Transcript: Episode 0076

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Welcome to the Stone Choir Podcast.

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I am Corey J.

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And I'm still woe.

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On today's Stone Choir, we're going to be talking about confronting sin.

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We're going to talk about the duties that we have to God and the duties that we have to each other, both to receive condemnation of our own sin and to give condemnation when it arises.

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We'll talk about the various permutations of how this stuff comes up and what we need to do with it.

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Just two brief bits of housekeeping before we get into it.

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One, Corey has the second batch of Challenge Coins shipped up through about order number roughly 200.

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That means about a third of the orders have shipped so far.

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Thank you to everyone for your continued patience.

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This is a very manual process.

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We don't have any sort of fulfillment partner or anything like it's literally him packing stuff and handwriting notes.

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It's laborious.

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Thank you for putting up with the time it's taking to get them all out.

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They're really cool, everybody loves them as they're receiving them.

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If you're at the very end of the list, sorry you had to wait so long, but we promise it will be worth it.

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It's going to last the rest of your life.

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It's a cool thing to have.

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When everybody gets to the next year's convention at Ogden or wherever, there will be a lot of those challenge coins coming out of people's pockets.

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Secondarily, next week, instead of a regular show like we normally have, we're going to be including on this feed the first two hours of a seven hour, six and a half hour interview that Corey and I did with Will Spencer from Renaissance of Men.

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We had a really good conversation with him.

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That's going to be going in part at least behind his paywall on Substack, but he was gracious enough to give us the first two hours we'll be offering here.

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So instead of our usual content, you'll hear that.

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It's mostly going to be things you've heard before.

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One of the nice things about having that episode up is that the introduction with him asking us questions in some ways will be the actual introduction to Stone Choir that we never did ourselves.

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To this point, really, the best intro to Stone Choir has been interviews that we did probably in the 20th century, or maybe on Yonah's show.

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So finally, we'll have an episode that we can point to and say, if you want to just listen to one episode, find out like where are these guys coming from, that I think will be it.

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And then we'd encourage everyone to go back and listen to the catalog.

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So that will be what we have next week instead of our regular programming.

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On the subject of confronting sin, we're going to have a structure I'm going to lay out for you now just so you can sort of keep your bearings throughout this.

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There's going to be a short part, kind of a medium part and then a long part at the end.

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The short part is going to be that confronting sin in this entire conversation is rooted in our obedience to God, our duty to God.

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The only reason for you to confront sin or to have your own sin confronted is so that you remain oriented to God.

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That's why we're here.

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That's why we're talking about it, that's why you're listening.

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The whole point of the Christian life is like a compass pointing at Magnetic North to remain oriented towards your Creator.

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We're creatures.

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He's a Creator.

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Let's make sure that we're not losing sight of Him.

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So everything that we say about confronting sin has to be rooted in that because as soon as you turn the confrontation of sin as interpersonal, it becomes a matter of personality conflicts or dislike or cultural differences, whatever you want to pick, it becomes man versus man.

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It's he said, she said.

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That's nonsense.

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That's not what confronting sin is about.

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Confronting sin is about someone saying to someone else, God's over here.

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I'm pointed towards him and you're pointed in some opposite direction.

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You're pointed off in the weeds.

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We both need to point in the same direction.

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So, it's just important when we're thinking about all the rest of these things that that should always be the root, the beginning and the end of every conversation.

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When you're confronting someone else's sin or when your sin is confronted, you need to make sure that you're both pointed at the same God in that conversation.

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And as a Christian, if you are confronting someone else's sin, you need to make sure that that's what you're pointing him at.

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You can't point the person you're confronting to some other God.

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You can't accuse them of sins that are not scriptural sins.

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So I'll be at the long part at the end.

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And the middle part just can be talking about the duty to receive correction.

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Because both of those things, whether you're the one receiving the rebuke of sin or you're the one giving it, in the context of two Christian brothers discussing with each other, you begin with the orientation towards God.

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And then it's very much a case that you want and you pray that the person would receive your rebuke the same way that if they come to you and accuse you of something, you would hope that they would approach it in the same way that you're trying to approach them.

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See, it's very much a do unto others thing.

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But just at the outset, when we're pointed at God and we're talking about the duty of God, I think that one of the framing episodes for this episode and this framing for the whole of this episode is the Perfect Hatred episode where we talked about what does hatred mean, what does love mean, because it's part of the same thing.

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There is no possibility for hatred without love of something, actual Christian hatred.

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And we make the case in that episode that we have a duty as Christians to hate whatever is opposed to God and that love can only be defined in terms of pointing at God.

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The things that God commands, the things that God expresses as true, those are the only things that we should be loving.

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And anything that's contrary to those, we're commanded to hate.

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And so when we're looking at the sin in our own lives and in others' lives, it always has to be in view of that.

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And part of the reason for emphasizing that is that when you're looking at things that are oriented either towards God or away from him, it precludes all matters of opinion.

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It precludes disagreements.

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You know, one of the prime examples we'll get into in a couple of places is matters of historical events.

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We've done past episodes, we talked about, you know, the moon landing and whether nukes are real, you know, conspiracy theories.

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And we made very clear, as I've said elsewhere online, I don't think you're going to hell if you think that the moon's not real or the moon landing is not real.

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It's not an article of faith.

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My concern about those things is that someone who's been detached from reality by denying those true things is that they've opened themselves up to spiritual errors.

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And so that's the concern when there's a rebuke there.

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But it's not a matter of salvation to say we landed on the moon and we did land on the moon.

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Pick any example you want.

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The moon doesn't even matter.

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It's just when it's a matter of opinion about something that has nothing to do with Scripture, then it's just a question, is it true or not?

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And what we've seen happen in the last 60 years, last 30 years especially, is that there are other historical events, and you know which ones, that have become articles of faith in a competing religion.

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And so if you have the wrong opinion about those historical events in the last century, you're either damned or you're saved, depending on which side of those events you fall on.

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Well, the only historical event that has that kind of weight is Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

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That is the historical event that determines damnation or salvation.

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Your belief in that is what determines whether you're a Christian.

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No other historical event has that weight.

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And so the very fact that people will come into the church and say, no, these are these other historical events that are matters of damnation, but actually they're matters of opinion.

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Even if you're wrong, even if something happened in 1933 or 1945 or 1964, if you don't believe it or you disagree with the tenor of it, you think it's fine or whatever, that doesn't mean that you're going to heaven or hell.

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Doesn't matter either way.

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When someone points to those things and says, well, the religion says you got to do this or believe this, they're not pointing you to God.

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They're not fulfilling their duty to God.

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And so as we look at the examples where we're interacting with each other, making sure that our compass is pointed at God, which is found in Scripture, is crucial because that's the only way to determine reality.

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Right and wrong is determined by God.

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It's not determined by what makes us feel bad.

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That's another element of this.

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There are things about having your own sin confronted, or you confronting someone else's sin, even the word confrontation.

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And we talked last week about why do we confront certain errors?

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Why do we go after certain things?

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Why is anyone confronting anything?

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That's mean, makes people sad.

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Well, the question is, is it true or not?

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And if God is over here and everyone else is pointing 90 degrees or 180 degrees, the guy who comes along and says, no, you got to turn around and look this way, he's going to disrupt you, he's going to be annoying.

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He's like, you're looking in the wrong direction.

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What do you mean?

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You think you're better than me?

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You think you're holier than now?

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Like, no, God's over there, you're not even looking in the right direction.

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So, let everything that you do that revolves around confronting sin or having your own sin be confronted be dictated solely by that which is found in scripture and in truth.

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When Woe says that it does not matter how you feel about these things, I want to add not a caveat to that, but an important sub-point.

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If your conscience is properly formed and it will be formed properly by the Word of God, then you will feel correctly about certain of these things.

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You will hate the things that God hates.

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You will love the things that God loves.

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And so, your feelings, so to speak, will be aligned with what God wants.

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Your conscience being correctly formed will tell you what you should believe, which way you should go on a given issue.

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And so, again, if your conscience is properly formed, these things will be aligned.

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It is not that your internal perception of these things is definitive.

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That's the point.

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And most people have malformed consciences, because if your conscience has not been formed by scripture, then it's effectively a crap shoot.

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It may be right.

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It may be wrong.

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It just depends on the particular issue, on the circumstances.

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If your conscience is not formed by scripture, by the word of God, if it is not correctly formed, then it is not reliable.

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And that is why the word of God has to be the sole standard in these matters.

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Because whether or not you internally feel that something is right, that matters because that's an indicator of whether or not you have been formed by the word of God, whether or not you are aligning yourself to the things of God, but it is not in and of itself definitive because it is subsidiary to the word of God.

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And so when we have these conflicts, when we are fighting over something that is related to our duties to God, to the Christian faith, we look to scripture to find the truth because that is where God has spoken his truth to us.

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We are specifically in this case talking about theological controversies, things that can be found in scripture.

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As Wo mentioned, there is a distinction between these sorts of issues and just something out in the world.

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And so, for instance, if you are having a debate over something related to biology, that's not going to be something for which you turn to the Word of God to discover the ultimate answer because it's probably not even addressed in the Word of God.

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Now, in some cases, it's going to be, of course, if you are dealing with micro versus macroevolution, but that is also addressed in nature.

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You can determine that from the created order of things.

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But when it comes to issues of morality, when it comes to questions of the faith, questions of theology, of doctrine, all of those must be absolutely and solely grounded in the Word of God.

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That doesn't mean we can't use the faculties that God has given us to understand it because, of course, you can't read Scripture without using the faculties that God gave you.

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First off, you have to use sight to read the words, or you have to use your hearing in order to listen to it if you're listening to a recording instead, and then you have to use your reason to understand these things.

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So yes, our faculties will, of course, play a role in this, but as Christians, we also have God's promises and the Spirit, so we know that if we spend the time in the Word, if we turn to the Word of God for these answers to these questions, God will lead us into truth.

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He has promised to do that.

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But we have to actually do what he said in order to receive the promise, in order to receive the things he has given.

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You have to turn to scripture.

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You have to look at the Word of God to determine what is true or false.

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And so, as Woe said, the issue is not going to be a conflict over personalities.

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This isn't, you know, Martin Luther hated Pope Leo.

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That was not the issue in the Reformation.

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The issue in the Reformation was whether or not the Word of God says certain things about justification, says certain things about works, says certain things about satisfaction, all these other issues.

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These were theological issues.

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These were doctrinal issues for which we have to turn to the Word of God.

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It doesn't matter if you dislike the brashness of Luther or the approach of the Medici Pope.

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Regardless of the personalities involved, it is a matter of what God has said, what a correct interpretation of His Word is.

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And so you can leave aside all of those other ancillary issues.

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And so it's not a matter of, well, this person is acting in a mean way.

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That's not what is at stake.

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It's not whether or not the personalities matter, because of course, in human conflicts, because humans are involved, that's going to play some role, but that really should be, as much as possible, put aside when dealing with theological and doctrinal matters.

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Because these are simply, essentially what you would call them in the law, really they're questions of fact, when you're dealing with things that are external, and questions of law when you're dealing with things that are in Scripture, because you are purely dealing with the interpretation of God's Word.

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That's the distinction there for the legal sphere anyway.

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But another thing that Woe mentioned, I want to highlight, all systems have blasphemy laws, all systems of belief.

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And the question is going to be, what a system considers blasphemy?

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Because that is going to tell you what the God of that system is, and it's going to tell you the God of the person who is advocating for that system.

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And so if someone tells you that you're damned because you believe X, well, you now know that X is part of the blasphemy laws of that person's system, and so that is the system underneath the God that person worships.

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So if it's a particular historical event that isn't dealt with in scripture, then you know this person has a different God, because that is not a matter of whether you are saved or damned.

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If this is some historical event outside scripture.

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And so it doesn't matter, for instance, if you believe the North or the South was in the right with regard to the Civil War.

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That is not a matter of whether or not you will be saved.

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That is not a matter that is central to the faith.

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It may be a very important matter.

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And as American, I certainly would say that it is, but it is not a tenet of the faith.

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And so it is not something that falls under blasphemy laws, because blasphemy is to speak falsely of God.

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And that is why this matters, of course.

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It also ties into, of course, the First and the Second Commandment.

