part of why we're here, to tell people you can be Christian and not be stupid about this stuff.

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You don't want to have fights about stuff like race.

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You don't want to hear about it, because like I said earlier, most of the people talking about it are annoying.

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Some of them are actively evil, terrible people.

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And so as soon as the subject comes up, it's kind of like a fire alarm going off.

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It's maybe somebody else's emergency, but your natural response is, this isn't my emergency.

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This isn't my fight.

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I don't want anything to do with it.

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And so the reason I want to introduce the concept of the interrupt is that if instead of treating it as an emergency is something that you've got to have some strongly held opinion about, it's just an example of us all going along with our lives, and then there's some new information in the world that's got to be dealt with.

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And maybe you don't personally have to deal with it, but that doesn't mean that nobody does.

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And so one of the things we're going to talk about today, probably near the end, is that there's some men who are equipped to actually fight these fights, to notice these things, and to deal with these interrupts and these emergencies.

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There are other people who aren't, particularly women pretty much excluded from fighting in emergencies and like all that crap.

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Not that girls are not capable, not that they're not intelligent enough, but it's not their duty, it's not their problem.

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And so when we have women involved in politics and things, it's natural they're going to be interested because a girl can die by the sword just as easily as a man, and girls are going to fare in some ways worse in conditions of warfare because they're usually not just going to be killed, other things are going to be done to them, they're in some ways worse.

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So everyone has invested interest in when there are real world fights and wars, which is part of this.

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We're going to use a lot of examples from different aspects of warfare.

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And it's not tough talk.

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Some of them are analogues, it's analogous to things in warfare.

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But I think whether or not you've ever been in war, whether or not you've actually killed someone, I haven't done either.

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I hope I never will have to.

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But someone who has gone to war, someone who's been a war fighter, before they actually went and did the thing, they were trained to do it.

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So their introduction to warfare, as a professional soldier, was training, was thinking about what they're going to do, and then going and doing it, to learn the concepts, the techniques, the strategies.

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Whatever specifics were necessary for doing their job as a soldier, first began with thought.

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And so today, as we're talking, we're just thinking about things, and not specifically physical warfare.

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But that's another one of the points to be made today, is that when we talk about fights and battles and wars, sometimes it's actual literal warfare, like Genghis Khan killing a lot of people in warfare, actually happened.

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But conceptually, similar things happen in other aspects of life.

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My dad played college football, and so from a young age, he taught me to really love football.

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I used to really like it.

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I understood football really well.

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I could watch a play evolve, know what was going to happen if a flag was thrown before the ref said anything.

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I knew what the call was going to be.

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Football is fundamentally modeled after maneuver warfare.

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It's kind of a microcosm.

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Every play is kind of a set piece of a different aspect of maneuver warfare.

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And so it gets fun for its own sake, but there are clear correlations between the strategy in a football game and a strategy in an actual war.

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That's not a direct correlation, but it's typological.

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There are aspects that are similar.

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And so it's interesting because you can understand bits and pieces of one, and it will apply to the other.

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And so as we talk about these concepts, we're trying to give bits and pieces of ideas, not to suggest that anyone should go to war physically, hurting, fighting, killing, but to say that when we're dealing with fights, whether they're rhetorical fights or they're spiritual or cultural fights, there are aspects of warfare that apply just as much in the rhetorical sphere as they do in the physical sphere.

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Now, they manifest differently, obviously.

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The pen and the sword will harm in different ways or will solve problems in different ways, but some of the strategies with which they're employed are very similar.

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So we're not trying to talk tough or be jerks about talking about something we don't know about.

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We're trying to give examples that all of us are in a dangerous situation in current year, just because of the state of the world.

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That's kind of an evergreen tweet.

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There will always be wars and rumors of wars.

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And that's a reminder to us from God that the end is near.

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The end has always been near from the moment that Christ ascended into heaven.

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And so we should anticipate with hope and joy the resurrection of the dead and the return of God.

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Whether things are good or bad in a particular day, part of our task is dealing with what's in front of us, and part of it is also focusing on God.

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Never one or the other.

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If you're only focused on what's in front of you, you're basically a pagan.

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And if you're only ever focused on God, to the exclusion and at the expense of your actual duties right in front of you, you're not a Christian either.

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If you don't tend to the specific duties God has given you in this life for material aspects of our interaction, you're not a Christian.

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You're not obeying God.

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Because just looking heavenward and say, God, I'm ready, I love you, that's crying out, Lord, Lord.

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He's going to come down and say, I never knew you.

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Because the only way to truly cry out, Lord, Lord, is to tend to the things that God has given us to do.

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And so when these fights come in the world, when these emergencies emerge, when the world throws an interrupt, when suddenly something you never thought about, you didn't want to deal with, pops up, you suddenly have to deal with it.

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And another aspect of what we're going to talk about today is that some men are just dispositionally not equipped for that, certainly not anymore.

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In some aspects, men are racially better equipped for being disagreeable, and some races are less disagreeable.

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The approach of a German versus a Norwegian versus a Scotsman are going to be pretty different fundamentally.

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And so I'm not saying that every man needs to have the same attitudes that quarry or I have towards these things.

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But one of the conclusions we want to draw today is that when these fights are coming, if there are men who can say, hey, there's an interrupt that's been thrown, there's an emergency here, if you're not equipped to join the battle, you should be equipped with the foreknowledge that that guy is actually on my side.

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He's actually fighting a battle that maybe I don't feel like I can fight, but I'm not going to shoot him in the back.

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I'm not going to stab him in the back.

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I'm not going to betray him.

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I'm going to help him or at least leave him alone.

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Because a lot of what happens today is that when these fights get picked, not by us, when the fights get picked by the world, when the interrupt is thrown by Satan, we have to respond.

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And when those responses occur, different men are equipped in different ways to deal with them.

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And we want to help illustrate, just kind of, again, at a meta level, as this stuff is going on, just realize that there are going to be men who see things that you don't see, who have a better understanding of things that maybe you haven't thought about before, and just try to get your bearings.

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If you've never had a fire drill before, you're going to have to follow the crowd.

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You're not going to know where to go or what to do.

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Maybe you haven't been trained or whatever.

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If you follow the crowd, you're going to get to the right place, because somebody's going to know where they're going.

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And so we as groups don't need everyone to understand everything.

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We just need to know that somebody has a plan, and as that plan plays out, you follow it.

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You don't fight.

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Like if the fire alarm goes off at work, and you're in a meeting, you don't start yelling at everybody and say, hey, where are you going?

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We're in the middle of a meeting.

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The interrupt has been thrown.

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The alarm is going off.

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Everybody leaves.

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You have to leave too.

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And the plans that you had before don't matter.

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As we were preparing for this episode, a lot of my prior reading of authors like Klauswitz and Sun Tzu came to mind.

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Some of the quotes are very relevant because as Wo mentioned, warfare and what we are discussing today are distinct and yet very similar because this is spiritual warfare.

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And I think that is something that as modern Christians, we have forgotten over the last century or so.

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We need to go back to thinking of ourselves as the church militant in several senses of the word militant, including military, because man's life on this earth is war, to paraphrase Job.

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Not in the sense that everything, everywhere, at all times must necessarily be physical conflict, but in the sense that even if you are at physical peace, if you are not at war with your neighbors, you're not being invaded, you don't have the enemy already within your gates, even without those problems, if those are absent, we still have our struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil.

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That will always be part of life in this fallen world.

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Those things do not go away until the next life, until we die.

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And so we have to bear that in mind.

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We will always be at war with those things.

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And so many of those quotes from men who were writing about physical warfare are applicable to what we are dealing with here, because the same sort of mechanisms, the same ideas are in play.

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And one in particular, of course, that comes to mind is that all warfare is based on deception, which is something we should recognize with regard to Satan.

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Everything he is doing at any given time is meant to deceive.

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That is his main line of attack.

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He is always attempting to deceive.

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And so if we are strong in one place, he will attack somewhere else, or he'll faint and then attack somewhere else.

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His goal is to deceive you, to get you to drop your guard or to engage in behavior that, oh, well, this isn't that detrimental, or maybe it's not detrimental.

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But five, six, seven steps down the line, or maybe a century in the future, he has laid a trap, and he wants maybe not you, but maybe your descendants to walk into it.

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And so that's one of the reasons that we select some of the topics we select, because Satan has already laid a trap.

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Perhaps he's already sprung the trap in many cases when we talk about, for instance, biological sex.

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That's something that's currently being debated in our society, because we are a society of insane people, also evil and wicked, but insane, because we have men and women who can't define what it means to be a man or a woman, even biologically, let alone what it means to be beyond that, psychologically, dispositionally, all of these other things that will be relevant for this episode, as Woe mentioned already, the difference, say, between Scots and Norwegians.

00:19:38.731 --> 00:19:41.731
Being part Scottish and German, I recognize the difference there.

00:19:42.811 --> 00:19:58.791
And we had a little bit of that fight, even in Lutheranism, historically, because we had some squabbles over election in American Lutheranism, and it was largely a division between the Scandinavians on one side and the Germans on the other, and disposition played into that.

00:20:00.491 --> 00:20:05.671
But when it comes to conflicts and fights, there are really two different kinds.

00:20:05.991 --> 00:20:07.211
We can have two categories.

00:20:07.231 --> 00:20:10.071
There is the foreseeable and the unforeseeable.

00:20:10.531 --> 00:20:20.511
Now, for the foreseeable, of course, we can plan for those, and you can have sort of a subcategory here, because there are fights that are foreseeable that have not yet come to pass.

00:20:21.091 --> 00:20:32.311
And so some of the episodes, some of the topics that we choose are things that Satan has not quite yet subverted, and so we're defending against an attack that we see coming.

00:20:32.771 --> 00:20:40.131
We see what he is planning because it's foreseeable, and so we plan for that attack ahead of time.

00:20:40.911 --> 00:20:41.651
Same thing in warfare.

00:20:41.991 --> 00:20:46.851
Sometimes you know that your enemy is going to attack a certain point, and so you fortify it.

00:20:47.091 --> 00:20:51.431
You are preparing for that incoming attack because you see it ahead of time.

00:20:53.271 --> 00:21:00.591
But other times it is unforeseeable, and you can't really prepare for the unforeseeable attack except to be generally ready.

00:21:00.931 --> 00:21:12.811
And so that is partly what we're doing when you just study scripture generally, when you read through scripture, when you are engaged in prayer, when you are doing the things that constitute that part of the Christian life.

00:21:13.351 --> 00:21:15.651
You are preparing for the attacks of Satan.

00:21:16.431 --> 00:21:23.771
Because for instance, if you are attacked by Satan with certain doubts, if you have spent time in scripture, that will come to mind.

00:21:24.291 --> 00:21:29.211
God will bring that to mind so you can defend yourself against those arrows in that moment.

00:21:29.951 --> 00:21:36.331
And so you're preparing for those unforeseeable, those unforeseen attacks at some point in the future, should they come.

00:21:36.351 --> 00:21:37.831
Perhaps they won't, perhaps they will.

00:21:38.311 --> 00:21:39.131
You don't know.

00:21:41.051 --> 00:21:51.031
But the other kind, and what we are most often addressing in our episodes, are things that, whether they were foreseeable or not, they are already here.

00:21:51.051 --> 00:21:53.071
Satan is actively attacking them.

00:21:53.851 --> 00:21:57.631
And this is in line with what has been done historically by the Church.

00:21:57.651 --> 00:21:59.991
We've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again here.

00:22:00.451 --> 00:22:05.971
If you look at the creeds, the creeds were created by the Church from scripture.

00:22:05.991 --> 00:22:09.311
We've linked that before, all the references to scripture in the creeds.

00:22:09.711 --> 00:22:17.571
But the creeds were created by Christendom in order to defend against something Satan was actively attacking at that time.

00:22:18.591 --> 00:22:23.551
We would not have the creeds if Satan were not attacking the things defended in the creeds.

00:22:24.291 --> 00:22:31.331
They were made to defend against what he was doing at that time against those people in that place.

00:22:33.231 --> 00:22:41.291
What Satan is doing today, what he is attacking today, is different, not just in degree, but in kind from what he has attacked in the past.

00:22:42.131 --> 00:23:08.931
Many of the things contained in the creed are directly addressed in Scripture, and that's why you can look at the creeds and you can point out that's from this verse, that's from this verse, that's from this verse, and you can practically cite each and every word of the creeds to somewhere in Scripture because they are just rearrangements of the words of Scripture in order to make something that is easily memorized and recited against the various heresies and attacks of Satan.

00:23:10.711 --> 00:23:12.951
That is not what Satan is attacking today.

00:23:12.971 --> 00:23:16.531
As we've mentioned before, today he is attacking creation itself.

00:23:16.551 --> 00:23:18.691
He is attacking God as creator.

00:23:19.271 --> 00:23:24.311
And so some of the issues that we address may not be explicitly addressed in Scripture.

00:23:24.531 --> 00:23:35.791
They are often tangentially addressed in Scripture, but you have to appeal to creation in order to address some of these issues because Satan is not attacking Scripture itself.

00:23:35.951 --> 00:23:44.531
Of course he still does that, and we still have disagreements and arguments and all of these other problems between and among various traditions, denominations.

00:23:45.191 --> 00:23:50.611
But by and large, what he is attacking most successfully today is creation itself.

00:23:51.071 --> 00:23:59.311
And that's what he is attacking when he attacks the idea of gender roles, which by the way, gender roles and the term gender are fine.

