Transcript: Episode 0023
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WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:09.500 Also, thank you for watching! 00:09.500 --> 00:15.820 So, let's get prepared for our break! 00:15.820 --> 00:24.300 Everybody knows what we do! 00:24.300 --> 00:39.540 Welcome to the Stone Choir podcast. 00:39.540 --> 00:41.660 I am Corey J. Mahler. 00:41.660 --> 00:42.660 And I'm Woe. 00:42.660 --> 00:47.380 Today's episode of Stone Choir is part two of our series on feminism. 00:47.380 --> 00:52.700 Last week, we spent about 100 minutes talking about the scriptural basis for what God says 00:52.700 --> 00:56.620 the purpose of a woman is in the world in creation. 00:56.620 --> 00:59.660 We established, as God established, we didn't do it. 00:59.660 --> 01:02.380 A couple of podcasters aren't writing any of these rules. 01:02.380 --> 01:06.980 God said that woman was made as a helper fit for man. 01:06.980 --> 01:12.100 And we established through the scriptural basis how that is consistent from before 01:12.100 --> 01:15.980 the fall through all of Scripture, Old and New Testament. 01:15.980 --> 01:20.320 So today, we're going to be talking about what has happened in the last few centuries 01:20.480 --> 01:24.920 in Christendom as we first begin to depart from that. 01:24.920 --> 01:28.240 Up front, I want to mention that we are not really going to be talking about any other 01:28.240 --> 01:34.800 societies outside of Christian societies, because A, that's not really our problem. 01:34.800 --> 01:39.360 And B, if as you're listening along, you think of counter-examples of, oh, well, this other 01:39.360 --> 01:44.600 pagan society had feminism long before Christendom did, yeah, exactly. 01:44.600 --> 01:45.600 Those are pagans. 01:45.600 --> 01:46.600 They're all burning in hell. 01:46.600 --> 01:47.800 They were feminists long before us. 01:47.800 --> 01:50.360 So thank you for making our point like that. 01:50.360 --> 01:54.400 We could do a 90-second episode here that just said, you know what? 01:54.400 --> 01:57.680 Feminism correlates to damned society. 01:57.680 --> 01:58.680 That's not really a good podcast. 01:58.680 --> 02:03.960 So we're going to go over in detail what's played out really since the Enlightenment. 02:03.960 --> 02:11.280 So off to the races, we're going to be talking about feminism as it really began as genesis 02:11.280 --> 02:13.880 in the Enlightenment, in the West. 02:14.240 --> 02:20.520 As we mentioned last week, really the reason for that is that every Christian society has 02:20.520 --> 02:23.000 understood what we said last week. 02:23.000 --> 02:30.680 Christian societies have always been based on God's rules and norm for human civilization. 02:30.680 --> 02:35.720 When nations were Christianized, whatever pattern they had for male-female relations 02:35.720 --> 02:42.920 before Christianity arrived, they all naturally adopted the head chat principle. 02:42.920 --> 02:47.880 They adopted the premise that the man is the head of the household, that a woman is 02:47.880 --> 02:52.200 a helper fit for man, whether she is a daughter in the case of children. 02:52.200 --> 02:56.240 And then when she's married off, when she becomes one flesh with her husband, he becomes 02:56.240 --> 02:57.960 her head. 02:57.960 --> 02:59.920 This was codified in European law. 02:59.920 --> 03:01.400 It was the norm in society. 03:01.400 --> 03:03.560 So it wasn't really much of an issue. 03:03.560 --> 03:09.600 These weren't points of specific contention really until the Enlightenment. 03:09.800 --> 03:11.120 It's probably in almost every episode. 03:11.120 --> 03:13.000 The Enlightenment seems to come up. 03:13.000 --> 03:15.400 We'll do an episode here probably pretty soon talking about it. 03:15.400 --> 03:19.800 I think for us to do that proper treatment is going to take a little more research than 03:19.800 --> 03:23.280 some of these so we haven't tackled it yet, just for that reason it's going to take some 03:23.280 --> 03:26.560 more work on our upfront. 03:26.560 --> 03:35.720 The Enlightenment was a period of time, really in the 1700s in Europe, when the notions of 03:35.720 --> 03:42.080 Christendom were set aside for the sake of science and reason. 03:42.080 --> 03:45.200 Let me just read you briefly something that is from Wikipedia. 03:45.200 --> 03:49.760 I mentioned last week, I highly recommend using Wikipedia for looking at these subjects. 03:49.760 --> 03:54.400 When you're looking at feminism or women's liberation or the Enlightenment, anyone who's 03:54.400 --> 03:57.160 writing for Wikipedia is a huge fan. 03:57.160 --> 04:02.560 So when we are criticizing and attacking some of these things, these are good sources because 04:03.560 --> 04:07.960 you can find and replace in any article they're good for bad and you'll basically have the 04:07.960 --> 04:10.160 correct Christian opinion on the things. 04:10.160 --> 04:13.760 But because they're bragging about what they've accomplished, they're very thorough. 04:13.760 --> 04:17.080 In fact, they're thorough to the point that they will try to pull in things that have 04:17.080 --> 04:22.160 nothing to do with their agenda to try to say, oh yeah, this was this thing as well. 04:22.160 --> 04:28.600 So they can just basically co-opt all of Christian history into their own worldview. 04:28.600 --> 04:33.640 This is part of what Wikipedia says about the Enlightenment. 04:33.640 --> 04:37.720 Philosophers and scientists of the period widely circulated their ideas through meetings 04:37.720 --> 04:43.480 at scientific academies, masonic lodges, literary salons, coffee houses, and in printed 04:43.480 --> 04:45.320 books, journals, and pamphlets. 04:45.320 --> 04:49.880 The ideas of the Enlightenment undermined the authority of the monarchy and the church 04:49.880 --> 04:54.800 and paved the way for political revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries. 04:54.920 --> 05:01.560 A variety of 19th century movements including liberalism, communism, and neoclassicism trace 05:01.560 --> 05:04.600 their intellectual heritage to the Enlightenment. 05:04.600 --> 05:09.560 The central doctrines of the Enlightenment were individual liberty and religious tolerance, 05:09.560 --> 05:15.000 in opposition to an absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the church. 05:15.000 --> 05:19.400 So basically a one sentence summary of that is something that you will find popping up 05:19.400 --> 05:23.960 on really any of these basic articles talking about it, and it's something that I think 05:24.000 --> 05:28.520 I remember almost verbatim from social studies in grade school. 05:28.520 --> 05:34.240 The Enlightenment was the triumph of science and reason over faith in superstition. 05:34.240 --> 05:38.920 I want that to be a central tenet that you keep in mind as you're listening to all this, 05:38.920 --> 05:46.640 because one, the Enlightenment is entirely a European thing, occurred in Europe in Christendom. 05:46.640 --> 05:47.960 We're not talking about anywhere else. 05:47.960 --> 05:53.800 This was entirely within the sphere of the Christian dominion. 05:53.800 --> 05:57.120 That's important because the second part of that, it's the triumph of science and reason 05:57.120 --> 05:59.280 over faith and superstition. 05:59.280 --> 06:01.360 Those mean the same thing when they say them. 06:01.360 --> 06:06.480 Faith can only mean the Christian faith, and superstition just means principally the superstitions 06:06.480 --> 06:08.160 of the Christian faith. 06:08.160 --> 06:14.920 So the Enlightenment all by itself, everything about it was principally man in his reason 06:14.920 --> 06:20.880 overthrowing God in scripture that's been revealed to us, overthrowing monarchy, overthrowing 06:20.880 --> 06:22.680 the church. 06:22.680 --> 06:27.880 Those three things are always part and parcel of any discussion of Enlightenment, thinking 06:27.880 --> 06:29.320 and its influence. 06:29.320 --> 06:32.800 That's important because that's why we did the episode on genealogy of ideas. 06:32.800 --> 06:35.400 We're going to talk about it repeatedly in this episode. 06:35.400 --> 06:41.160 This is the genealogy of the ideas that many of you hold to be sacred, the idea that women 06:41.160 --> 06:45.080 are equal to men, the idea that the franchise should be universal. 06:45.080 --> 06:49.960 All of these things are new in Christendom as of the 17 and 1800s. 06:49.960 --> 06:53.520 They weren't held previously, and today they're sacrosanct. 06:53.520 --> 06:57.600 So we're contrasting Christianity with the Enlightenment because they're two competing 06:57.600 --> 06:58.600 religions. 06:58.600 --> 07:02.840 And I think that's important to carry throughout this entire conversation. 07:02.840 --> 07:09.560 And to emphasize the point of the genealogy of ideas, we were discussing before we started 07:09.560 --> 07:16.960 recording a central symbol in Christianity in scripture that we really ignore is the 07:16.960 --> 07:23.400 idea of a tree and its fruit, and a tree is known by its fruit. 07:23.400 --> 07:27.240 A good tree does not produce poisonous fruit. 07:27.240 --> 07:29.240 Poisonous fruit does not come from a good tree. 07:29.240 --> 07:33.440 A poisonous tree does not produce good fruit. 07:33.440 --> 07:36.600 And Christians have just stopped paying attention to that. 07:36.600 --> 07:40.360 We read it, we go, yes, okay, and move on. 07:40.360 --> 07:44.120 We don't pay attention to what scripture is actually saying there. 07:44.120 --> 07:48.400 If you look at the fruit of something, and the fruit is wicked, the fruit is evil, the 07:48.400 --> 07:55.280 fruit is poisonous, that is telling you the thing itself is wicked, evil, and poisonous. 07:55.280 --> 08:00.360 And jumping ahead a little bit really, but not in fullness, we'll go through this chronologically 08:00.360 --> 08:01.360 roughly. 08:01.360 --> 08:05.320 We're living in the results of what we're talking about here with first and second 08:05.320 --> 08:11.120 wave feminism, with the roots in the Enlightenment, proto-feminism so-called. 08:11.120 --> 08:15.860 We are living the fruit of that today, and we can see the wickedness in our societies. 08:15.860 --> 08:20.360 We see it in abortion, we see it in so-called sexual liberation, we see it in the growing 08:20.360 --> 08:26.960 support for prostitution, pornography, the list is endless. 08:26.960 --> 08:30.920 All of those things are the fruit of these ideas. 08:30.920 --> 08:35.880 And so as Christians, we have to look at this and say, it's a poisonous tree. 08:35.880 --> 08:38.280 We cannot consume the fruit from this tree. 08:38.280 --> 08:44.960 We cannot believe the things that are said by those who hold to this ideology, this competing 08:44.960 --> 08:46.840 religion. 08:46.840 --> 08:53.920 And so it's not a matter of saying, well, I reject transgenderism, but I'm okay with 08:53.920 --> 08:56.200 all of the things that came before it leading up to it. 08:56.200 --> 09:00.720 No, because that is the inevitable result of all of the things leading up to it that 09:00.720 --> 09:03.920 we're going to discuss in this episode. 09:03.920 --> 09:08.760 And so as Christians, we have to go all the way back to the source. 09:08.760 --> 09:12.840 We have to go back to the source of these ideas. 09:12.840 --> 09:14.040 What is the tree? 09:14.040 --> 09:15.680 Which tree bore this fruit? 09:15.680 --> 09:16.880 Does this come from Scripture? 09:16.880 --> 09:17.960 Does this come from God? 09:17.960 --> 09:21.120 Does this come from natural revelation? 09:21.120 --> 09:26.520 Because of course, God is the author of two books, Scripture and Nature, the natural world 09:26.520 --> 09:27.760 creation. 09:27.760 --> 09:32.840 And we've pointed out before that when God himself appears and speaks in the book of 09:32.840 --> 09:36.080 Job, he doesn't appeal to his word. 09:36.080 --> 09:41.960 He doesn't after a fashion, because of course he spoke creation into existence, but he appeals 09:41.960 --> 09:43.920 to creation. 09:43.920 --> 09:51.080 He appeals to that as illustrating his glory, his might, his majesty. 09:51.080 --> 09:54.920 And so yes, we can look to the natural world for truth. 09:54.920 --> 09:55.920 There is truth there. 09:55.920 --> 10:00.040 Yes, it's fallen and corrupt, but there's still truth there because it is God's creature, 10:00.040 --> 10:01.040 it's God's creation. 10:01.040 --> 10:05.120 It is good because it comes from the ultimate good. 10:05.120 --> 10:07.080 And so we have to look at that source. 10:07.080 --> 10:11.520 Does it come from something that is from God, or is it a corruption? 10:11.520 --> 10:15.760 Because of course Satan can't create anything new, but is it a corruption of God's good 10:15.760 --> 10:19.600 order and therefore a wicked tree bearing wicked fruit? 10:19.600 --> 10:24.200 And in the case of feminism, it does not matter which wave. 10:24.200 --> 10:26.000 That is the fundamental baseline here. 10:26.000 --> 10:30.320 It doesn't matter if it's first wave, second wave, third wave, or so-called fourth wave 10:30.320 --> 10:34.120 that is starting in the last decade or so. 10:34.120 --> 10:36.480 They are all wicked because they are all rebellion. 10:36.480 --> 10:38.520 They are all against God. 10:38.520 --> 10:41.680 They do not come from a good tree. 10:41.680 --> 10:44.400 They are wicked fruit from a wicked tree. 10:44.400 --> 10:49.920 And a fundamental truth that I want everyone to bear in mind when it comes to feminism 10:49.920 --> 10:53.920 was already mentioned in Woe's opening. 10:53.920 --> 10:58.440 Woman was made to be a helper for man. 10:58.440 --> 11:04.880 Anything that is against that core nature of woman is evil. 11:04.880 --> 11:11.440 And so feminism fundamentally seeks to make woman not a helper, but an equal and a competitor. 11:11.440 --> 11:17.360 At the very least, the latter waves want to make woman above man, and really the first 11:17.360 --> 11:18.360 one did as well. 11:18.360 --> 11:25.880 But anything that makes woman a competitor instead of a helper is not from God, because 11:25.880 --> 11:28.860 God made her to be a helper. 11:28.860 --> 11:34.140 And so we can see this wickedness, this wicked strain running through many different things 11:34.140 --> 11:38.080 and all of the waves of feminism. 11:38.080 --> 11:44.160 If something is contrary to what God has ordained to the nature of the thing as God intended 11:44.160 --> 11:49.320 it, as God made it, then that is wicked and Christians cannot support it. 11:49.320 --> 11:54.720 And so again, it does not matter which wave of feminism, and you will see even pastors 11:55.040 --> 11:59.880 making this argument, they'll say, well, third and fourth wave feminism are wicked, but first 11:59.880 --> 12:05.040 and second wave were fine, or maybe they'll say only first wave, that's not how it works. 12:05.040 --> 12:09.000 A little bit of poison is not good. 12:09.000 --> 12:12.640 A lot of poison is worse, of course, but you don't eat the poisonous fruit, you don't 12:12.640 --> 12:15.200 eat one bite, you don't eat the entire fruit. 12:15.200 --> 12:18.320 You avoid it, you avoid the poisonous tree. 12:18.320 --> 12:24.120 And as I mentioned, we were discussing a few things before we started recording. 12:24.120 --> 12:28.720 If you let Satan play in your yard, you're going to wake up the next day with him in 12:28.720 --> 12:30.160 bed with you. 12:30.160 --> 12:31.960 That's how these things always go. 12:31.960 --> 12:33.880 They always get worse. 12:33.880 --> 12:39.000 And so you can't dip your foot in this pool and say, well, the first wave, no. 12:39.000 --> 12:40.000 It is all wicked. 12:40.000 --> 12:43.400 It should all be avoided by Christians, and that's why we're going through the history 12:43.400 --> 12:49.320 of this, pointing out all of the signs that this is wicked fruit, that this is not from 12:49.320 --> 12:52.000 God, that this is from Satan. 12:52.000 --> 12:59.160 So I think a good place to begin the story of Western feminism is, as was mentioned in 12:59.160 --> 13:04.960 the Wikipedia article about the Enlightenment, in the salons of France in the 17th and 18th 13:04.960 --> 13:10.160 century, and the coffee houses of England in the colonies around the same time. 13:10.160 --> 13:17.200 The salons in France were really one of the first times that women became a type of participant 13:17.200 --> 13:23.160 in public life in matters of discourse and debate and discussion. 