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But primarily, this is a matter of whether or not what you are saying about God, whether it is in your words or in your behavior, the things that you are asserting about God, whether or not they are true.

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Because if they align with Scripture, then they are true.

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If they are contrary to Scripture, then they are false.

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And if they are outside of Scripture and you are saying, this particular thing is still blasphemous, and so you are damned if you say this thing.

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That's worship of a false God.

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That is rejection of the Lord God.

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That is why it matters, and that is why we say you must turn to Scripture for this.

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Because if you are turning somewhere else, you are setting up an idol, and you are turning away from the Lord God.

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As we've said many times before, in this life, you are always, and with everything you do, traveling Godward or Hellward.

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That is what is at stake in these matters.

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If you are rebuking someone, you are rebuking him because you believe that he is turning away from God, which means he is moving Hellward, and you want to turn him back to God, you want him turning Godward.

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Because that is the ultimate goal, the goal is for everyone to run the race, to persevere.

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And so if someone has walked off the path, walked off the track, and he is going down some rabbit trail or he is going the wrong way, you want to tell him.

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And part of the reason you want to tell him, of course it is your duty to God, but it is also because you want him to tell you if you do that in the future.

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And so that is the issue, which one of you is right?

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Are you traveling in the right direction?

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Is he traveling in the wrong direction?

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Or is it the other way around?

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Because someone is going to be wrong.

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So the first half of this that we are going to talk about that will be the shorter half is the duty to receive this sort of correction, rebuke.

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And it is important that the things we are talking about have to be sin, as Corey said.

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We are talking about sins.

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We are not talking about things where your opinion is either not historically defensible or whatever.

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Is this going to cause your damnation by itself?

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And that is crucial because there are a lot of things where we make small mistakes, small sins.

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You know, I say mistake.

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I am not trying to paper over something.

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When Adam ate the wrong piece of fruit, it was a small mistake.

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It was practically a process violation and yet we all die because of it because God said don't do that.

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That is off limits.

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That was sin.

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I am not minimizing it in the slightest.

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I am saying that when we are looking at sin versus looking at just mistakes, we have to be very clear about where we are getting this stuff from.

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So, when we are receiving correction, we are receiving the rebuke of our own sins, we have to always have…

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We are going to talk about the always because that is part of the problem here.

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We as a Christian should have the default position, the default position, not the universal position, but your default approach that if a Christian brother comes to you and says, brother, I believe that you are sinning by X, our default position should be to hear him out and to take it seriously.

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Now this is all occurring in a vacuum.

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This is a perfectly spherical cow simulation in physics.

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That should be your position.

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Somebody comes to you and says, I think you are sinning, you should hear them out.

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In reality, it's never that simple.

00:19:57.472 --> 00:20:08.052
And so that's where the personality conflicts and history and all the other things come into play, sometimes for the sake of streamlining, but often for the sake of greater sin and disruption.

00:20:08.632 --> 00:20:13.912
So if somebody comes to you, you first have to ask, is this guy even Christian?

00:20:14.092 --> 00:20:21.952
If it's someone who's known to you, who's not only a brother, but someone you have a relationship with, absolutely, you should take that much more seriously.

00:20:22.612 --> 00:20:34.532
On the other hand, on the internet, for example, I routinely have people in my mentions and elsewhere saying things like, Jesus is actually Satan, saying that the Trinity is a heresy and I'm going to hell for confessing the Trinity.

00:20:35.132 --> 00:20:36.132
Those are rebukes.

00:20:36.612 --> 00:20:41.632
And those people, and often in many cases, claim to be Christian, even while they're saying that Jesus is Satan.

00:20:42.172 --> 00:20:51.872
And so when we say that the default position should be to hear out someone who says, he's a Christian brother and he's rebuking your sin, that doesn't mean you're stupid.

00:20:52.372 --> 00:20:56.252
If someone comes to you and says something blasphemous, you silence them.

00:20:56.632 --> 00:20:57.692
You don't hear them out.

00:20:58.012 --> 00:21:02.692
You don't argue and debate and try to find common cause with someone who's a blasphemer.

00:21:03.172 --> 00:21:08.132
And while those are extreme examples, they're also pretty common, unfortunately, today.

00:21:08.732 --> 00:21:21.712
Because not only is the world very far gone, but it's also particularly far gone within the church, where we have people who say, oh, I'm Christian, and I believe all this insane crap that is demonstrably damnable.

00:21:22.332 --> 00:21:27.792
So the fact that someone is coming to you with rebuke by itself doesn't necessarily tell you anything.

00:21:28.312 --> 00:21:35.832
As we've said many times, especially in the last year, just because somebody says he's Christian doesn't mean anything anymore, which is tragic.

00:21:35.852 --> 00:21:36.892
That should not be the case.

00:21:37.392 --> 00:21:45.132
If someone comes to you and says, I'm a Christian brother, and I have a concern, we should be able to just take that wide open, whoever it is.

00:21:46.152 --> 00:21:54.792
The reality is that if you were to do that every single time, particularly if you're engaging with a lot of people, almost every one of those is going to be some sort of demonic attack.

00:21:54.812 --> 00:22:03.632
You're going to be someone speaking the teachings of demons, saying things that are false sins or true sins, and trying to get you to confess false sins to a false God.

00:22:03.912 --> 00:22:04.832
You can't do that.

00:22:05.652 --> 00:22:18.532
So at the same time, like this is why part of it is a profound matter of wisdom, is that you have to have an open heart as a Christian to receive rebuke, but you also have to have discernment, which goes back to the first point.

00:22:18.712 --> 00:22:19.812
You got to be pointed at God.

00:22:20.252 --> 00:22:33.732
So whenever someone comes to you, however they frame it, if they say X, Y, Z is a sin, you need to look at your own heart and your own actions and say, am I still pointing at God in this particular instance?

00:22:34.012 --> 00:22:34.992
Not in your whole life.

00:22:35.012 --> 00:22:36.472
You know, maybe you have everything squared away.

00:22:36.672 --> 00:22:38.472
And maybe there's just one blind spot that you have.

00:22:38.652 --> 00:22:39.352
We all have them.

00:22:39.912 --> 00:22:43.872
Anyone who says he's free from sin deceives himself and the truth is not in him.

00:22:44.272 --> 00:22:45.292
God said that somewhere.

00:22:45.312 --> 00:22:46.212
It's pretty important.

00:22:46.612 --> 00:22:49.712
Every single one of us has blind spots, even podcasters.

00:22:50.372 --> 00:22:54.892
The point is, when someone comes to you and says that, you have to say, okay, I take it seriously.

00:22:55.152 --> 00:22:56.052
I've said in the past, I do.

00:22:56.152 --> 00:23:00.892
If someone is mad about something I said, my first response isn't to disregard them.

00:23:00.912 --> 00:23:06.272
My first response internally, you know, in a millisecond is really right, because that's all that matters.

00:23:06.632 --> 00:23:15.852
If someone rebukes something as sin, the only thing that matters is not whether you like them, it's not whether you like their tone of voice, it's not how it makes you feel.

00:23:16.312 --> 00:23:18.512
The only question that matters is, is it right?

00:23:18.752 --> 00:23:20.212
Does God actually condemn this?

00:23:20.592 --> 00:23:22.852
And you may not be able to figure it out in one conversation.

00:23:22.872 --> 00:23:45.012
You know, in the case where someone who is a Christian brother comes to you and says, I'm concerned about something I believe you've sinned against me or in whatever regard, whether it's a theological dispute or it's personal action or whatever, it's perfectly acceptable for you as a Christian to say, thank you, I need to think about this, I need to study the scripture, I need to pray, and I'll get back to you.

00:23:45.552 --> 00:23:48.632
And both of you should be free as Christians to leave it at that.

00:23:49.432 --> 00:23:55.632
And I think this is a crucial aspect of this, both giving and receiving rebuke, is that you're not trying to fix the person.

00:23:55.912 --> 00:23:58.372
You're not trying to say, you're wrong, I got to fix this right now.

00:23:58.392 --> 00:24:01.492
You got to straighten up, you got to get on your knees and confess your sins.

00:24:02.192 --> 00:24:06.752
If repentance is actually required, then yeah, that's going to follow.

00:24:07.192 --> 00:24:10.052
But it doesn't need to immediately happen because you're not trying to win an argument.

00:24:10.552 --> 00:24:12.052
You're not trying to beat the other guy.

00:24:12.072 --> 00:24:13.432
You're not trying to increase your score.

00:24:13.792 --> 00:24:16.812
You're trying to make sure that both of you are pointed at God.

00:24:17.452 --> 00:24:20.432
And that should, in most cases, take time.

00:24:20.752 --> 00:24:26.892
In many episodes, we have said and will continue to say, don't just believe us because we said something that you haven't heard before.

00:24:27.172 --> 00:24:34.672
Especially if, you know, not only have you disagreed with in the past, you've been taught the opposite, but it's going to reorient something about your faith.

00:24:35.212 --> 00:24:39.052
Your default position should be not to budge, but to look, to study.

00:24:39.552 --> 00:24:49.732
And if it turns out that you need to budge, and it turns out you need to nudge your compass to point towards magnetic north, God's north, then that's you interacting with God.

00:24:49.912 --> 00:24:53.632
It's not you interacting with a particular person's argument or their condemnation.

00:24:54.072 --> 00:24:58.252
It's always about what has God said and who is in accord with it.

00:24:58.752 --> 00:24:59.872
Maybe it's neither of you.

00:25:00.372 --> 00:25:03.672
And, you know, another aspect of this, maybe somebody comes to you and accuses you of something.

00:25:03.912 --> 00:25:04.912
At that point, there is a sin.

00:25:05.532 --> 00:25:13.812
If you are the recipient of rebuke of error, and someone comes to you and says you've sinned, at that point, there is absolutely a sin on the table.

00:25:14.212 --> 00:25:23.512
Either you're wrong and you need to figure it out and you need to repent and confess, or they're wrong and they need to be rebuked and repent and confess.

00:25:24.152 --> 00:25:31.492
And so in some ways, it's important for these controversies to arise among us because it's going to strengthen everyone's faith if we're actually Christian.

00:25:32.052 --> 00:25:37.392
If these disputes and debates occur and somebody's like, well, this is wrong, and you say, no, actually, this is wrong.

00:25:38.072 --> 00:25:49.392
If you're both honest and you both have faith, your faith is going to be strengthened by the outcome of that disagreement because you're going to hammer it out and you're going to find that one of you is an error.

00:25:49.752 --> 00:25:54.912
And at the end of it, ideally, God willing, and if you have repentant hearts, you'll both be correct.

00:25:55.132 --> 00:25:56.812
You'll both now be pointed at God.

00:25:57.172 --> 00:26:01.732
And so the orientation may be that you have to straighten out or maybe you have to straighten out your friend.

00:26:02.032 --> 00:26:04.332
He comes to you and he thought one thing, he was mistaken.

00:26:04.632 --> 00:26:05.612
You figured out together.

00:26:05.852 --> 00:26:10.032
Maybe you need to involve a pastor or someone else who's like, hey, can you help us understand this?

00:26:10.052 --> 00:26:10.732
We disagree.

00:26:11.252 --> 00:26:11.932
What do you think?

00:26:11.952 --> 00:26:13.912
Help us figure this out from scripture.

00:26:14.252 --> 00:26:19.492
Sometimes it involves the rest of the church, not in a big public sense, but just other believers.

00:26:19.892 --> 00:26:22.452
Where there are two or three are gathered, there he is with us.

00:26:22.912 --> 00:26:35.772
And so when disputes arise, I think it's important that we don't take them as personal confrontations, as fights, as emotional things, as matters of reputation and of feelings.

00:26:36.232 --> 00:26:39.892
Take it as a matter of, okay, we're going to learn about God today.

00:26:40.692 --> 00:26:43.152
Somebody thought something different than somebody else.

00:26:43.392 --> 00:26:44.792
Let's figure out what God says.

00:26:45.012 --> 00:26:46.132
You're going to have a Bible study.

00:26:46.152 --> 00:26:46.872
You're going to pray.

00:26:47.072 --> 00:26:49.652
You're going to discuss, and iron is going to sharpen iron.