00:23:59.331 --> 00:24:00.171
They are a real thing.

00:24:01.371 --> 00:24:10.091
Satan seeks to subvert them and turn them into something perverse, because he seeks to unmoor them from biological sex, from God's created order.

00:24:10.811 --> 00:24:18.331
Because properly understood, a man, biologically male, is masculine in terms of gender.

00:24:19.711 --> 00:24:21.431
And of course, a woman is feminine.

00:24:22.371 --> 00:24:22.951
A female.

00:24:22.971 --> 00:24:30.271
These terms all apply to sort of a sphere of related concepts and ideas, something that is a totality, it's a Gestalt.

00:24:30.591 --> 00:24:32.311
It is greater than the sum of its parts.

00:24:32.711 --> 00:24:34.571
Satan is attacking and subverting that.

00:24:34.591 --> 00:24:37.271
He's doing the same thing with regard to race.

00:24:38.011 --> 00:24:42.951
It comes straight from the pit of hell when someone argues that all races are the same.

00:24:43.111 --> 00:24:46.331
There's one race, the human race, is the phrase they always love to use.

00:24:46.811 --> 00:24:53.371
Which of course is absolutely insane, and everyone knows it, because it's the same as saying there's one plant, the plant plant.

00:24:54.311 --> 00:24:55.271
Well, that's not true.

00:24:55.871 --> 00:24:58.151
Go ahead, try to eat lettuce and then eat hemlock.

00:24:58.211 --> 00:24:59.351
Don't do that, by the way.

00:24:59.371 --> 00:24:59.951
It's poisonous.

00:24:59.971 --> 00:25:00.611
It will kill you.

00:25:01.371 --> 00:25:03.791
You can't do that, because there are distinctions.

00:25:04.111 --> 00:25:11.751
The same thing is true for every different created grouping, whether it's a species or a family, whatever it happens to be.

00:25:12.091 --> 00:25:16.551
There are different plants, there are different animals, there are different races of men.

00:25:17.071 --> 00:25:19.811
That's another thing that Satan is seeking to subvert.

00:25:20.191 --> 00:25:31.351
And so we address topics related to race, related to racialism, racism, related to these matters, because Satan is actively attacking them in an attempt to subvert.

00:25:33.171 --> 00:25:39.771
One of his overarching goals, as is always the case with Satan, is the destruction of hierarchy and order.

00:25:40.291 --> 00:25:51.871
And so he's already managed to destroy quite a bit of the natural hierarchy and right order that we have had historically, not just in Christendom, but generally in humanity.

00:25:52.171 --> 00:25:55.391
Because even among the pagans, you had hierarchy and order.

00:25:56.171 --> 00:25:58.071
The Roman state was not anarchic.

00:25:58.691 --> 00:26:01.031
The Roman state had a very strict hierarchy.

00:26:01.051 --> 00:26:02.311
It had classes.

00:26:02.571 --> 00:26:04.551
It had different roles in society.

00:26:04.991 --> 00:26:05.831
It had order.

00:26:05.851 --> 00:26:10.651
It had fairly good laws for the time, probably better than our laws today in many ways.

00:26:12.371 --> 00:26:15.371
These are the things that Satan has already effectively subverted.

00:26:15.711 --> 00:26:18.731
We no longer have, for instance, an aristocracy.

00:26:18.991 --> 00:26:20.871
We don't have monarchs anymore.

00:26:20.891 --> 00:26:22.931
We don't really have right hierarchy.

00:26:23.391 --> 00:26:29.011
Because a democracy, a representative so-called government, isn't hierarchy.

00:26:29.231 --> 00:26:30.451
It's not right order.

00:26:30.591 --> 00:26:33.231
We've addressed this before, and we'll undoubtedly address it again.

00:26:33.731 --> 00:26:44.151
But in subverting that, one of the things that Satan accomplished was the destruction, to some degree, of the organization of the church militant.

00:26:45.071 --> 00:27:00.771
Because one of the roles of a godly prince is to defend the church, not just to defend the church physically from those who would attack her, her buildings, her members, but also to defend the church from false teachers, from wolves.

00:27:01.191 --> 00:27:04.351
Now, that will make some uncomfortable when they hear that.

00:27:04.631 --> 00:27:10.591
There are some traditions that really do not like that idea, but that has always been the position of the church.

00:27:10.611 --> 00:27:14.711
It is in most of the confessions of the various bodies within Christendom.

00:27:15.751 --> 00:27:29.571
It is one of the duties of the Christian prince to defend the church from false teachers, because the Christian prince essentially is a commander, is a general, in this sort of warfare, in this spiritual warfare.

00:27:29.591 --> 00:27:42.531
Now, of course, he also has the sword, the physical sword, with regard to the left-hand kingdom, with regard to punishing the wicked, and it is his duty to defend the church against those who would physically harm her.

00:27:43.491 --> 00:27:47.091
As we record this today, it is of course the 25th of June.

00:27:47.111 --> 00:27:48.591
We record one day in advance.

00:27:50.471 --> 00:27:54.691
It is the anniversary of the presentation of the Augsburg Confession.

00:27:56.171 --> 00:28:12.911
And for those who try to argue against Christian nationalism or having a godly prince or having a Christian nation, whatever term happens to be used and the thing against which they're arguing, for Lutherans certainly and for many others, you cannot defend it confessionally.

00:28:12.931 --> 00:28:15.971
You certainly can't defend it from Scripture or rationally.

00:28:16.831 --> 00:28:22.811
But the Augsburg Confession was presented to Charles V, presented to the emperor.

00:28:22.831 --> 00:28:34.771
And I just want to read the first four paragraphs of it because it mentions a couple of key things for this episode and just generally for Christians, some things we've forgotten in this modern era.

00:28:36.311 --> 00:29:04.051
Most invincible emperor, Caesar Augustus, most clement lord, in as much as your imperial majesty has summoned a diet of the empire here at Augsburg to deliberate concerning measures against the Turk, that most atrocious, hereditary and ancient enemy of the Christian name and religion, in what way namely, effectually, to withstand his furor and assaults by strong and lasting military provision, and then also concerning dissensions in the matter of our holy religion and Christian faith.

00:29:04.711 --> 00:29:15.471
That in this matter of religion, the opinions and judgments of the parties might be heard in each other's presence and considered and weighed among ourselves in mutual charity, leniency and kindness.

00:29:15.931 --> 00:29:28.731
In order that, after the removal and correction of such things, as have been treated and understood in a different manner, in the writings of either side, these matters may be settled and brought back to one's simple truth and Christian concord.

00:29:29.331 --> 00:29:34.391
That for the future one pure and true religion may be embraced and maintained by us.

00:29:34.931 --> 00:29:47.851
That as we all are under one Christ and do battle under him, so we may also be able to live in unity and concord in the one Christian church, and in as much as we, the undersigned elector and princes, with others joined.

00:29:48.471 --> 00:29:53.431
I'll leave it off there because we don't need to read the political niceties, as it were, from the era.

00:29:54.691 --> 00:30:10.171
But we can see clearly here part of the understanding of these godly men presenting this confession to the emperor was that one of the Christian duties of the Christian prince is to defend against wicked foreigners.

00:30:10.691 --> 00:30:13.191
In this case, Muslims, that's what is meant by Turk.

00:30:13.191 --> 00:30:15.911
Yes, literally Turks, but also Muslims more generally.

00:30:16.431 --> 00:30:23.271
And that part of the Christian life is literally doing battle against the wicked when we have a Christian prince to lead us.

00:30:24.331 --> 00:30:30.611
In this episode, we're mostly speaking about spiritual warfare, because right now we don't have a Christian prince.

00:30:31.051 --> 00:30:34.651
If God should happen to bless us with a Christian prince, then it would be a different matter.

00:30:34.851 --> 00:30:36.531
There would be more things to discuss.

00:30:37.911 --> 00:30:52.871
But as Christian men, particularly as Christian men, we cannot forget that we are part of the church militant here on earth, and we will always have to do battle with the flesh against the devil and against the wicked world.

00:30:52.891 --> 00:30:55.491
All of these things that want to lead us into sin.

00:30:56.631 --> 00:30:59.691
That is part of the Christian life, and you cannot just ignore it.

00:30:59.711 --> 00:31:07.451
You cannot turn yourself into a recluse and hide away from the world, because that is not what Christian men are called to do.

00:31:07.871 --> 00:31:20.031
As Woe said, some of us have a more, if you want to call it, cantankerous or disagreeable, not in the negative sense, but in the sense of simply not agreeing to get along, as it were, to go along to get along.

00:31:21.251 --> 00:31:32.131
Some of us have more of that just by nature, because as we've mentioned in previous episodes, including our series on race, there are things that are distinct to certain races.

00:31:32.731 --> 00:31:34.971
And some races are more disagreeable.

00:31:35.311 --> 00:31:40.371
We'll keep using the example, because it's such an obvious one, but the Scots are a relatively disagreeable race.

00:31:40.891 --> 00:31:44.951
Being about 13% Scottish, I am perfectly justified in saying that.

00:31:45.411 --> 00:31:47.171
It's probably part of the reason I'm disagreeable.

00:31:47.251 --> 00:31:53.771
Not that the German side is particularly agreeable either, but these distinctions exist between and among the races of men.

00:31:55.831 --> 00:32:00.711
Now, living in the society in which we live, we have to get along to some degree.

00:32:00.731 --> 00:32:04.911
And as Woe mentioned, those who are more agreeable have a duty simply to shut up.

00:32:06.871 --> 00:32:08.591
Yes, you can speak your piece.

00:32:09.391 --> 00:32:14.731
Yes, if you are willing to stand up and be disagreeable, by all means, do that at the correct time and place.

00:32:15.331 --> 00:32:17.851
But don't backbite and don't backstab.

00:32:18.271 --> 00:32:23.191
And don't say that, well, these men are being too disagreeable, or they're doing this in a way that I don't like.

00:32:24.771 --> 00:32:27.531
That is not how you should be engaged.

00:32:27.811 --> 00:32:30.411
You have to think of this as warfare.

00:32:32.111 --> 00:32:37.391
And in a war, the foot soldier does not stand up and tell the general, you're wrong.

00:32:37.911 --> 00:32:39.071
That's not how this works.

00:32:39.751 --> 00:32:48.051
God has given different men of different abilities to the church to fulfill these roles in this life, because he knows what we need.

00:32:48.451 --> 00:32:49.631
He knows our opponent.

00:32:49.851 --> 00:32:53.891
He knows the battles we have currently ongoing in the battles ahead.

00:32:55.091 --> 00:32:59.151
For those who have been given the ability by God to lead, it is incumbent on them to do so.

00:32:59.531 --> 00:33:05.791
And for others, it is incumbent to follow and to support those leaders, because the life of man on earth is war.

00:33:07.451 --> 00:33:11.551
As Corey said earlier, Satan is a deceiver.

00:33:11.651 --> 00:33:12.931
That's one of his names.

00:33:13.811 --> 00:33:18.111
And Satan isn't standing up in the world physically deceiving.

00:33:18.451 --> 00:33:19.911
He's sending men to do it.

00:33:20.531 --> 00:33:23.711
The teachings of demons are on the lips of other men.

00:33:23.731 --> 00:33:39.671
And so a crucial aspect of us as Christians and just as decent men, as we're being disagreeable appropriately, is the willingness to call someone a liar, or at least the willingness to acknowledge there are men who are liars.

00:33:40.391 --> 00:33:50.531
Because while superficially everyone sort of knows that that's true, there are a lot of men who are constitutionally averse, if not incapable of saying, that guy's a liar.

00:33:52.271 --> 00:33:54.531
That is a failure to be disagreeable.

00:33:54.851 --> 00:33:56.811
As Corey said, that's not per se a bad thing.

00:33:57.091 --> 00:34:01.271
Corey and I are both very disagreeable, but we're both very good company.

00:34:01.551 --> 00:34:03.851
We actually tend to be gregarious in person.

00:34:03.871 --> 00:34:05.431
We're easy to get along with.

00:34:06.011 --> 00:34:22.471
The disagreeableness comes in that, as I've said before, my first pass filter for anything that's coming in when anyone's talking to me or anything that I'm reading, my first pass is that every single thing that's being said to me is an error, and then I try to disprove that.

00:34:23.171 --> 00:34:26.131
And so that's kind of my default nature of disagreeableness.

00:34:26.991 --> 00:34:35.811
I don't want to let anything through that's not true, because my ability to figure out what is true, that's how I keep my bearings in the world.

00:34:36.271 --> 00:34:39.471
And so when someone's talking to me, I don't think they're a liar.

00:34:39.511 --> 00:34:46.271
If I'm talking to you online or whatever, I don't think you're a liar, but I don't assume that every single thing that you're saying is true.

00:34:46.291 --> 00:34:48.211
In fact, I don't assume that any of it's true.

00:34:48.671 --> 00:34:51.651
Everything that you say to me gets filtered.

00:34:52.271 --> 00:34:52.851
Is that true?

00:34:52.871 --> 00:34:53.351
Is that true?

00:34:53.711 --> 00:34:55.471
All the time, without thinking.

00:34:55.591 --> 00:34:57.371
It's not a conscious process on my part.

00:34:57.391 --> 00:35:03.771
I don't know to what extent that's personality and to what extent I've developed it over time, but it is what I'm always doing.

00:35:04.211 --> 00:35:07.831
And therefore, it's nothing for me to say, well, you're wrong about that.

00:35:08.431 --> 00:35:16.351
And I think one of the problems that we have today in our feminized society is that, as we said earlier, girls are by nature.