13:23.160 --> 13:27.920 And the salon was sort of the very smallest version, and then the coffee houses were even 13:27.920 --> 13:29.680 more egalitarian than that. 13:29.680 --> 13:34.800 Basically what happened in the salons, the women acted as sort of governesses or moderators. 13:34.800 --> 13:38.720 They're basically their kind of a stone police, just to make sure that the discussion was 13:38.720 --> 13:39.720 polite. 13:39.720 --> 13:40.720 Everyone followed the rules. 13:40.720 --> 13:43.200 It was basically the men who were doing the discussion. 13:43.200 --> 13:48.160 But the women were present there in the room, they had maybe a little bit to say, it was 13:48.160 --> 13:51.120 the very smallest bite of the apple. 13:51.120 --> 13:53.920 And so by itself, you look at that and think, well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with 13:53.920 --> 13:54.920 them. 13:54.920 --> 13:58.000 I honestly don't know if I could disagree. 13:58.000 --> 14:03.440 In isolation, I don't know if I would shout that down without knowing anything that happened 14:03.440 --> 14:05.840 in subsequent centuries and say, no, stop. 14:05.840 --> 14:06.840 Get the women out of the room. 14:06.840 --> 14:07.840 We can't do this. 14:07.840 --> 14:11.600 It doesn't look like there's a problem there. 14:11.600 --> 14:15.280 I think that what's illustrative is that it never really happened before. 14:15.280 --> 14:20.280 It wasn't something that had occurred in Christian societies. 14:20.280 --> 14:24.160 You would have private discussions in homes, and these were sort of bigger than that. 14:24.160 --> 14:30.200 The salon was fundamentally in a home, but it was really sort of a public gathering of 14:30.200 --> 14:34.600 friends that became more and more important to how society ran. 14:34.600 --> 14:40.920 And then as that model was adopted kind of by the English on both sides of the Atlantic, 14:40.920 --> 14:43.400 it became much more egalitarian. 14:43.400 --> 14:48.400 As I said, there were men's only debating societies, and coffee houses were only men were permitted 14:48.400 --> 14:49.400 to speak. 14:49.400 --> 14:53.360 There were some where there was completely mixed company, and the women were equal participants. 14:53.360 --> 14:57.520 And then at some point, it kind of actually became fractious, and the men got tired of 14:57.520 --> 14:58.520 the women talking. 14:58.520 --> 15:02.800 And so women created their own coffee houses and their own societies to discuss these things 15:02.800 --> 15:06.680 among themselves about matters related to the public sphere. 15:06.680 --> 15:11.320 I think that's the important distinction here is that they weren't talking about the 15:11.320 --> 15:13.200 duties of a helper to a husband. 15:13.200 --> 15:18.800 They were talking about, in the case of the salons literally, a lot of it was books, it 15:18.800 --> 15:19.800 was poetry. 15:19.800 --> 15:25.480 It was strictly non-political, and then it began to evolve into being more political. 15:25.480 --> 15:31.360 And in the US and in England, it was much more strongly linked to things that had traditionally 15:31.360 --> 15:34.400 only been in the sphere of the man. 15:34.400 --> 15:40.080 This sphere is a term that you'll find popping up to this day among feminists as something 15:40.080 --> 15:45.000 that they find despicable, because the claim that's been inserted back into history, and 15:45.000 --> 15:49.960 we'll get to some of the various points where it's made, feminists will claim that it was 15:49.960 --> 15:54.320 men that created these artificial spheres, where the woman is basically chained in the 15:54.320 --> 15:55.320 home. 15:55.320 --> 15:59.960 All she can do is cook and clean and make babies, and she can't talk to anyone, and that's 15:59.960 --> 16:00.960 her sphere. 16:01.120 --> 16:06.120 It's more like being cauterized or like being a pearl that's sealed up and kept separate 16:06.120 --> 16:07.360 from everything else. 16:07.360 --> 16:12.440 It's seen as a matter of subjugation, and so these departures from the spheres as they 16:12.440 --> 16:18.440 began to occur in these public places, again, on their face, I think even as a Christian, 16:18.440 --> 16:24.400 you wouldn't necessarily think, even as I'm sure many people think of us as hyperactive, 16:24.400 --> 16:28.480 hypersensitive Christians, I don't think I would necessarily look at that and think, 16:28.480 --> 16:30.200 oh man, this is really bad news. 16:30.240 --> 16:35.720 I think in retrospect, it becomes much clearer what was beginning in those places, because 16:35.720 --> 16:40.240 again, it wasn't that a woman talking is inherently sinful. 16:40.240 --> 16:44.160 We're not talking about church, where God forbids women to speak. 16:44.160 --> 16:46.640 If she has a question, she can go home and ask her husband. 16:46.640 --> 16:52.560 We're talking about civil society, so God didn't explicitly say, don't do this. 16:52.560 --> 16:56.760 It just typically wasn't done in Christian society, and I think in retrospect, we can 16:56.800 --> 16:59.040 maybe question why that is. 16:59.040 --> 17:01.960 I don't know why this sent fences here, I'm just going to tear it down. 17:01.960 --> 17:03.440 That's basically what happened. 17:03.440 --> 17:09.480 We demolished Chesterton's fence, and then we got the results, but as we looked downstream 17:09.480 --> 17:16.320 from those first events, we can see that as women began to engage in civic life and public 17:16.320 --> 17:18.520 life, they didn't have opinions. 17:18.520 --> 17:19.520 They had ideas. 17:19.520 --> 17:23.720 They had things that they wanted to get done, and increasingly, it became visible to them 17:23.720 --> 17:25.520 that they disagreed with their husbands. 17:25.600 --> 17:31.880 I think that's when we really got off to the races on the feminist thrust that has led 17:31.880 --> 17:34.200 us to the point that we're at today. 17:34.200 --> 17:40.480 You made an important point there, that if something has never been done before in Christendom, 17:40.480 --> 17:47.320 and suddenly someone brings in this novel idea, we don't necessarily have to reject 17:47.320 --> 17:51.840 it out of hand, but we do have to be skeptical. 17:51.840 --> 17:57.200 Why is this thing that none of our Christian ancestors has ever done, that has never been 17:57.200 --> 18:02.920 part of Christendom, that has never been accepted in Christian society? 18:02.920 --> 18:06.400 Why is it all of a sudden a thing? 18:06.400 --> 18:09.040 Why is this now being pushed? 18:09.040 --> 18:14.720 And of course, in this case, with the advantage of the vantage point of centuries of development, 18:14.720 --> 18:16.720 well we know why. 18:16.720 --> 18:23.760 But if you have that initial skepticism of things like this, you may avoid the problem 18:23.760 --> 18:25.680 down the line. 18:25.680 --> 18:31.320 Because Satan's plans span decades, centuries, generations. 18:31.320 --> 18:37.200 And so something that he has planned for your great-great-great grandchildren? 18:37.200 --> 18:40.160 Well the beginning of that may not look bad to you. 18:40.160 --> 18:45.880 Well women are just joining us in the coffee house to discuss politics. 18:45.880 --> 18:51.040 Now of course, to a Christian that actually probably should look bad, because of the subject 18:51.040 --> 18:53.440 being discussed. 18:53.440 --> 19:00.160 Because fundamentally Christianity and nature as well teaches that the woman's space is 19:00.160 --> 19:02.140 in the home. 19:02.140 --> 19:03.560 That is her world. 19:03.560 --> 19:06.040 Her world is the private world. 19:06.040 --> 19:11.360 It is the maintenance of the home, the teaching of children, the rearing of children, etc. 19:11.360 --> 19:12.360 Those things. 19:12.360 --> 19:15.600 That is the woman's sphere. 19:15.600 --> 19:17.760 The man's sphere is the public sphere. 19:17.760 --> 19:23.800 Not all men of course, because if you are a woodworker and you spend all of your time 19:23.800 --> 19:28.760 in your shop and you don't involve yourself in politics whatsoever, as a man that is typically 19:28.760 --> 19:34.920 fine, yes there are times where you may have to have some voice and things speak up. 19:34.920 --> 19:38.000 But for men there are as well different spheres. 19:38.000 --> 19:44.960 But the public sphere itself is solely the sphere for men. 19:44.960 --> 19:50.080 It is something in which only men should be engaged. 19:50.080 --> 19:53.040 Politics is a man's pursuit. 19:53.040 --> 19:59.800 And so we see even here in proto-feminism and then leading into first wave, it naturally 19:59.800 --> 20:06.400 leads into first wave, because in proto-feminism you have this push for women to discuss things 20:06.400 --> 20:11.440 like politics and economics and political philosophy. 20:11.440 --> 20:17.280 I wouldn't go so far as to say that all discussion of philosophy and things like that are wrong 20:17.280 --> 20:18.280 for women. 20:18.280 --> 20:19.280 That's not true. 20:19.280 --> 20:24.600 We don't hold that position, because of course some parts of the Christian faith are philosophy. 20:24.600 --> 20:29.720 They touch on philosophy as it used to be taught and held in our universities when they 20:29.720 --> 20:30.720 were still Christian. 20:30.720 --> 20:34.520 Theology is the queen of the liberal arts. 20:34.520 --> 20:37.920 It is the highest form of philosophy. 20:37.920 --> 20:43.720 And so these are still issues that women can of course discuss with their husbands at home 20:43.720 --> 20:46.000 as they are supposed to. 20:46.000 --> 20:48.680 That is the right ordering of things. 20:48.680 --> 20:53.760 Because the woman has a head and she should discuss these things with her head. 20:53.760 --> 20:59.960 But you see the lead-in from discussing the issues in the salon and the coffee house right 20:59.960 --> 21:02.320 into first wave feminism. 21:02.320 --> 21:08.160 The first wave feminism is of course the agitation for so-called political rights. 21:08.160 --> 21:13.000 And of course those political rights themselves were the fruit of the Enlightenment. 21:13.000 --> 21:24.000 One of the first major concomitant within downstream from the Enlightenment was the American Revolution. 21:24.000 --> 21:28.720 We all know probably virtually everyone has memorized the opening lines to the Declaration 21:28.720 --> 21:34.320 of Independence, which is one of the most obscene lies ever told in the English language. 21:34.320 --> 21:40.080 We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed 21:40.080 --> 21:45.280 by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, 21:45.280 --> 21:48.320 and the pursuit of happiness. 21:48.320 --> 21:53.480 Those words are a spell that has been cast on the heart and mind of every American who's 21:53.480 --> 21:57.080 been born since or who was alive at that time. 21:57.080 --> 21:59.520 Because instantly that became true. 21:59.520 --> 22:04.040 It describes itself as we hold these truths to be self-evident. 22:04.040 --> 22:07.080 In other words, it's unthinkable not to think the thing that we just said. 22:07.080 --> 22:10.880 And then here's a list of them, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. 22:10.880 --> 22:18.040 Now the reason that that was the kickoff for feminism in this country is that there was 22:18.040 --> 22:23.240 the inherent irony in what happened in the War for Independence, which was a revolution. 22:23.640 --> 22:26.520 The War for Independence is how we couch it here. 22:26.520 --> 22:30.760 It was a revolt against the rightful king of this colony. 22:30.760 --> 22:33.640 And we'll get into some of the other revolutions that followed. 22:33.640 --> 22:37.960 I think that there's some structural difference between a colony thousands of miles away, 22:37.960 --> 22:46.360 rebelling against its motherland, and a country trying to overthrow its own king on its own soil. 22:46.360 --> 22:49.960 But fundamentally, as a matter of morality, it's difficult to justify 22:50.840 --> 22:55.000 what is functionally regicide, which was what was going on. 22:55.000 --> 22:59.240 They were overthrowing the king, anointing themselves as their new lords and masters. 23:00.520 --> 23:03.640 The irony of what happened immediately thereafter is that 23:04.840 --> 23:11.800 we had, predominantly English, it was basically all Northern European people in this country, 23:11.800 --> 23:17.000 plus some Africans who had been imported against their will as slaves into the South. 23:17.880 --> 23:24.520 When we said all men are created equal, and then we had the three-fifths compromise, 23:24.520 --> 23:30.520 which said, oh, well, not you. Africans were not permitted to vote. They were not full citizens. 23:30.520 --> 23:36.120 They were counted as partial men for the purpose of apportionment of representation, 23:36.120 --> 23:41.640 because the South wanted that. That was a political compromise in favor of the South to say, yeah, 23:41.640 --> 23:45.800 you have these Africans, so we'll count them as three-fifths for the purpose of giving you 23:45.800 --> 23:50.520 representation in Congress. After the war between the states, and leading up to the war 23:50.520 --> 23:57.560 between the states, we also have the genesis of feminism, because in the aftermath of the American 23:57.560 --> 24:02.760 Revolution, and in the aftermath of that spell of the declaration of independence being cast, 24:03.480 --> 24:06.280 everyone starts believing it, saying all men are created equal. 24:07.720 --> 24:12.040 Some are saying, well, what about these Africans? Are they men? Aren't they created equal? And if so, 24:12.040 --> 24:17.560 why are they slaves? And then you have the women saying, well, when it says all men, 24:17.560 --> 24:22.040 does it mean all mankind? Because we're part of mankind. Why are we equal? Why don't we have 24:22.040 --> 24:27.240 representation too? And that's why the salons in the coffee house is mattered, because as women 24:27.240 --> 24:33.880 became participants in public life, and in these political matters, they suddenly realized that 24:33.880 --> 24:41.000 maybe they didn't agree with their husbands, and they wanted to be heard too. And so the genesis 24:41.000 --> 24:48.680 of feminism in this country was fundamentally one of the simultaneous rise of a desire for abolition 24:48.680 --> 24:55.000 of slavery and liberation of women. Those two throughout all American history have always 24:55.000 --> 24:59.880 gone hand in hand. In first, second, and third wave feminism, they all happen at the same time. 24:59.880 --> 25:05.000 And the feminists themselves say this. They will say that the two are inexorably linked, 25:05.000 --> 25:09.240 and they're called waves, but really they're just generations. You have a fit and a start, 25:09.240 --> 25:14.520 and you have the spurt of energy, and they move the ball down the field. And then it sort of died 25:14.520 --> 25:20.280 out for a generation or so. And then a subsequent generation came along and revolted again. 25:21.240 --> 25:26.440 And so in first wave feminism, one of the first voices that I turned up that I found kind of 25:26.440 --> 25:32.440 interesting was a man named John Neal, NEAL. He has quite the Weakie-Pete article himself. He was 25:32.440 --> 25:38.120 a very impressive man on paper. I find his face to be pretty punchable, and I disagree with virtually 25:38.120 --> 25:45.320 everything he said or did, but he can't fault the guy for being lazy. He was incredibly prolific in 25:45.320 --> 25:50.920 his life. And one of the things that he devoted most of the 19th century to doing was fighting for 25:50.920 --> 25:56.680 the, quote, intellectual equality between men and women. He fought coverture. He demanded suffrage, 25:56.680 --> 26:02.600 equal pay, better education, and working conditions for women. Now, working conditions for women is 26:02.680 --> 26:08.760 hilarious because how would women have bad working conditions if they're in the home? You see, 26:08.760 --> 26:14.120 already feminism, as it begins to encroach, is creating the very problems that it's then trying to 26:14.120 --> 26:20.520 solve. You know, we talked today about, we know about sweatshops and about horrible working conditions 26:20.520 --> 26:24.840 in the industrial revolution. That's principally what he was fighting. What was that? That was 26:24.840 --> 26:29.320 women working outside the home in horrible conditions. You know, they were, it was awful. 26:30.280 --> 26:33.640 They were working incredibly long hours in dangerous, miserable conditions. 