00:26:49.992 --> 00:26:54.032
That's a cause for joy, even when someone's going to be proven wrong in the process.

00:26:54.372 --> 00:27:02.512
Because in the end, if you're brought to repentance and you're the one receiving it and your brother is correct and he rebukes you, and you're like, you're right, amen, thank you, I'm sorry.

00:27:02.792 --> 00:27:10.692
To him, to God, whatever the sin was, to have someone straighten you out as a Christian brother is one of the great joys of the Christian faith.

00:27:11.312 --> 00:27:15.652
Because it's strengthening everyone within the body of Christ.

00:27:16.232 --> 00:27:17.612
It's not about ego.

00:27:17.632 --> 00:27:19.052
It's not about one-upsmanship.

00:27:19.592 --> 00:27:22.312
It's about us all pointing in the same direction, pointing at God.

00:27:22.712 --> 00:27:28.072
And so when you receive these sorts of corrections, you should have an open heart at the same time.

00:27:28.092 --> 00:27:31.352
You need to make sure that you're understanding and filtering what's coming in.

00:27:31.772 --> 00:27:34.592
Is it true rebuke or is it an attack?

00:27:34.892 --> 00:27:36.072
It's going to be one or the other.

00:27:36.192 --> 00:27:37.392
Well, it could be three things.

00:27:37.872 --> 00:27:39.172
It could be true rebuke.

00:27:39.392 --> 00:27:41.492
It could be your brother airing or it could be an attack.

00:27:41.992 --> 00:27:48.112
And those are three fundamentally different problems that all need to be received and solved in different ways.

00:27:49.672 --> 00:28:03.052
We should always view these conflicts both as an opportunity for improvement and as an opportunity for deepening our faith and deepening our knowledge of the Christian faith.

00:28:04.652 --> 00:28:14.592
But they also have to be pursued as that sort of opportunity, again, not as a conflict in the sense of a conflict of personalities or an interpersonal conflict.

00:28:15.392 --> 00:28:19.672
This is an intellectual, really is one way to put it, sort of conflict.

00:28:20.012 --> 00:28:21.172
This is dispassionate.

00:28:21.192 --> 00:28:24.332
This is not like Woe said, it should not be emotional.

00:28:25.692 --> 00:28:33.092
This is not where one man is staking his reputation and something personally on this matter.

00:28:33.652 --> 00:28:36.072
It's whether or not you're right about the things of God.

00:28:36.072 --> 00:28:38.852
And that is what is fundamentally and centrally important.

00:28:39.372 --> 00:28:41.752
Are you oriented rightly toward God?

00:28:41.752 --> 00:28:45.372
Are you believing rightly with regard to God?

00:28:47.752 --> 00:29:13.172
If you were out hiking and you were just wandering along the trail and you happened upon another hiker, and he asked you where you're going, you ask him where he's going, you say, I'm going to visit this waterfall, and he tells you you're going to have a hard time finding it because you're walking the wrong way, you're probably going to consult whatever map you happen to have with you to figure out which one of you is right.

00:29:13.712 --> 00:29:18.792
Because if you want to see that waterfall, it kind of matters that you're walking toward the waterfall.

00:29:20.372 --> 00:29:25.632
These matters are significantly more important than whether or not you get to see a pretty waterfall.

00:29:26.892 --> 00:29:36.132
We should treat them the same way you would treat that sort of, you can call it a conflict, but not in the sense that's usually imported with that word in English.

00:29:36.152 --> 00:29:37.172
It's a disagreement.

00:29:38.532 --> 00:29:42.112
One of you says it's this way, the other man says it's that way.

00:29:42.692 --> 00:29:49.052
You look to the standard in that case of map, in this case scripture, and figure out which one of you is right.

00:29:49.852 --> 00:30:05.112
And if that man proves that he knows where the waterfall is, maybe he's a local and you're hiking somewhere on vacation, you don't know the area, you're going to thank him, and you'll be glad that you listened to him, because that's the right way to receive that correction.

00:30:05.552 --> 00:30:07.332
He's actually doing you a service.

00:30:08.012 --> 00:30:10.852
The same is true with regard to our Christian brothers.

00:30:11.372 --> 00:30:14.652
If we rebuke them for their error, we are doing them a service.

00:30:14.652 --> 00:30:16.572
It's also service to God, of course.

00:30:17.112 --> 00:30:35.572
And if they then in turn rebuke us for some error later down the line, in which we have engaged something false that we believe, or if they correct us on this specific issue, because perhaps our initial correction was not a correction, we were in error, and our Christian brother was correct.

00:30:37.572 --> 00:30:44.372
The person receiving that correction should rejoice, because you now no longer believe something false.

00:30:45.072 --> 00:30:47.932
Some error to which you held has been removed.

00:30:47.952 --> 00:30:49.212
That's always a good thing.

00:30:51.192 --> 00:30:56.772
In many parts of our lives, we think of correction in those terms.

00:30:57.632 --> 00:31:15.472
If someone helps you with cooking and tells you, the reason that that burned is X, Y and Z, and then you take that into account, and next time whatever you were making doesn't burn, you don't get angry at that person, you thank him for helping you not burn the dish this time.

00:31:16.512 --> 00:31:22.992
We should, of course, think of these conflicts in theological or doctrinal matters in the same way.

00:31:23.692 --> 00:31:28.532
If your brother helps you to see correctly, that is a wonderful thing.

00:31:28.552 --> 00:31:35.472
He has done his duty as a Christian brother, and you have received that Christian comfort because you have Christian brothers.

00:31:37.092 --> 00:31:47.152
This raises a tangential point that is very important when we have made many times, and Scripture bluntly states, Do not forsake the gathering together of the saints.

00:31:47.752 --> 00:32:03.732
One of the reasons that you have Christian brothers, one of the reasons you go to church and maintain these relationships and have Bible studies and all these various other things, is so that you have men around you who can help you in your Christian walk, in your Christian faith.

00:32:04.292 --> 00:32:10.652
So that maybe there's some issue on which this particular Christian brother is more knowledgeable.

00:32:10.912 --> 00:32:12.952
He's spent more time studying it in Scripture.

00:32:12.972 --> 00:32:14.252
He can explain it better.

00:32:14.792 --> 00:32:16.252
Maybe you're better at another issue.

00:32:17.012 --> 00:32:20.752
As Woe said, and as Proverbs says, Iron sharpens iron.

00:32:21.112 --> 00:32:23.052
This is what we do as Christian brothers.

00:32:23.072 --> 00:32:25.592
We help each other with regard to the faith.

00:32:25.892 --> 00:32:29.772
Some men have been given the gift of teaching and interpretation and these other things.

00:32:30.352 --> 00:32:32.552
Some men perhaps have less of that.

00:32:33.912 --> 00:32:42.912
All parts of the body are important, but when it comes to these sorts of conflict, these sorts of conflicts, we turn to the Word of God and we find the truth there.

00:32:43.352 --> 00:32:47.912
And then we rejoice whether we are corrected or whether we are the one doing the correcting.

00:32:49.012 --> 00:32:52.932
Because the outcome is that everyone improves.

00:32:54.132 --> 00:33:07.212
Even if, say, you are the one doing the correcting and you are right, the other man is in fact an error, he receives the correction, he amends what he believes, you are both better off.

00:33:07.232 --> 00:33:11.052
And the reason you are better off is not just because you've done your duty to God.

00:33:11.072 --> 00:33:12.732
Of course, that is paramount.

00:33:12.752 --> 00:33:14.492
That's always of paramount importance.

00:33:15.472 --> 00:33:20.072
But when you teach these things, you will improve your own knowledge of them.

00:33:20.492 --> 00:33:35.532
Anyone who is engaged in teaching, really any subject, will be able to tell you, very truthfully and with first hand knowledge, teaching a subject improves your own understanding of the subject.

00:33:35.552 --> 00:33:43.492
That is one of the ways, in fact, that you can best deepen your understanding of some, even a new subject, is explain it to someone else.

00:33:44.112 --> 00:33:47.332
Because in explaining it, you have to solidify your own thinking.

00:33:47.352 --> 00:33:52.272
You have to shore up how you present the information and how you understand it.

00:33:52.732 --> 00:33:54.692
And so you will deepen your own understanding.

00:33:55.272 --> 00:34:00.092
There are benefits all around, to those correcting and to those being corrected.

00:34:00.932 --> 00:34:08.392
And we should see this as a good thing, as a part of the Christian life, as something that one Christian brother does for another.

00:34:09.492 --> 00:34:10.592
Not just again.

00:34:11.052 --> 00:34:15.312
Not just because you're looking for some benefit in the future of that person doing the same for you.

00:34:15.332 --> 00:34:16.552
Of course, that's part of it.

00:34:17.052 --> 00:34:22.852
But because, as we mentioned, with the first major point in this episode, it is your duty to God.

00:34:23.892 --> 00:34:26.472
These things are about God's honor.

00:34:26.492 --> 00:34:27.852
They are about God's truth.

00:34:28.472 --> 00:34:31.752
And above all else, we have to defend that.

00:34:32.412 --> 00:34:54.032
And so bear in mind that if you have a Christian brother who brings some correction to you, who says, I believe that you are in error on this point because God's word says this in these places, recognize that he is doing his duty as a Christian because what he is doing is he is defending God's truth.

00:34:54.952 --> 00:35:03.412
And secondarily, he is also seeking to aid you in your Christian life, to aid you in your faith by correcting what he believes to be an error.

00:35:04.152 --> 00:35:07.772
And if he is right, then you are better off because you've been corrected.

00:35:07.792 --> 00:35:10.232
If he's wrong, you have the opportunity to help him.

00:35:11.752 --> 00:35:13.892
That is how we should view these things.

00:35:14.192 --> 00:35:21.972
That is how we should respond to them instead of letting them turn into acrimonious conflicts of personality or whatever else it happens to be.

00:35:23.632 --> 00:35:31.652
But as Wo mentioned at the outset of this part of the episode, this does all come with an important caveat.

00:35:31.972 --> 00:35:34.692
We're dealing with brothers correcting brothers.

00:35:35.132 --> 00:35:42.332
And in this case, I do mean the broader sense of brother because, of course, our Christian sisters are also part of this.

00:35:42.572 --> 00:35:46.432
That plays into this differently because there are differences between men and women.

00:35:46.452 --> 00:35:48.952
We've gone over those in previous episodes.

00:35:50.112 --> 00:36:06.292
But women are also part of this because one of the core duties, of course, of a Christian man is to see that his wife is trained properly in the faith, is to instruct her, because he is the first and foremost teacher in her life with regard to the Christian faith.

00:36:06.312 --> 00:36:09.712
That's one of his duties, and he should, of course, take that very seriously.

00:36:10.712 --> 00:36:12.832
And so spend more time in the scriptures.

00:36:13.572 --> 00:36:29.252
But to return to the caveat, today we deal with far more people than anyone ever in the past, with the only possible exception being, say, a king who held audiences, and so would see many of his subjects.

00:36:30.552 --> 00:36:36.632
In the past, you knew a tiny handful of people who lived around you, unless perhaps you're a traveling merchant or something.

00:36:37.312 --> 00:36:38.852
You didn't know very many people.

00:36:38.872 --> 00:36:40.712
You didn't interact with very many people.

00:36:41.072 --> 00:36:50.372
There wasn't opportunity for those people to tell you you're wrong, or maliciously perhaps to tell you you're wrong in some cases.

00:36:51.692 --> 00:36:54.892
That's no longer the case, because we have things like social media.

00:36:55.192 --> 00:37:06.152
If I post something on Twitter, it is going to be seen by thousands of people I will never meet, or even tens of thousands of people I will never meet.

00:37:06.512 --> 00:37:09.032
Or if it's something controversial, perhaps more than that.

00:37:10.772 --> 00:37:27.052
Every single person who replies to that does not have to be taken as seriously as I would take a Christian brother, particularly a Christian brother whom I know well, who's been a friend perhaps for many years, a Christian brother I trust.

00:37:27.592 --> 00:37:37.992
And so for instance, if Woe were to come to me and tell me he believes I am wrong about some particular issue of the Christian faith, I would take that very seriously.