00:35:16.371 --> 00:35:18.891
For things to work well, they have to be agreeable.

00:35:19.551 --> 00:35:22.211
Your home is only going to function when your wife is agreeable.

00:35:22.231 --> 00:35:24.651
If you have a disagreeable wife, you're cursed.

00:35:24.951 --> 00:35:34.511
It's one of the worst things that can happen to a man because a disagreeable wife disrupts the one environment where a man should have peace and quiet.

00:35:34.851 --> 00:35:36.691
And that doesn't mean you agree about everything.

00:35:36.691 --> 00:35:38.371
It's not asking for a yes woman.

00:35:38.851 --> 00:35:41.671
It's just that she should be generally congenial.

00:35:42.351 --> 00:35:46.191
And as I sort of like, Corey and I are generally congenial in person.

00:35:46.671 --> 00:35:50.611
But when errors arise, we're not shy about saying this is wrong.

00:35:51.331 --> 00:35:59.071
And the problem where the feminization comes in with men interacting with each other is that for me to say you're wrong, isn't a personal attack.

00:35:59.311 --> 00:36:01.991
I'm not saying you're stupid or you're bad.

00:36:02.011 --> 00:36:07.431
I'm saying this one thing that you just said, for whatever reason, I don't think it's correct.

00:36:07.711 --> 00:36:13.331
So let's work on the thing that we disagree about, because in virtually all cases, you're going to be wrong and I'm going to be right.

00:36:13.551 --> 00:36:14.631
I'm not going to call you stupid.

00:36:14.651 --> 00:36:15.731
I'm going to try to work through it.

00:36:16.191 --> 00:36:21.351
And maybe, you know, one out of a thousand times I'm wrong, and you're right, and I'm going to learn something.

00:36:21.491 --> 00:36:22.771
And that always makes me happy.

00:36:23.051 --> 00:36:26.271
Whenever I'm proven wrong, I'm like, oh no, someone humiliated me.

00:36:26.691 --> 00:36:29.571
When someone proves me wrong, that means I leveled up.

00:36:29.851 --> 00:36:32.451
I mean, there's one less thing in the world that I'm wrong about.

00:36:32.471 --> 00:36:34.671
So I'm excited when somebody proves me wrong.

00:36:34.991 --> 00:36:39.851
I consider it an honor to know someone who could say, hey dude, you messed this one up.

00:36:40.471 --> 00:36:41.251
And I learned something.

00:36:41.271 --> 00:36:41.891
That's exciting.

00:36:41.911 --> 00:36:45.511
Because I rarely learn things from other men telling me things.

00:36:45.791 --> 00:36:48.351
I usually learn from their mistakes, but not from them directly.

00:36:48.831 --> 00:36:51.971
So I always have that attitude towards others.

00:36:52.011 --> 00:36:53.371
Let's just learn together.

00:36:53.391 --> 00:36:54.271
Let's figure this out.

00:36:54.491 --> 00:36:59.971
And most of the time, if we're not in agreement, usually I'm the one that's sort of helping to sort things out.

00:37:00.311 --> 00:37:01.651
I'm happy to do that for free.

00:37:02.091 --> 00:37:04.251
And some guys think that's incredibly arrogant.

00:37:04.351 --> 00:37:05.151
Fine, whatever.

00:37:05.471 --> 00:37:06.011
It's free.

00:37:06.251 --> 00:37:07.011
Take it or leave it.

00:37:07.411 --> 00:37:08.451
Don't bug me about it.

00:37:09.151 --> 00:37:18.091
But in the world, if you're not able to say, I think this guy's wrong or I think this guy's a liar, which are two different things, but they're vitally related in some cases.

00:37:18.111 --> 00:37:28.831
As I said, there are men who are active liars, active deceivers, because Satan has his children in the world and they're teaching the teachings of demons to other men.

00:37:29.151 --> 00:37:30.591
And many of them are doing it in the name of God.

00:37:31.531 --> 00:37:42.771
And so one of the examples we have from earlier this year, the entire episode that we did on Galatians 3.28, at the very beginning of the year, we did a five-part series on errors in the church.

00:37:43.191 --> 00:37:51.971
If you haven't listened to it recently, I'd recommend going back and listening to the first five episodes that we did, beginning with True Religion through Galatians 3.28.

00:37:53.451 --> 00:38:05.571
The reason that we did an entire episode on one verse, on 26 words in the English language, I think 23 in Greek, was that Galatians 3.28 has never been a particularly important verse in Christian history.

00:38:06.351 --> 00:38:08.871
It's part of Galatians, which is an important book.

00:38:09.991 --> 00:38:13.151
But that particular passage was not super important.

00:38:14.011 --> 00:38:16.011
There wasn't a lot of ink spilled about it in the past.

00:38:16.331 --> 00:38:20.391
And yet today, Galatians 3.28 turns up in the church all the time.

00:38:20.411 --> 00:38:23.671
And it's for all the reasons that Cory just mentioned a few minutes ago.

00:38:24.111 --> 00:38:25.271
It deals with race.

00:38:25.551 --> 00:38:26.631
It deals with sex.

00:38:26.891 --> 00:38:27.991
It deals with class.

00:38:28.411 --> 00:38:29.811
There is neither Jew nor Greek.

00:38:30.071 --> 00:38:32.091
There is neither slave nor free.

00:38:32.371 --> 00:38:33.951
There is no male and female.

00:38:34.531 --> 00:38:35.971
For all are one in Christ Jesus.

00:38:38.291 --> 00:38:44.131
Satan is attacking the world by inverting that verse piece by piece.

00:38:44.811 --> 00:39:02.231
And so one of the reasons that it's important for you to be amenable to disagreeableness is that there are going to be cases where you find Christians some true Christians and just in error and some false Christians who are actively wicked who will use scripture itself to try to deceive.

00:39:02.531 --> 00:39:03.491
Because of course they will.

00:39:03.731 --> 00:39:04.731
Satan himself did it.

00:39:05.011 --> 00:39:06.711
Satan did it to Jesus' face.

00:39:07.091 --> 00:39:11.851
He used scripture to try to trick God of whom scripture originated.

00:39:12.371 --> 00:39:13.811
The word became flesh.

00:39:14.311 --> 00:39:16.851
And then Satan is going to try to quote the word back to the word.

00:39:16.871 --> 00:39:17.491
Are you kidding me?

00:39:17.691 --> 00:39:18.371
But he tried.

00:39:18.651 --> 00:39:19.531
That's all he can do.

00:39:19.551 --> 00:39:20.491
He's a deceiver.

00:39:20.931 --> 00:39:24.671
Of course, Satan is going to lie to Christians with Christianity.

00:39:25.611 --> 00:39:32.731
And so for us in the church, it's crucial to be able to say, this guy is a liar or this guy is an error.

00:39:32.751 --> 00:39:35.291
You know, your first pass shouldn't be you're a liar.

00:39:35.691 --> 00:39:39.931
Your first pass should be, that's not consistent with scripture, and therefore you're in error.

00:39:39.951 --> 00:39:47.291
And if someone persists in their error, then you have to secondarily diagnose, why is this person actively doing something evil?

00:39:47.751 --> 00:39:48.711
Are they foolish?

00:39:48.791 --> 00:39:51.831
In which case, they're simply dangerous, or are they actively wicked?

00:39:52.191 --> 00:39:54.751
And in many cases, you can find that they're not actually Christian at all.

00:39:55.151 --> 00:40:03.831
When you scratch a lot of these guys to twist things like Galatians 3.28, you'll find that they turn into brazen heretics in defense of the false teaching.

00:40:04.311 --> 00:40:15.911
So an entire two-hour episode about 26 words was an example of one of these cases where disagreeableness is absolutely necessary to defend the faith.

00:40:16.711 --> 00:40:30.291
And see, when a Christian comes along, or anyone comes along, someone claiming to be Christian, and say, hey, I have this proof text that says their race isn't real, that says that the sexes are equal, that says that slavery is wrong.

00:40:30.531 --> 00:40:31.991
And here it is, Galatians 3.28.

00:40:32.011 --> 00:40:32.351
Look at it.

00:40:32.751 --> 00:40:47.711
Part of the purpose of that episode is to say, look, when you look at Galatians in context, every single claim they're making is a brazen lie, just wildly fabricated, which is why there's no historical Christian record on anyone arguing the things that they're arguing today.

00:40:47.971 --> 00:40:54.091
And yet today people who call themselves Christians will make those arguments to your face, and they'll argue until they're blue in the face.

00:40:54.351 --> 00:41:03.331
And they'll call you a heretic if you disagree with their completely inverted interpretation of a passage that cannot possibly mean what they say it is.

00:41:03.751 --> 00:41:10.631
You have to be disagreeable to withstand that attack, because Satan's a liar, and he sends people who tell lies.

00:41:11.191 --> 00:41:15.971
If you can't be disagreeable when someone's twisting scripture, you're lost.

00:41:16.291 --> 00:41:17.731
You're absolutely lost.

00:41:18.211 --> 00:41:40.131
Just as in the left-hand kingdom, if there's a man who comes to you and advocates some political policy that's going to cause your children not to be able to get a job, not to be able to marry, not to be able to have kids, if you're going to lose your property and your community to wicked foreigners who are coming to devour what is ours, and people are telling you, oh, you need to go along with it.

00:41:40.151 --> 00:41:41.331
Jesus said you should do that.

00:41:41.811 --> 00:41:52.151
If you don't withstand that, by whatever means necessary and appropriate for the circumstances, you've been deceived, you've failed to be disagreeable, and you're going to be wiped out.

00:41:52.451 --> 00:41:53.731
Your kids are going to be wiped out.

00:41:54.211 --> 00:41:56.431
And that's what we're facing in the world today.

00:41:56.511 --> 00:42:04.191
That's why we're talking about things in terms of warfare, is that all this stuff is happening simultaneously, all these prongs of warfare.

00:42:04.211 --> 00:42:18.971
You know, if you picture, most of you have probably seen maps of warfare of a very, very broad macro scale, where you have a red front and a blue front, and then the red front has different arrows kind of divided as the troops maneuver.

00:42:20.051 --> 00:42:21.691
Same as most football plays.

00:42:21.891 --> 00:42:30.151
You have the line of scrimmage, and then linemen will move in different directions to try to create a hole for the man with the ball to move through and advance the ball.

00:42:31.211 --> 00:42:34.151
Warfare, football, they work the same way when it comes to that.

00:42:34.471 --> 00:42:36.991
You're trying to pick up yardage, you're trying to gain territory.

00:42:38.671 --> 00:42:46.811
As those maneuvers are occurring, you have to be paying attention to what's happening, because the other side is a participant in whatever is going on.

00:42:47.151 --> 00:42:53.551
And as it stands today, we are the other side against whom these maneuvers are being employed.

00:42:54.591 --> 00:42:58.731
They're being employed in the church, where we have to be disagreeable about Scripture.

00:42:59.031 --> 00:42:59.991
And that's tough for people.

00:43:00.191 --> 00:43:01.671
How do you disagree about Scripture?

00:43:02.251 --> 00:43:03.251
Everybody wants to get along.

00:43:03.271 --> 00:43:04.131
We're all Christians here.

00:43:04.151 --> 00:43:05.131
We want to be peaceful.

00:43:05.151 --> 00:43:11.611
And as I said, like we've said in the episode, we talked about being convincing, about persuasiveness.

00:43:12.211 --> 00:43:13.851
Sometimes you just keep your mouth shut.

00:43:14.191 --> 00:43:16.371
Sometimes there are errors and you just let them go.

00:43:16.691 --> 00:43:20.471
And it takes wisdom to understand, well, that's not a fight that I'm going to pick today.

00:43:21.271 --> 00:43:31.371
But there are other times where the fight gets picked against your will, where the klaxon goes off, where you have to move, where the interrupt is thrown and you got to service it.

00:43:31.751 --> 00:43:37.931
Something's come up, you didn't anticipate it in the sense that you were expecting it on a given day.

00:43:38.311 --> 00:43:41.331
But when the interrupt is thrown, you got to deal with it now.

00:43:41.791 --> 00:43:43.151
And that's what a lot of these issues are.

00:43:43.171 --> 00:43:45.311
It's why we did the episode on Galatians 3.28.

00:43:45.331 --> 00:43:51.571
You know, everyone in the church who's talking about that passage is saying the opposite of what scripture says.

00:43:51.831 --> 00:43:54.931
And nobody's fighting them, because it fits with the world religion.

00:43:55.471 --> 00:44:03.791
That permanentic of taking the worldly views of things and then inserting it into Christianity is the deception.

00:44:04.171 --> 00:44:08.631
And only by Christians being disagreeable can we have any hope of defending scripture.

00:44:09.371 --> 00:44:13.051
And that is what God has equipped some men more than others to do.

00:44:13.491 --> 00:44:16.151
And other men are simply not equipped to fight.

00:44:17.031 --> 00:44:24.411
And I don't want to throw shade at anyone who is not constitutionally apt to do this stuff.

00:44:24.751 --> 00:44:26.871
There's some men I like and respect very much.

00:44:27.231 --> 00:44:28.891
They're just not cut out for fights.

00:44:29.511 --> 00:44:30.091
I get it.

00:44:30.671 --> 00:44:40.731
As Corey said, and as I said at the beginning, our sole encouragement to someone who is not apt to stand up and say, you're a liar, don't say anything.

00:44:41.691 --> 00:44:47.291
Don't backstab someone who's fighting in the name of God in a way that's consistent with God.

