Episode List

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Episode Name Series/Year Number Link (Post) Link (Transcript) Link (Audio)
“Talking Heads: On Headship, Teaching, and Women in the Church” 2022 01 https://stone-choir.com/talking-heads-on-headship-teaching-and-women-in-the-church/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“According to Their Generations” 2022 02 https://stone-choir.com/according-to-their-generations/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Christian Nationalism Is Submission to God” 2022 03 https://stone-choir.com/christian-nationalism-is-submission-to-god/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Election in View of Headship” 2022 04 https://stone-choir.com/election-in-view-of-headship/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“A Name No Man Knows” 2022 05 https://stone-choir.com/a-name-no-man-knows/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Perspicuous and Vulgar: On the Clarity of Scripture” 2022 06 https://stone-choir.com/perspicuous-and-vulgar-on-the-clarity-of-scripture/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Through the Window: On Frame” 2022 07 https://stone-choir.com/through-the-window-on-frame/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Neglected Matters: Shaking off the Dust, Usury, Woman and Work, Head Coverings” 2022 08 https://stone-choir.com/neglected-matters-shaking-off-the-dust-usury-woman-and-work-head-coverings/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Paywalling God” 2022 09 https://stone-choir.com/paywalling-god/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Speaking the Truth Plainly” 2023 10 https://stone-choir.com/speaking-the-truth-plainly/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Amongst the Ashes” 2023 11 https://stone-choir.com/amongst-the-ashes/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Perfect Hatred” 2023 12 https://stone-choir.com/perfect-hatred/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Here We Stand” 2023 13 https://stone-choir.com/here-we-stand/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Enemy’s Playbook” 2023 14 https://stone-choir.com/the-enemys-playbook/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Human Race: Foundational Matters” 2023 15 https://stone-choir.com/on-human-race-foundational-matters/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Human Race: Behavior and Society” 2023 16 https://stone-choir.com/on-human-race-behavior-and-society/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Human Race: Scripture and Soteriology” 2023 17 https://stone-choir.com/on-human-race-scripture-and-soteriology/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Human Race: IQ” 2023 18 https://stone-choir.com/on-human-race-iq/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Human Race: Racism” 2023 19 https://stone-choir.com/on-human-race-racism/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Against the Antichrist” 2023 20 https://stone-choir.com/against-the-antichrist/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Scripture and Slavery” 2023 21 https://stone-choir.com/scripture-and-slavery/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Women: Scripture and Ontology” 2023 22 https://stone-choir.com/on-women-scripture-and-ontology/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Women: Feminism” 2023 23 https://stone-choir.com/on-women-feminism/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“All Sins Are Not Equal” 2023 24 https://stone-choir.com/all-sins-are-not-equal/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Judge (Not)” 2023 25 https://stone-choir.com/judge-not/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Fear of the Lord” 2023 26 https://stone-choir.com/the-fear-of-the-lord/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Listener Feedback 001” 2023 27 https://stone-choir.com/listener-feedback-001/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Sweat the Small Stuff” 2023 28 https://stone-choir.com/sweat-the-small-stuff/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Generational Divide” 2023 29 https://stone-choir.com/the-generational-divide/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Against the Clockwork Universe” 2023 30 https://stone-choir.com/against-the-clockwork-universe/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Timeline of Recriminations” 2023 31 https://stone-choir.com/the-timeline-of-recriminations/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Michael ‘Martin Luther’ King: Arch-Heretic” 2023 32 https://stone-choir.com/michael-martin-luther-king-arch-heretic/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Michael ‘Martin Luther’ King: Marxist Agitator” 2023 33 https://stone-choir.com/michael-martin-luther-king-marxist-agitator/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews” 2023 34 https://stone-choir.com/hebrews-israelites-and-jews/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Lies, Betrayal, and Murder — the Fruits of Another Spirit” 2023 35 https://stone-choir.com/lies-betrayal-and-murder-the-fruits-of-another-spirit/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Revolutionary Spirit” 2023 36 https://stone-choir.com/the-revolutionary-spirit/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Big Lie” 2023 37 https://stone-choir.com/the-big-lie/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Conspiracy