00:37:38.912 --> 00:38:02.572
If someone with bright blue hair and a listing of Marvel movies in his bio pops up in my Twitter mentions and tells me that he believes I am wrong about some facet of the Christian religion or I'm wrong about Jesus and his nature, I am not going to take that as seriously as I would take Woe telling me that I am in error.

00:38:03.872 --> 00:38:06.812
And that is exactly how a Christian should respond to these things.

00:38:08.052 --> 00:38:22.412
If someone, some random person on the Internet tells you that you are in error with regard to the Christian religion, I'm not saying that you can just immediately dismiss that as being nothing.

00:38:23.072 --> 00:38:29.832
If you read that and your conscience is not pricked in any way whatsoever, you can probably just dismiss it.

00:38:30.412 --> 00:38:40.852
If, however, you think that there might be a point there, go and discuss it with your actual Christian brothers, those men you know to be Christians, those men you can trust.

00:38:41.192 --> 00:38:46.712
You don't have to discuss it with this random person about whom you know nothing on the Internet.

00:38:47.292 --> 00:38:52.732
That's probably not going to be as productive as if you raise the issue in your Bible study.

00:38:54.212 --> 00:38:59.372
You could say, someone asked me a question or someone said I was wrong about this particular thing.

00:38:59.692 --> 00:39:00.552
What do you think?

00:39:01.232 --> 00:39:02.992
That's iron sharpening iron.

00:39:03.012 --> 00:39:15.232
That's discussing something with a Christian brother so you can both deepen your understanding of the subject and you can quiet your conscience if you had some sort of doubt because of something raised by a random person.

00:39:16.432 --> 00:39:29.172
You simply cannot take every single comment that comes your way in the modern world and treat it the same way you would another member of your church if he had raised the issue.

00:39:29.652 --> 00:39:34.192
Because if you do that, it will not only absorb all of your time, it will probably drive you insane.

00:39:35.012 --> 00:39:40.972
So there are some caveats with this when it comes to modern life because this is an issue of wisdom.

00:39:41.752 --> 00:39:50.172
And part of that wisdom is knowing what to take seriously and what not to take seriously, or at least not as seriously.

00:39:51.112 --> 00:39:54.712
You have to filter that, the same way that you filter everything else in life.

00:39:55.272 --> 00:39:58.972
You don't believe every single email you receive at face value.

00:39:59.332 --> 00:40:02.752
If you did, you would probably have been scammed out of all of your money by now.

00:40:04.072 --> 00:40:06.652
So we recognize that you have to do this filtering.

00:40:07.052 --> 00:40:14.472
The same is true with regard to issues dealing with theology, dealing with the Christian faith.

00:40:14.892 --> 00:40:17.112
As Woe said, there are three possibilities.

00:40:17.492 --> 00:40:21.452
You can have a Christian brother who is coming to you earnestly, who believes that you are in error.

00:40:21.952 --> 00:40:24.832
You could have the Christian brother doing that who is himself in error.

00:40:25.412 --> 00:40:26.912
And there's always that third option.

00:40:27.052 --> 00:40:29.512
There could be someone who is doing it maliciously.

00:40:30.232 --> 00:40:35.312
And that is very often the case in the modern context, particularly on social media.

00:40:36.892 --> 00:40:48.632
Which is precisely why Paul's admonition that all scripture is breathed out by God and is useful for reproof and rebuke and correction of error is the central thesis of all of this.

00:40:49.412 --> 00:40:52.672
I'm not even going to call scripture a tiebreaker because scripture should be the source.

00:40:53.352 --> 00:40:56.552
It shouldn't be, well, my opinion and then your opinion and let's see what the Bible says.

00:40:56.572 --> 00:40:56.732

00:40:57.192 --> 00:41:03.672
If you're coming to a man and you're trying to correct him and you didn't begin with the Bible, you have already sinned.

00:41:04.052 --> 00:41:09.692
You shouldn't be getting anything that you're going to admonish a man for sin anywhere other than the Bible.

00:41:10.552 --> 00:41:17.392
And so, you know, it's important, I think, when we remember that passage, that when Paul wrote that, only the Old Testament existed.

00:41:17.652 --> 00:41:19.112
The New Testament didn't exist yet.

00:41:19.872 --> 00:41:26.032
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James, and Jude were in the process of writing the New Testament.

00:41:26.732 --> 00:41:36.092
So, when God says all scripture is breathed out by God, it's inclusive of all scripture that we have today, but they were only talking about the Old Testament at that time.

00:41:36.252 --> 00:41:37.152
It's true of both.

00:41:37.672 --> 00:41:46.272
I mention this specifically because, A, we give short shrift to the Old Testament in many cases in a lot of these discussions today.

00:41:46.652 --> 00:41:59.992
It's very common for people who call themselves Christian inside the church to set the Old Testament against the New Testament and effectively to confess that there are kind of two gods in play, where the god really changed his mind.

00:42:00.312 --> 00:42:04.132
We have a lesser god and a greater god, or a meaner god and a loving god.

00:42:05.492 --> 00:42:08.392
That's when you know that you're dealing with someone who's not an heir.

00:42:08.652 --> 00:42:10.412
You're dealing with the teachings of demons.

00:42:11.172 --> 00:42:20.652
And the second minor point today, but this is going to be a major point for a couple upcoming episodes, is that when they were talking about that, they were talking almost exclusively about the Greek Old Testament.

00:42:21.152 --> 00:42:24.552
Virtually none of the quotations in the New Testament come from the Hebrew.

00:42:24.572 --> 00:42:32.072
That will be a subject for a future day, but I just want to prime you guys if you're not already on Twitter following some of the things we've been discussing there.

00:42:32.912 --> 00:42:37.232
There was a radical change in the Church regarding the Greek versus the Hebrew.

00:42:37.632 --> 00:42:40.632
And it has a lot of impact on our faith today.

00:42:40.652 --> 00:42:44.892
One of the quotes I'm going to have a little bit will exemplify just how much changed.

00:42:45.872 --> 00:43:00.792
So now that you're primed to be able to receive as a Christian the rebuke of another and to be able to filter well is this true or is it false, we get to the harder subject of how and when to re-rebuke the errors of others.

00:43:01.512 --> 00:43:15.552
As we said in the Persuasiveness Matters episode, there are times when you just keep your mouth shut because the fact that someone is wrong about something is not an occasion for you to necessarily leap into action and fix everything.

00:43:16.612 --> 00:43:22.752
In the examples we were giving, they were primarily not theological at all, but there may be cases where theology is in play.

00:43:23.492 --> 00:43:25.192
You know, Cory and I are Lutherans.

00:43:25.632 --> 00:43:37.872
This is a Christian podcast in a Lutheran vernacular in some cases, in a Lutheran flavor, but most of what we say, I think, most of our audience just agrees with is not really Lutheran distinctives.

00:43:38.392 --> 00:43:44.872
We've done a couple episodes that we've largely sequestered about baptism and communion, because those are a couple of Lutheran distinctives.

00:43:45.292 --> 00:43:47.772
And we did them principally because we had so many people asking.

00:43:48.132 --> 00:43:56.012
That's not a case of us chasing the rest of you down the street and yelling at you because we think that you're wrong about these things, even though we believe you are wrong.

00:43:56.452 --> 00:44:02.532
And so we made the case in those episodes, here is what we believe scripture says about baptism or about communion.

00:44:03.312 --> 00:44:08.272
Those are sealed off areas of disagreement that fall into other areas.

00:44:08.292 --> 00:44:17.452
You know, when I say sealed off, I don't mean that like the sacraments are isolated in the Christian life, but they are particular subjects that are not always in play.

00:44:17.872 --> 00:44:32.492
I think this is something that Lutherans are incredibly bad at, especially today, is that because we have a sacramental theology that's sort of in opposition to most other denominations, there are a lot of Lutherans that that's their comfort zone.

00:44:32.692 --> 00:44:37.292
That's what they want to run to that and say, I'm going to pick this fight because I got all the sources on my shelf.

00:44:37.712 --> 00:44:39.912
I can make these arguments because they're five centuries old.

00:44:40.132 --> 00:44:41.952
I'm going to beat up on those guys because they're wrong.

00:44:42.952 --> 00:44:45.372
And the question that I will always ask is, what problem are you trying to solve?

00:44:45.692 --> 00:44:47.252
No one's arguing about communion.

00:44:47.632 --> 00:44:49.392
We're talking about trans and kids.

00:44:49.652 --> 00:44:50.852
Shut up about communion.

00:44:51.512 --> 00:45:02.272
And I think that, you know, whatever your distinctive is in your denomination, when someone comes along and is addressing an issue and you say, shut up about this, it's not the point.

00:45:03.812 --> 00:45:06.872
It's perceived as an attack on the doctrine when it's not.

00:45:06.892 --> 00:45:09.412
It's a correction of the misplaced emphasis.

00:45:10.212 --> 00:45:15.112
I think this is something that virtually all Protestants are guilty of today when it comes to the doctrine of justification.

00:45:15.692 --> 00:45:19.532
This is something that came out of the Ogden Conference a couple of weeks ago and something I've been saying for a while.

00:45:21.132 --> 00:45:26.532
The fact that justification was the seminal issue of the Reformation doesn't mean it's the seminal issue today.

00:45:26.992 --> 00:45:28.512
Satan has moved on.

00:45:29.212 --> 00:45:31.752
And it's not that justification is not important.

00:45:32.632 --> 00:45:47.272
Anytime I'm having a conversation with anyone anywhere, if I realize in the course of that conversation that they're wrong about justification, meaning they think that they can save themselves by whatever degree, I'm going to stop whatever the rest of the conversation is and try to work through that first.

00:45:47.812 --> 00:45:56.152
Because whatever else we agree with in scriptural matters, if you think that you can earn your salvation, your salvation is in jeopardy.

00:45:56.432 --> 00:45:58.192
You're in the most extreme danger.

00:45:58.772 --> 00:46:07.192
So when I say something like justification is not the fight right now, it is not that justification doesn't matter, it's that it's not the pressing issue.

00:46:07.812 --> 00:46:08.892
Because it's very simple.

00:46:08.972 --> 00:46:13.232
I tweeted a couple days ago, it takes 60 seconds to explain justification to somebody.

00:46:13.892 --> 00:46:22.512
The fact that there's been reams of paper printed for centuries dealing with the errors surrounding it, doesn't change the fact that it's a very simple question.

00:46:23.192 --> 00:46:24.412
Can I earn my salvation?

00:46:24.712 --> 00:46:25.512
Absolutely not.

00:46:25.792 --> 00:46:26.252
Who did?

00:46:26.572 --> 00:46:28.912
Jesus earned my salvation on the cross.

00:46:29.172 --> 00:46:30.512
He paid for my sins.

00:46:30.712 --> 00:46:31.892
He paid for your sins.

00:46:32.392 --> 00:46:33.472
That's justification.

00:46:33.672 --> 00:46:35.032
It's located on the cross.

00:46:35.752 --> 00:46:39.492
If you try to locate it anywhere else, you're ceasing to be a Christian.

00:46:40.652 --> 00:46:43.172
But today, that's not where Satan's attacks are.

00:46:43.412 --> 00:46:45.092
Satan's not attacking justification.

00:46:45.712 --> 00:46:53.932
And so sometimes when we're looking at confronting the errors and others, sometimes we're not even confronting doctrinal errors.

00:46:53.952 --> 00:46:56.132
We're confronting errors of emphasis.

00:46:56.812 --> 00:47:01.792
I will loudly say that Lutherans are talking about almost exclusively the wrong things.

00:47:02.352 --> 00:47:06.732
Their heads are in the 16th century, and they're not paying attention to where Satan's attacking.

00:47:06.972 --> 00:47:08.432
And it makes them virtually worthless.

00:47:08.672 --> 00:47:11.712
In fact, it makes most of them enemies of the Church today.

00:47:11.892 --> 00:47:13.272
Not because the doctrine's wrong.

00:47:13.632 --> 00:47:18.312
The doctrine that I hold to, that they're trying to defend, is simply not the fight.

00:47:19.312 --> 00:47:23.292
And so, the last part of this episode is about talking where the fight is.

00:47:23.512 --> 00:47:24.832
So we talked about last week, too.

00:47:25.332 --> 00:47:26.632
Where is the battle?