26:34.680 --> 26:39.240 His solution was, well, we need to get them better working conditions. I think the Christian 26:39.240 --> 26:43.560 solution would be to say they shouldn't have left their home in the first place. And so, 26:43.560 --> 26:48.680 even at the very beginning, before any of this has really taken off, we already see the machine of 26:48.680 --> 26:54.120 feminism as creating one problem and then using itself as the solution to its own problems. 26:54.120 --> 26:57.560 And that's a pattern that gets repeated throughout the history of this thing. 26:58.120 --> 27:02.920 And that is one of the strings of irony that runs through all of this, of course, 27:03.480 --> 27:10.840 is that feminism has never once made women better off. It has always made life worse for women. 27:11.560 --> 27:18.200 And some women today are starting to realize that recognizing that they would actually rather be 27:18.200 --> 27:24.920 at home with their children caring for the home instead of working for some corporation that 27:24.920 --> 27:32.280 cares not at all about them, paying them some miniscule wage, and will terminate them for 27:32.280 --> 27:39.000 whatever reason it feels like. Feminism is not a good deal for women. It's not a good deal for men 27:39.000 --> 27:47.240 either, because it turns the helper God created for man into a competitor and creates animosity 27:47.240 --> 27:52.680 between men and women instead of what men and women are supposed to feel for one another, 27:52.680 --> 27:59.000 which is mutual respect and love for one another, supposed to have marriages format of that. 27:59.000 --> 28:03.960 There's a reason we see the marriage rate collapsing. And it is in large part due to 28:03.960 --> 28:09.720 feminism, which creates that animosity on the part of women toward men. And then men react to 28:09.720 --> 28:16.200 that animosity by not wanting to deal with women. It breaks down the family, it breaks down everything 28:16.200 --> 28:23.960 fundamentally. But here at the beginning, even initially, we see that one of the goals is to 28:23.960 --> 28:29.720 get women into the workforce, because of course, this is just serving another of the idols of the 28:29.720 --> 28:34.120 Enlightenment and capitalism, the things that flow from it. And that, of course, is mammon. 28:34.920 --> 28:41.960 Because if you have basically double the workforce, yes, you are going to increase 28:41.960 --> 28:47.960 overall productivity. But everyone is going to live a worse life, except of course those 28:47.960 --> 28:54.280 at the top who are benefiting from the increase in productivity. Because as anyone who has studied 28:54.280 --> 29:01.240 any economics knows, well, what happens when you increase massively the supply? Well, 29:02.520 --> 29:09.080 the price of the thing is going to drop. And so what happens when you take the workforce 29:09.080 --> 29:15.400 and double it? Well, now you have significantly lower wages, which has been one of the 29:15.400 --> 29:22.520 long term consequences of feminism is lower wages for workers. And so now instead of being able to 29:22.520 --> 29:30.760 survive off of one income for a family of however many children you happen to have, well, now you 29:30.760 --> 29:36.760 have to have both parents working, the man and the woman both have to work in order to meet 29:36.760 --> 29:45.160 just the basic needs of the family because of feminism. Feminism demanded that women be allowed 29:45.160 --> 29:50.360 into the workplace and they made it absolutely necessary for women to be in the workplace 29:50.360 --> 29:57.000 in order to survive in the world feminism created. So as mentioned, it created a problem 29:57.640 --> 30:02.440 and then offered a supposed solution. Of course, it isn't any solution at all because 30:02.440 --> 30:09.000 now there is no buffer. There's no, you know, if the husband is injured, the wife can't go out and 30:09.000 --> 30:14.600 work a little bit, which used to be the case that often happened. Now we could discuss whether or 30:14.600 --> 30:18.440 not society should have some sort of safety net to deal with that instead of forcing women to go 30:18.440 --> 30:24.440 out of the home and work. But that's a separate issue. The issue here is that feminism destroyed 30:24.440 --> 30:31.640 that buffer and made it so that most people now live inches from abject poverty. That is a long 30:31.640 --> 30:38.280 term consequence of feminism to go back again to the idea of bad fruit. We see here the evil, 30:38.280 --> 30:44.760 wicked, poisonous fruit of feminism in society. It's not a good tree because a good tree does 30:44.760 --> 30:52.200 not bear bad fruit. As we mentioned last week, one of the legal principles that was overthrown 30:52.760 --> 30:57.640 over a century or so of feminism was that of coverture. I want to read now what the English 30:57.640 --> 31:02.520 women's property rights were. This is the English common law description. It was basically what was 31:02.520 --> 31:08.840 in effect on this side of the Atlantic as well. English common law defined the role of the wife 31:08.840 --> 31:14.840 as a femme covert, emphasizing her subordination to her husband and putting her under the, quote, 31:14.840 --> 31:20.520 protection and influence of her husband, her baron, or her lord. Upon marriage, the husband 31:20.520 --> 31:26.440 and wife became one person under the law as the property of the wife was surrendered to her husband 31:26.440 --> 31:31.480 and her status as a separate legal personality with the ability to own property and sue and 31:31.480 --> 31:37.400 be sued solely in her own name ceased to exist. Any personal property acquired by the wife during 31:37.400 --> 31:43.560 the marriage unless specified that it was for her own separate use went automatically to her husband. 31:43.560 --> 31:48.680 If a woman writer had a copyright before marriage, the copyright would pass to the husband afterwards, 31:48.680 --> 31:53.880 for instance. Further, a married woman was unable to draft a will or dispose of any property 31:53.880 --> 31:59.400 without her husband's consent. Now today, that sounds kind of terrible. It sounds 32:00.440 --> 32:07.160 it sounds diminutive. It sounds oppressive. But when viewed in the context of two becoming one 32:07.160 --> 32:14.120 flesh and the man being the head of the woman, that's basically a legal recognition of the order 32:14.120 --> 32:21.240 that God ordained. And I think that that's important because, again, as we're looking at these issues, 32:21.400 --> 32:26.040 we're a quarter way through the 21st century now. We're looking back through centuries of 32:26.680 --> 32:32.200 post-enlightenment thought. And so when we read and hear these things, they sound awful. They sound 32:32.760 --> 32:41.160 just alien and obscene and hateful. If you look at them from that day, what were they trying to do? 32:41.160 --> 32:47.240 They were trying to solve the problem of headship. How does the law, how does the left hand of Christ's 32:47.240 --> 32:54.040 kingdom deal with the created order that God has ordained? This was the solution under English 32:54.040 --> 33:00.760 Common Law to deal with that. I think it's kind of hard to find fall with it theologically. There 33:00.760 --> 33:06.360 were obviously some practical problems that sometimes cropped up. And one of the recurring 33:06.360 --> 33:12.760 themes that we'll find in this episode is that when you have things like abusive slave masters 33:12.840 --> 33:20.200 or abusive husbands, the solution of the revolutionary is to overthrow the institution 33:20.200 --> 33:26.280 that they see as embodying the abuse. Whereas the Christian approach, as we described in last 33:26.280 --> 33:31.480 week's episode about Scripture on Feminism and the week previous on slavery in Scripture, 33:32.120 --> 33:37.880 the Christian solution, the scriptural solution from God is not revolution. It's not overthrowing 33:38.440 --> 33:43.880 that headship. It is making the head accountable to God, in some cases through the state, 33:44.440 --> 33:50.680 for being faithful, for being obedient to God. Because masters also have a master in heaven. 33:50.680 --> 33:57.160 So if a master is cruelly and unjustly beating his slaves, the solution from a Christian perspective 33:57.160 --> 34:03.800 is not abolish slavery. The state should intervene so that that man stops abusing his property. 34:03.880 --> 34:08.120 Because although the slaves are property, they're also human beings. And they also may have 34:08.120 --> 34:12.840 protection under the law. That's entirely appropriate as a Christian for the Christian 34:12.840 --> 34:19.400 prince to intervene in the case of a faithless master or a faithless husband. So see, feminism 34:19.400 --> 34:26.680 sees through the Marxist lens of power dynamics, we have oppressor and oppressee, and we need to 34:26.680 --> 34:31.560 overthrow the class of the oppressor. The scriptural approach, as we've talked about in the last 34:31.560 --> 34:35.960 couple of weeks, is simply if someone is being cruel, if someone is doing something ungodly, 34:35.960 --> 34:41.160 he should stop doing it. If he's a Christian, and whether or not he's a Christian, the godly prince 34:41.160 --> 34:46.600 has a right and a duty to intervene to prevent that evil from happening. Because evil, sin, 34:47.320 --> 34:52.520 should be illegal. That's one of the problems we're having today as we're beginning to discuss 34:52.520 --> 35:00.680 Christian nationalism in a wider sphere is where do you draw the line between that which is sinful 35:00.680 --> 35:05.080 and that which is illegal? And maybe there are some cases where things that are sin should 35:05.080 --> 35:11.720 not be against the law under the civil law. However, they're not two separate questions. 35:11.720 --> 35:16.840 There's a reason that for thousands of years, the civil law was lined up pretty much directly with 35:17.560 --> 35:24.920 what God has said the law should be. And that wasn't just, that's not theonomy. That's not 35:25.640 --> 35:32.920 God being the direct overseer of a country. That's simply Christians in their spheres, 35:32.920 --> 35:38.600 in their vocations, obeying God. And if God says, do something, we should do it. And if you're a 35:38.600 --> 35:43.160 godly prince, you should do it. If you're a godly master or godly husband, you should do it. And 35:43.160 --> 35:49.000 if you don't, someone should intervene to prevent that. Except in the case of a godly prince, there's 35:49.000 --> 35:54.840 no one over a king except God. So that means he has the greatest answer for if he sins against 35:54.920 --> 35:59.880 his people. But ultimately, they are his people. And I mentioned the quote there, 35:59.880 --> 36:05.400 protection and influence of her husband, her baron, or her lord. I think that's important 36:05.400 --> 36:12.200 because it recognized that a woman always had a head. It's something that we lost in the revolutionary 36:12.200 --> 36:18.040 fervor of the Enlightenment in the Americas is that we cease to have barons and lords. I'm not 36:18.040 --> 36:22.120 necessarily bringing back that sort of class system, but I think it's important to recognize 36:22.120 --> 36:31.480 that when we declared no gods, no masters in 1775 and 76, when we said we will not have a king, 36:31.480 --> 36:38.600 we will not have anyone over us, it fundamentally changed the hierarchy that God had established. 36:38.600 --> 36:44.120 Because suddenly, when we became the Democratic Republic, we were choosing our own masters, 36:44.120 --> 36:48.600 our own rulers, and saying, well, you can't really rule. You have very limited things where you can 36:48.600 --> 36:53.480 do, and we're going to decide what you can do to us or not. And there can be discussion around 36:53.480 --> 36:58.600 where the lines are there, but I think it's important that when you eliminate the notion of 36:58.600 --> 37:04.600 subject, it really erases a lot of these distinctions. Because again, in England, the woman was a 37:04.600 --> 37:09.240 subject of their king, and she became a subject of her husband. But even without a husband, 37:09.240 --> 37:15.640 she was still subject to the king. And so when we hear subjugation, we think, oh no, it's evil. 37:15.640 --> 37:21.640 No, there's someone over you. There's always someone over you. As we said last week, all of these 37:21.640 --> 37:27.800 things, fight for feminism, the fight against slavery, is always fundamentally about knocking 37:27.800 --> 37:34.040 out that middle portion between the man and God. Because we are not ruled directly by God. We are 37:34.040 --> 37:39.080 ruled through intermediaries, through fathers, through husbands, through godly princes. That 37:39.080 --> 37:45.320 order is God's order. And so what these things do on their faces, not to say we won't overthrow God, 37:45.320 --> 37:48.600 although in private, they will say that. But in public, what they say is, 37:48.600 --> 37:52.920 we just want to knock out this middle support. I don't need to have a man over me. I don't need 37:52.920 --> 37:57.720 to have a master. I don't need to have a husband. I can do it myself. And what that does is it 37:57.720 --> 38:02.440 eliminates God from the chain, and you do become your own God and your own master. And again, 38:02.440 --> 38:07.160 we're living in the aftermath of those results. Some of them do go so far as to say they want 38:07.160 --> 38:14.040 to overthrow God, even in public. But I think you touched on an important truth there. 38:15.320 --> 38:21.720 There's a Christian solution, and there's an atheist or satanic solution to basically everything. 38:21.720 --> 38:28.280 And they follow a pattern. The Christian solution is, to put it in two words, 38:28.280 --> 38:36.040 reform and regulation. The atheist or satanic, the Marxist solution, these are all equivalent 38:36.040 --> 38:43.960 terms, is basically abolition. And it's always abolition, the solution to a handful of slave 38:43.960 --> 38:49.080 masters abusing their slaves, or we have to abolish slavery. The Christian solution is to say, no, 38:50.440 --> 38:55.560 we enact laws to regulate this, to reform the practices, to bring it in line with what Scripture 38:55.560 --> 39:03.240 says. And that runs throughout everything, we could apply that to the economy and society as well. 39:04.040 --> 39:11.000 Because you have, what's the most radical solution as it were to issues presented by 39:11.000 --> 39:16.840 problems in the economy? Well, that would be the hardcore Marxist or anarchist position, 39:16.840 --> 39:22.360 which is basically just abolish everything, get rid of it as much as you can, reduce property 39:22.360 --> 39:28.200 rights, eliminate property rights, etc. We all know what they actually advocate, regardless of 39:28.200 --> 39:34.280 how it may work in reality, as we've seen, for instance, with the USSR. But that's not the 39:34.280 --> 39:38.760 Christian solution. The Christian solution, when you see these problems in the economy, 39:38.760 --> 39:46.040 is say, we need reform, it needs to be regulated to control these sinful results of fallen human 39:46.040 --> 39:53.480 nature. You don't abolish the system, because imperfect fallen humans cannot use it perfectly. 39:53.480 --> 39:57.240 Of course, that's the case, we are all fallen, we're all sinful, we make mistakes, we sin, 39:58.200 --> 40:01.080 things are not going to go exactly according to plan. 40:02.360 --> 40:07.080 That's one of the reasons we have this sort of hierarchy. Yes, the hierarchy is innate, 40:07.080 --> 40:11.000 it is part of God's good ordering of creation, it would have existed without the fall, 40:11.000 --> 40:16.200 but now subsequent to the fall, one of the duties of those higher up in the hierarchy 40:16.200 --> 40:23.560 is to ensure that things below Him run properly, to curb the wicked, basically to use God's law 40:24.120 --> 40:28.600 in the three ways it is supposed to be used, although quite a bit of it is punishment when 40:28.600 --> 40:34.920 it comes to those ranked higher in the hierarchy in order to curb wickedness in society. But we 40:34.920 --> 40:43.640 also have that in society itself, in the social setting. The atheist solution to finding any 40:43.640 --> 40:48.600 sort of problem, and yes, of course, it is pretext in many cases, but finding any sort of problem 40:48.600 --> 40:54.120 in the inner relationship of men and women, or parents and children even, which is what 40:54.120 --> 40:59.640 we're getting into these days, is to get rid of those relationships, is to abolish them, 40:59.640 --> 41:05.400 is to radically reorient, reconfigure society so that you don't have this hierarchy, you don't 41:05.400 --> 41:10.840 have these relationships, you get rid of the power dynamics, and yes, even though Marxists 41:10.840 --> 41:16.120 are obsessed with the idea of power dynamics, power dynamics is a real thing. If you go stand 41:16.120 --> 41:23.000 before a prince, he has power over you. That is just the reality of it. And that holds today, 41:23.000 --> 41:28.440 if you are in court, the judge has power over you. And it doesn't actually matter if you're the one 41:28.440 --> 41:32.840 on trial or not. Yes, if you're on trial, he has more power over you. But if I appear in court as 41:32.840 --> 41:36.920 an attorney, that judge has power over me, he can hold me in contempt, he can throw me in jail. 41:37.480 --> 41:42.200 The power dynamics are real, those still exist, you cannot get rid of those. But the atheist 41:42.200 --> 41:47.000 solution is to attempt to get rid of those. The Christian solution is to reform them, 41:47.000 --> 41:53.000 to regulate them, to bring them in line with what God set up, how God ordered things, 41:53.000 --> 41:59.640 and what Scripture says. And yes, I'm sure some have heard in the background of this, 41:59.640 --> 42:06.840 the Echo of Seppur-Refumanda, and yes, that's a problem, we should not always be trying to reform, 42:07.720 --> 42:12.360 because if you bring something in line with Scripture and in line with God's law, 42:13.480 --> 42:19.640 you don't need to keep reforming it. That is not actually the cry of the Christian, 42:19.640 --> 42:26.120 is not Semper-Refumanda, that's not. That is the cry of the rebel, the cry of the radical. 