00:44:47.711 --> 00:44:55.711
And this is part of why knowledge of scripture is so crucial, is that when we're specifically dealing with scriptural issues, you have to know the Bible, as Corey said earlier.

00:44:55.731 --> 00:45:00.571
You have to already know the basics and the specifics before the thing comes up.

00:45:00.851 --> 00:45:10.311
Because when the interrupt gets thrown, when the alarm goes off, and suddenly there's a fight that's been picked that you had never anticipated, you're starting kind of from scratch.

00:45:11.211 --> 00:45:22.111
And it's another essential part of this entire problem is that most of what the Church today relies on doctrinally was written three, four hundred years ago, or longer.

00:45:22.291 --> 00:45:27.491
There are some things like ecumenical creeds were settled fifteen, eighteen hundred years ago.

00:45:28.031 --> 00:45:30.691
There are other things that were settled four, five hundred years ago.

00:45:30.971 --> 00:45:32.431
As far as we're concerned, they were settled.

00:45:32.891 --> 00:45:36.931
If you're a Roman Catholic or East Orthodox, you don't consider those matters settled at all.

00:45:37.371 --> 00:45:47.011
But for most of us, when we're going to the shelf, picking up existing answers to fights that people will see arise in the world, you already have an answer in a book.

00:45:47.411 --> 00:45:48.691
So you don't only have to think about it.

00:45:48.991 --> 00:45:52.091
You just have to know, I'm a Calvinist, I'm a Lutheran, I'm a whatever.

00:45:52.371 --> 00:45:53.951
I'm going to go to that particular shelf.

00:45:54.251 --> 00:45:59.271
I'm going to find what those guys said about this argument, and I'm going to make it to you, and that's going to be my argument.

00:46:00.651 --> 00:46:01.511
That's not thinking.

00:46:01.711 --> 00:46:02.771
That's not thought at all.

00:46:03.191 --> 00:46:05.771
That's just sitting on a chair and watching someone else think.

00:46:06.031 --> 00:46:07.111
And it's fine.

00:46:07.511 --> 00:46:10.071
That's what most people are only capable of doing.

00:46:10.211 --> 00:46:14.651
They're not capable of thinking the way Lutheran, Calvin, those other men were thinking.

00:46:14.791 --> 00:46:21.211
Because whether they got things right or wrong, they were tackling novel problems, and they were trying to deal with them scripturally.

00:46:21.931 --> 00:46:33.211
And this is another of the chief challenges that we have today is that the new attacks from Satan, from the deceiver, don't attack the existing confessions.

00:46:33.571 --> 00:46:36.091
They attack scripture, and they attack creation.

00:46:36.591 --> 00:46:44.771
But Satan is smart enough to drive right around all the defensive bulwarks that have been created by most of our churches in the past.

00:46:45.291 --> 00:46:55.231
If you're a Lutheran, you have the Book of Concord, various other denominations have their own unique confessions that are arguments from scripture as best they can, whether or not we have disagreements.

00:46:55.611 --> 00:47:02.451
Even assuming for the sake of argument that your church's confession is 100% true, it is incomplete.

00:47:02.771 --> 00:47:05.411
It is necessarily incomplete because it's not scripture.

00:47:05.771 --> 00:47:10.431
It might be consistent with scripture, again, for the sake of argument, but it is not scripture itself.

00:47:11.191 --> 00:47:14.651
And that doesn't mean that it's wrong, but it means that it's not going to address everything.

00:47:15.151 --> 00:47:17.551
And even scripture doesn't address everything.

00:47:18.051 --> 00:47:20.791
Scripture addresses that which is necessary for salvation.

00:47:21.131 --> 00:47:22.431
It doesn't tell us about the world.

00:47:22.851 --> 00:47:24.551
It doesn't tell us what's inside an atom.

00:47:25.131 --> 00:47:28.791
It doesn't tell us the names of all the races or how they work.

00:47:29.111 --> 00:47:32.591
There are things that literally didn't exist when scripture was written.

00:47:33.151 --> 00:47:35.231
There were no Chihuahuas on the ark.

00:47:35.431 --> 00:47:37.351
There were no Chihuahuas in Jesus' day.

00:47:37.731 --> 00:47:39.871
That doesn't mean there's no such thing as a Chihuahua.

00:47:40.671 --> 00:47:52.531
And so the impulse of someone, if I come to you and say, hey, look at this Chihuahua, there are guys who will actually say, show me where that is in the Bible, to which I can only scratch my head if I'm going to be polite, because it's such a stupid question.

00:47:53.111 --> 00:47:56.871
And it's not that where's that in the Bible is a bad question per se.

00:47:57.291 --> 00:48:00.991
It's that it only applies when you're dealing with things that are themselves scriptural.

00:48:01.011 --> 00:48:02.691
And so that's going to be about salvation.

00:48:02.991 --> 00:48:08.051
It's going to be things about God and His interaction with us and about the history of creation.

00:48:08.751 --> 00:48:10.191
But even the history is limited.

00:48:10.771 --> 00:48:14.771
And so for someone to ask the question, where's that in the Bible?

00:48:14.791 --> 00:48:20.211
Or maybe even worse, where's that in my confessions, my denominations, confessions?

00:48:21.231 --> 00:48:24.811
It's an irrelevant question if it wasn't a live issue at the time.

00:48:25.231 --> 00:48:36.291
Things like the races, the boundaries of our dwelling places and the fact that there are different races of men, it's mentioned as an aside in scripture, but there are not books dedicated to it because there was no need.

00:48:36.771 --> 00:48:38.071
It was simply a fait accompli.

00:48:38.091 --> 00:48:39.231
It was just sitting there.

00:48:39.951 --> 00:48:41.411
And it's evolved over time.

00:48:41.491 --> 00:48:48.891
Yes, actually evolved, microevolution, but there are races that exist today that didn't exist in the same form at the time.

00:48:49.191 --> 00:48:49.871
That's fine.

00:48:50.211 --> 00:48:52.711
That's how things work in creation.

00:48:53.431 --> 00:48:59.591
You can't look to your confessions or to your Bible to say, well, I don't think this exists because I can't find a verse for it.

00:49:01.011 --> 00:49:04.011
In the case of confessions, they're basically a Maginot Line.

00:49:04.331 --> 00:49:10.051
It's a bulwark of defense for particular doctrines and particular fights in a particular century.

00:49:10.631 --> 00:49:14.271
And the problem with the Maginot Line is that the solution was to go around it.

00:49:14.851 --> 00:49:18.031
And in three-dimensional space, you can also go over it or you can go under it.

00:49:19.131 --> 00:49:28.571
When we're dealing with the Maginot Line of these various confessional documents, they only protect what they protect because they're only talking about certain controversies.

00:49:28.951 --> 00:49:30.091
So what does Satan do?

00:49:30.611 --> 00:49:32.011
He ignores those controversies.

00:49:32.031 --> 00:49:33.411
He ignores them completely.

00:49:33.891 --> 00:49:35.251
Satan's picking new fights.

00:49:36.031 --> 00:49:40.291
And when the new fights are picked, we need men making new arguments.

00:49:40.911 --> 00:49:53.891
And when the man makes a new argument, it's very dangerous territory because you don't necessarily have a bunch of stuff to go to, particularly when nothing in the Confessions say anything about it because these weren't 16th century fights.

00:49:54.331 --> 00:49:58.971
And in a lot of cases, there's not anything in Scripture that says much about it.

00:49:59.251 --> 00:50:08.891
There are illusions and there are bits and pieces, but you can't necessarily make the full case for a lot of scientific creative matters that are very material today from Scripture.

00:50:09.491 --> 00:50:13.131
And the foolish Christian will say, well, if it's not in the Bible, I don't believe it.

00:50:13.631 --> 00:50:16.631
Okay, so do you get up in the morning when your alarm clock goes off?

00:50:16.651 --> 00:50:17.311
Why would you do that?

00:50:17.451 --> 00:50:18.871
There are no alarm clocks in the Bible.

00:50:18.891 --> 00:50:22.511
You know, it gets absurd when you start trying to make that sort of argument.

00:50:22.851 --> 00:50:24.311
And it's not a sincere argument.

00:50:24.771 --> 00:50:27.111
When those arguments are made, it's simply an excuse.

00:50:27.471 --> 00:50:31.291
It's men who are looking for license to say, I'm going to believe whatever is easier.

00:50:31.311 --> 00:50:37.971
Unless you can meet this impossible barrier of proof, I'm just going to ignore you.

00:50:38.491 --> 00:50:46.631
When the proof is plain from reason, plain from creation, a man is obligated to listen to that, or at least not to argue.

00:50:46.971 --> 00:50:51.011
And so if you're going to be disagreeable, at least be disagreeable against things that are false.

00:50:51.391 --> 00:50:55.671
But don't simply be disagreeable against things that simply aren't in the Bible.

00:50:55.971 --> 00:51:00.091
Because there's not always a threshold, even for Christians, especially for Christians.

00:51:00.191 --> 00:51:02.131
There's a matter of wisdom, though.

00:51:02.331 --> 00:51:07.011
There are things that the Bible doesn't talk about, and that's where Satan is attacking today.

00:51:08.551 --> 00:51:15.291
I already mentioned a handful of ways that you can divide up these issues that we are discussing in this episode.

00:51:16.151 --> 00:51:30.371
But I want to give you a threefold division that I think is particularly useful when categorizing these sorts of problems we confront today and the churches confronted in the past or may confront in the future.

00:51:30.391 --> 00:51:32.051
And that essentially is the division there.

00:51:33.031 --> 00:51:35.651
You have past, active and potential.

00:51:36.371 --> 00:51:41.031
The creeds and confessions largely address past issues.

00:51:41.631 --> 00:51:51.971
Things that have arisen in the history of the church have been addressed because God raised up theologians, raised up men to write these documents, to address these problems.

00:51:52.531 --> 00:51:53.531
So they've been addressed.

00:51:53.731 --> 00:51:55.771
We have the answers, as it were.

00:51:55.991 --> 00:52:01.211
Yes, of course, if we've mentioned a number of times in this episode, we still have disagreements on certain doctrines.

00:52:01.751 --> 00:52:03.091
Election comes to mind.

00:52:03.111 --> 00:52:04.951
I'll return to that one in a moment here.

00:52:05.871 --> 00:52:13.051
But by and large, we've addressed these issues in the past because God gave the church men to do that in that time.

00:52:14.831 --> 00:52:23.911
The second category would be the active issues, the ones that we have as a live problem today, things that Satan is attacking right now.

00:52:24.291 --> 00:52:36.311
In fact, literally right now, as we're recording this episode, as you are listening to it, Satan is attacking these things in our society, in our culture, tearing down our civilization and trying to tear down Christendom.

00:52:38.091 --> 00:52:39.311
Those are the active issues.

00:52:39.631 --> 00:52:42.231
Those are the ones that we have to address today.

00:52:43.051 --> 00:52:46.391
That is the duty of first and foremost theologians.

00:52:46.811 --> 00:52:57.331
Those are the men to whom God grants the ability to write these sorts of confessional documents, the sort of men who can generate something like a creed.

00:52:58.331 --> 00:53:00.891
God does not give many of those men to the church.

00:53:02.131 --> 00:53:19.591
But God always ensures the church has enough of those men around to fight these battles, to address these issues, to see that Satan is repulsed for those men who have ears to hear and who actually believe the truth of Scripture and the things that are written in accord with Scripture.

00:53:21.011 --> 00:53:30.651
And then the third category would be those potential issues, the future things, the things Satan could attack and probably will attack at some point in the future.

00:53:32.011 --> 00:53:43.651
God gives the church some small, some tiny number of theologians who are capable of identifying those sorts of issues and addressing them before they become live.

00:53:45.791 --> 00:54:01.091
To return to the military example, this is very similar to you have strategists, you have other men who are skilled in your military to plan ahead of time how you will defend if you're attacked in this way, how you'll defend if you're attacked in that way.

00:54:03.251 --> 00:54:06.991
Some of those attacks, those potential routes of attack are obvious.

00:54:07.471 --> 00:54:10.211
And so there's a certain subset of men who can plan for that.

00:54:10.771 --> 00:54:11.951
Some of them are much less obvious.

00:54:12.951 --> 00:54:23.511
The men who can plan for the much less obvious are rarer, and they're indispensable both in terms of military preparations and in terms of defending the church.

00:54:24.051 --> 00:54:35.291
Because certainly if Satan is going to attack some area that most men don't notice is a potential avenue of attack, but someone stands up and says, Satan could potentially, and here's how we'll defend.

00:54:36.131 --> 00:54:39.891
That is invaluable because now you don't have that weak point.

00:54:40.811 --> 00:54:51.191
Historically, there are a number of things that our forefathers in the faith did not address because they were inconceivable that they would become an issue, and yet in our day they have become an issue.

00:54:52.511 --> 00:55:02.251
And so we have to address them here and now because they were not addressed then, because they were those potential issues that were difficult to spot.

00:55:02.371 --> 00:55:10.111
Admittedly, it would have been very challenging for most men to notice the things Satan was going to attack 500 years in the future.

00:55:10.951 --> 00:55:13.191
Some of them are addressed, most of them are not.

00:55:13.811 --> 00:55:23.391
I said I would return to election briefly, and the reason for that is that Article 11 of the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord deals with election.

00:55:23.811 --> 00:55:41.651
But why it is notable, particularly in this context, is that it starts with these words, Although among the theologians of the Augsburg Confession, there has not occurred as yet any public dissension whatever concerning the eternal election of the children of God that has caused defense, and then it continues from there.