00:47:26.812 --> 00:47:37.412
Because when you're looking to confront the errors of others, and principally for this portion, we're going to be talking about theological error versus personal sin, although both are involved to some degree.

00:47:38.012 --> 00:47:40.212
And I think that's one of the distinctions we need to make.

00:47:40.492 --> 00:47:49.312
When you're looking at confronting the sin of another, you know, just as we talked just a minute ago about someone confronting your sin, in some cases it's just going to be you're wrong about something in Scripture.

00:47:49.772 --> 00:47:52.792
That's a bad sin because you have been misled about Scripture.

00:47:53.372 --> 00:47:54.972
It's potentially undermining your faith.

00:47:55.532 --> 00:47:58.032
And then there are things where someone needs to confront you because you've sinned.

00:47:58.172 --> 00:48:00.332
You've sinned against them, you've sinned against somebody else.

00:48:01.412 --> 00:48:07.312
When you're looking at confronting the sin and error of another, it's going to fall into a few different buckets.

00:48:07.952 --> 00:48:10.572
And those different categories need to be treated differently.

00:48:11.532 --> 00:48:19.492
If someone has sinned against you personally, say, Corey did something really mean to me, something sinful against me, I'm not going to tweet about it.

00:48:19.872 --> 00:48:21.212
I'm going to speak to him privately.

00:48:21.512 --> 00:48:24.532
I'm going to say, you did this, this was a sin.

00:48:25.172 --> 00:48:26.092
You need to repent.

00:48:26.312 --> 00:48:27.292
I need to forgive you.

00:48:27.492 --> 00:48:28.692
And all this needs to happen.

00:48:29.052 --> 00:48:38.252
And so, if you figure it out, as Christian brothers, a lot of what's discussed in the New Testament is specifically focused on that.

00:48:38.272 --> 00:48:41.332
It's focused on personal sin.

00:48:41.352 --> 00:49:02.012
And I think the problem that we have today when we're looking at Scripture for addressing these broader doctrinal problems and broader societal sins that aren't personal sins at all is that when we look at the texts that are given in Scripture that talk about how to deal with these sins against brothers, we ignore the brother part.

00:49:02.392 --> 00:49:09.192
Cory is my brother, according to the faith, and according to the flesh to some degree, where we come from the same parts of Europe, a long time ago.

00:49:09.492 --> 00:49:13.012
We're not recent relatives, we're distant relatives, but not that distant.

00:49:13.492 --> 00:49:15.372
Certainly much closer than I would be to an Indian.

00:49:16.032 --> 00:49:18.312
And yet, principally, he's my brother in the faith.

00:49:19.232 --> 00:49:23.112
So when those discussions happen in the New Testament, they apply to us.

00:49:23.572 --> 00:49:29.352
They apply to two Christian men hammering out their disagreements, whether it's sin, whatever it is.

00:49:30.312 --> 00:49:32.172
They don't apply universally.

00:49:32.832 --> 00:49:37.412
When scripture speaks of a brother, it's not talking about everyone on the planet.

00:49:37.772 --> 00:49:39.912
Every man on the planet is not your brother.

00:49:41.232 --> 00:49:43.012
Every man on the planet is not your neighbor.

00:49:43.472 --> 00:49:45.472
And brother and neighbor are synonyms.

00:49:45.492 --> 00:49:49.472
They mean two different things theologically, because they mean two different things linguistically.

00:49:49.492 --> 00:49:50.932
Like, they mean what they say.

00:49:50.952 --> 00:49:59.112
You know, the fact that Cory is my brother according to the faith is a theological layer applied on top of the brotherhood according to the flesh.

00:49:59.732 --> 00:50:06.272
So it's saying that our adoption as sons of God makes every Christian on the planet our brothers according to the faith.

00:50:06.852 --> 00:50:22.792
And that's absolutely essential for the Christian faith, because wherever man is, anywhere, whatever our disagreements, if we both actually have the same God, then the rules that the New Testament in particular sets out dealing with these disputes, because we don't have the sacrificial system anymore.

00:50:23.972 --> 00:50:28.272
If you sin against me or I sin against you, we can't go sacrifice a pigeon or whatever at the temple.

00:50:28.912 --> 00:50:30.572
There's another way that we have to deal with it.

00:50:31.192 --> 00:50:34.792
If you're not my brother in the faith, then there are other ways to deal with things.

00:50:34.852 --> 00:50:43.752
And so when we look at the duty to confront sin, if it's in the church, there are private matters, and then there are also public matters, and they're distinct matters.

00:50:44.292 --> 00:51:02.892
And what's ironic about the fact that when you look at many of the scripture passages, we're going to get into here in just a minute, in the New Testament, people in the church used to say, well, you can't say that publicly because, you know, this, that, or the other thing where someone's spreading false doctrine, they ignore the fact that Paul is literally, it's mostly Paul.

00:51:03.732 --> 00:51:08.512
But God, overall, is publishing these epistles against public error.

00:51:08.812 --> 00:51:16.192
These epistles ring out for all time, for the eternity of the Christian church, that these errors occurred in these places.

00:51:16.632 --> 00:51:21.532
There's nothing that's ever in history been more public than the condemnation of these errors.

00:51:22.532 --> 00:51:25.572
And yet today we're told inside the church, oh, you have to keep that a secret.

00:51:25.932 --> 00:51:28.152
You can't say that that person did anything wrong publicly.

00:51:28.352 --> 00:51:29.772
You can't say this body is wrong.

00:51:30.012 --> 00:51:31.592
You have to go approach them privately.

00:51:32.612 --> 00:51:33.272
Utter bollocks.

00:51:33.512 --> 00:51:35.072
It's complete nonsense.

00:51:35.592 --> 00:51:37.452
And so the last part of this is dividing.

00:51:37.752 --> 00:51:39.312
Where is it a personal sin?

00:51:39.332 --> 00:51:40.552
Where is a personal error?

00:51:40.732 --> 00:51:42.212
Where it is a private matter?

00:51:42.572 --> 00:51:43.952
And where is it a public matter?

00:51:44.372 --> 00:51:47.712
Because the parts of scripture that you look to, in some cases, are going to vary.

00:51:48.032 --> 00:51:52.072
Now, it's going to vary in terms of the rules that apply, not in terms of the heart.

00:51:52.372 --> 00:51:57.992
That's why we did the previous portion talking about the heart which we should receive correction.

00:51:58.552 --> 00:52:05.392
Because the same heart with which you receive the sort of correction should be the kind of heart that you use to approach certainly another brother.

00:52:06.212 --> 00:52:14.612
But when we love the things that God loves, and we hate the things that God hates, we're going to apply it in different ways in different situations.

00:52:15.232 --> 00:52:22.732
When there's public, doctrinal corruption in churches, it's not a private matter by any definition.

00:52:23.012 --> 00:52:25.472
Not scripturally, not in our confessions.

00:52:25.812 --> 00:52:28.112
It's a public error that's going to destroy souls.

00:52:28.892 --> 00:52:34.732
And the destruction, the scope of the damage being done is another crucial part of this.

00:52:35.552 --> 00:52:41.872
If Corey gets something wrong with me, like if we have some personal problem with each other, that's private and it's between us.

00:52:42.872 --> 00:53:00.172
If Corey says something publicly that I disagree with and I believe that it's sin, I believe it's a corruption of scripture, then although I may speak to him privately, I certainly would because we're close friends, the damage that he's doing by saying something publicly is itself a matter of great urgency.

00:53:00.332 --> 00:53:04.792
It's much more urgent than just us disagreeing privately where no one else is being harmed.

00:53:05.172 --> 00:53:09.912
If the harm is being done publicly, the urgency is vastly greater.

00:53:10.472 --> 00:53:15.532
Because if it's just a private matter, then you can reconcile until you die.

00:53:16.412 --> 00:53:22.372
And even then, God has forgiven our sins and we can trust in His mercy, even when we are ignorant of our own sin.

00:53:22.672 --> 00:53:33.272
But when someone is actively harming someone else, whether it's in the church or in the world, which is the other thing here, we have two spheres going on, some of the harm that's done is bodily.

00:53:33.572 --> 00:53:34.732
It's in the left-hand kingdom.

00:53:34.752 --> 00:53:35.432
It's political.

00:53:35.452 --> 00:53:37.032
It has nothing to do with the church.

00:53:37.552 --> 00:53:41.892
And those are cases where things are simultaneously sin and they're matters of law.

00:53:42.352 --> 00:53:57.692
And this is where many people in the church come waiting into conversations to which they're not parties, trying to apply falsely biblical standards in cases where an army is needed, where the sword of the prince, the godly prince, is needed to deal with hope and rebellion.

00:53:58.372 --> 00:54:06.972
So the fact that there are texts that deal with error and rebuke and sin doesn't necessarily mean that that's the only thing you can do.

00:54:07.292 --> 00:54:11.432
As we go through some of these, just keep in mind that the wording of the passages matters.

00:54:12.112 --> 00:54:15.972
It's not enough to say, well, there was a sin, and so this is the only thing we can possibly do.

00:54:16.752 --> 00:54:19.852
There are sins where the response is you send in an army.

00:54:20.512 --> 00:54:20.952
And that's it.

00:54:21.392 --> 00:54:23.112
You don't send in priests or pastors.

00:54:23.372 --> 00:54:24.872
You don't send in the gospel.

00:54:25.132 --> 00:54:29.092
You send in people to kill the evil men, which is a state matter.

00:54:29.112 --> 00:54:32.592
It's not a personal matter, but sometimes that's the only response.

00:54:33.052 --> 00:54:36.352
It's not a gospel issue if someone is committing an invasion.

00:54:36.792 --> 00:54:38.272
That's a matter for defense.

00:54:39.532 --> 00:54:48.812
And the fact that the church is wading in incompetently and maliciously in many cases to those conversations is one of the chief political problems today.

00:54:49.212 --> 00:54:58.012
Those on the right who are in the church are trying to get those who are on the right outside of the church to say, look, we're on the same side, but you need Jesus.

00:54:58.672 --> 00:55:04.332
And then on the left, you have people who pretend to be in the church who are doing Satan's will against the world.

00:55:04.972 --> 00:55:10.852
And we have unbelievers looking at the evil that's coming from inside the church and saying, well, I don't want anything to do with Jesus.

00:55:11.352 --> 00:55:24.972
So it's crucial for us to understand as Christians when and how do we address error in the public sphere versus in the private sphere, because it will ultimately separate some from God who could have been reached if we were faithful about these things.

00:55:26.632 --> 00:55:42.272
We'll mention the episode on Perfect Hatred already, and there is another episode, really a series in this case, that also serves as foundation for or preface to this episode, and that is the series we did on love.

00:55:42.972 --> 00:55:50.212
And of course, those episodes are closely related because hate and love are related, as we went over in those episodes.

00:55:50.712 --> 00:56:02.092
But one of the reasons that love is so important in this is because those who offer the rebuke or correction are often accused of being loveless.

00:56:02.152 --> 00:56:03.952
They are accused of lovelessness.

00:56:04.992 --> 00:56:10.732
That is one thing that is thrown as an accusation almost constantly.

00:56:11.272 --> 00:56:15.252
Woe and I both receive accusations of that on Twitter and elsewhere.

00:56:16.792 --> 00:56:26.872
Because you have people, when it comes to those who are either ignorant or malicious, or actually, quite frankly, usually both, but you have those who know only that God is love.

00:56:26.892 --> 00:56:27.872
That's all they know about Scripture.

00:56:27.892 --> 00:56:29.672
They know absolutely nothing else.

00:56:29.692 --> 00:56:31.872
They've never picked up a Bible, in many cases.

00:56:32.412 --> 00:56:36.272
And so they pop up and say, well, you're not being very loving.

00:56:36.992 --> 00:56:39.452
It's because they have no idea what love actually is.

00:56:41.252 --> 00:56:46.932
Permitting someone to persist in egregious error in sin is not love.

00:56:47.532 --> 00:56:48.292
That's hatred.

00:56:49.132 --> 00:56:51.312
That's the bad kind of hatred.

00:56:51.332 --> 00:56:54.332
That's not hatred of evil or hatred of the wicked.

00:56:54.352 --> 00:56:55.492
That's hatred of the good.