42:26.920 --> 42:33.160 Because as you have undoubtedly been able to see, thus far and continuing as we continue this episode, 42:33.160 --> 42:41.080 with feminism, it is a ratchet. It is a constant attempt to continue rebelling against 42:41.080 --> 42:46.280 whatever little bit of God's order they find, whatever they find it, through constant revolution. 42:46.920 --> 42:52.840 And there's a distinction there. Revolutions are almost always wicked things that are meant to 42:52.840 --> 42:59.160 overthrow rightful order. Rebellions are not always so, because sometimes a rebellion can be 42:59.160 --> 43:04.920 against tyrannical authority that has become oppressive and contrary to God. And that's an 43:04.920 --> 43:09.480 episode we will eventually do. I don't know when, so I won't make any promises on that. 43:10.760 --> 43:13.400 But there's a distinction there that is important to maintain, 43:14.040 --> 43:18.680 revolution versus rebellion. And we're talking about really revolution here. 43:19.400 --> 43:25.080 Yes, it's rebellion in the sense of it is rebellion against God, which of course is always wicked. 43:25.240 --> 43:31.080 But there is in the political and social sphere a concept of rebellion that is not always wicked. 43:31.960 --> 43:37.560 And we'll be getting into more of the revolutions here as we move into the next bit of this, 43:37.560 --> 43:45.160 because we see the revolutions in Europe that follow on really from what happened in the U.S. 43:45.160 --> 43:50.600 in some ways, because you have the U.S. Revolution, you have the French Revolution, you have what many 43:50.600 --> 43:54.680 don't know, because it is no longer really taught in history class. You had revolutions 43:54.680 --> 44:00.120 throughout most of Western Europe and also in some parts of Eastern Europe in the 1800s. 44:01.320 --> 44:05.000 Some starting a little earlier like the French Revolution and obviously the American Revolution, 44:05.560 --> 44:11.800 but this was a wave of revolution that spread throughout Christendom. And the goal was the 44:11.800 --> 44:19.400 same throughout. No gods, no masters. It was a desire to destroy the right ordering of the 44:19.480 --> 44:25.240 left hand kingdom, of the kingdom of the left hand of Christ, and to destroy that hierarchy 44:25.240 --> 44:31.960 that God had instituted as part of His creation, as part of His good. And so that's what we get 44:31.960 --> 44:37.560 into now, because we see the consequences of that today, but this is where it started. 44:38.120 --> 44:44.040 And as I mentioned up front, that's literally one of the explicit descriptions of the Enlightenment, 44:44.040 --> 44:48.360 overthrowing monarchy, overthrowing the church. What do we find, both of those happening? 44:49.000 --> 44:54.520 And so after the American Revolution, after the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and 44:54.520 --> 45:02.440 the colonies becoming their own country, immediately Quaker agitators and some others began fighting 45:02.440 --> 45:08.680 for freedom for the slaves in the south. They wanted the abolition of slavery. They said, 45:08.680 --> 45:13.960 well, all men are created equal. We have these men who are not being treated as equal. We need 45:13.960 --> 45:18.040 to fix that. The Quakers wouldn't resort to violence, but many others resorted to violence. 45:18.440 --> 45:23.240 And so there was a lot of discussion in the first half of the 19th century and the 1800s 45:23.240 --> 45:30.760 in the United States about this. And this was where feminism coalesced in the U.S. 45:30.760 --> 45:36.920 And one of the seminal moments in feminism in the United States was the Seneca Falls Convention 45:36.920 --> 45:42.680 of 1848. This was the first women's rights convention. Now, the reason this is key is that 45:43.480 --> 45:49.960 they had a women's rights convention in parallel with the work that had been done 45:49.960 --> 45:56.120 by the abolitionists in the decades prior. And see, as I mentioned, these things are part and 45:56.120 --> 46:02.440 parcel. They're inextricable. The abolition of slavery and the so-called liberation of women 46:02.440 --> 46:06.760 have always been inextricably linked. You'll find out in the mouth of every feminist today, 46:06.760 --> 46:11.480 you'll see in all of the conversations about it, always link them because it's true. 46:12.920 --> 46:16.680 The reason that there was a Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, there was a women's 46:16.680 --> 46:21.720 rights convention, is they began to realize that maybe the fight for the abolition of slavery 46:21.720 --> 46:29.320 wasn't going to do women any good if they were not treated as their own specific constituency. 46:30.040 --> 46:35.160 And see, this flows from the salons and from the coffee houses as a participation began, 46:35.160 --> 46:40.360 as the agitation picked up from those conversations. Pretty soon, you have massive 46:40.360 --> 46:49.160 conventions where this issue of women's liberation is seminal. And 1848 is a crucial year. As Corey 46:49.160 --> 46:56.200 just mentioned, look up on Wikipedia, revolutions of 1848. There's an entire Wikipedia article 46:56.200 --> 47:02.920 just about all the revolutions that occurred in this year. In 1848, hell literally broke loose. 47:03.720 --> 47:10.440 It had been happening before, but the mask really came off in 1848. So the enlightenment 47:10.440 --> 47:19.560 lit the fuse, and here's where we see the first detonation. We see simultaneous to work for abolition. 47:19.560 --> 47:26.520 We see now explicit work for the liberation of women, for women's suffrage, for women's rights, 47:26.520 --> 47:32.680 for equal rights, for the abolition of coverture, of basically total equality. And then ultimately 47:32.680 --> 47:38.040 today, we have the usurpation of man entirely. The modern feminist goal is to have babies without 47:38.040 --> 47:45.880 men at all. And they're producing embryo where they've taken DNA from two eggs or from two 47:45.880 --> 47:53.880 female donors. So that's the transhumanist neck, the end of the beginning that we see in these 47:53.960 --> 48:01.960 smaller moves. And the Seneca Falls Convention was fuelled again by Quakers. And a woman who was 48:02.760 --> 48:08.120 seminal in all this, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She was really one of the most important feminists 48:08.120 --> 48:13.240 in history. Susan B. Anthony kind of gets more pressed, but I think in reading about this and 48:13.240 --> 48:21.240 looking at the impact, I think Stan was probably more important. She gave rise to organizing this 48:21.240 --> 48:28.440 thing and to making a front burner issue in society. But what she said, even in the 1840s, 48:28.440 --> 48:32.680 as she was describing this, is really revealing. And it gets back to the point that we were talking 48:32.680 --> 48:37.000 about at the beginning about this being about scripture. When we're talking about feminism, 48:37.000 --> 48:43.240 we're not just talking about beating up on girls and saying, we want misogyny, we want subjugation. 48:43.240 --> 48:49.160 That's not the point. This is a theological problem. Listen to what is said about Elizabeth 48:49.160 --> 48:55.560 Cady Stanton. She said she had been terrified as a child by a minister's talk of damnation, 48:55.560 --> 48:59.320 but after overcoming those fears with the help of her father and brother-in-law, 48:59.320 --> 49:03.960 had rejected that type of religion entirely, meaning Christianity. So even as a child, 49:05.480 --> 49:11.640 in her young life, she rejected Christianity. As an adult, her religious views continued to evolve. 49:11.640 --> 49:16.520 While living in Boston in the 1840s, she was attracted to the preaching of Theodore Parker, 49:16.600 --> 49:22.520 who like her cousin, Garrett Smith, was a member of the Secret Six, a group of men who financed 49:22.520 --> 49:28.200 John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry in an effort to spark an armed slave rebellion. 49:29.080 --> 49:33.880 So that was her cousin. That was her spiritual leader, their literal terrorists and anarchists, 49:34.440 --> 49:42.440 undertaking demonic activity to foment violent rebellion. This is her genesis as she's becoming 49:42.440 --> 49:48.680 an archfeminist. It continues, Parker was a transcendentalist and a prominent unitarian 49:48.680 --> 49:53.960 minister, which means completely not Christian, not remotely. What did he teach? He taught that the 49:53.960 --> 50:00.120 Bible need not be taken literally, that God need not be envisioned as a male, and the individual men 50:00.120 --> 50:04.920 and women had the ability to determine religious truth for themselves. So you can see why Stan 50:04.920 --> 50:09.960 would really like that, because that's everything she was looking for. She wanted no gods, no masters. 50:09.960 --> 50:16.040 She didn't want a god who was a man. She wanted to be her own god, and Parker gave it to her. 50:17.480 --> 50:23.400 Subsequent to that, in the Declaration of Sentiments written for the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention, 50:23.400 --> 50:28.600 Stanton listed a series of grievances against men who, among other things, excluded women from 50:28.600 --> 50:34.280 the ministry and other leading roles in religion. In one of those grievances, Stanton said that 50:34.280 --> 50:41.400 man, quote, has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah himself, claiming it as his right to assign for her 50:41.400 --> 50:47.880 a sphere of action when that belongs to her conscience and her god. This was the only grievance 50:47.880 --> 50:53.560 that was not a matter of fact, such as exclusion of women from colleges, from the right to vote, etc., 50:53.560 --> 50:59.640 but one of belief, when the challenges a fundamental basis of authority and autonomy. 51:00.520 --> 51:06.360 So this is crucial. This proto-feminist, this harbinger of everything that has happened in 51:06.360 --> 51:12.200 the last two centuries and the advancement of so-called women's rights, why did she do it? 51:12.200 --> 51:17.960 She did it because she lied about women being made as a helper for men. She said, no, a woman 51:17.960 --> 51:22.840 will define her own role, and that's between her and her god, who clearly was not the god of the 51:22.840 --> 51:30.840 Bible. And she specifically attacked Christianity. She attacked Christian doctrine. She was for 51:30.840 --> 51:35.960 women's ordination, which was, again, a function and part of being shrouded by Quakers who were a 51:35.960 --> 51:41.560 demonic cult. It's tragic that we didn't stamp them out. When the first Quakers began coming to 51:41.560 --> 51:47.400 this country, to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, they started getting executed, and I think King 51:47.400 --> 51:52.280 Philip II actually put a stop to it, which is unfortunate, because if the Quakers had been 51:52.280 --> 51:59.640 ended by conversion or by godly justice, we wouldn't have these problems today. But instead, 51:59.640 --> 52:04.520 they were tolerated, because that was one of the values, even of those colonies. While they were 52:04.520 --> 52:10.360 Christian in principle, tolerance was already an enlightenment value that was being pushed into 52:10.360 --> 52:15.880 the hearts and minds of men to say, oh, I can judge your doctrine. That's between you and your god. 52:15.880 --> 52:22.600 Well, two centuries later, Stanton has her god telling her what to do, and we see the results. 52:23.400 --> 52:29.640 One of the major works produced by Stanton and a committee of other authors, which says something 52:29.640 --> 52:35.080 about committees perhaps, but was the Woman's Bible, which basically they went through and just 52:35.080 --> 52:43.480 rewrote the Bible in order to agree with feminist ideology. That was published in two volumes, 52:43.480 --> 52:50.040 and it is a wicked book. It is an inversion of what scripture teaches. It is an inversion 52:50.040 --> 52:58.120 of what God says is true. And that's just exactly what you expect from feminism, because feminism 52:58.120 --> 53:04.040 is an inversion of what God says is true, of what scripture actually teaches. As we went over in the 53:04.040 --> 53:11.560 first half of this two-part episode series, scripture is very clear. Again, woman was made 53:11.560 --> 53:21.080 as a helper for man. Any attempt to make woman a competitor and equal to man is rebellion against 53:21.080 --> 53:30.760 God, is wickedness, it is sin. And so we see that here in the beginning of the feminist movement 53:30.760 --> 53:36.120 in the US and elsewhere. As was mentioned, this is also involved in some of the revolutions that 53:36.120 --> 53:43.480 are going on at essentially the same time in Europe. Many of those who failed in the revolutions, 53:43.480 --> 53:47.880 because not all of those revolutions really got anywhere in Europe, some of them were crushed, 53:47.880 --> 53:55.080 although at great expense, in both terms of treasure and blood. Many of them came to the US 53:55.640 --> 54:00.760 and bolstered the feminist ranks here. And so that is part of the reason that we have such a 54:00.840 --> 54:07.160 concentration in the US. And of course, a lot of this took off after World War One. Some of this 54:07.160 --> 54:14.120 took off during the revolutions that took place in the 1700s, intensified in the 1800s, intensified 54:14.120 --> 54:23.400 again in the 1900s, for various reasons, we'll get into that in a moment. But it is worth highlighting 54:23.400 --> 54:32.040 again just how much interrelationship and how complex the web is when it comes to abolition 54:32.600 --> 54:38.440 and feminism and all of the issues that then float after that. They are part and parcel, 54:38.440 --> 54:44.920 they are the same thing, because they are both rebellion against God's good order. 54:45.080 --> 54:52.920 Scripture does not teach, as we went over in the episode on slavery, that slavery is sinful. 54:54.040 --> 54:58.840 You can exercise it in a sinful manner, you can exercise it in a perfectly Christian manner. 55:00.360 --> 55:08.120 The desire to abolish slavery is morally equivalent to feminism, because both 55:08.120 --> 55:13.320 are a rejection of the order that God has instituted in creation. They are ultimately 55:13.320 --> 55:20.040 a rejection of God. And so that is why you see so many of those who worked in or were associated 55:20.040 --> 55:26.840 with abolitionism transitioning right into feminism, and then the women's suffrage movement, 55:27.400 --> 55:32.920 and so-called women's rights, and then expanding the franchise ever more and more, 55:33.880 --> 55:40.760 because it never stops. As we have said many times, there is no floor. Sin can always get worse, 55:40.760 --> 55:44.600 it always snowballs, the slope is always slippery. 