00:55:42.731 --> 00:55:59.211
This article, essentially unique in the Book of Concord, addresses a matter that was not a live issue at the time, not for Lutherans anyway, and the Solid Declaration was meant for unification of Lutherans, clarification of some theological matters.

00:56:00.631 --> 00:56:16.531
There was no fight over this, and yet these men, undoubtedly guided by God, very gifted, intelligent, skilled, knowledgeable men, drafting this part of the Book of Concord, addressed the issue of election in advance.

00:56:17.631 --> 00:56:29.671
And that actually did become unbelievably helpful, essential practically, when dealing with the Gnadenwald Strait, the election controversy here in the American context.

00:56:30.131 --> 00:56:43.851
As I mentioned earlier, there was some contention, there was a debate, fairly acrimonious at times, but there was a debate within American Lutheranism about the exact nature, the contours of election.

00:56:44.131 --> 00:56:54.011
We went over that in our episode on election to some degree, but this article addressed it ahead of time, and it did help resolve that controversy.

00:56:54.491 --> 00:57:08.971
So these men 500 years ago, almost 500 years ago, were addressing a potential issue, a potential avenue of attack, somewhere that Satan could sow dissension, even though he had not already done so.

00:57:10.031 --> 00:57:20.791
Now, of course, to some degree, that potential issue was an actual live issue, because there's the disagreement between the Reformed and Lutheran certainly, and also Arminians and others.

00:57:22.911 --> 00:57:27.211
But it was not a live issue within the church for which this document was written.

00:57:29.411 --> 00:57:35.431
And so some issues, like we've mentioned in this episode, are things that Satan is not attacking yet.

00:57:35.951 --> 00:57:58.891
And we may address them in order to shore up your defenses, and thereby the defenses of the church, so that if Satan does attack them in the future, we are ready for that attack, because obviously it is better to be prepared for an attack than to scramble to respond when Satan is already attacking the thing, which is the problem we have with the active issues today.

00:57:59.271 --> 00:58:19.851
As Woe has mentioned, as I've mentioned, as we've mentioned in previous episodes, these matters that are being attacked today by Satan are matters that are lightly, if at all, addressed in most of the Church Fathers, in most of the historic writings of the various traditions, because Satan was not attacking them back then.

00:58:20.491 --> 00:58:27.951
It was, as I've said, inconceivable to most of the men writing these confessions that Satan would attack these things.

00:58:29.071 --> 00:58:39.711
In some cases, that's understandable, because the idea of transgenderism, so-called, was largely inconceivable to those living in the Middle Ages in Europe.

00:58:41.391 --> 00:58:56.851
Some of the issues, perhaps, they should have foreseen, because there are not exact versions of the same problems, but tangentially, or perhaps more closely than tangentially, related versions of them in pagan societies in the past.

00:58:57.831 --> 00:59:02.791
And so they could have looked to those and then addressed it as something that Satan has attacked this in the past.

00:59:02.811 --> 00:59:04.571
Perhaps we should plan for it in the future.

00:59:05.851 --> 00:59:07.071
But they failed to do so.

00:59:07.851 --> 00:59:11.291
It's not necessarily to condemn those men for failing to do so.

00:59:11.311 --> 00:59:13.371
It's just to recognize the reality of it.

00:59:14.071 --> 00:59:18.691
Just like we said, there is a difference between saying someone is wrong and calling someone a liar.

00:59:19.211 --> 00:59:24.311
Recognizing that someone failed to do something is not necessarily a condemnation.

00:59:24.331 --> 00:59:27.231
It is just a statement of the state of affairs.

00:59:27.551 --> 00:59:30.191
That is how things are as we find them.

00:59:30.831 --> 00:59:36.151
Our forefathers in the faith did not address these issues that we have to address today.

00:59:37.811 --> 00:59:39.491
And so, yes, it does fall to us.

00:59:40.171 --> 00:59:51.991
There will probably need to be some sort of confessional document, whether it is one on which we can agree across denominational and traditional lines, or if we will each need our own version of it.

00:59:52.571 --> 01:00:14.631
We are going to need formulaic, not in the negative sense, but in the positive sense, formalized written documents, arguments, refutations, specific things addressing exactly the issues that we see Satan attacking today that are not addressed in our historic confessions or creeds.

01:00:15.511 --> 01:00:32.551
Because we need to have that, one, so that we can defend against Satan's attacks today, and two, so that our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, however far off in the future, perhaps 500 years in the future, so that they have that to look back and say, Satan already did this.

01:00:33.351 --> 01:00:34.191
Here's the answer.

01:00:34.451 --> 01:00:36.391
We have the exact answer to what he's doing.

01:00:37.491 --> 01:00:42.591
But I want to return just briefly to the matter of past issues.

01:00:45.131 --> 01:00:51.971
I don't want to condemn too harshly, and I don't want to sound like that's what I'm doing, so I'll preface it by saying that's not what I'm doing.

01:00:53.431 --> 01:01:14.331
But there is a very real tendency, very much so on the political right, and largely amongst those who are trying to return to a traditional Christianity, to squabble over historic issues, to squabble over things that were major problems in the Church's past.

01:01:16.211 --> 01:01:19.171
This is harmful under present conditions.

01:01:19.471 --> 01:01:21.331
I'm not saying you cannot do that.

01:01:21.351 --> 01:01:32.551
I'm not saying there's no place for it, because of course there is a fundamental difference between discussing theological issues over beers and turning something into a knockdown drag-out fight in public.

01:01:33.191 --> 01:01:35.731
The latter, we need not to be doing that.

01:01:35.751 --> 01:01:36.931
We need to avoid that.

01:01:37.351 --> 01:01:43.191
We have very real, active issues that are destroying the Churches today.

01:01:43.951 --> 01:01:45.711
Those are the battles we need to fight.

01:01:45.991 --> 01:01:48.171
We don't need to re-litigate past issues.

01:01:48.791 --> 01:01:52.591
I'm not saying that the Reformed and Lutherans should stop arguing about election.

01:01:53.011 --> 01:01:55.871
We're probably going to do that until the day Christ returns.

01:01:56.631 --> 01:02:02.731
Fine, do that in written exchanges, over beers, in its appropriate time and place.

01:02:04.351 --> 01:02:12.111
Do not let it rise to the level of an issue that starts to undermine efforts to address what Satan is attacking today.

01:02:12.491 --> 01:02:15.531
Satan, by and large, is not attacking the issue of election.

01:02:16.211 --> 01:02:32.051
Regardless of whether you think the Lutherans are correct, or the Reformed are correct, or the Arminians are correct, if you want to distinguish Pelagians and Semipelagians and all the other groups, regardless of which group, which formulation you think is exactly right, Satan is not attacking it today.

01:02:33.811 --> 01:02:36.731
Satan is not using that as a wedge.

01:02:36.891 --> 01:02:39.151
He's not using it as a front in his war.

01:02:39.691 --> 01:02:40.871
He used it historically.

01:02:40.891 --> 01:02:41.871
He may use it again.

01:02:42.411 --> 01:02:43.591
He's not doing it today.

01:02:43.991 --> 01:02:46.251
Today, we need to address the issues.

01:02:46.371 --> 01:02:58.791
We need to address the fronts Satan is actively attacking, instead of relitigating these sometimes nitpicky squabbles in the past of the church, in the history of the church.

01:03:00.051 --> 01:03:04.851
Because when we fight over those, we are distracting ourselves from the real battle.

01:03:06.091 --> 01:03:24.971
If you are standing in the back line, fighting over which council said what in what year and whether or not it contradicts some other council in some other year, and well, this pope said that, but this theologian said that, what you're not doing is standing on the front line and doing your actual duty.

01:03:26.891 --> 01:03:31.131
The soldier who is faithful will be where the enemy is attacking.

01:03:32.591 --> 01:03:33.771
That is where you need to be.

01:03:34.811 --> 01:03:39.011
Where Satan is attacking, that is where the church has to shore up her defenses.

01:03:39.031 --> 01:03:56.151
That is where theologians need to be writing defenses of right doctrine, formulating new arguments, because some of these issues, as we've mentioned, are novel to a certain degree, not novel in an absolute sense, but in the sense that Satan has chosen to attack them here and now, whether these are the end times or not.

01:03:56.851 --> 01:03:58.891
Satan is attacking the created order.

01:03:58.911 --> 01:04:00.111
He is attacking creation.

01:04:00.131 --> 01:04:01.811
He is attacking the creator himself.

01:04:02.531 --> 01:04:11.691
So theologians need to be addressing those issues, and individual Christian men need to be aware of what Satan is attacking and be willing to stand up and speak the truth.

01:04:12.071 --> 01:04:24.631
As Woe said, if you are dispositionally disinclined to stand up and do that because you don't like to be disagreeable, then be glad that God has given other men to the church who have that disposition.

01:04:24.991 --> 01:04:26.471
Support them as best you can.

01:04:27.131 --> 01:04:28.211
Don't undermine them.

01:04:28.491 --> 01:04:30.491
Don't say they're wrong because they're doing something.

01:04:30.511 --> 01:04:31.891
You don't like their tactics.

01:04:32.151 --> 01:04:33.471
You don't like their optics.

01:04:33.491 --> 01:04:34.731
You don't like the way they sound.

01:04:34.751 --> 01:04:35.571
They're being mean.

01:04:36.311 --> 01:04:37.691
Don't be that person.

01:04:37.751 --> 01:04:44.091
I won't even call it a man because it's not, because there's a fundamental distinction here between how...

01:04:44.951 --> 01:04:47.031
I won't even say it's necessarily men and women.

01:04:47.311 --> 01:04:52.971
On the one hand, yes, it's men and women are going to be different, because men are more disagreeable just by nature.

01:04:53.191 --> 01:05:06.071
That's how God has made us, because he has made men to act, to be in a certain sphere in which women are not present, because women should certainly not be present in the political sphere, and disagreeableness is certainly part of that.

01:05:06.591 --> 01:05:25.131
Women are designed to be more agreeable because their sphere is the home, and part of the duty in the home is to quell dissent, is to quell the rebellions and the disagreements, to smooth over things, to help the various members of the family get along with one another, because the home is supposed to be somewhere that is safe.

01:05:25.771 --> 01:05:29.491
The home is supposed to be somewhere that is comfortable, that is relaxing.

01:05:29.511 --> 01:05:35.931
It's not supposed to be filled with acrimony and debate and disagreement and dissension and tension and all of that.

01:05:36.571 --> 01:05:39.191
It is supposed to be a refuge from the world.

01:05:40.731 --> 01:05:51.711
And so one of the roles of women in the home, one of the most vital roles, is aiding in that agreeableness, helping others to get along in the home.

01:05:52.231 --> 01:05:53.651
And so there's that distinction.

01:05:54.211 --> 01:05:55.111
But there is another.

01:05:55.131 --> 01:06:01.491
There's a difference between men who are willing to be disagreeable and the men who try to be agreeable instead.

01:06:01.851 --> 01:06:06.231
Sometimes we call them yes men, call them a lick spittle, a boot licker, whatever you happen to call them.

01:06:07.231 --> 01:06:12.971
Everyone finds those men vile, because those men are not acting like men.

01:06:12.991 --> 01:06:14.751
They're not even acting like women.

01:06:15.091 --> 01:06:25.371
If we use feminine in a negative sense, which I would not use when applied to women, because for women it is a good thing, but of a man it is abhorrent, it is repulsive.

01:06:25.711 --> 01:06:29.371
Scripture says that men and women shouldn't even wear the clothing of the other sex.

01:06:29.931 --> 01:06:33.671
To behave as if you are the other sex is absolutely reprehensible.

01:06:35.011 --> 01:06:43.571
And so men who are doing that need to amend their behavior, need to change how they are doing things, need to change how they are going about dealing with these issues.

01:06:43.951 --> 01:06:49.211
As I said and as Woe has said, it doesn't mean that you necessarily have to be a cantankerous German.

01:06:50.831 --> 01:07:00.931
You can still be more agreeable without going into the negative sense of being feminine or being womanly, which is something a man should not be.

01:07:01.931 --> 01:07:16.111
And incidentally, on a tangentially related note, another matter that we see in our circles on the right in traditional Christian circles, don't go home and try to turn your wife into an inferior man.

01:07:18.471 --> 01:07:23.911
Don't go home and try to get her to be argumentative and engage in these debates and argue with you.

01:07:24.071 --> 01:07:25.491
That is not the place of a woman.

01:07:25.571 --> 01:07:29.631
And all you are doing is creating future misery for yourself and present misery for her.

01:07:30.131 --> 01:07:30.931
So don't do that.

01:07:31.951 --> 01:07:39.011
That is not how women are supposed to behave, and it's not how a man is supposed to behave with regard to women, particularly with regard to his wife.

01:07:40.151 --> 01:07:43.551
So the men in our circles need to tone that down a little bit.

01:07:43.571 --> 01:07:44.631
There's a tendency to do that.

01:07:44.651 --> 01:07:45.391
Argue with other men.

01:07:45.771 --> 01:07:48.651
It's not that hard to find someone in our circles with whom you can argue.

01:07:49.211 --> 01:07:50.151
Don't put that on your wife.

01:07:51.111 --> 01:08:00.471
So there's a significant aspect of this that is proactive, but there's an even greater aspect and greater proportion of what is reactive.

01:08:01.331 --> 01:08:06.011
And I think it's clear most of the episodes that we do are reactive.