00:56:56.432 --> 00:57:00.612
Because all you're doing is letting that person merrily march straight into hell.

00:57:01.212 --> 00:57:02.832
That is not love.

00:57:04.292 --> 00:57:07.672
You can think of proverbs, spare the rod, spoil the child.

00:57:08.352 --> 00:57:35.692
There are certain things that you must do with regard to error, with regard to rebuke, with regard to raising children, all these related matters, that the modern world would not call love, because what the modern world does is it conflates permissiveness and license and calls them love, because if you just let someone do whatever he pleases, that's called loving by the modern world.

00:57:36.332 --> 00:57:47.972
If you tell him these things you are doing are going to harm you or are harming you, well, that's not loving, because you're being intolerant, which is completely insane.

00:57:47.992 --> 00:57:55.332
If someone is eating poison and you tell him you're eating poison, you need to stop, that's the loving option.

00:57:56.252 --> 00:58:03.732
The tolerant option would be to say nothing, because, well, he can just eat whatever he pleases, that's his freedom, that's his liberty, he can do what he likes.

00:58:04.672 --> 00:58:13.032
That isn't love, that's hatred, that's malice, that's hatred taking the form of indifference, which is one of the worst kinds of hatred.

00:58:14.592 --> 00:58:25.752
And yet that is what the modern world attempts to pass off as love, and it is the accusation, again, that is so often thrown at those who are attempting to rebuke and correct these errors.

00:58:26.412 --> 00:58:29.052
And it is done, often, with malice.

00:58:29.472 --> 00:58:39.192
There are some Christians who do it simply out of ignorance, which is, quite frankly, in many cases, inexcusable ignorance, because it shows an ignorance of Scripture.

00:58:39.812 --> 00:58:43.872
Because, again, you have to know Scripture in these matters.

00:58:44.212 --> 00:58:54.792
If someone says something, if they mention a topic, you should have parts of Scripture that come to mind, because you should be familiar enough with God's Word that you remember those things.

00:58:55.172 --> 00:59:08.172
So if someone says, slavery is a sin, you should think, well, God gave Abraham slaves, and there's an entire book, Philemon, to a slave master, not commanding him to free his slave.

00:59:09.312 --> 00:59:15.592
If someone says, polygyny is a sin, you should think, well, God told David he would give him more wives.

00:59:17.452 --> 00:59:22.912
If someone says that capital punishment is a sin, you should think, well, God actually commands that.

00:59:22.912 --> 00:59:25.712
In Genesis 9, 6, it's part of the moral law.

00:59:26.072 --> 00:59:28.172
It flows from God's unchanging nature.

00:59:28.192 --> 00:59:34.532
It is required that Christians have and also exercise the death penalty.

00:59:35.812 --> 00:59:43.872
In any of several dozen other topics, there are ready answers for these things in Scripture, if you know Scripture.

00:59:44.852 --> 01:00:00.072
And someone who rebukes these errors should not be accused of being quarrelsome or loveless or contentious or whatever accusation happens to come to mind to the person throwing it, because that is not what is at issue.

01:00:00.112 --> 01:00:09.072
What is at issue is whether or not the party making the contention is correct, whether it is the initial contention or the rebuke.

01:00:09.812 --> 01:00:16.632
The question is, does this statement, does this assertion align with what God has said?

01:00:17.312 --> 01:00:20.192
Because if not, it is an error and needs to be rebuked.

01:00:20.512 --> 01:00:25.372
If it does, then the person attempting the rebuke is an error and he needs to be corrected.

01:00:26.112 --> 01:00:36.232
Assuming that we are dealing, of course, with Christian brothers, if you're just dealing with some malicious interlocutor, that's a different matter, you can dismiss that person or handle him differently.

01:00:37.092 --> 01:00:40.912
Because as well mentioned, you have to read the words that are actually in Scripture.

01:00:41.252 --> 01:00:51.512
And so Scripture says, if your brother, well, that is if your brother, it is in this case your brother in Christ, because there are differences there.

01:00:51.532 --> 01:00:54.112
We know this from our everyday life.

01:00:54.132 --> 01:00:57.152
Your brother-in-law and your brother are two different things.

01:00:57.692 --> 01:01:00.012
They're both brothers, but there's a distinction there.

01:01:00.492 --> 01:01:04.072
And the same thing is true with regard to a brother or a brother in Christ.

01:01:04.472 --> 01:01:13.632
There are duties, there are rules, there are ways you approach these things, as dictated by God's Word, depending on whether you're dealing with a brother or not.

01:01:14.092 --> 01:01:20.512
You do not deal with a pagan, with an unbeliever, in the exact same way you would deal with a brother.

01:01:22.252 --> 01:01:36.432
But to return to that issue of murder briefly, the issue of Genesis 9, 6, as Woe said, there are times where the solution, where the medicine, as it were, is not the gospel, it is the sword.

01:01:37.132 --> 01:01:40.612
That is the case with regard to punishing murderers.

01:01:41.492 --> 01:01:45.372
The state uses the sword when punishing murderers.

01:01:45.912 --> 01:01:49.212
The state doesn't use the gospel to deal with that issue.

01:01:49.912 --> 01:01:53.992
Scripture doesn't command the use of the gospel to deal with that issue.

01:01:54.692 --> 01:02:01.292
I'm not saying that the gospel can't be somewhere in our juridical process, if we were actually a Christian nation.

01:02:01.732 --> 01:02:14.612
There should probably be some point between arrest and execution where a pastor goes and speaks to that man, gives him the opportunity to repent, to confess his sins.

01:02:14.992 --> 01:02:16.592
As Christians, we should offer that.

01:02:16.612 --> 01:02:18.212
That should be there somewhere.

01:02:19.152 --> 01:02:22.452
But that is not the core part of that process.

01:02:22.472 --> 01:02:25.192
That is not even the ultimate goal of that process.

01:02:25.572 --> 01:02:29.332
That is addressing wickedness in the left-hand kingdom.

01:02:29.432 --> 01:02:30.992
And that is addressed with the sword.

01:02:31.192 --> 01:02:36.512
And so in Christians, supposed Christians interject themselves and say, well, is that a gospel issue?

01:02:37.232 --> 01:02:39.952
Or you're not letting the gospel predominate?

01:02:39.952 --> 01:02:42.852
Or whatever other catchphrase happens to come out.

01:02:44.272 --> 01:02:50.892
They need to be rebuked because they are actually harming whatever needs to be done with regard to the problem.

01:02:53.052 --> 01:03:06.032
We see this conflated sometimes in the case of those who will conflate, forgiving your enemies, forgiving those who sin against you, and wanting to do away with the punishment.

01:03:07.352 --> 01:03:08.572
There is a distinction there.

01:03:08.872 --> 01:03:10.512
There is a very important difference.

01:03:11.212 --> 01:03:14.152
Yes, you must forgive the person who sinned against you.

01:03:14.772 --> 01:03:22.792
However, if it is a matter with regard to the left hand kingdom for the prince to handle, he must still punish that man.

01:03:23.452 --> 01:03:32.592
Just because he has been forgiven by God and by those against whom he sinned does not mean that he is not punished temporally for that.

01:03:32.852 --> 01:03:36.612
It means that he will not be punished eternally for it if he repented.

01:03:38.332 --> 01:03:40.072
But the temporal punishment remains.

01:03:40.752 --> 01:03:41.972
These issues are distinct.

01:03:41.992 --> 01:03:44.192
They have to be treated differently.

01:03:44.632 --> 01:03:54.392
And so if someone interjects himself and tries to bring in, well, this scripture says that if your brother sins against you, well, if it's not a brother, it's not applicable.

01:03:54.812 --> 01:04:00.492
And if they try to bring in, well, the Gospel, if it's not dealing with the Gospel, it's not applicable.

01:04:01.072 --> 01:04:10.712
If it's dealing with transgressions of the moral law, yes, of course, that is an issue related to God's Word and related to the positive laws of the country.

01:04:10.932 --> 01:04:19.752
That person may very well need to hear the Gospel in the process, but the central and fundamental issue is that violation of the moral law which must be punished.

01:04:21.612 --> 01:04:28.992
These are important lines that we must know where they exist, and we must recognize and respect them.

01:04:30.372 --> 01:04:39.852
You do not conflate these issues, because if you conflate them, not only do you create chaos, but quite frankly in many cases, you're probably sinning in doing so.

01:04:42.272 --> 01:04:49.612
This is a problem that we see everywhere in the modern world, because we have Christians who don't know anything about Scripture.

01:04:49.852 --> 01:04:51.312
They don't know anything about God.

01:04:51.332 --> 01:04:52.912
They don't know anything about the Christian faith.

01:04:53.332 --> 01:04:55.232
All they know is the word love.

01:04:55.952 --> 01:05:12.012
And so, as just a general rule, which it's unfortunate, it's another one of those, but if someone accuses you of being loveless or not being loving or lovelessness or whatever the accusation is, if you hear that word, you should be on your guard.

01:05:13.452 --> 01:05:23.732
That is an indication the person with whom you are dealing does not actually understand Christianity, does not understand Scripture, or is acting in malice.

01:05:24.232 --> 01:05:27.372
Because that is one of Satan's favorite weapons.

01:05:27.792 --> 01:05:34.632
He loves to level the accusation against someone who is attempting rightly to rebuke error or sin.

01:05:35.392 --> 01:05:44.392
The accusation of being loveless, you aren't being kind, you aren't being Christ-like, you're being insufficiently loving, you're being mean, you're being hateful.

01:05:44.852 --> 01:05:45.972
These are all of a piece.

01:05:46.532 --> 01:05:58.632
It is one of his favorite weapons, and far too many Christians fall for it, because they hear that accusation, they shrink back from the attack, as it were, from the rebuke, from correcting that error that needs to be corrected.

01:05:59.272 --> 01:06:09.212
So if you hear that, you need to immediately be on your guard, and you need to scrutinize what that person is saying, what that person is doing, and why he is doing it.

01:06:10.072 --> 01:06:18.032
Because again, you have to know, are you dealing with a Christian brother, or are you dealing with someone who is something very different from a Christian brother?

01:06:19.432 --> 01:06:38.672
So in a case where you are dealing with Christian brothers, which is a limited subset of this, but it's a vital one, it's the one we began with in the opposite direction where you are receiving a rebuke, I'm going to give you just a few passages, brief ones, to demonstrate the spirit which we should approach the error in others, the sin in others.

01:06:39.072 --> 01:06:44.332
Whether it's personal sin or it's matters of theological error, this is what we should do.

01:06:45.212 --> 01:06:51.792
Galatians 6 says, Brothers, so we've just been saying brothers, that means in the church, doesn't mean all human beings on the planet.

01:06:52.372 --> 01:06:59.272
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of kindness.

01:06:59.692 --> 01:07:02.792
Keep watch on yourself lest you too be tempted.

01:07:03.252 --> 01:07:06.532
Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

01:07:07.472 --> 01:07:13.772
As I said earlier, the spirit with which we receive rebukes, we should also rebuke.

01:07:14.192 --> 01:07:17.812
You should not go after someone in a way that you would want them to come after you.

01:07:18.332 --> 01:07:23.932
And so when I say go after, obviously that's a very limited subset of all the possible ways of going after somebody.

01:07:24.472 --> 01:07:29.252
If somebody makes a mistake, you want to bear the fruit of repentance.

01:07:29.672 --> 01:07:43.232
And that's going to mean that you got to do it as a Christian in a way that's going to be received because inherently when someone comes to you and says, I'm doing something, you're doing something wrong, your instinct is generally to get your ankles up to be defensive.

01:07:43.492 --> 01:07:44.552
Nobody likes to hear it.

01:07:44.952 --> 01:07:48.512
However you receive it, your generally your first instinct is not, oh great, I'm wrong.

01:07:48.812 --> 01:07:49.672
I love being wrong.

01:07:49.692 --> 01:07:51.792
Like no, that's, you shouldn't have a habit of that.

01:07:53.772 --> 01:07:59.652
But when the rebuke is given, it should be done in a spirit of gentleness, in the case of brothers in the church.

01:07:59.772 --> 01:08:01.372
And that's absolutely true.

01:08:01.712 --> 01:08:04.232
And it's also absolutely not universal.