55:45.800 --> 55:50.120 One of the things that happened in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, 55:51.400 --> 55:55.160 when the 13th, 14th, and then 15th Amendments were passed, 55:56.120 --> 56:01.800 Stanton and others were ticked, because they had hoped that the 15th Amendment, 56:01.800 --> 56:07.960 which basically granted citizenship and effectively voting rights to freed slaves, 56:08.520 --> 56:15.000 didn't include women. See, this was their plan all along. The feminism was trying to draft behind 56:15.560 --> 56:21.000 abolition, but it was all the same fight. And there's some choice quotes from Stanton when she 56:21.000 --> 56:27.400 realized that black men were going to get the vote and she wasn't. She went mask off and she's like, 56:27.400 --> 56:31.480 I'm not going to quote what she said here, but modern ears would be offended by the words that 56:31.480 --> 56:37.080 she used, because she wasn't doing it for them, she was doing it for herself. And so 56:37.160 --> 56:41.480 when African Americans were freed and given the franchise and she wasn't, 56:41.480 --> 56:46.360 she didn't see that as a victory for liberty. She was ticked off because she was still second class. 56:46.920 --> 56:54.840 And so in 1868, Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded a paper that was short-lived called 56:54.840 --> 57:00.600 Surprise Surprise, The Revolution, where they began pushing for, well, if we didn't get it in 57:00.600 --> 57:05.480 the 15th Amendment, we got to fight and fight and fight until we achieve equality for women, 57:05.480 --> 57:09.160 which finally came in the 19th Amendment, a decade or so after her death. 57:10.040 --> 57:16.760 I think it's worth noting that when Stanton published the Women's Bible, that was in 1895. 57:16.760 --> 57:22.760 It was nearly 50 years after the Seneca Falls Convention. Now, although at the Seneca Falls 57:22.760 --> 57:28.840 Convention, she had already exposed that she was not a Christian, that she was hostile to God. 57:28.840 --> 57:34.040 It was only in the latter years of her life when she felt she had nothing to lose, that she really 57:34.040 --> 57:39.880 went fully mask off under the degree to which she specifically hated Christianity. And it caused 57:39.880 --> 57:46.040 a huge rift in the feminist movement of that day because she was actually denounced by her own 57:46.040 --> 57:52.760 organization and her close lifelong friend Susan B. Anthony fought against the organization for 57:52.760 --> 57:57.880 the sake of her honor. But ultimately, they didn't narrowly pass a condemnation of what she said. 57:59.160 --> 58:03.000 What she and the other editors in the Women's Bible did was to methodically work their way 58:03.000 --> 58:07.480 through it, quoting selected passages and commenting on them, office sarcastically. 58:09.320 --> 58:14.040 One of the things that she had told an acquaintance in response to her views, 58:14.680 --> 58:21.160 well, if we who do see the absurdities of this old superstitions never unveil them to others, 58:21.160 --> 58:26.040 how is the world to make any progress in the theologies? I am in the sunset of life, 58:26.040 --> 58:30.360 and I feel to me my special mission to tell people what they are not prepared to hear. 58:30.920 --> 58:36.600 So she knew that she had nothing to lose. She knew that her enemy was God in Christianity, 58:36.600 --> 58:42.200 and she revised this wicked Bible for the sake of trying to tear gun down God and the God of 58:42.200 --> 58:48.040 Christianity. And she explains why in the book itself, I do not believe that any man ever saw 58:48.040 --> 58:53.400 or talked to God. I do not believe that God inspired the mosaic code or told the historians 58:53.400 --> 58:58.600 what they say he did about woman for all the religions on the faiths of earth degrade her. 58:58.600 --> 59:04.760 And so long as woman accepts the position that they assign her, her emancipation is impossible. 59:05.960 --> 59:10.040 That's it in a nutshell. She's absolutely right. As long as you accept Christianity, 59:10.040 --> 59:14.520 the emancipation of women is impossible. She knew what battle she was fighting, 59:14.520 --> 59:18.920 and she knew what master she was serving. So what her words are absolutely true here. 59:18.920 --> 59:24.200 What they are not is Christian. They're absolutely contrary to Christian doctrine and Scripture. 59:24.760 --> 59:29.640 So what does that have to do with us today? Well, this is the genesis of voting rights for women. 59:29.640 --> 59:35.960 This is it. This is the woman that gave you, as a woman, the so-called right to vote. You 59:35.960 --> 59:41.640 now have the franchise, both in public life universally and in our churches now, since really 59:41.640 --> 59:49.000 the 60s. Virtually every church now permits women to vote on matters in the church. All of that is 59:49.000 --> 59:55.240 the genesis born of a woman who hated God and devoted her life to overthrowing his order. 59:55.880 --> 01:00:00.040 You want to talk about the genealogy of ideas? You want to talk about the fruit of trees? 01:00:00.600 --> 01:00:07.240 This is the tree. Stanton is the tree. And all the things that we have today that we take as 01:00:07.240 --> 01:00:12.600 personal rights, as things that are sacrosanct, those are the fruits. Those are the fruits of 01:00:12.680 --> 01:00:20.200 a demonic tree. Stanton is burning in hell. And her life's work lives on today by people who think 01:00:20.200 --> 01:00:25.560 that when they hear these things, when they hear what she did, they think that she did it in service 01:00:25.560 --> 01:00:31.960 to God. And I pray for those people that they don't mean service to their God, because if they go 01:00:31.960 --> 01:00:36.600 down that path and are fully committed to it, what they are saying is that their God is not the 01:00:36.600 --> 01:00:44.040 triune God, because her God was Satan. She devoted her life to a satanic pursuit of overthrowing 01:00:44.040 --> 01:00:51.080 all hierarchy and direct opposition to God. So why are we talking about feminism? This is why 01:00:51.080 --> 01:00:59.080 feminism was born of satanic worship. It was born as a doctrine of demons. It's inextricable, 01:00:59.080 --> 01:01:02.840 and this is the only first way of feminism. We're not even talking about later generations yet. 01:01:02.840 --> 01:01:06.440 We're not going to spend a whole lot of time on those, because it's more recent history that you 01:01:06.440 --> 01:01:12.280 know better, but it kept getting worse because of where it started. There's not one single moment 01:01:12.280 --> 01:01:21.080 of any of this with her Unitarian Universalist pastor and her anarchist demon cousin trying to 01:01:21.080 --> 01:01:26.680 foment violent rebellion and murder. These are the trees from which the fruits of these beliefs 01:01:26.680 --> 01:01:31.640 came. They did not come from Scripture. That's why we devoted the first episode about feminism, 01:01:31.640 --> 01:01:36.280 specifically to Scripture, to demonstrate here's what God says. It's literally the opposite of 01:01:36.280 --> 01:01:42.120 everything that these people are doing. So today, when we hear feminism in any of its forms upheld 01:01:42.120 --> 01:01:47.480 to something godly, that's something that's found in Scripture by men today, they're lying. 01:01:47.480 --> 01:01:52.840 They're absolutely lying. Demons found this in hell, and they brought it to man, and man brought 01:01:52.840 --> 01:01:57.640 it to church, and church is now shoving it down the throats of Christians, who if they swallow it 01:01:57.640 --> 01:02:01.400 will ultimately cease to be Christian. These are the stakes for these conversations. 01:02:02.280 --> 01:02:10.200 We see this sort of argument going back to the more blunt rejection of Christianity, 01:02:10.200 --> 01:02:15.800 of Scripture, versus the supposedly moderate forces that didn't want to reject those things 01:02:16.440 --> 01:02:23.400 yet, which of course that is the key. But we see a form of this all the time, and it's basically a 01:02:23.480 --> 01:02:28.680 rough form of the Mott and Bailey argument. For those who aren't familiar, the Mott and Bailey 01:02:28.680 --> 01:02:34.360 Castle is a type of European fortification where you have what is called a Mott. It is a keep on 01:02:34.360 --> 01:02:39.720 a hill, a raised area, and then you have a walled area below that that is the Bailey. The Bailey 01:02:39.720 --> 01:02:45.800 is where you have your little town. So if you are attacked, you retreat to the Mott because it is 01:02:45.800 --> 01:02:52.040 more defensible. And the reason that that's used is because that's exactly how the argument goes. 01:02:52.680 --> 01:02:58.840 The Mott and Bailey fallacy is this. You make a wild claim, or an indefensible claim, that's the 01:02:58.840 --> 01:03:05.240 Bailey. And then when someone points out that you made a wild and indefensible claim, you retreat 01:03:05.240 --> 01:03:11.800 to a moderate, reasonable defensible version of that claim, doesn't even have to be that directly 01:03:11.800 --> 01:03:16.040 related just as long as you can kind of make the argument that may be related, you retreat to the 01:03:16.040 --> 01:03:22.200 Mott. And then as soon as the threat passes because, well, you've defended yourself in the Mott, 01:03:22.200 --> 01:03:26.440 you return to the Bailey and make the same argument. And we see a form of that 01:03:27.800 --> 01:03:32.360 with many Christians today, including many pastors, where they'll say, well, obviously, 01:03:33.000 --> 01:03:38.840 we can't worship demons. Well, that's the Mott. That's the absolutely defensible position. No 01:03:38.840 --> 01:03:45.080 one is going to say, well, no, no, you can't worship demons. But then they go down to the Bailey 01:03:45.080 --> 01:03:49.800 after the threat has passed and say, but of course, we can have women voting in our congregations, 01:03:50.920 --> 01:03:55.880 and we can have women exercising political rights outside the home, and we can have 01:03:56.680 --> 01:04:07.960 ABC through Z. That's not how it works, because Satan is the camel that sticks its nose under your 01:04:07.960 --> 01:04:14.440 tent flap. If you don't stop it, then you wake up with the entire camel in the tent with you. 01:04:15.800 --> 01:04:22.200 And that is where we are today. So we get attacked by pastors and others when we point out 01:04:22.760 --> 01:04:28.680 these stark black and white lines in Scripture, where it says, no, you may not do this, 01:04:29.560 --> 01:04:37.000 because the entirety of our cultural inertia is against these arguments, because we have, 01:04:37.000 --> 01:04:42.520 for centuries, not been listening to the Word of God, not been listening to Scripture. We have 01:04:42.520 --> 01:04:47.560 been listening to Satan filtered through these various agents, some of whom we've named. 01:04:48.920 --> 01:04:56.040 And so they'll say this seemingly reasonable position, and then as soon as they're subjected 01:04:56.040 --> 01:05:01.720 to Scripture, they retreat to the Mott and make an argument that is in line with Scripture. 01:05:02.680 --> 01:05:07.560 And they'll say, well, we believe the gospel. No one is attacking the gospel. That's not the 01:05:07.640 --> 01:05:13.400 point. That's not what we're focusing on with this podcast. And so some of the critiques will be, 01:05:13.400 --> 01:05:19.880 where's the gospel and what you're saying? We affirm the gospel. The issue is, as a Christian, 01:05:20.520 --> 01:05:26.440 once you are a Christian, then what do you do? It's not a matter of just saying, 01:05:26.440 --> 01:05:31.720 I believe in Jesus, I'm over the line, I'm safe. No, because there is more to the Christian life. 01:05:31.960 --> 01:05:37.000 James is a book written to Christians. There are supposed to be works that flow from being a 01:05:37.000 --> 01:05:42.520 Christian. And part of that is listening to the Word of God, because Christians have the 01:05:42.520 --> 01:05:47.000 indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And when they read the Word of God, when they hear the Word of God, 01:05:47.000 --> 01:05:51.640 they understand it. That's not saying you'll understand everything. There are parts that are 01:05:51.640 --> 01:05:57.640 difficult to work through. And God gives differing abilities to different people. But the core 01:05:58.600 --> 01:06:04.680 truths of the Christian faith, you will understand when you hear them. You will understand truth 01:06:04.680 --> 01:06:10.520 when it is spoken to you from the Word of God, if you are a Christian. And that is the point. 01:06:11.560 --> 01:06:15.720 These are things that are in Scripture. And we as Christians have to obey them. We have 01:06:15.720 --> 01:06:20.120 to listen to them, because they are the voice of God speaking to us, telling us how we should 01:06:20.120 --> 01:06:27.240 conduct ourselves. And so when God says that a woman is a helper, if society says that woman 01:06:27.320 --> 01:06:32.440 can be a competitor, you have to choose as a Christian. Are you going to listen to God, 01:06:32.440 --> 01:06:39.000 or are you going to listen to society? When Scripture says that woman has a head, and that 01:06:39.000 --> 01:06:47.000 head is man, and society says no women can vote, including in your churches, are you going to 01:06:47.000 --> 01:06:53.000 listen to society, or are you going to listen to God? As a Christian, you have to choose. And as a 01:06:53.000 --> 01:06:57.800 Christian, there's only one option, because if you choose the other one, you cease to be Christian. 01:06:59.080 --> 01:07:05.560 And so that is what we see today in so many interactions with Christians, is that they will 01:07:05.560 --> 01:07:13.320 make a completely reasonable argument, the mott, something that is just a core truth and Christianity 01:07:13.320 --> 01:07:17.480 with which no Christian can disagree. And then they'll say, well, because of that, 01:07:17.480 --> 01:07:21.240 and they go right to the Bailey to something that is completely indefensible and insane. 01:07:22.120 --> 01:07:26.600 And so it's, well, you believe the gospel, right? Well, that means you have to get rid 01:07:26.600 --> 01:07:32.120 of your slaves. Well, you believe the gospel, right? That means you have to let your daughters 01:07:32.120 --> 01:07:37.320 go to university and do all the things we know that young women do at university. 01:07:38.760 --> 01:07:45.320 The Bailey doesn't follow from the mott. Do not fall for it when you see that argument made, 01:07:45.320 --> 01:07:51.480 when you see that form of argument advanced. You can affirm what is said as the mott, 01:07:51.480 --> 01:07:58.280 as the keep, the core truth, but do not let it distract you and do not let it mislead you 01:07:58.280 --> 01:08:03.480 when the wild claim is made after it that does not follow that is not Christian. 01:08:04.280 --> 01:08:07.320 And that's what we see happening here with the issue of feminism. 01:08:09.240 --> 01:08:13.480 Except, of course, there is a slightly tweaked version of this, which is what we see with 01:08:13.480 --> 01:08:18.840 Stanton and others, where they just go ahead and make the wildest claim right up front. Yeah, 01:08:18.840 --> 01:08:24.920 I don't believe in God, and scripture is wicked, and you shouldn't obey it. And instead, no gods, 01:08:24.920 --> 01:08:32.920 no masters. Usually, you will have a moderating force within any of these revolutionary groups 01:08:33.480 --> 01:08:40.680 that will try to get the bulk of people, the reasonable, the, well, somewhat reasonable people 01:08:40.680 --> 01:08:44.040 to come along with them by saying, Oh, don't don't pay attention to that person in the corner. 01:08:44.040 --> 01:08:50.680 She's crazy. The problem is the person in the corner screaming in these revolutionary groups 01:08:50.680 --> 01:08:55.800 is usually the person who's leading it realistically, because that's the person who is speaking with the 01:08:55.800 --> 01:09:01.640 unfiltered mouth of Satan, the person who is speaking Satan's voice. And Satan is the one 01:09:01.640 --> 01:09:09.160 leading the revolutionary group. And so you go from the supposedly reasonable people who say, 01:09:09.160 --> 01:09:15.320 no, we don't want to abolish Christendom and order and hierarchy in the family. We just want to make 01:09:15.320 --> 01:09:21.240 these tweaks to them. Well, if those tweaks are contrary to scripture, you eventually wind up 01:09:21.240 --> 01:09:26.120 with the screaming person in the corner, the actual possessed person in some cases, 01:09:27.240 --> 01:09:32.600 because that's the goal. That's where Satan is taking you. Even if you don't see where you're 01:09:32.600 --> 01:09:39.720 going, if you look around and the way is broad and easy, you are probably not on the straight and 01:09:39.720 --> 01:09:48.440 narrow. The incredible result of first wave feminism as it came to a close, shortly after World War 01:09:48.440 --> 01:09:57.160 One, was that in the span of about five years between the 1917, 1918 and 1922 or 23, virtually 01:09:57.160 --> 01:10:03.000 every country on both sides of the Atlantic almost simultaneously adopted universal women's 01:10:03.000 --> 01:10:07.880 suffrage. Now, that's astonishing to think about. When you think about the disparity in 01:10:08.520 --> 01:10:17.480 history and culture, in political governance, almost all at once in the immediate aftermath of 01:10:17.480 --> 01:10:23.240 World War One, you have the culmination of one of the principal goals of the Enlightenment. 