01:08:06.511 --> 01:08:11.771
We identify existing issues, existing patterns that are very clearly a problem.

01:08:11.791 --> 01:08:12.691
We react to them.

01:08:13.611 --> 01:08:22.091
And it's an important part of warfare to pay attention, to listen, and to react to the enemy.

01:08:22.111 --> 01:08:28.651
You know, if you've been in combat before, you can tell the difference between your small arms and the other side's small arms.

01:08:28.991 --> 01:08:33.811
You know, the difference between an AK-47 and a 556.

01:08:34.351 --> 01:08:38.531
You can also tell the difference between a 556 and a 308, or the 50.

01:08:38.831 --> 01:08:44.831
If somebody is on the 50, you know that something more serious is going on than if you hear small arms fire in the distance.

01:08:45.931 --> 01:08:54.791
And if you hear high explosives go off, you can tell the difference between high explosives and, you know, maybe a gasoline tank blowing up or something.

01:08:55.291 --> 01:09:04.131
And so each of those sounds in the distance, however near or far, are going to generate a different amount of response from the soldier, because they're going to tell him things about what's going on.

01:09:04.571 --> 01:09:06.011
To what does he need to react?

01:09:06.351 --> 01:09:07.731
Is there a threat to react to?

01:09:08.191 --> 01:09:09.851
And reactivity doesn't mean fear.

01:09:10.151 --> 01:09:11.671
It doesn't mean, oh, I'm terrified.

01:09:11.831 --> 01:09:12.911
I got to run and hide.

01:09:13.411 --> 01:09:22.011
There's some great videos I've seen recently of some infantry guys with, you know, high explosives going off nearby, and they just keep eating.

01:09:22.031 --> 01:09:23.511
Like, okay, that's bad news.

01:09:23.531 --> 01:09:24.491
We got to go deal with that.

01:09:24.851 --> 01:09:27.231
That's the attitude of someone who's been through it before.

01:09:28.591 --> 01:09:32.491
It's okay to be reactive without being panicky.

01:09:32.891 --> 01:09:34.471
I think reactive gets a bad name.

01:09:34.491 --> 01:09:38.011
When you say someone's being reactive, usually it's in a negative context.

01:09:39.931 --> 01:09:47.031
The better view of it, I think, is something that, you know, some of you have been online for a while listening or reading about this stuff about the military.

01:09:47.371 --> 01:09:51.451
You probably heard of John Boyd, 42nd Boyd in the OODA loop.

01:09:52.411 --> 01:10:07.851
It's a concept that a man came up with in, I think, the 50s, basically, 50s and 60s, basically to deal with the fact that despite the superiority of American fighter jets, we were not doing well in our wars.

01:10:08.451 --> 01:10:15.491
And so John Boyd created the concept of the OODA loop, its OODA, for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.

01:10:16.111 --> 01:10:28.231
And the premise was, for any given tactical situation, you know, if it's two fighters in the air, two men on the battlefield, whatever, two guys arguing over something, the first step is you observe.

01:10:28.471 --> 01:10:32.191
You see the position of the other man on the battlefield.

01:10:32.611 --> 01:10:37.111
You then orient yourself towards that man, both offensively and defensively.

01:10:37.131 --> 01:10:39.931
You want to optimize your ability to make your next move.

01:10:40.311 --> 01:10:46.071
You then decide what your new move is going to be, and you then act, which sounds pretty obvious.

01:10:47.011 --> 01:10:54.791
The innovation that John Boyd introduced was the idea of a loop, where you don't just do that once and then have the battle play out.

01:10:55.151 --> 01:11:02.731
He recognized that you're actually doing that observation, orientation, decision, action, continuously.

01:11:03.411 --> 01:11:15.231
And his insight was that the tighter that loop is, the faster one man in a battle is observing, orienting, deciding and acting than the other, the greater the advantage he has.

01:11:15.591 --> 01:11:23.791
Without regard to the actual abilities of the guy on the other side, it was enough to be faster in responding to what the other side was doing.

01:11:24.451 --> 01:11:33.671
And so his challenge, the reason he was called 42nd Boyd, the story is that he had a challenge up to any fire jock in, I think it was the Las Vegas area.

01:11:34.011 --> 01:11:46.491
He'd go up with them in fighter combat, two men against each other, obviously not shooting, but he said, you can start from any position, and in 40 seconds, I'm going to be behind you in a position where if it were a gunfight, I could kill you.

01:11:46.791 --> 01:11:47.771
And he could always deliver.

01:11:48.191 --> 01:12:00.611
And it wasn't that he was a superman, it was that his thought process had been honed in terms of making that loop of observation to action as tight as possible and repeating it over and over again.

01:12:01.371 --> 01:12:08.451
So that insight is important because it means that reactivity doesn't turn into a liability.

01:12:08.651 --> 01:12:12.691
Like, oh, the other guy had the first move, he gets to pick the battlefield and it's over.

01:12:12.831 --> 01:12:17.591
No, you observe, you decide, you act, and you keep doing it.

01:12:17.611 --> 01:12:21.311
And if you do it fast enough, you can move like magic.

01:12:21.551 --> 01:12:27.151
You can be making decisions so quickly that the other guy can't respond to what you're doing.

01:12:27.631 --> 01:12:35.891
And it was called getting inside the other guy's loop because if you're reacting fast enough to what the other guy was doing, you can effectively be inside his decision loop.

01:12:36.291 --> 01:12:41.771
So that before he had acted on his last observation and decision, you had already made the next move.

01:12:41.991 --> 01:12:46.011
So he was responding to things that you had done, you know, several moves behind.

01:12:46.491 --> 01:12:48.011
Again, this is abstracted.

01:12:48.031 --> 01:12:50.891
It could be warfare, it could be chess, it could be a debate.

01:12:51.291 --> 01:12:56.051
If you see what the other guy is doing before he realizes you're doing it, you can win.

01:12:56.651 --> 01:13:15.351
And this is crucial for us because as we're looking at things happening in the world, as we're looking at these fights being picked, these alarms going off, at these interrupts being thrown, it's okay to be reactive to the enemy as long as you're willing to keep your bearings.

01:13:16.011 --> 01:13:19.931
It's not panicking and just running out of the building as soon as you hear a sound.

01:13:20.531 --> 01:13:22.671
It's saying, okay, something's going on.

01:13:23.311 --> 01:13:30.051
And so I think one of the key strengths that Corey and I have brought to a lot of the discussions is that we listen to the other side.

01:13:30.391 --> 01:13:32.111
We listen to the enemy.

01:13:32.531 --> 01:13:34.031
We listen when they're talking.

01:13:34.311 --> 01:13:36.211
We listen when they're screaming.

01:13:36.571 --> 01:13:39.951
There's nothing that makes me happier than hearing the enemy scream.

01:13:40.251 --> 01:13:43.231
That fills me with joy, because I know that we've got them.

01:13:43.471 --> 01:13:45.971
Because for whatever reason, they can't lie about that.

01:13:46.651 --> 01:13:47.771
It sounds like a setup.

01:13:48.111 --> 01:13:54.331
It sounds like, oh, well, if you just listen to the enemy and then you capitalize on what he's giving you, he's going to give you false information.

01:13:54.591 --> 01:13:56.291
That's certainly true in some cases.

01:13:56.731 --> 01:14:06.771
But when it comes to pushing some of these buttons that we push, like race, like sex, like headship, when the enemy screams, they can't help it.

01:14:07.331 --> 01:14:11.651
For whatever reason, Satan's forces can't lie about this stuff.

01:14:11.951 --> 01:14:13.891
I'm not saying it's absolutely impervious.

01:14:14.071 --> 01:14:15.431
I'm saying I've never seen it happen.

01:14:15.671 --> 01:14:18.931
When we push one of these buttons, they start screaming their heads off.

01:14:19.271 --> 01:14:21.211
They show us where their pain point is.

01:14:21.631 --> 01:14:25.371
And so the reaction is to hurt him even harder, to go even harder.

01:14:25.771 --> 01:14:36.191
And what's crucial about understanding that you have to listen to the enemy when you're acting is that they're telling you what the roadmap is, and that's probably not what you had in mind.

01:14:36.831 --> 01:14:41.091
One of the very earliest episodes that we did was on neglected matters in Scripture.

01:14:41.451 --> 01:14:44.051
And one of the five examples we gave was on head coverings.

01:14:44.571 --> 01:14:50.311
And we pointed out that for 1960 years, in the Western Church, women covered their heads in church.

01:14:50.631 --> 01:14:55.691
It was a general practice to the point of being nearly universal in most times and places.

01:14:56.231 --> 01:15:00.751
And then in the 1960s, a Jew said, hey, the church needs to stop doing that.

01:15:01.031 --> 01:15:06.471
It was the same Jew that helped to legalize the murder of infants and sacrificing them to Satan.

01:15:06.891 --> 01:15:15.111
She accomplished most of those things within a year of each other, getting rid of head coverings in churches and legalizing murdering children and sacrificing them to Satan.

01:15:15.811 --> 01:15:19.251
And the church followed the lead of this Jew, and here we are today.

01:15:19.791 --> 01:15:25.791
And so veiling, which was the near universal practice, almost overnight, it vanished.

01:15:26.591 --> 01:15:30.451
And to the point that today, if you see someone veiling, it's really weird.

01:15:30.891 --> 01:15:35.051
It seems like it's out of left field, and somebody's acting strange, like, are they Amish?

01:15:35.231 --> 01:15:36.111
Why are they being weird?

01:15:36.331 --> 01:15:37.671
Why are you being weird in church?

01:15:37.691 --> 01:15:38.211
Don't do that.

01:15:38.471 --> 01:15:40.571
Don't do anything different than anyone else is doing.

01:15:41.091 --> 01:15:49.691
When the reality is that getting rid of the veils was not only the weird thing in the 1960s, but it was disobedience to God.

01:15:50.391 --> 01:15:59.011
And so this is an example of our reactivity, of our listening to the enemy being a vital tactic that you should all employ, too.

01:15:59.391 --> 01:16:03.571
And you should understand why we're doing and why you should all be doing similar things.

01:16:05.371 --> 01:16:10.131
You know, this was a year and a half ago, going on two years ago that we first mentioned veiling.

01:16:10.851 --> 01:16:15.151
And at the time, it was already happening in bits and pieces of a few conservative churches.

01:16:15.471 --> 01:16:16.991
It's become more common sense then.

01:16:17.431 --> 01:16:33.051
And the reaction inside these conservative churches, not talking about liberal churches, talking about the very most conservative denominations in the United States, when girls begin veiling in a congregation without saying a word, these are girls who are respectful, they're godly.

01:16:33.211 --> 01:16:34.311
They're trying to obey God.

01:16:34.551 --> 01:16:36.671
They're trying to be submissive to God.

01:16:37.311 --> 01:16:45.371
And so when they do this without saying a word, without calling anyone else any names, without accusing anyone of sin, it makes everyone incredibly uncomfortable.

01:16:45.831 --> 01:16:49.931
And so at the highest levels of the LCMS, the wicked demons in St.

01:16:49.951 --> 01:16:59.151
Louis and in Fort Wayne, who are operating the machinery of this synod, when they saw girls veiling, they were viscerally threatened.

01:16:59.271 --> 01:17:02.571
They were actively angry and seek to root it out.

01:17:03.111 --> 01:17:03.451

01:17:03.811 --> 01:17:05.111
Because it's something bad?

01:17:05.331 --> 01:17:08.711
No, because it's obedience to God that illustrates their rebellion.

01:17:09.211 --> 01:17:21.271
Because fundamentally the veil, the head veiling for a girl shows that she has a head, that she has not her own head, that her husband is her head and that God is her head, her husband or her father, and then God.

01:17:23.231 --> 01:17:35.011
For her to submit by wearing a veil and saying that my father or my husband is my head is a stab in the face of wicked men operating these conservative denominations.

01:17:35.411 --> 01:17:42.291
Because the demons who are running the conservative denominations don't want women obeying their husbands.

01:17:42.491 --> 01:17:44.191
They don't want them obeying their fathers.

01:17:44.511 --> 01:17:46.391
They want them to be girl bosses.

01:17:46.691 --> 01:17:49.291
They're actively encouraging girl boss behavior.

01:17:49.931 --> 01:17:54.011
And so for a girl to veil is to say, I'm not going to be a girl boss.

01:17:54.251 --> 01:17:56.071
I'm not going to be a rebel.

01:17:58.331 --> 01:18:04.051
What happened in the aftermath of this beginning in some of the churches was that there was huge pushback.

01:18:04.211 --> 01:18:14.211
There was active disavowal and disapproval of the girls doing this and of their husbands or fathers, whoever told them to do it or whoever gave them the idea.

01:18:14.231 --> 01:18:16.111
It was clearly a problem to be solved.

01:18:16.711 --> 01:18:20.751
When we did the episode on neglected matters, like, you know, it's in the Bible, we should do it.

01:18:20.771 --> 01:18:23.131
It was not only traditional, but it was scriptural.

01:18:23.771 --> 01:18:26.051
We didn't have a strongly held opinion at the time.

01:18:26.591 --> 01:18:27.811
It was just scriptural.

01:18:28.171 --> 01:18:29.171
Why do we stop doing it?

01:18:29.591 --> 01:18:34.391
And at the time, we were just trying to illustrate that there are various aspects in scripture that the church has abandoned.

01:18:34.651 --> 01:18:38.211
We just don't do what God said anymore, and we pretend it never happened.