01:08:04.832 --> 01:08:08.372
There are rebukes that should not be given in kindness, and we'll get to that in a minute.

01:08:09.172 --> 01:08:35.892
Another passage from James 5, at the very end James says, My brothers, again, if anyone among you, in the church that is, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, which is to say if anyone who was a Christian is straying from being Christian, my brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

01:08:36.812 --> 01:08:40.692
So again, that's the impetus behind any Christian correction of another brother.

01:08:41.212 --> 01:08:47.792
You see someone who's a Christian, he's in the church, he's a brother in Christ, and he's straying by whatever means.

01:08:48.292 --> 01:08:54.232
Maybe it's a personal sin, maybe it's something habitual, maybe it's an error that's going to lead to more error.

01:08:54.252 --> 01:08:57.492
And you know, because you've seen it a hundred times, you know that this is how that plays out.

01:08:57.912 --> 01:09:03.352
To go gently and rebuke that error and bring him back is loving.

01:09:03.612 --> 01:09:05.692
There are many other examples we're not going to get into.

01:09:05.872 --> 01:09:08.112
Much of the New Testament is about this sort of thing.

01:09:08.592 --> 01:09:14.152
It's absolutely vital that we approach these things within the church in a way that's loving.

01:09:15.152 --> 01:09:21.332
Because to fail to do so will often bear destruction where perhaps repentance would have been possible.

01:09:21.932 --> 01:09:32.172
If someone is in error and you rebuke them so harshly that they can't help but become defensive, they may be hardened in their sin simply because they don't want to cave to how mean you were.

01:09:32.512 --> 01:09:33.732
That's entirely possible.

01:09:33.752 --> 01:09:34.272
It happens.

01:09:34.712 --> 01:09:45.972
People will maybe be factually correct about some sin, but then they go so far beyond what is permissible for a Christian that the other person becomes even less Christian as a response.

01:09:46.432 --> 01:09:51.672
Satan can get away with anything when we're not keeping our compasses pointed towards God.

01:09:52.352 --> 01:09:57.432
And so you begin your rebuke in Scripture and you make sure that you have a Christian heart with another brother.

01:09:58.692 --> 01:10:00.252
But again, it doesn't apply everywhere.

01:10:00.272 --> 01:10:01.512
This applies within the church.

01:10:02.892 --> 01:10:19.712
And in 1st Timothy 5, Paul writes, As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all so that the rest may stand in fear and the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels, I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging doing nothing from partiality.

01:10:20.972 --> 01:10:25.652
So this is the case where someone in the church is effectively hardened in their sin.

01:10:26.232 --> 01:10:39.052
I think one of the most common cases that we see in the church, unfortunately, it tends not to be rebuked, is something like premarital fornication and shacking up and that sort of thing where people are engaging in behavior.

01:10:39.192 --> 01:10:46.112
It's open and notorious, and everyone just kind of turns a blind eye because they're still coming to church, and so you let it go.

01:10:46.892 --> 01:10:53.372
That is one of the most pernicious types of sin in the church because it corrupts everyone.

01:10:53.732 --> 01:10:56.332
It corrupts every man who knows and says nothing.

01:10:56.852 --> 01:10:58.292
I think that's another aspect of this.

01:10:58.312 --> 01:11:09.992
Scripture makes clear that there are cases where you must rebuke, and even though the rebuke must be given in gentleness, and it must be done in a loving fashion to achieve the result of repentance that God wants.

01:11:10.252 --> 01:11:13.432
Because again, this is not us saying, I want you to do this.

01:11:13.712 --> 01:11:16.412
It's saying, brother, God says this is a sin.

01:11:16.432 --> 01:11:17.192
Don't do this.

01:11:17.472 --> 01:11:20.312
It's harming you, and it's harming everyone who witnesses it.

01:11:20.552 --> 01:11:28.792
It's harming anyone who keeps silent about it because they're ultimately condoning public notorious sin by pretending it's not even notorious at all.

01:11:29.272 --> 01:11:30.012
Satan loves that.

01:11:30.092 --> 01:11:31.752
That's a victory condition for him.

01:11:32.332 --> 01:11:35.452
There are cases where persistent sin must be rebuked.

01:11:36.012 --> 01:11:39.672
As God says, rebuke it publicly so that the rest stand in fear.

01:11:40.452 --> 01:11:44.692
God wants fear and shame to be a part of these discussions.

01:11:45.272 --> 01:11:49.712
And I think that's something that's lost whenever you have these people making accusation of lovelessness.

01:11:50.872 --> 01:11:55.912
It is loving to say what you're doing is an error that leads to spiritual death.

01:11:56.632 --> 01:12:04.812
And the persistence in that error necessitates saying, look, what this person is doing over here, they stand judged, they stand condemned.

01:12:05.212 --> 01:12:08.072
Everyone should be fearful and they should be ashamed.

01:12:08.892 --> 01:12:16.632
Fear and shamery, crucial part of what has to happen in the church when someone is not repentance.

01:12:17.312 --> 01:12:24.152
And if you only ever focus on, oh, love, love, love, without knowing what it means, you won't understand that it is only loving to say that.

01:12:24.492 --> 01:12:31.672
It's hateful to just put up with open and notorious sin and say nothing because you really like them and to just let it go.

01:12:31.912 --> 01:12:32.732
That's not loving.

01:12:32.832 --> 01:12:34.532
Corey gave a couple of good examples of that.

01:12:35.172 --> 01:12:47.492
If you go to a doctor because you maybe weren't feeling well, you're run down or whatever and they run some tests and the tests turn up that you have some potentially fatal disease and then you go in for your test results and the doctor says, now you're fine.

01:12:47.732 --> 01:12:58.352
It was probably just a cold and sends you home and you feel a little bit better psychosomatically because you got a clean bill of health and six months later you're dead because the progressive disease killed you.

01:12:59.452 --> 01:13:03.612
Well, the Christian today would say that what the doctor did was loving.

01:13:03.992 --> 01:13:04.292

01:13:04.312 --> 01:13:16.052
Because the doctor knows whenever he tells someone that they're going to die if they don't have some radical treatment, they get sad, they cry, they're upset, it's disruptive to their life, they got to do a bunch of other stuff, some of it's not going to be pleasant.

01:13:16.452 --> 01:13:21.272
And so the nicest, most loving thing a doctor can do is give them a clean bill of health, right?

01:13:21.592 --> 01:13:22.652
That's what the church does.

01:13:23.152 --> 01:13:25.632
The church papers over these open and torrious sins.

01:13:25.652 --> 01:13:27.132
It's like, no, it's fine, you're okay.

01:13:27.672 --> 01:13:30.512
Even though those sins are sins which lead to spiritual death.

01:13:31.272 --> 01:13:39.372
The only loving thing, the only Christian thing for us to do in the church, just as in case that doctor, is to correctly diagnose the sin.

01:13:39.692 --> 01:13:42.172
To say, this thing is actually bad.

01:13:42.412 --> 01:13:43.632
It's actually harmful.

01:13:43.732 --> 01:13:44.932
That's the only way to treat it.

01:13:45.272 --> 01:13:49.552
You cannot treat a sin or a disease by pretending it's not there.

01:13:50.552 --> 01:14:00.032
Last example I want to give here from scripture is one of the most crucial, because I think it's probably just about one of the most abused passages in scripture today in this context.

01:14:00.492 --> 01:14:02.852
It's a passage probably everybody knows to some degree.

01:14:02.872 --> 01:14:03.932
It's Matthew 18.

01:14:04.652 --> 01:14:12.112
Even if you don't know a whole lot of scripture by name and number, Matthew 18 for a lot of people is a guy that's got something to do with confronting sin.

01:14:13.372 --> 01:14:14.752
I'm going to read a paragraph.

01:14:14.772 --> 01:14:17.432
I'm going to just emphasize first the first sentence of this.

01:14:18.092 --> 01:14:22.252
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.

01:14:23.212 --> 01:14:26.872
Now everything else that comes after is in this context, but we pretend it isn't.

01:14:27.532 --> 01:14:35.072
If your brother, that is someone in the church, sins against you as a personal sin, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.

01:14:35.932 --> 01:14:38.552
That necessarily means that there are no other parties to this sin.

01:14:38.932 --> 01:14:41.992
If Corey does something to me, I'm not going to broadcast it on the internet.

01:14:42.012 --> 01:14:43.972
That would be a violation of Matthew 18.

01:14:45.492 --> 01:14:48.112
We deal with it privately because it's a private matter.

01:14:48.192 --> 01:14:48.992
Nobody else knows.

01:14:49.332 --> 01:14:51.812
And so to tell anyone else, hey, did you know what he did to me?

01:14:52.072 --> 01:14:54.472
That is itself slanders, even if it's true.

01:14:54.872 --> 01:14:58.172
Go back and listen to the slander episode if you've forgotten how that works, because it's vital.

01:14:59.292 --> 01:15:05.452
The problem with the misapplication of Matthew 18 today is it's very narrow how scripture describes it.

01:15:06.772 --> 01:15:10.672
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.

01:15:11.492 --> 01:15:13.552
If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.

01:15:14.172 --> 01:15:20.312
But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.

01:15:21.132 --> 01:15:23.812
If he refuses to listen, then tell it to the church.

01:15:24.252 --> 01:15:28.932
And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a gentile and a tax collector.

01:15:29.632 --> 01:15:43.232
Now, this is described in many places as the Matthew 18 process for admonition, where if anyone sins anywhere, anytime, anyplace, this is the only thing you can possibly ever do.

01:15:44.112 --> 01:15:45.712
That's radically false.

01:15:46.592 --> 01:15:49.112
If it's a public sin, Matthew 18 doesn't apply.

01:15:49.672 --> 01:15:51.492
It's only for private personal sin.

01:15:52.252 --> 01:16:03.092
The reason that Matthew 18 is given when you actually just read the text and you don't have any baggage from false teaching, this is saying that a personal sin can in fact escalate to the point that someone is removed from the church.

01:16:03.872 --> 01:16:11.852
That what we call today church discipline is functionally and is truly only a recognition that, you know, say, Corey is sinned against me.

01:16:11.872 --> 01:16:12.812
Let's make it less mean.

01:16:12.832 --> 01:16:15.312
If I'm sinning against Corey, I do something horrible to him.

01:16:15.552 --> 01:16:17.692
He confronts me, I don't repent.

01:16:17.812 --> 01:16:19.572
Like, no, you deserved it, whatever.

01:16:20.212 --> 01:16:24.392
He brings somebody else in, so that someone else can testify that I'm unrepentant.

01:16:25.052 --> 01:16:28.032
If I'm like, I don't like any of you guys, I'm going to keep doing what I want, you're all wrong.

01:16:28.632 --> 01:16:40.532
Then, that is something that has made a matter of public record that everyone is told that not only did I do this thing in secret to Corey, but that I refused admonition that was scriptural admonition.

01:16:41.012 --> 01:16:43.352
Like, I don't like any of you guys, I'm going to do what I want.

01:16:44.212 --> 01:16:53.692
Publicly, I need to be recognized as an unbeliever that whatever else I may get right, if that is my approach when someone is like, you're sinning, I'm not Christian.

01:16:54.272 --> 01:16:58.612
Because whatever else my confession may be, this is a confession of my damnation.

01:16:59.092 --> 01:17:09.952
To resist the rebuke of Christians when the Holy Spirit is in play, when scripture is in play, when clear sin is involved, if someone is unrepentant, they're not a Christian, period.

01:17:10.372 --> 01:17:12.872
You cannot be a Christian if you're not repentant.

01:17:13.392 --> 01:17:21.272
So, what Matthew 18 is actually teaching is not that there's a particular script that's applied to every possible case for anyone ever sinning anywhere in the universe.

01:17:21.732 --> 01:17:28.532
It's very specifically saying that even private sins can and must become private matters if their matters lead to damnation.

01:17:28.932 --> 01:17:38.672
If I'm unrepentant about something that nobody else knows about and it rises to the level that we've previously discussed, it is necessary for that private sin to be made public.

01:17:39.172 --> 01:17:43.392
And the expulsion from among all believers is something that is to be recognized.

01:17:44.432 --> 01:17:44.912
And that's it.