01:10:23.240 --> 01:10:30.840 No gods, no masters, instead democracy. Not only democracy where it's one vote per household, 01:10:30.840 --> 01:10:38.840 but where women can also vote. This is crucial in American history because there are a great many 01:10:38.840 --> 01:10:46.440 things that in the United States politically, policy-wise, they fundamentally pivot as soon as 01:10:46.520 --> 01:10:53.720 the 19th Amendment is passed. As I said last week, if at the time of the ratification of the 19th 01:10:53.720 --> 01:10:59.640 Amendment, women had had the vote, it would not have passed. Women were not in favor of it. It was 01:10:59.640 --> 01:11:05.960 not the majority opinion of women to be subjected to the political sphere because most of them were 01:11:05.960 --> 01:11:10.600 Christian women. They knew better. They knew that it wasn't their place. They knew it was a burden. 01:11:10.600 --> 01:11:14.840 When we say not their place, we don't mean, oh, you go over there, you don't know what you're 01:11:14.840 --> 01:11:21.880 talking about, just be quiet and knit. We mean that these things are ugly. They're painful. They're 01:11:21.880 --> 01:11:27.560 fights. They're actual fights that sometimes involve political violence. That is not the 01:11:27.560 --> 01:11:34.280 place for a woman. Shouting matches in public are not a place for a woman. In politics, sometimes 01:11:34.280 --> 01:11:39.720 those things happen anyway. That is the reason that women generally wanted no pardon. They 01:11:39.720 --> 01:11:43.720 didn't want to know. They didn't want to be burdened with it. They didn't want to have to deal with 01:11:43.720 --> 01:11:49.560 it. They knew that it stunk. They didn't want any pardon in it. It was foisted on them. Then, 01:11:49.560 --> 01:11:53.560 at that point, it becomes a numbers game because, well, your neighbor down the street, you don't 01:11:53.560 --> 01:11:58.840 really like her views on things. Even though you don't really want to vote, you better go do it 01:11:58.840 --> 01:12:05.960 because otherwise you've got to counter her vote. Getting back to the coverture thing towards the 01:12:05.960 --> 01:12:13.480 beginning, one of the essential things that's lost today when we think about the woman and her 01:12:13.480 --> 01:12:20.280 husband becoming legally one is that the voice of the household was the husband's voice. He was 01:12:20.280 --> 01:12:27.080 the head. He had the mouth. Insofar as voting is good at all, the husband voted on behalf of his 01:12:27.080 --> 01:12:33.160 household. Why would anyone in his household disagree with him if he is a good and faithful 01:12:33.160 --> 01:12:38.440 husband and father? There should be no circumstance under which those under his care and protection 01:12:38.520 --> 01:12:43.480 would vote differently than him if they could vote. But once the franchise was given, 01:12:43.480 --> 01:12:49.800 it became a numbers game. It also became an opportunity for opposition to occur between 01:12:49.800 --> 01:12:56.120 man and wife. Today, it's pretty normal in a lot of marriages for husbands and wives to know who 01:12:56.120 --> 01:13:00.680 the other one voted for, but not to talk about it because you know in many cases, you're actually 01:13:00.680 --> 01:13:04.840 canceling each other's votes out. Now, in a good marriage, that's not the case, but in a lot of 01:13:04.840 --> 01:13:09.720 marriages, that is the case. You know better than to ask her who she voted for because you know 01:13:10.440 --> 01:13:16.680 she canceled your vote out. What's the win there? What is the point of that? There's an undermining 01:13:16.680 --> 01:13:22.280 of your headship. There is a nullification of your vote. The whole thing is just preposterous. 01:13:22.280 --> 01:13:28.200 At some point, it just becomes theater, but it's not mindless, meaningless theater. It's 01:13:28.200 --> 01:13:35.880 theatrical performance at the polling booth, but the voting engenders is fundamentally one of 01:13:35.880 --> 01:13:42.200 rebellion and independence, which is not permissible for anyone. To be frank, I don't think men should 01:13:42.200 --> 01:13:46.840 be allowed to vote, and if any men should vote, I don't think I should be allowed to vote. I don't 01:13:46.840 --> 01:13:52.840 have children. I don't think men without a household should have the franchise. I'd be fine with that. 01:13:53.560 --> 01:13:58.760 Am I worth listening to? Well, I think so, and some people do, but if you don't listen to me, 01:13:58.760 --> 01:14:03.880 that's fine. I don't think that my voting needs to be, I don't think it's sacrosanct. I don't think 01:14:03.880 --> 01:14:09.480 it fundamentally changes anything about my participation in society. When we talk about 01:14:09.480 --> 01:14:14.840 saying that women shouldn't vote, Cory and I are not trying to exclude women. We both think that 01:14:14.840 --> 01:14:19.640 there should be monarchy, that there should be a godly king, and there should be hierarchy and 01:14:19.640 --> 01:14:25.640 order. There are intermediary steps to get there, but voting is not something that we find to be 01:14:25.640 --> 01:14:33.960 sacrosanct. It's certainly something that's alien to the Christian faith. Even when they chose 01:14:33.960 --> 01:14:40.600 the replacement for Judas, they cast lots. They trusted the Holy Spirit to guide the casting 01:14:40.600 --> 01:14:46.200 of dice, basically, and that was how they decided. They let God decide. They trusted that the outcome 01:14:46.200 --> 01:14:52.920 of that sign would be God's will, and it was. I think that that would be a better 01:14:52.920 --> 01:14:56.920 form of church governance than what we have today. I would much rather see congregations, 01:14:56.920 --> 01:15:00.680 if there's something to vote on, that isn't a matter of doctrine, which obviously shouldn't 01:15:00.680 --> 01:15:06.840 be voted on anyway. I would rather see voting by lot, if there's to be voting at all. I'm not 01:15:06.840 --> 01:15:11.720 saying that absolutely has to be done, but again, we're just trying to point out that these modern, 01:15:11.720 --> 01:15:18.200 particularly American notions of what is, we now view as religious. The Declaration of 01:15:18.200 --> 01:15:23.480 Independence gets quoted by pastors as though it's doctrinal. It's happened in the Missouri Synod 01:15:23.480 --> 01:15:27.720 from the very top, where the Declaration of Independence is used to make theological points. 01:15:28.520 --> 01:15:33.000 When Harrison did that, he was making a theological point. It was a false prophet. He was making a 01:15:33.000 --> 01:15:38.360 point on behalf of a theology that comes from hell. The Declaration of Independence, there's 01:15:38.440 --> 01:15:44.040 some good things, and I've quoted it here before. There's some things about enduring a long train 01:15:44.040 --> 01:15:49.720 of usurpations, even though they have been an ultimate goal, because it's better to suffer 01:15:50.840 --> 01:15:56.520 while there's a chance that forbearance may be rewarded than to have a rebellion, because even 01:15:56.520 --> 01:16:01.640 when it's a golly rebellion, it's still going to be awful. Christian men never want to see rebellion. 01:16:01.640 --> 01:16:07.240 That's not what we see in abolition. It's not what we see in feminism. They constantly want to see 01:16:07.240 --> 01:16:16.200 rebellion against all order. First Wave Feminism terminates with everyone getting the vote, and 01:16:16.200 --> 01:16:21.800 the 20th century, all of its politics were defined by that moment, because with the ratification of 01:16:21.800 --> 01:16:27.720 the 19th, where women got the vote, and in every other society, it fundamentally changed the nature 01:16:27.720 --> 01:16:35.240 of politics, because suddenly the woman's gift to be a manager of her household, where peace and 01:16:35.240 --> 01:16:41.960 accord are paramount, was superimposed on a world where that's not how it works. In the world, 01:16:41.960 --> 01:16:48.680 there's scarcity. In the world, there's violence, and there are threats. The man's job in a household 01:16:48.680 --> 01:16:55.720 is to keep those threats outside the house to keep them at bay. Politics is fundamentally adversarial, 01:16:56.280 --> 01:17:01.400 sometimes between nations themselves, sometimes internally, but there are often fights. 01:17:01.400 --> 01:17:06.760 Women are not equipped for those fights. The 20th century history of politics is defined by 01:17:07.480 --> 01:17:12.200 women reshaping politics in the image of how they want to see the household run. 01:17:13.160 --> 01:17:17.720 Many of the problems that we have today are because women are conflict-averse. Today, 01:17:17.720 --> 01:17:23.000 we have men who are almost universally conflict-averse. I have tried to have discussions, honest 01:17:23.000 --> 01:17:29.480 discussions with men face to face, where they flatly refuse to speak to me, because the alternative 01:17:29.480 --> 01:17:34.360 is to disagree. I'm not talking about picking a fight. I'm not saying I want to have an argument. 01:17:34.360 --> 01:17:38.360 I just want to discuss a matter where there's a disagreement between two men, 01:17:38.360 --> 01:17:44.680 and the other man is terrified to actually disagree with me. Such men are eunuchs. There's 01:17:44.680 --> 01:17:50.200 another word for it. That is a castrated man that cannot stand in front of someone and defend his 01:17:50.200 --> 01:17:55.320 position. Again, we're not talking about being confrontational. We're not talking about a knock 01:17:55.320 --> 01:18:00.520 down drag-out argument. The idea that two people could disagree about something and then discuss 01:18:00.520 --> 01:18:06.440 it civilly is something that women don't want. They would rather have peace, even if it means 01:18:07.000 --> 01:18:11.640 chopping off legs and just making everyone the same height and silencing anything that's going 01:18:11.640 --> 01:18:19.080 to cause discord. In the home, some of that can work in some cases. Societally, civilizationally, 01:18:19.240 --> 01:18:26.040 at large, it is guaranteed to cause evil outcomes. Giving women the vote wasn't simply a matter of 01:18:26.600 --> 01:18:31.160 doubling the number of voters. You needed more ballots. It fundamentally changed forever the 01:18:31.160 --> 01:18:36.840 nature of the appeals made by politicians and the nature of what was being voted on and what 01:18:36.840 --> 01:18:42.040 the ultimate outcomes would be. We see that today in American politics, where you look at 01:18:42.840 --> 01:18:47.960 if only men voted versus only women voted, you have diametrically opposed outcomes in the 01:18:47.960 --> 01:18:55.320 presidential elections. That is a profound statement. It's a theological statement. There's 01:18:55.320 --> 01:19:02.360 no way in which a society can work where men and women are so diametrically opposed. The only 01:19:02.360 --> 01:19:07.800 solution for that, the only godly solution, is for women to return to their proper sphere in the home. 01:19:09.240 --> 01:19:13.880 Repeatedly, as I quoted some of these things, the claim is made by the feminists that men 01:19:13.880 --> 01:19:19.720 created these spheres. We did an entire episode. We did 105 minutes about how God ordained these 01:19:19.720 --> 01:19:26.840 spheres for us. The woman's household and the man's household are internal and external. He rules, 01:19:26.840 --> 01:19:31.720 but she governs within it. He deals with the outside matters and the inside when he needs to, 01:19:31.720 --> 01:19:36.280 and the rest of the time, that's her domain, not to his exclusion, but as his helper. 01:19:36.840 --> 01:19:42.120 Everything that's happened in the feminist world is an inversion and a subversion of that, 01:19:42.120 --> 01:19:46.280 to the point that now men are afraid to do their jobs, and women don't even know what 01:19:46.280 --> 01:19:50.600 their jobs are. They're just going to do everything, and no one will stop them. When a man does stand 01:19:50.600 --> 01:19:55.160 up and say, actually, scripture says we should do the opposite, maybe we should take that seriously, 01:19:55.160 --> 01:20:00.840 those men are punished in the most harsh means imaginable, because such a man is a threat 01:20:00.840 --> 01:20:07.400 to the prince of this world. Following on from first wave feminism is, of course, 01:20:07.480 --> 01:20:13.480 second wave feminism, which is really the genesis of a lot of the evils we see today. 01:20:14.440 --> 01:20:20.520 Yes, you need that superstructure into which to slot these things, because a lot of these 01:20:20.520 --> 01:20:30.760 things were pushed through political means, but the proximate genesis, the start of these evils 01:20:30.760 --> 01:20:37.720 that are now bearing their ultimate fruit today in what is called fourth wave feminism, 01:20:37.720 --> 01:20:44.920 start in the 60s and the 80s with second wave feminism. Whereas first wave feminism focused 01:20:44.920 --> 01:20:50.040 largely on so-called political issues, although, yes, it followed on from the 01:20:50.040 --> 01:20:57.240 political slash social issue of abolitionism, second wave feminism really focuses on the 01:20:57.240 --> 01:21:06.200 social issues. And that becomes family dynamics, the relationship of man and woman, the domesticity 01:21:06.200 --> 01:21:11.640 of woman, reproduction rights so-called, woman's participation in the workforce, 01:21:12.360 --> 01:21:18.280 and the structuring of the family and, of course, because this is always one of Satan's goals with 01:21:18.280 --> 01:21:25.640 feminism in whatever form and wherever it crops up, human sexuality becomes one of the major issues, 01:21:25.640 --> 01:21:28.840 and that, of course, is what leads to birth control and abortion. 