01:18:38.431 --> 01:18:41.431
We act like it was just this weird anachronism.

01:18:42.011 --> 01:18:48.991
And whenever someone says in current year, girls should veil, all the pastors want to run to the Bible.

01:18:49.211 --> 01:18:51.171
They want to say, well, what does scripture say about this?

01:18:51.671 --> 01:19:04.191
And as we've talked about in a couple episodes, that is actively malicious denial of God because it ignores the entirety of church history, which as Lutherans, we're the first to say, tradition doesn't prove something's right or wrong.

01:19:04.731 --> 01:19:14.531
But when you ignore that for nearly 2,000 years, virtually every Christian woman covered her head and say, well, let's see what the context was in Paul's day, that's the only way to understand it.

01:19:14.751 --> 01:19:15.431
They're liars.

01:19:15.691 --> 01:19:16.891
They're absolute liars.

01:19:17.071 --> 01:19:19.651
Because they're never trying to find what God actually said.

01:19:19.891 --> 01:19:21.611
They're trying to make the girl stop doing it.

01:19:21.851 --> 01:19:22.511
Don't do that.

01:19:22.531 --> 01:19:23.231
Don't cover your head.

01:19:23.251 --> 01:19:24.111
That makes me uncomfortable.

01:19:24.131 --> 01:19:25.151
It makes me really nervous.

01:19:25.731 --> 01:19:27.831
So it's great that more of that is happening.

01:19:28.211 --> 01:19:33.651
And as we've said in a subsequent episode, we brought it up and I'll reiterate right here, we're not trying to bind someone's conscious.

01:19:33.671 --> 01:19:36.071
If you're a girl, you must wear a head covering your evil.

01:19:36.991 --> 01:19:39.651
Scripture says that women should cover their heads.

01:19:40.511 --> 01:19:41.231
It's doctrinal.

01:19:41.531 --> 01:19:42.871
It's the smallest matter.

01:19:42.911 --> 01:19:46.471
That's part of the reason why we sequestered it in the neglected matters doctrine.

01:19:46.811 --> 01:19:49.571
Clearly, veiling is not the heart of the Christian faith.

01:19:50.111 --> 01:19:52.091
And yet when veiling comes up, what do you see?

01:19:52.411 --> 01:19:53.771
You hear the enemy scream.

01:19:54.131 --> 01:19:55.791
You hear the enemy screaming.

01:19:56.271 --> 01:19:59.671
They're just livid at the idea that someone would do it was in the Bible.

01:20:00.331 --> 01:20:05.171
That is the signal to us as Christian men that there's something to be disagreeable about.

01:20:05.751 --> 01:20:06.991
Maybe you just stumble over it.

01:20:07.191 --> 01:20:08.331
Maybe you say, hey, what about this?

01:20:08.611 --> 01:20:15.431
There's something in the Bible that God says to do that Christians did for a long time, and then we just quit, and we pretend it never happened again.

01:20:15.671 --> 01:20:16.911
Maybe we should do that again.

01:20:17.231 --> 01:20:28.871
When evil men start screaming and say, don't do that, that one thing you're not allowed to do, that is an indication to the Christian disagreeable man that you found one of the enemy's weak points.

01:20:29.471 --> 01:20:32.911
As I said, how can a girl be rebellious with her head covered?

01:20:33.011 --> 01:20:33.811
It's a lot harder.

01:20:34.411 --> 01:20:44.911
It was one of the episodes maybe on young men where we talked about, you know, it's just if a girl were covering her head, she's not going to be doing obscene things on TikTok unless it's intended to be blasphemous.

01:20:45.331 --> 01:20:49.811
But the sort of girl who's going to behave in one area is going to behave in others.

01:20:50.151 --> 01:20:54.631
And that's why all these Christian matters, these Christian behaviors, they're self-reinforcing.

01:20:55.091 --> 01:20:57.471
God gave these things to us for our benefit.

01:20:58.171 --> 01:21:00.091
It's not that obedience to God is selfish.

01:21:00.471 --> 01:21:05.631
It's that when you're doing godly things, you know, God has many admonitions to men as well.

01:21:05.891 --> 01:21:12.831
We're admonished not to cover our heads, but we're given other admonitions that equally reinforce good Christian behavior for us.

01:21:13.271 --> 01:21:16.651
When we stick to those things, it's a lot harder to get off the path.

01:21:17.311 --> 01:21:20.031
And so we're not saving ourselves by doing these things.

01:21:20.051 --> 01:21:21.451
We're just doing what God says.

01:21:21.991 --> 01:21:26.831
And when wicked men freak out about someone saying, obey God, that is when you take notice.

01:21:27.151 --> 01:21:28.911
That's when it's crucial to take notice.

01:21:29.531 --> 01:21:37.311
Incidentally, someone sent me a link to a website where someone's making some veils and selling them, and there's a nice explanation of the history of it.

01:21:37.591 --> 01:21:39.511
We'll put that in the show notes if anyone's interested.

01:21:39.971 --> 01:21:40.831
It's a good practice.

01:21:41.031 --> 01:21:42.311
It's something that's salutary.

01:21:42.551 --> 01:21:43.771
I think it should be done.

01:21:44.211 --> 01:21:49.431
But again, we're not beating the war drum and saying, kick out all the girls who don't cover their heads.

01:21:49.791 --> 01:21:53.131
We're saying, God said to do it, Christians used to do it, and then they stopped.

01:21:53.431 --> 01:22:02.251
And when we say, hey, maybe we should do it again, and when some girls start covering their heads, as Scripture says, and as Christians have always done, the wicked men start howling.

01:22:02.951 --> 01:22:05.051
I'm not excited about girls covering their heads.

01:22:05.411 --> 01:22:07.731
I'm excited about the suffering of wicked men.

01:22:08.171 --> 01:22:10.691
That is when I know that we are over-target.

01:22:11.231 --> 01:22:13.911
And not every man is cut out for that constitutionally.

01:22:14.471 --> 01:22:16.831
Many of you are listening, like, you don't want to pick a fight.

01:22:17.191 --> 01:22:19.031
If there is a fight, you don't want to be in it.

01:22:19.571 --> 01:22:22.051
If you hear people screaming, you just want to leave.

01:22:22.931 --> 01:22:30.051
Some men, when they hear the explosion, they hear the high explosion, when they hear the ma-doos going off, when they hear the screaming of the enemy, they run towards it.

01:22:30.511 --> 01:22:31.471
Help those men.

01:22:31.891 --> 01:22:39.891
Help men who can identify where the enemy is and help them to prosecute the attack, because it's ultimately all rooted in obedience to God.

01:22:40.331 --> 01:22:42.931
These men are wicked when they're fighting what God says.

01:22:43.311 --> 01:22:46.111
And sometimes they just tell you they can't help themselves.

01:22:46.691 --> 01:22:53.471
So when some of the things that we say to do are reactive, as I said, I know some people think, oh, that's a setup.

01:22:53.491 --> 01:22:55.431
They can trick you into doing anything.

01:22:55.831 --> 01:22:59.751
The opposite day, they're going to say to do one thing to trick you into doing the opposite.

01:22:59.771 --> 01:23:01.951
No, it doesn't happen in practice.

01:23:01.971 --> 01:23:03.111
There's no example of it.

01:23:03.591 --> 01:23:11.711
And you should certainly pay enough attention that you can't be deceived if the enemy starts screaming about, you know, don't throw me into the briar patch.

01:23:11.871 --> 01:23:13.071
Like, is that kind of setup?

01:23:13.191 --> 01:23:14.851
No, that's not what we're talking about.

01:23:15.151 --> 01:23:22.071
When we say obey God and these men start howling and coming after us, I got doxed for telling people to do this stuff.

01:23:22.291 --> 01:23:23.871
That's how much they hate these things.

01:23:24.431 --> 01:23:25.531
And it's not about us.

01:23:25.571 --> 01:23:28.951
It's just about pay attention to what makes people angry.

01:23:29.291 --> 01:23:32.231
That was the first episode we did this year on true religion.

01:23:32.511 --> 01:23:33.691
That was one of the hallmarks.

01:23:34.031 --> 01:23:35.431
What will a man fight for?

01:23:35.451 --> 01:23:36.671
What will he kill for?

01:23:37.131 --> 01:23:38.851
What will he go to the map for?

01:23:39.431 --> 01:23:41.711
Because it's not going to be Jesus for these guys.

01:23:41.731 --> 01:23:43.291
It's not going to be the real gospel.

01:23:43.691 --> 01:23:45.511
It's going to be disobedience to God.

01:23:45.811 --> 01:23:47.211
That's where they draw the line.

01:23:47.451 --> 01:23:53.531
They will not permit us to be obedient to God, because it terrifies them, because it terrifies their master.

01:23:54.391 --> 01:24:04.051
So part of the reactivity that is important is in the terms of an OODA loop, of saying, I'm just going to observe what the enemy is doing, going to orient towards it, going to decide what to do after that.

01:24:04.291 --> 01:24:05.851
And sometimes the decision is do nothing.

01:24:06.391 --> 01:24:12.411
You know, in the episode on persuasiveness, I said and reiterated here and again, sometimes you just keep your mouth shut.

01:24:12.571 --> 01:24:14.251
You don't always pick every fight.

01:24:15.131 --> 01:24:16.791
And that's part of, you know, disagreeable.

01:24:16.811 --> 01:24:19.631
This again is not being crazy.

01:24:19.651 --> 01:24:25.211
It's not being a wild man, but it is knowing that when the enemy is screaming, you're probably doing something right.

01:24:25.591 --> 01:24:26.731
Maybe you should double down.

01:24:26.951 --> 01:24:30.551
You should least understand why he's screaming, because sometimes you don't understand.

01:24:30.571 --> 01:24:38.791
You know, there are episodes that we've done that, you know, we could tell they were important, but we didn't realize how important until afterwards, when the screaming started.

01:24:38.811 --> 01:24:42.131
That's been the case with some of the things that have come out of the Missouri Senate.

01:24:42.531 --> 01:24:49.871
The false prophet Matt Harrison, some of the things that he was screaming about, we have since realized were far more important than we realized at the time.

01:24:50.311 --> 01:24:56.891
We didn't know how important some of those subjects were until he began howling and how terrified he was of them.

01:24:57.251 --> 01:25:00.711
When a demon is terrified of something, that's the thing that you pursue.

01:25:01.031 --> 01:25:03.671
That's a Christian duty to at least pay attention.

01:25:04.031 --> 01:25:13.931
Even if you don't want to be disagreeable enough to prosecute the fight, you at least need to be disagreeable off to know that this is a liar, this is an evil man, this is Satan speaking.

01:25:14.251 --> 01:25:18.051
I'm going to make sure that the opposite, whatever he wants, is what I support.

01:25:19.491 --> 01:25:42.531
To emphasize one of the points that Woe just made, one of the core reasons that we both so vehemently, so viscerally oppose the modern conceptions of liberty, freedom, related matters, you can put them in quotes if you're so inclined, is that they all give the wrong answer to Cain's question.

01:25:44.971 --> 01:25:49.291
When confronted by God, Cain says, am I my brother's keeper?

01:25:50.031 --> 01:25:53.471
The answer is yes, you are your brother's keeper.

01:25:54.111 --> 01:25:57.531
And historically in Christendom, we recognize that.

01:25:57.551 --> 01:26:18.391
And so we put certain safeguards, certain guardrails in place in order to protect not necessarily the strongest of Christians, those who don't have trouble with certain temptations, who have a very strong walk with God, but to protect the weaker brother, one of the things that we are enjoying to do in Scripture.

01:26:19.231 --> 01:26:36.311
And so modesty codes existed, not because of the man who doesn't have trouble with that temptation, although that is very rare, of course, for men, but because of the weaker brother who does, and because of the woman who without them will walk down that pathway that leads to hell.

01:26:38.171 --> 01:26:42.971
There are certain restrictions that are part of the Christian life.

01:26:43.471 --> 01:26:53.771
And it's not because the restrictions are restricting your freedom or your liberty, because properly conceived, both of those terms can be taken in a fully positive sense.

01:26:55.211 --> 01:26:59.991
And insofar as they are fully positive, they must be oriented toward a good end.

01:27:00.251 --> 01:27:06.391
The telos must be in line with something God has commanded or something of which God approved.

01:27:07.451 --> 01:27:09.431
That is not the modern conception.

01:27:09.451 --> 01:27:12.691
The modern conception is a libertarian conception.

01:27:13.631 --> 01:27:18.511
It is the conception that says, I can walk around outside naked if I am so inclined.

01:27:18.751 --> 01:27:21.011
I can hold a so-called pride parade.

01:27:21.271 --> 01:27:23.991
I can smoke marijuana in my backyard.

01:27:24.011 --> 01:27:37.931
I can do X, Y and Z, all of these wicked things that a Christian should never do, and that will tempt or otherwise harm your neighbor, will harm your brother, because of course Scripture says, temptations must come.

01:27:37.951 --> 01:27:40.671
That's part of this fallen life, but what does it say after that?

01:27:41.031 --> 01:27:43.331
But woe to him by whom they come.

01:27:44.391 --> 01:27:50.151
If you are the occasion for causing sin in a brother, you yourself have sinned.

01:27:50.171 --> 01:27:54.211
You have in fact engaged in a particularly heinous form of sin.

01:27:55.011 --> 01:27:56.991
You have caused the little one to stumble.

01:27:57.711 --> 01:28:01.131
You have done the thing where Christ says it would be better for you to be drowned.