Theories and Truth” 2023 38 https://stone-choir.com/conspiracy-theories-and-truth/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Persuasiveness Matters” 2023 39 https://stone-choir.com/persuasiveness-matters/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Dietrich Bonhoeffer: False Teacher, Traitor, Damned” 2023 40 https://stone-choir.com/dietrich-bonhoeffer-false-teacher-traitor-damned/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“6000 Years and Counting” 2023 41 https://stone-choir.com/6000-years-and-counting/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Left Hand of Christ” 2023 42 https://stone-choir.com/the-left-hand-of-christ/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“A Young Man’s Life” 2023 43 https://stone-choir.com/a-young-mans-life/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“You Are Forgiven” 2023 44 https://stone-choir.com/you-are-forgiven/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Baptism Now Saves You” 2023 45 https://stone-choir.com/baptism-now-saves-you/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Normalcy Bias” 2023 46 https://stone-choir.com/normalcy-bias/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Listener Feedback 002” 2023 47 https://stone-choir.com/listener-feedback-002/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Sword of Christ by Giles Corey” 2023 48 https://stone-choir.com/the-sword-of-christ-by-giles-corey/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Reformation, Its Causes, and Its Consequences” 2023 49 https://stone-choir.com/the-reformation-its-causes-and-its-consequences/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Dispensing with Dispensationalism” 2023 50 https://stone-choir.com/dispensing-with-dispensationalism/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Lord’s Supper” 2023 51 https://stone-choir.com/the-lords-supper/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Capitalist Idolatry” 2023 52 https://stone-choir.com/capitalist-idolatry/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“God’s Gifts, Man’s Duties” 2023 53 https://stone-choir.com/gods-gifts-mans-duties/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Very Eastern, Less Orthodox” 2023 54 https://stone-choir.com/very-eastern-less-orthodox/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Church” 2023 55 https://stone-choir.com/the-church/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Liturgical Life” 2023 56 https://stone-choir.com/liturgical-life/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“True Religion” 2024 57 https://stone-choir.com/true-religion/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Judaizing Heresy” 2024 58 https://stone-choir.com/the-judaizing-heresy/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Gnostic Heresy” 2024 59 https://stone-choir.com/the-gnostic-heresy/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Apostasy” 2024 60 https://stone-choir.com/apostasy/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Galatians 3:28” 2024 61 https://stone-choir.com/galatians-328/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Slander” 2024 62 https://stone-choir.com/slander/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Repentance” 2024 63 https://stone-choir.com/repentance/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Technology” 2024 64 https://stone-choir.com/technology/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The Required Confession” 2024 65 https://stone-choir.com/the-required-confession/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Jealousy” 2024 66 https://stone-choir.com/jealousy/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Inheritance” 2024 67 https://stone-choir.com/inheritance/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Tithing” 2024 68 https://stone-choir.com/tithing/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“The State of the Churches” 2024 69 https://stone-choir.com/the-state-of-the-churches/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Ecumenism in the Trenches” 2024 70 https://stone-choir.com/ecumenism-in-the-trenches/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Leadership” 2024 71 https://stone-choir.com/leadership/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Love: Sacrifice and Charity” 2024 72 https://stone-choir.com/love-sacrifice-and-charity/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Love: Family, Friends, Tribe, and Nation” 2024 73 https://stone-choir.com/love-family-friends-tribe-and-nation/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Love: Marriage & Sex” 2024 74 https://stone-choir.com/love-marriage-sex/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Target Selection” 2024 75 https://stone-choir.com/target-selection/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Confronting Sin” 2024 76 https://stone-choir.com/confronting-sin/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“Seeing Satan on the Move, Part I of II” 2024 77 https://stone-choir.com/seeing-satan-on-the-move-part-i-of-ii/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“On Violence” 2024 78 https://stone-choir.com/on-violence/ Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).
“” 2024 79 Click here to download (or read in your browser). Click here to download (or play in your browser).