01:21:29.800 --> 01:21:36.040 And this dichotomy is important because the second wave feminism, the subsequent generations, 01:21:36.040 --> 01:21:41.160 basically what happened, you had first wave feminism sort of firing up in the 1840s or 01:21:41.160 --> 01:21:48.280 50s and carrying on through the ratification of the 19th Amendment. By the 20s, there wasn't 01:21:48.280 --> 01:21:53.960 really anything left for them to do. And so there was this weird lull between the generations where 01:21:53.960 --> 01:21:59.640 they had one political power. They had one, basically the man's power outside of the home 01:21:59.640 --> 01:22:05.960 to vote. And that was their initial goal to get them as first order participants in political 01:22:05.960 --> 01:22:12.280 society. Then there was a lull of 30 years or so where there wasn't much more for them to do. 01:22:12.280 --> 01:22:18.360 And it was very interesting because today, one of the punchlines for second and third wave feminism 01:22:18.360 --> 01:22:26.600 is the June Cleaver 1950s homemaker. You'll hear the 50s come up over and over again from modern 01:22:26.600 --> 01:22:35.720 feminists as the pinnacle of patriarchal repression. What's fascinating about that, I, for researching 01:22:35.720 --> 01:22:42.600 for this episode, I listened to several hours of feminists on YouTube. You can pray for my 01:22:42.600 --> 01:22:49.480 soul for having to endure that. But I found it to be fascinating because they're very open about 01:22:49.480 --> 01:22:55.800 what they did. And one of the things, but one of the things they lie about, it just as Stanton and 01:22:55.800 --> 01:23:02.360 the others lied about man creating the sphere of the home and the household for women. Today, 01:23:02.360 --> 01:23:07.880 the feminist lie is that man really repeated the same thing, created that sphere of the household 01:23:07.960 --> 01:23:13.800 for women. And the 50s was when that was invented. That's really fundamentally what they, 01:23:14.600 --> 01:23:18.760 I think some of them believe it. I think they think the history didn't exist before that 01:23:18.760 --> 01:23:23.960 because what happened in the 50s is the same thing that happened in the 40s and the 30s and 20s. 01:23:23.960 --> 01:23:29.480 And it always happened in Christian societies. Women were homemakers. In the 50s, they were 01:23:30.280 --> 01:23:39.880 beginning to be exposed more to public media, to TV. The TV was just sort of nascent at that 01:23:39.880 --> 01:23:45.640 point. But radio and many magazines specifically focusing on women for the sake of propagandizing 01:23:45.640 --> 01:23:54.760 them. And so there became a home ingenuity of dress and of the use of makeup and hair. And 01:23:54.760 --> 01:24:00.920 that's the version of the 50s woman that is really despised by the feminist today. It's also 01:24:00.920 --> 01:24:10.200 what's held up today on the right hand political sphere as sort of trad. It's a straw man almost 01:24:10.200 --> 01:24:16.520 as being held up by both sides where on the right, you'll have them saying the 50s woman in the 01:24:16.520 --> 01:24:21.560 traditional dress that's knee length and she has her hair done up and she has a drink ready for her 01:24:21.560 --> 01:24:26.680 husband when he comes home. The right says that's trad. That's exactly what should have always been. 01:24:26.680 --> 01:24:30.520 And the left says that's horrible. That's patriarchy. That's the worst possible form 01:24:30.520 --> 01:24:37.800 of human society. Both of them are missing the point that that wasn't unusual except for the mass 01:24:37.800 --> 01:24:43.480 media influence on how they all sort of behaved in similar ways. And of course, that was also a 01:24:43.480 --> 01:24:48.760 function of wealth because there were very poor people in those days who had none of that because 01:24:48.760 --> 01:24:56.600 they were poor. My mom's family in Appalachia had none of that. They literally lived on dirt 01:24:56.600 --> 01:25:02.040 floors. They did not have the cocktail waiting for my drunken grandfather when he came home with 01:25:02.040 --> 01:25:10.280 a belt. However, as something that's being held up as an example of either love or hate, 01:25:10.840 --> 01:25:16.360 it's really an anachronistic view of what happened because that was just the first time the mass 01:25:16.360 --> 01:25:22.120 media was encompassing that life for us all to see today. So we have lots of pictures and drawings 01:25:22.120 --> 01:25:27.640 and ads showing that and they're visually appealing and so everyone wants to latch on to it. But 01:25:28.840 --> 01:25:36.280 the reason that the second wave of feminism got riled up was that they started realizing that 01:25:38.280 --> 01:25:45.240 the revolution wasn't over. And as it wound up in the 60s, again with revolutions worldwide, 01:25:45.240 --> 01:25:52.680 you have communist revolutions sweeping the European continent just as you had revolutions in 01:25:52.680 --> 01:26:02.040 1848 and 1913, 1415 with World War I, we again have this paroxysm of revolution, violent revolution 01:26:02.040 --> 01:26:07.800 in other places. And there was violence here as well. The 60s were marked by radical violence. 01:26:07.800 --> 01:26:13.080 It's beyond even what we've seen in recent history today. That's going to change, but it's the same 01:26:13.080 --> 01:26:18.680 spirit. It's a revolution that comes back again and again. The second wave of feminism said, 01:26:18.680 --> 01:26:23.560 well, we got the vote, but as Cory as you just said, what about the household? What about June 01:26:23.560 --> 01:26:29.480 Cleaver? We need to liberate her. It's not enough that June can vote. She needs to put down the cocktail 01:26:29.480 --> 01:26:34.680 glass for her husband. She needs to let down her hair and burn her bra and take off that dress and 01:26:34.680 --> 01:26:40.840 put on some pants and leave the house and go do what she wants to do. So the spheres are important 01:26:40.920 --> 01:26:47.240 in their dialectic because that's what they need to destroy. First, the man's sphere outside the 01:26:47.240 --> 01:26:52.600 home, and then the woman's sphere inside the home, both being destroyed and inverted simultaneously 01:26:52.600 --> 01:26:59.080 such that nothing can remain. You can never have the June Cleaver version of the woman again. 01:27:01.000 --> 01:27:04.760 It's something that the right holds up as a model and the left holds up as 01:27:05.720 --> 01:27:11.560 basically the woman version of Hitler. Nothing could possibly be worse than that sort of woman 01:27:11.560 --> 01:27:15.720 who actually cares about looking good for her husband. So it's a punchline because I don't 01:27:15.720 --> 01:27:21.160 want you to return to that, but it's not just a return to that. It's a return to the faithfulness 01:27:21.160 --> 01:27:24.760 that those women were still trying to maintain because even though there had been a lot of 01:27:24.760 --> 01:27:30.360 worldliness in the intervening decades after women's suffrage, they were still by and large 01:27:30.440 --> 01:27:37.160 not working outside the home. They were still fundamentally domestic, and the second wave 01:27:37.160 --> 01:27:41.960 was designed to overthrow domesticity because that is how you get women out of the home, 01:27:41.960 --> 01:27:47.560 and it's how you burn bras and burn veils and put them on the birth control pill. And as you said, 01:27:47.560 --> 01:27:52.920 Cory, then you get the sexual revolution because when she leaves a supervision of her household, 01:27:52.920 --> 01:27:58.760 whether it's her father or her husband, suddenly there's no one supervising her. And if she can't 01:27:58.760 --> 01:28:06.200 get pregnant, she can do whatever she wants. She can be sexually liberated, which was one of the 01:28:06.200 --> 01:28:11.960 ultimate goals of all of this, eliminating dependence financially and eliminating dependence in terms 01:28:11.960 --> 01:28:17.960 of headship and then eliminating any sort of headship at all, eliminating the idea that a woman 01:28:17.960 --> 01:28:22.520 would be told by a man what to do or what not to do to the point that today when we say that 01:28:23.080 --> 01:28:28.360 maybe it's actually scriptural that a man would tell a woman what to do or what not to do if he's 01:28:28.360 --> 01:28:32.600 her head, not saying that I can go around telling women what to do if I don't know them, if she's 01:28:32.600 --> 01:28:37.000 not my relative, it's not my business. It is, however, the state's business, which is my Christian 01:28:37.000 --> 01:28:43.400 nationalism is important. See, these hierarchies still need to exist, and feminism is ensured that 01:28:43.400 --> 01:28:49.960 we chip away one layer after another until nothing can exist between unfettered man and all of his 01:28:49.960 --> 01:28:55.240 wildest desires. That's what Satan promised in the garden, and it's what we're getting today. 01:28:55.720 --> 01:29:00.680 The reason that the consequences are horrible is that those are the fruits of the most poisonous tree. 01:29:02.040 --> 01:29:09.880 We really see a cycle of revolutions, of uprisings throughout history as Satan attempts to overthrow 01:29:10.680 --> 01:29:16.600 one sort of hierarchy in order after another. He doesn't always succeed. Sometimes he is repulsed 01:29:16.600 --> 01:29:23.880 and pushed back. The revolutions of 1848, as mentioned, were not overall successful. Germany 01:29:23.880 --> 01:29:32.600 is a good example of this. And even for those who maybe knew about the revolution of 1848, 01:29:32.600 --> 01:29:37.720 called the March Revolution, typically in German, as you'll know why in a minute here, 01:29:39.080 --> 01:29:42.920 even those who know about that typically don't know about the revolution that followed 01:29:44.040 --> 01:29:50.680 World War One. The revolution of 1848, 1849 was put down. And actually, if you know one of 01:29:50.680 --> 01:29:56.440 Bismarck's most famous quotes, it references that his, rather through iron and blood quote, 01:29:56.440 --> 01:30:03.400 references the March Revolution. But following on the March Revolution and some of those who, 01:30:03.960 --> 01:30:10.840 some who lost, some who won, left Germany in the ensuing chaos and came to the U.S., 01:30:10.840 --> 01:30:17.720 called the 48ers. But the revolution that followed on World War One was the November 01:30:17.720 --> 01:30:25.000 Revolution. And that was between 1918 and 1919. And that was the revolution that overthrew, 01:30:26.120 --> 01:30:31.960 basically destroyed the German Empire, destroyed the traditional form of government in Germany, 01:30:31.960 --> 01:30:38.440 and led to the Weimar Republic. And of course, it was the weakness of the Weimar Republic that led 01:30:38.440 --> 01:30:46.120 to chaos. And in part, World War Two, yes, that's more complicated subject for another time, another 01:30:46.120 --> 01:30:54.600 place. But Satan managed with the Revolution of 1918, what he did not manage to do with the 01:30:54.600 --> 01:31:04.360 Revolution of 1848. He brought chaos and a dissolution of proper order and hierarchy 01:31:04.920 --> 01:31:09.640 to the heart of Europe. And it spread from there. Yes, there were other revolutions, 01:31:09.640 --> 01:31:14.760 same time in other parts. Obviously, the Russian Revolution is pertinent here. 01:31:16.920 --> 01:31:25.960 But you see following on from feminism and what happened with in the U.S. abolitionism and also 01:31:25.960 --> 01:31:31.000 feminism. But what happened with the feminists, leading into additional revolution and the 01:31:31.000 --> 01:31:37.080 destruction of more and more, because Satan is never happy. Satan is never sated. Satan is never 01:31:37.080 --> 01:31:45.320 pleased. He will always try to destroy any vestige of good, anything that is left that doesn't conform 01:31:45.320 --> 01:31:55.160 to his image, which is just corruption and opposition to God. And we're not really going to 01:31:55.160 --> 01:32:01.720 deal with third and fourth wave feminism, particularly in a lengthy way, because we're 01:32:01.720 --> 01:32:08.120 currently living the fourth wave, we all know what happens with fourth wave feminism. But it is worth 01:32:08.120 --> 01:32:17.560 mentioning. It is worth highlighting a core difference, as it were, between what is now 01:32:17.560 --> 01:32:23.720 called fourth wave and the previous waves of feminism, because it was always an ultimate 01:32:23.720 --> 01:32:30.360 goal of feminism. But it was not laid out early on, because the intelligence, the animating 01:32:30.360 --> 01:32:35.160 intelligence behind feminism saw where it was going, knew what he wanted to achieve. But many 01:32:35.160 --> 01:32:40.200 of his human actors may not have seen it along the way. Undoubtedly, most of them did not. Perhaps 01:32:40.200 --> 01:32:47.480 some of them had some conception. The most wicked ones may have wanted to achieve this. But one 01:32:47.480 --> 01:32:55.800 of the active goals of fourth wave feminism now is the destruction of what it means to be a man 01:32:55.800 --> 01:33:02.200 or a woman. Not just the destruction of the roles of men and women in society in the home, 01:33:02.280 --> 01:33:07.160 the relationship between men and women, but the destruction of masculinity, femininity, 01:33:07.720 --> 01:33:13.400 what it means to be by nature male or female. And that's why we have the transgender movement. 01:33:13.400 --> 01:33:20.440 That is fourth wave feminism. And so there was a pivot to some degree. You have some feminists now 01:33:21.080 --> 01:33:26.600 who write about men and masculinity, instead of writing about women and women's issues so called. 01:33:27.480 --> 01:33:32.840 Because the goal is to destroy what it means to be a man. Because if you have no men, 01:33:34.040 --> 01:33:39.480 well, you can never roll back all of these supposed gains, this progress of feminism. 01:33:40.040 --> 01:33:44.280 Because there's no one to stand against it. There's no one to stand up in opposition and say these 01:33:44.280 --> 01:33:49.720 things are wrong. They disagree with scripture. We cannot do this if you destroy men and if you 01:33:49.720 --> 01:33:55.000 destroy masculinity, which they have done quite an effective job thus far. There are not very many 01:33:55.000 --> 01:34:03.080 actually masculine men left in the world at this point. But that's why you'll see some modern 01:34:03.080 --> 01:34:08.520 feminist writers who will try to argue that well, men should be more emotional, should express their 01:34:08.520 --> 01:34:13.320 emotions more in public, should cry, should do all these various things. If you are a man. 01:34:14.120 --> 01:34:21.080 Now, Wo may want to add a comment on to this or disagree in part. But for me, my position is very 01:34:21.160 --> 01:34:26.360 clear. If you are a man, you generally should not be crying and expressing these things in public 01:34:27.160 --> 01:34:32.760 with the exception of a handful of situations, which would be the death of a close relative, 01:34:32.760 --> 01:34:38.840 the death of your dog, or the passion of Christ, those you're allowed to cry for those, that's it. 01:34:39.880 --> 01:34:44.920 But there is a difference between what it means to be a woman and what it means to be a man. 01:34:45.560 --> 01:34:49.880 And the goal is to destroy that with fourth wave feminism, it is to make, 01:34:49.880 --> 01:34:56.920 instead of humanity, sexually and psychologically, spiritually dimorphic as God created us, 01:34:58.680 --> 01:35:03.320 it is to make some androgynous new man where it doesn't matter 01:35:04.280 --> 01:35:09.160 how you were born, what parts you have, all of that is irrelevant. Because ultimately, of course, 01:35:09.160 --> 01:35:16.120 their goal is to make it so that you can put off being physically male and become physically 01:35:16.120 --> 01:35:21.720 female, the same as you would put on or off a new suit. Now, they won't get there, they won't 01:35:21.720 --> 01:35:27.400 achieve it. But that's their goal. That is the reality that is the mindset of the enemies we 01:35:27.400 --> 01:35:35.000 are facing. They think that the science fiction they've been reading, where you can just swap 01:35:35.000 --> 01:35:39.800 bodies, where you can become whatever it is you want to be, instead of, I don't feel like being 01:35:39.800 --> 01:35:44.520 a human today, I'll be a wolf today. They think that that's a reality and they will fight tooth 01:35:44.520 --> 01:35:50.200 and nail and they will burn everything to the ground in an attempt to get there. And that's 01:35:50.200 --> 01:35:57.960 fourth wave feminism. That's why you have to oppose third wave and second wave and first wave 01:35:57.960 --> 01:36:04.840 and proto feminism, because it leads inevitably to where we are today. We are living in the 01:36:04.840 --> 01:36:13.240 aftermath of centuries of virtually unopposed feminism. Now, there were times in history 01:36:13.240 --> 01:36:18.280 where these revolutions were put down, where Christians stood up and said, no, we will not 01:36:18.280 --> 01:36:24.040 permit this. This cannot be done. This is wicked. A great example would be the peasants revolt 01:36:24.040 --> 01:36:29.640 in the 1500s in Germany. That was one of the first times where Satan really pushed hard. 01:36:30.360 --> 01:36:35.160 In the aftermath of the Reformation, he saw that perhaps there was an opportunity here 01:36:35.160 --> 01:36:42.280 to overthrow rightful hierarchy, because some of the peasants got it into their mind that because 01:36:43.640 --> 01:36:49.720 the Protestants had rejected Roman so-called authority because of Rome's transgressions, 01:36:49.720 --> 01:36:55.080 that, well, we should be allowed to reject all authority, because that's the spirit. That's 01:36:55.080 --> 01:37:00.600 always the spirit. It's always to push, always for more. And so they attempted to overthrow 01:37:01.320 --> 01:37:07.080 their barons and their lords and all hierarchy. They wanted to completely destroy the government, 01:37:07.080 --> 01:37:12.360 basically create anarchy. And they succeeded in creating anarchy in certain states, 01:37:12.360 --> 01:37:17.720 where imperial forces had to be called in to put them down at the cost of quite a bit of blood and 01:37:17.720 --> 01:37:24.760 treasure. But that was put down. Martin Luther actually wrote against the peasants in this case. 01:37:24.760 --> 01:37:30.120 It's worth reading. I'll put a link to it in the show notes. I believe I have an English translation 01:37:30.120 --> 01:37:36.920 that's not encumbered by copyright. But that was put down. That time Satan tried and he failed. 01:37:38.040 --> 01:37:46.360 1848, he tried again, that failed. 