01:28:02.291 --> 01:28:06.091
And yet we have so many who defend that sort of wickedness today.

01:28:06.111 --> 01:28:15.811
A related matter would be the removal of those safeguards, which we see so often today.

01:28:16.171 --> 01:28:22.551
We'll be told that, oh, well, that is an antiquated practice, or that's just something that they used to do in ancient times.

01:28:22.571 --> 01:28:23.651
They were less enlightened.

01:28:24.951 --> 01:28:28.691
You should think of Chesterton's Fence, and I'll also quote from Proverbs.

01:28:28.711 --> 01:28:30.511
Many of you will already immediately know it.

01:28:31.071 --> 01:28:38.711
But a parable that Chesterton used in order to illustrate this point has been used by many others, but his is probably the most famous.

01:28:39.831 --> 01:28:47.911
There exists in such a case a certain institution or law, let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road.

01:28:48.431 --> 01:28:53.331
The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, I don't see the use of this.

01:28:53.531 --> 01:28:54.511
Let us clear it away.

01:28:54.971 --> 01:28:58.271
To which the more intelligent type of reformer would do well to answer.

01:28:58.911 --> 01:29:02.751
If you don't see the use of it, I certainly won't let you clear it away.

01:29:03.211 --> 01:29:04.191
Go away and think.

01:29:04.571 --> 01:29:09.851
Then, when you come back and tell me what you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.

01:29:12.031 --> 01:29:22.171
If you don't know why your forefathers in the faith created a certain safeguard, why they set up a certain guardrail, don't remove it.

01:29:23.131 --> 01:29:30.231
Because if you remove it, most likely what you are doing is letting back in an evil against which they had erected a barrier.

01:29:31.311 --> 01:29:35.531
And this is tied in to, as I said, Proverbs, do not move the ancient landmark.

01:29:35.991 --> 01:29:37.131
That has two senses.

01:29:38.211 --> 01:29:47.571
You can use that in the obvious literal sense of do not move the boundaries of others, which of course ties into borders and other matters, nations and things.

01:29:48.651 --> 01:29:51.451
But it can also be used metaphorically or allegorically.

01:29:52.971 --> 01:30:03.031
Do not remove safeguards that were set in place by your fathers, unless you know why it was set in place and have a very good reason for moving it.

01:30:04.611 --> 01:30:06.971
Because you will probably be introducing evil.

01:30:08.591 --> 01:30:33.171
We are to set up a society that aids our brothers and sisters in the faith, in their walk with Christ, in their Christian life, that aids them in engaging in this world in the way that God wants them to do so, and so helps them to maintain their faith, to persevere in the faith, and to reach the end goal of all Christians, which of course is paradise.

01:30:35.071 --> 01:30:42.031
The point of this life is not to maximize your so-called freedom or liberty, to do whatever you please.

01:30:43.651 --> 01:30:51.411
It is to do the things that please God, and to attain the gifts that He has in store for us in the next life.

01:30:51.831 --> 01:30:55.871
And of course we know there are rewards for the good works you do in this life.

01:30:56.271 --> 01:30:58.451
Scripture is abundantly clear on that.

01:31:01.151 --> 01:31:08.371
We should want to set up our societies in such a way that they aid others in being Christian.

01:31:09.431 --> 01:31:14.311
Not in such a way that it's every man for himself, it's back to some sort of state of nature.

01:31:15.471 --> 01:31:16.451
That isn't Christian.

01:31:17.211 --> 01:31:20.971
And that's certainly not what you want to pass down to your children and your grandchildren.

01:31:20.991 --> 01:31:31.591
And if you were given something better than that, and you squandered it, and you pass on basically chaos, every man for himself to your children, what you have done is incomprehensibly wicked.

01:31:32.451 --> 01:31:35.551
It is something that not even pagans or animals would do.

01:31:36.411 --> 01:31:38.951
And yet that is the reality of what we see today.

01:31:40.371 --> 01:31:44.951
And so we have all of these places where Satan is attacking the church.

01:31:45.751 --> 01:31:48.091
Some of them are obvious, some of them are less obvious.

01:31:49.071 --> 01:31:54.191
But as Christian men, it is incumbent on us to defend the church where she is being attacked.

01:31:55.051 --> 01:32:05.611
And this ties in to what we've discussed in other episodes, most obviously the episode, episode 14 on the Enemy's Playbook, so Alinskyite tactics.

01:32:06.451 --> 01:32:09.151
But there is a distinction between tactics and strategy.

01:32:09.751 --> 01:32:16.971
Now, I won't say that it is a black and white distinction, because it's more of a spectrum, they sort of bleed one into the other in the middle there.

01:32:19.671 --> 01:32:27.471
But tactics, I can actually just quote from some men who you will know, I won't give the names because you can look them up if you're so inclined.

01:32:28.451 --> 01:32:31.851
But strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.

01:32:32.431 --> 01:32:35.631
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

01:32:37.451 --> 01:32:40.151
Tactics is the art of using troops in battle.

01:32:40.431 --> 01:32:43.131
Strategy is the art of using battles to win the war.

01:32:44.771 --> 01:32:56.831
And so if you step back and take the 30,000 foot view of it, tactics are the more immediate on the ground tools that you are using to achieve a specific end at a specific time.

01:32:57.731 --> 01:33:01.391
Strategy is the overall, the overarching plan.

01:33:02.051 --> 01:33:08.111
If you want to return to Alinsky for this, a riot, a specific riot, is a tactic.

01:33:08.731 --> 01:33:11.071
Where you riot is a strategy.

01:33:11.531 --> 01:33:20.151
That is how the radical Marxist left in the United States achieved so much in primarily the 60s but also decades since then.

01:33:22.031 --> 01:33:38.591
With regard to individual Christians and with regard to spiritual warfare, both of these are relevant, because for the individual man, the individual Christian soldier, and it is appropriate to think of yourself in those terms, tactics are going to be the primary concern.

01:33:39.231 --> 01:33:42.451
What do I do when confronted with X, Y or Z?

01:33:43.011 --> 01:33:44.151
How do I respond?

01:33:44.171 --> 01:33:46.731
What is the right thing to do in this specific situation?

01:33:46.991 --> 01:33:47.891
Those are tactics.

01:33:48.911 --> 01:33:50.251
We discuss those frequently.

01:33:50.551 --> 01:33:53.071
We discuss specifics in many of the episodes.

01:33:53.631 --> 01:33:56.231
Many of them are, in essence, tactical.

01:33:56.771 --> 01:33:58.291
But there's also a strategy to it.

01:33:59.011 --> 01:34:07.871
Strategy is largely for theologians and others, but it is also a matter with which the individual Christian should concern himself to some degree.

01:34:08.391 --> 01:34:12.991
Because strategy is how you choose where to engage, when to engage, when not to engage.

01:34:14.851 --> 01:34:20.651
So the theologian provides the strategy, but also provides the tactics.

01:34:20.671 --> 01:34:27.951
The strategy is the overarching plan, deciding when and where to defend and how, and when and where to attack and how.

01:34:29.111 --> 01:34:33.891
And then arming individual Christians with the tactics in order to execute those plans.

01:34:34.851 --> 01:34:49.951
The same thing is true in warfare, because of course you have the generals who are devising strategy, and then you have on down the ranks until you're at the individual soldier who is executing tactics in his specific theater at a specific time in a specific battle.

01:34:51.511 --> 01:34:56.191
You can't have a breakdown anywhere in that chain and have the machine run as effectively.

01:34:57.791 --> 01:35:00.391
If you don't have strategy, you will lose.

01:35:00.931 --> 01:35:04.471
If you have bad tactics, there's a good chance you'll still lose.

01:35:04.491 --> 01:35:10.771
You may win, but it's going to be a very costly victory, as opposed to if you have both tactics and strategy in place.

01:35:11.531 --> 01:35:18.531
And so that is why we discuss both of those in this podcast generally and across most of the episodes.

01:35:19.851 --> 01:35:21.251
Because the tactics are important.

01:35:21.751 --> 01:35:24.791
You have to know what to do in a specific moment.

01:35:25.271 --> 01:35:27.551
But the overall strategy is also important.

01:35:28.291 --> 01:35:36.711
And that plays into what we are discussing specifically in this episode, because Satan is very concerned with strategy.

01:35:36.971 --> 01:35:42.691
Yes, he also cares about tactics, because he wants individual Christians to sin, individual Christians to fall.

01:35:42.911 --> 01:35:45.631
If he can get you to apostatize, all the better.

01:35:46.131 --> 01:35:53.731
And so he does care about tactics, but strategy is the major part of this, because he has shifted his strategy over time.

01:35:54.371 --> 01:36:03.231
He went from attacking core tenets of the faith, core parts of doctrine, things that are abundantly clear from Scripture, to attacking creation.

01:36:04.411 --> 01:36:12.911
He has changed his strategy, because the Church responded to his earlier strategy, responded to his earlier line of attack.

01:36:13.351 --> 01:36:17.531
We repulsed him on those issues, so he is attacking something else.

01:36:18.191 --> 01:36:22.331
We cannot keep defending where he is no longer really attacking.

01:36:22.951 --> 01:36:29.831
It may be that there is some small amount of action, as it were, still going on there, because you don't completely abandon a front.

01:36:30.891 --> 01:36:33.031
But it is not where the bulk of his forces are.

01:36:33.191 --> 01:36:35.991
It's not where he is focusing his effort.

01:36:36.451 --> 01:36:42.131
And so we as Christians have to focus our efforts in repulsing Satan where he is attacking the Church.

01:36:43.011 --> 01:36:46.571
And by and large, that has not been happening for about a century now.

01:36:48.171 --> 01:36:50.111
That is why we discuss these matters.

01:36:50.131 --> 01:36:52.491
That is how we select these topics.

01:36:53.031 --> 01:37:00.611
To some degree, as Wo mentioned, as I previously mentioned, we look at where Satan is attacking, and it is reactive.

01:37:00.711 --> 01:37:02.231
We are reacting to his attack.

01:37:02.551 --> 01:37:04.651
But sometimes it is also proactive.

01:37:04.971 --> 01:37:16.891
Sometimes we are looking around at our defenses, figuring out where our defenses are weak, or where Satan could potentially infiltrate, where he could subvert, where he can attack, and shoring up those places as well.

01:37:18.231 --> 01:37:23.391
Because as I have said twice before in the episode already, the life of mankind on this earth is warfare.

01:37:24.351 --> 01:37:29.551
To some degree, that is true in the left-hand kingdom, but it is always true in the right-hand kingdom.

01:37:29.831 --> 01:37:31.411
That is not a cause for despair.

01:37:31.431 --> 01:37:36.971
It is not a cause for thinking that all is lost because we can't possibly overcome Satan.

01:37:38.171 --> 01:37:41.291
We can't overcome Satan, but Christ already has.

01:37:42.031 --> 01:37:44.491
And ultimately, he is the one fighting the battle.

01:37:45.151 --> 01:37:52.791
We have to do our duty in this life, but Christ is there for us, and he promises that he will not lose us out of his hands.

01:37:53.591 --> 01:37:56.631
And so all that remains for us to do is our duty.

01:37:57.811 --> 01:38:02.011
For theologians, for the commanders, it is deciding the strategy.

01:38:02.671 --> 01:38:04.571
It is figuring out the arguments.

01:38:04.591 --> 01:38:05.891
It is drafting the documents.

01:38:06.211 --> 01:38:10.731
It is figuring out those grand movements that are necessary to win the war.

01:38:11.651 --> 01:38:14.711
But for the individual Christian, it is a matter of tactics.

01:38:15.311 --> 01:38:21.571
And as I mentioned before, you have to know your scripture, because in the moment, that will be recalled.

01:38:21.591 --> 01:38:22.891
That will come back to you.

01:38:23.331 --> 01:38:24.151
Trust me on that.

01:38:24.171 --> 01:38:25.391
It is absolutely true.

01:38:25.851 --> 01:38:32.091
If you know even just the Psalms, you will constantly remember snippets of the Psalms at key moments in your life.

01:38:32.651 --> 01:38:38.871
And so that is why, particularly as Protestants, we are so insistent that you need to spend time in scripture.

01:38:39.651 --> 01:38:51.251
It's not even necessarily that you have to figure out everything in scripture for yourself, because what you're doing is providing yourself with the raw material that God can use later in your life.

01:38:52.051 --> 01:38:56.051
Because as Christians, we have the Holy Spirit, and He guides us into truth.

01:38:56.611 --> 01:39:02.511
But the way that He guides us into truth is with the Word that God has given us, and so we have to spend time in it.

01:39:03.191 --> 01:39:09.911
Just as a soldier trains with his weapon, so a Christian must train with his weapon, which is the Word of God.

01:39:10.431 --> 01:39:19.971
And yes, it is also the writings of faithful theologians who have drafted, designed arguments in order to repulse Satan on certain topics and in certain ways.

01:39:20.991 --> 01:39:22.451
This is part of the Christian life.

01:39:23.591 --> 01:39:29.631
And quite frankly, it should be a cause for celebration, because God has given us the weapons we need for victory.

01:39:31.451 --> 01:39:35.611
We will not escape temptation in this life, because that is part of the fallen world.

01:39:36.211 --> 01:39:40.731
But just because we cannot escape temptation, again, is not cause for despair.

01:39:41.971 --> 01:39:45.271
Because all we have to do is be faithful and do our duty.

01:39:46.011 --> 01:39:51.911
Everything else is left up to God, and we know that God never lies and cannot fail.