1918, he tried and he succeeded. And he succeeded in a lot 01:37:46.360 --> 01:37:52.280 of the Western world with those revolutions. And we are still living through the aftermath of that 01:37:52.280 --> 01:37:59.080 today. And the thing is, even Christians today who will point out that there were problems with 01:37:59.080 --> 01:38:03.000 those revolutions, which I would hope so, because many of them were effectively communist revolutions, 01:38:04.440 --> 01:38:07.720 they won't go so far as to say that the intellectual 01:38:08.440 --> 01:38:15.000 forebears of those revolutions were also wicked. And we're right back to the idea of the wicked tree. 01:38:15.880 --> 01:38:24.040 If the fruit is poisonous, evil, then the tree is poisonous and evil. You cannot say, 01:38:24.040 --> 01:38:28.680 well, I won't eat this fruit off the poisonous tree, but I'll eat that one. They're all poisonous, 01:38:28.680 --> 01:38:35.240 because the poisonous tree bears only poisonous fruit. And the poisonous fruit came from a poisonous tree. 01:38:36.920 --> 01:38:42.120 And so you cannot, as a Christian, say, well, I oppose the communist revolutions, but I don't 01:38:42.680 --> 01:38:49.400 oppose feminism and egalitarianism and all of these various things, liberty in the conception 01:38:49.400 --> 01:38:55.480 of the French Revolution and in the conception of the American Revolution. If you say you don't oppose 01:38:55.480 --> 01:39:00.760 these things as well, all you're doing is saying, I want to return to the point where Satan only 01:39:00.760 --> 01:39:06.760 ruled us from the shadows instead of openly. And that is not a Christian position. And so as 01:39:06.840 --> 01:39:12.840 Christians, we have to oppose all of these things, because we have to stand on scripture, 01:39:12.840 --> 01:39:19.400 on God's word, on what God has told us, on what He has done in creation, the order that He has 01:39:19.400 --> 01:39:24.360 created, the rightful hierarchy He has instilled. These are the things that we have to defend. 01:39:25.560 --> 01:39:30.360 We do not get to defect from the truth, because we don't like this particular truth, 01:39:30.360 --> 01:39:34.760 because this one makes us uncomfortable, because society says you cannot hold these views, 01:39:34.760 --> 01:39:38.120 because society says if you hold those views, we will persecute you, 01:39:39.480 --> 01:39:44.520 because those who fall away during persecution, you don't inherit eternal life, 01:39:46.200 --> 01:39:52.360 because it says those who persevere to the end. And so as Christians, we have to take a stand 01:39:52.360 --> 01:39:58.760 on these issues, on all of these issues, not just push back a little. You don't just push back 01:39:58.760 --> 01:40:04.840 against the most recent evil, as has often been said, conservatives today politically are just 01:40:05.560 --> 01:40:13.000 liberals or leftists going the speed limit. And so that often plays out. In our political sphere, 01:40:13.000 --> 01:40:20.440 in our government, you will have the so-called conservative parties are just 20, 30, 01:40:20.440 --> 01:40:27.000 maybe 40 years behind the left parties. And we have Christians doing the same thing in the church. 01:40:27.800 --> 01:40:34.040 You have the ones with the so-called rainbow, it's not a rainbow, it's missing a color, 01:40:34.040 --> 01:40:39.000 the so-called rainbow flag, the BLM flag, all these various things festooning these beautiful 01:40:39.000 --> 01:40:43.720 buildings that were built to the glory of God and now serve as sanctuaries for Satan. But you have 01:40:43.720 --> 01:40:52.760 these buildings full of pastors, so-called, many of whom are women now, proclaiming that they are 01:40:52.760 --> 01:40:59.800 Christian and then lying in God's name and proclaiming immense wickedness. Today, it's going 01:40:59.800 --> 01:41:07.320 to be transgenderism and anti-racism and all the various talking points of the Marxist. But down 01:41:07.320 --> 01:41:15.400 the street, you'll have a supposedly sound Christian church proclaiming the proto-versions 01:41:15.400 --> 01:41:21.240 of all of the same wickedness just from a century ago. Sure, the Christians are taking a little 01:41:21.240 --> 01:41:25.240 longer to catch up than the political realm did, but they're doing it more quickly. 01:41:26.840 --> 01:41:31.320 And so you'll have Christians who are preaching abolitionism and egalitarianism 01:41:31.320 --> 01:41:38.760 and mutual submission and a litany of a thousand other evils. That is not faithfulness to God. 01:41:39.640 --> 01:41:45.320 Pushing back against only the most recent wickedness of the culture, the most recent thing 01:41:45.320 --> 01:41:51.320 that Satan happens to be propping up is not faithfulness. Yes, if you are opposing the 01:41:51.320 --> 01:41:57.160 place where Satan is attacking, that is faithfulness. But not if you've let him into your camp 01:41:58.120 --> 01:42:03.400 and he's living beside you, which is what we are doing today as supposed Christians. 01:42:04.680 --> 01:42:11.640 And that's why we addressed all of the various forms of feminism. Yes, we didn't go into detail 01:42:11.640 --> 01:42:16.760 on the third and the fourth wave because you're living in it now. You know what it is. 01:42:18.520 --> 01:42:24.440 But the reason you start with the Enlightenment and even before that, the reason you start with 01:42:24.440 --> 01:42:32.840 proto-feminism is because that is the wicked tree. You cannot eat from the wicked tree. If you approve 01:42:33.720 --> 01:42:38.680 anything that comes from Satan instead of from God, you are in rebellion to God. 01:42:39.480 --> 01:42:44.280 And you will eventually end up where we are today and worse. 01:42:45.480 --> 01:42:51.080 To be clear, we're only talking about the last 300 years, which is Christians matter, 01:42:51.080 --> 01:42:56.360 because the Christian Church has been around for 2000 years and the Christian faith has been around 01:42:56.360 --> 01:43:04.200 for 6000 years. So when Corey and I point back to Scripture and to history prior to the Enlightenment, 01:43:04.440 --> 01:43:10.280 I hope that those are convincing arguments to you. I hope that as a Christian in the 21st 01:43:10.280 --> 01:43:18.200 century, you can understand that if you're personally held, strongly held moral convictions, 01:43:19.400 --> 01:43:25.160 our fruits of the Enlightenment, such that they were alien to every Christian for 5700 years, 01:43:25.800 --> 01:43:31.320 I would hope that that fills you with profound dread. That's our goal. If you hold some of these 01:43:31.320 --> 01:43:37.640 beliefs, and it's in good conscience, and we tell you, did you know that no Christians for 5700 01:43:37.640 --> 01:43:43.400 years believed what you believe? And in fact, Scripture and every believer in heaven teaches 01:43:43.400 --> 01:43:50.600 and believe the opposite of what it is that you're saying today. That is important. I don't 01:43:50.600 --> 01:43:57.400 know how to say it. That is the essence of the continuity of Christianity. It doesn't come in 01:43:57.480 --> 01:44:02.360 fits and spurts. That's a hallmark of the devil. When you have revolution, when you have new things 01:44:02.360 --> 01:44:07.160 popping up all the time and changing all the time, that is alien to the Christian faith. 01:44:07.800 --> 01:44:13.160 That's not something that should be a part of our Church. It should not be part of a 01:44:13.160 --> 01:44:19.240 Christian nation, of a Christian civilization. When we had Christendom, none of this existed. 01:44:19.240 --> 01:44:25.880 Christendom ended with the Enlightenment to be explicit. Christendom died in the Enlightenment. 01:44:26.600 --> 01:44:32.280 This has all been dancing in the ashes of a Christendom that would have been our inheritance 01:44:32.280 --> 01:44:38.360 if our grandfathers had preserved it, but instead they failed. They betrayed us. They defied God. 01:44:38.360 --> 01:44:44.840 They've handed us a pile of evil. That's why we're talking weird. That's why we're talking about 01:44:44.840 --> 01:44:48.200 stuff that people don't want to talk about. That's why we're talking about history, 01:44:48.200 --> 01:44:53.480 ancient history from 250 and 300 years ago. That's not relevant to your life today, is it? 01:44:54.440 --> 01:44:59.720 Those matters are long settled. Why would anyone care today? It's because this is the 01:44:59.720 --> 01:45:07.480 genesis of these modern heresies. These are teachings of demons. I've pointed many times to 01:45:07.480 --> 01:45:12.680 1 Timothy 4. Teachings of demons is a very low threshold. Anything that is contrary to Scripture 01:45:12.680 --> 01:45:19.720 is a teaching of demon. These are all things from hell. The illumination that we have today from 01:45:19.720 --> 01:45:25.160 the Enlightenment. Frequently in text, it doesn't work as well verbally. In text, I call it the 01:45:25.160 --> 01:45:30.360 Inlusifermint. It's harder to say, but that's really what it is. Lucifer the Lightbringer 01:45:30.360 --> 01:45:37.960 in Lucifered the 17th century. He brought the light of hell to illuminate the world, 01:45:37.960 --> 01:45:41.560 and Christendom ceased to be Christendom when it bought and gobbled it up. 01:45:42.760 --> 01:45:48.040 All those things that appeal to our natural vanity, just as Satan appealed to Eve's vanity in the 01:45:48.040 --> 01:45:53.000 garden when he said, you can be like God. She said, wow, it's a really pretty fruit. That sounds 01:45:53.000 --> 01:45:59.080 like a good deal. I won't surely die. God wouldn't kill me. God loves me. He's the God of love. 01:45:59.080 --> 01:46:05.160 This is going to be great. That refrain has echoed through the ages in different ways. 01:46:05.160 --> 01:46:12.120 Our problem today in the West is the final version of that. Not only has it ended Christendom, 01:46:12.120 --> 01:46:16.200 but it's going to end Christianity if our churches are not reclaimed in the name of 01:46:16.200 --> 01:46:22.360 Scripture and the name of Scripture as God. The last 300 years have left us with virtually nothing, 01:46:22.360 --> 01:46:27.240 and our churches and our pews are filled with people who, when they hear these enlightenment 01:46:27.240 --> 01:46:32.440 teachings, teachings of feminism, teachings of abolition, all of these things that are 01:46:32.440 --> 01:46:36.760 opposed to God fundamentally, and you can demonstrate clearly from Scripture as we have, 01:46:37.480 --> 01:46:42.600 people hear those things from the world, from Satan's mouth, and they hear the voice of God. 01:46:42.600 --> 01:46:52.040 They hear the voice of God in Satan's words. What does that mean for their salvation? I don't know, 01:46:52.040 --> 01:46:59.320 but I can tell you that God promises that his sheep recognize his voice, and when men like 01:46:59.320 --> 01:47:04.920 Corey and I speak with the words of God, like we're not prophets, we're quoting Scripture and 01:47:04.920 --> 01:47:10.920 making simple arguments from Scripture. This is not fancy. We could be fancy, but I don't want to. 01:47:11.320 --> 01:47:15.960 I want to be as simple as possible with this stuff. I want to be as simple as they were 300 01:47:15.960 --> 01:47:20.200 years ago when they believed it still. When Christians still believed these things, 01:47:20.200 --> 01:47:25.560 we had Christendom, and then we threw it away when we picked up what Satan was selling instead. 01:47:26.760 --> 01:47:32.920 When you have churches today where Christians hear the scriptural words and they don't recognize 01:47:32.920 --> 01:47:38.600 them and they hate them, that means that Christianity is going to die. It's going to die 01:47:38.600 --> 01:47:43.880 in this century unless something turns around, because Christianity can only be propagated 01:47:43.880 --> 01:47:49.000 and perpetuated by Christians, and there are vanishingly few of those left. When you look 01:47:49.000 --> 01:47:54.840 at the surveys of Christians of their beliefs, most Christian beliefs on the very most basic things 01:47:54.840 --> 01:47:59.880 forget feminism and slavery and these hot button issues on whether or not Jesus is God, 01:47:59.880 --> 01:48:04.360 on whether or not Scripture is the word of God. Most Christians disagree with those statements. 01:48:04.360 --> 01:48:09.640 They're not Christian. Even in our churches, which themselves are largely not Christian anymore, 01:48:09.640 --> 01:48:14.360 most of the pews and the pews of those non-Christian churches are themselves not Christians. 01:48:14.360 --> 01:48:18.120 The teachers are ceasing to be Christian. No one hears the word of God. They don't 01:48:18.120 --> 01:48:22.280 hear the voice of God. They hear the voice of Satan, and they think, that's my God. I'm going to 01:48:22.280 --> 01:48:29.240 follow him. This is an existential battle, which is why we chose these things, these hot button 01:48:29.240 --> 01:48:35.000 issues as subjects for the Stone Choir podcast, because as hard as it is here, and as angry as 01:48:35.000 --> 01:48:39.800 it may make some of you to hear these things, we're not telling you anything that we were told 01:48:39.800 --> 01:48:45.640 anyone 400 years ago because there had been no point. They would call us radical liberals for 01:48:45.640 --> 01:48:50.840 the things that we don't agree with them about, and I would happily receive that reprimand. 01:48:50.840 --> 01:48:55.400 I wish there was someone to tell me, I'm not going hard enough, because I'm sure I'm missing 01:48:55.400 --> 01:49:00.840 something, and it's not going hard enough for the sake of earning salvation. I want to be faithful 01:49:00.840 --> 01:49:06.440 to God. I want you to be faithful to God. How do you do that? You hear his word and you obey it. 01:49:07.160 --> 01:49:11.560 Jesus died on the cross for you. You're already saved. There's nothing you can do to earn your 01:49:11.560 --> 01:49:18.600 salvation. There is something you can do to reject your salvation. You can take those sins down off 01:49:18.600 --> 01:49:22.760 the cross and take them back to your own heart and say, I don't think these are sins anymore. 01:49:23.720 --> 01:49:27.320 That's not a sin, so Jesus didn't need to pay for that. If that is your belief, 01:49:27.320 --> 01:49:32.920 if that's your confession, God will decide on the last day whether he's going to credit 01:49:32.920 --> 01:49:36.280 Christ's righteousness to you or whether he's going to believe your confession, 01:49:36.280 --> 01:49:40.680 that these things are not sins because they are. He knows they are. He declared them from 01:49:40.680 --> 01:49:45.400 before eternity to be evil because they're contrary to his eternal will. If things that 01:49:45.400 --> 01:49:51.560 are contrary to God's will are part of your religion, I hope and pray that you'll change 01:49:51.640 --> 01:49:57.640 because time is running short for every one of us. These matters, while they don't seem on their 01:49:57.640 --> 01:50:03.160 face to be principal matters of salvation, when we get down to the nitty-gritty of people despising 01:50:03.160 --> 01:50:08.520 God's word, they absolutely are because when someone shows you in Scripture that the man is 01:50:08.520 --> 01:50:12.360 the head of his wife, his Christ is the head of the church, and you have Christians who've 01:50:12.360 --> 01:50:16.200 literally never heard the man as the head of his wife, and they demand to know where is that in 01:50:16.200 --> 01:50:23.720 Scripture. Time is short for all of us. This is stuff that we have to get right, not for our 01:50:23.720 --> 01:50:29.240 salvation, not to earn salvation, because if we deny God, when He's standing before the judgment 01:50:29.240 --> 01:50:35.080 thrown, how is He going to receive us? I know how He's going to receive me. He's going to receive 01:50:35.080 --> 01:50:40.520 me covered in Christ's blood because that is the only thing that can cover my sins. But I confess 01:50:41.160 --> 01:50:45.960 everything that Christ says, not just the stuff that I like, not just the stuff that makes me 01:50:45.960 --> 01:50:50.680 look good, the stuff that makes me look the worse, and the stuff that makes me the most ashamed, 01:50:50.680 --> 01:50:56.440 that is what I confess. These controversial matters are matters of confession for all of us. 01:50:56.440 --> 01:51:03.000 We were born in a demonic society that does not view God, and it hears the words of Satan and 01:51:03.000 --> 01:51:08.040 believes that they're the voice of God. We must reject that if we are to have salvation because 01:51:08.040 --> 01:51:11.880 although Christ earned it on the cross for every one of us, if you reject Him, 01:51:11.880 --> 01:51:23.960 you reject the salvation that He was given to each of us.