01:17:45.552 --> 01:17:47.932
This is a very, very narrow passage.

01:17:48.172 --> 01:17:51.832
It is not a universal script for all times and all places.

01:17:52.152 --> 01:17:58.552
If it's not a brother that's involved, Matthew 18 has nothing to do with it, even if the spirit is informative.

01:17:58.772 --> 01:18:00.072
And so I gave these other passages.

01:18:00.092 --> 01:18:02.292
The spirit of these things is clearly informative.

01:18:02.592 --> 01:18:03.692
And what is the information?

01:18:04.252 --> 01:18:05.552
You seek repentance.

01:18:05.952 --> 01:18:06.272

01:18:06.612 --> 01:18:08.072
Because this is about God's stuff.

01:18:08.472 --> 01:18:09.852
God seeks our repentance.

01:18:10.212 --> 01:18:13.412
God came among us as a man seeking our repentance.

01:18:13.592 --> 01:18:15.092
He died as a man on the cross.

01:18:15.332 --> 01:18:18.752
God died on the cross to pay for the sins that we're all committing.

01:18:18.932 --> 01:18:20.872
That's how much He cares about us repenting.

01:18:21.192 --> 01:18:25.272
For us to look to the cross and say, yes, that punishment of sins was for mine.

01:18:25.612 --> 01:18:31.452
I put Christ on the cross, and God loved me so much that He put Himself on the cross for my salvation.

01:18:32.812 --> 01:18:45.212
When we turn these passages that are trying to pursue the reconciliation in the church into something that actually becomes a license for abuse and lies, again, it's a satanic victory.

01:18:45.532 --> 01:18:53.312
Satan does a victory lap anytime someone's like, Matthew 18, Matthew 18, Matthew 18, for things that are open, public and notorious wickedness.

01:18:53.792 --> 01:18:54.752
It doesn't apply.

01:18:55.112 --> 01:18:57.392
It certainly doesn't apply in theological matters.

01:18:57.852 --> 01:19:05.532
If someone has an office of a public teacher or a pastor and they go around lying in God's name, Matthew 18 has nothing to do.

01:19:05.952 --> 01:19:07.392
They have no protection.

01:19:07.692 --> 01:19:09.772
They have no Eighth Commandment protection.

01:19:10.052 --> 01:19:14.592
Their reputation is according to their false public confession.

01:19:14.892 --> 01:19:18.812
And that's the only reputation that they can have until they are brought to repentance.

01:19:19.332 --> 01:19:26.572
And so when somebody is running around as a false public teacher, spreading false public sin, you don't use Matthew 18.

01:19:26.932 --> 01:19:30.952
You tell the world, this is a false prophet.

01:19:31.172 --> 01:19:32.432
They're endangering souls.

01:19:33.172 --> 01:19:38.852
And so as we're looking at how we apply this to others, it's not even a continuum.

01:19:38.872 --> 01:19:40.912
It's there are different sets of problems.

01:19:41.212 --> 01:19:45.612
And the different sets of problems have different rules, even though they're informed by the same spirit.

01:19:45.952 --> 01:20:00.292
And the spirit is protecting the church and protecting the individual, protecting the soul by bringing them to repentance and protecting everyone else who is either going to witness their unrepentance or perhaps be subject to their lies because all those things are in play.

01:20:00.812 --> 01:20:08.452
And if we don't treat scripture the way God gives it to us, it leaves all these cracks for Satan to slip through.

01:20:08.472 --> 01:20:10.412
It's like, oh no, Matthew 18, Matthew 18.

01:20:10.432 --> 01:20:19.152
Sure, there's a false prophet running an entire denomination and he's lying in God's name, but you have to go speak to him privately or you can't tell anyone what he did.

01:20:19.432 --> 01:20:29.592
No, when someone's putting out press releases and making public speeches and private speeches to hundreds of people, spreading lies and filth about God, you have no duty to speak to that man.

01:20:29.852 --> 01:20:32.192
Your duty is to publicly rebuke him.

01:20:32.552 --> 01:20:40.392
And in fact, any man who fails to do so, when he has any sort of duty to speak publicly within that body, has himself sinned.

01:20:40.872 --> 01:20:43.312
Silence is often a sin in these matters.

01:20:43.672 --> 01:20:46.532
That's something that no one will treat because you know what?

01:20:46.552 --> 01:20:47.612
It puts a lot of guys on the hook.

01:20:47.952 --> 01:20:50.872
There are men who should be speaking out against things they refuse to.

01:20:51.352 --> 01:20:58.692
And when push comes to shove, like, oh, well, Matthew 18, I just haven't had a chance to go speak to him personally until I talk to this guy face to face.

01:20:59.072 --> 01:21:00.832
I can't tell the world he's a false prophet.

01:21:01.112 --> 01:21:01.692
Get real.

01:21:02.052 --> 01:21:05.532
The Reformation would not have happened with those rules, and Satan knows it.

01:21:06.932 --> 01:21:11.752
This distinction between private matters and public matters is key.

01:21:12.272 --> 01:21:19.492
It is absolutely essential to understand these things are handled differently because they are different.

01:21:20.972 --> 01:21:25.572
If your brother sins against you and just you, no one knows about it.

01:21:25.712 --> 01:21:26.752
It was in private.

01:21:26.772 --> 01:21:28.792
It is a sin against you and you only.

01:21:30.092 --> 01:21:31.972
Then you are to deal with that one way.

01:21:33.112 --> 01:21:41.212
But if your brother is teaching falsely publicly, that is a sin against all of those who hear it.

01:21:41.272 --> 01:21:45.332
All of those who may hear it is a sin against God, of course, first and foremost.

01:21:45.772 --> 01:21:50.292
But that is a public matter that must be rebuked publicly.

01:21:51.772 --> 01:21:55.612
And there is a sort of third category here.

01:21:55.632 --> 01:21:59.632
It's not really a third category, because it's really a subset of public.

01:22:00.692 --> 01:22:09.232
But there are times where the sin, this is going to be particularly the case for false teaching, but there are other sins that could be in play.

01:22:11.152 --> 01:22:26.092
If a man is teaching falsely, but let's say not publicly, privately, but not privately as in one on one, privately as in, say, seminars or a class, some smaller number of people.

01:22:26.112 --> 01:22:32.492
This was more of an issue historically because today much of this will then be published on the internet later and it will be truly public.

01:22:34.592 --> 01:22:42.392
That is somewhere between the private matter of between one man and another and the public matter of something that is deliberately published.

01:22:43.532 --> 01:23:12.272
But if that man is in a position where he can then go on to create additional harm, say it's a pastor who is preaching in a church or a man leading a denomination and he is saying these things in these supposedly semi-private settings, you as a Christian, if you are in the position to rebuke this false teaching, have an absolute right to further publish the false things that he has been saying in order to rebuke them.

01:23:13.492 --> 01:23:16.152
This does not run afoul of the Eighth Commandment.

01:23:16.472 --> 01:23:19.972
It does not run afoul of the issues regarding slander.

01:23:20.552 --> 01:23:28.692
This is a matter with regard to the things of God, with regard to the truth, with regard to blasphemous false teaching.

01:23:29.772 --> 01:23:42.032
And it is public by virtue of his office, his position, the things that he is doing, the consequences of the harm, even just the consequence of the potential harm.

01:23:42.912 --> 01:23:48.592
There are times where publication of that sin is going to be part of the rebuke.

01:23:49.912 --> 01:23:51.852
This again is an issue of wisdom.

01:23:52.372 --> 01:23:57.012
You have to know as a Christian man when, where and how to make that call.

01:23:58.072 --> 01:24:07.072
But just because someone says, well, you can't publish that because that was a private seminar, there were only 30 men there, that is not a defense.

01:24:07.332 --> 01:24:09.012
It is certainly not a perfect defense.

01:24:09.692 --> 01:24:23.172
There may be cases and there will certainly be cases where the man who has the duty to rebuke will have to publish that sin, make it more public, and then rebuke it publicly.

01:24:23.812 --> 01:24:24.952
That is not slander.

01:24:24.972 --> 01:24:37.772
That is not a violation of the Eighth Commandment because the sin is already effectively public and because the consequences of that sin are going to continue to harm, are going to increase in harm.

01:24:40.432 --> 01:24:53.732
When it comes to this matter of public sin, I want to give all of the Lutherans listening an actual paragraph number to memorize, and anyone else who is so inclined can memorize it as well.

01:24:54.232 --> 01:24:57.832
It is paragraph 284 of The Large Catechism.

01:24:58.112 --> 01:25:11.112
This is, of course, in the section Dealing with the Eighth Commandment, and this is most relevant for these issues because it deals directly and explicitly with the issue of public sin, and so I will go ahead and read that paragraph.

01:25:12.992 --> 01:25:21.352
All this, and to editorialize, what precedes this is dealing with private sins, is dealing with the sin of one brother against another.

01:25:21.772 --> 01:25:37.052
And so, all this has been said regarding secret sins, but where the sin is quite public, so that the judge and everybody know it, you can without any sin avoid him and let him go, because he has brought himself into disgrace.

01:25:37.692 --> 01:25:54.572
And you may also publicly testify concerning him, for when a matter is public in the light of day, there can be no slandering or false judging or testifying, as when we now reprove the pope with his doctrine, which is publicly set forth in books and proclaimed in all the world.

01:25:55.092 --> 01:26:02.112
For where the sin is public, the reproof also must be public, that everyone may learn to guard against it.

01:26:03.612 --> 01:26:05.752
That last part is key.

01:26:05.772 --> 01:26:14.932
What you are doing when you rebuke public sin, if you have been given the opportunity and of course the abilities to do that, what you are doing is guarding against it.

01:26:14.952 --> 01:26:20.152
You are protecting others from it, because false doctrine must be refuted.

01:26:20.552 --> 01:26:24.412
Because if false doctrine is not refuted, there are those who will believe it.

01:26:24.972 --> 01:26:43.852
Of course, there are those who will believe it anyway, but if it is refuted, if that false teacher is rebuked, if the correct teaching is set forth in opposition to that false teaching, it will guard some of those who would have believed the blasphemy, if not for that defense, if not for that rebuke.

01:26:44.832 --> 01:26:47.272
And so, for instance, this gives a very good example.

01:26:47.712 --> 01:27:03.792
If someone publishes a book, if someone publishes an essay, whatever written thing it happens to be, with false teaching in it, there is no concern about going to that man privately to rebuke him, because that is entirely public.

01:27:03.812 --> 01:27:04.932
That is a public sin.

01:27:05.232 --> 01:27:07.832
It is subject to public rebuke.

01:27:09.012 --> 01:27:15.132
Matthew 18 does not play into it, because Matthew 18 is addressing a different matter.

01:27:15.412 --> 01:27:22.272
It is addressing that private sin, the secret sin, the sin that is not published, that is not known to the wider world.

01:27:23.372 --> 01:27:26.292
That is a sin that can be handled in a different way.

01:27:26.312 --> 01:27:30.532
It must be handled in a different way, because God has commanded us to do so.

01:27:31.112 --> 01:27:38.892
It is more productive to handle that sin in that way, because you give the person the opportunity to repent.

01:27:39.412 --> 01:27:41.132
You're protecting his reputation.

01:27:41.392 --> 01:27:43.392
You are helping him as a Christian brother.

01:27:43.612 --> 01:27:51.852
You are attempting to salvage that relationship, or if not necessarily at the level of salvaging it, to fix it because there's some problem.

01:27:52.852 --> 01:27:54.172
That is handled differently.

01:27:54.432 --> 01:27:58.532
That is not the consideration when it comes to public sin.

01:27:59.152 --> 01:28:12.772
We have many false teachers these days who stand up and in the name of Christ proclaim things that are directly contrary to Scripture, that are incredibly wicked, that are abominations in the eyes of God.

01:28:14.572 --> 01:28:18.672
They are not subject to any of these protections in Scripture.

01:28:19.512 --> 01:28:21.812
They are to be rebuked forcefully.

01:28:22.932 --> 01:28:24.872
They are to be rebuked publicly.

01:28:25.232 --> 01:28:36.692
There's no concern with regard to their reputation or any of those other matters that play into our concern, that play into how we deal with brothers in Christ.

01:28:37.532 --> 01:28:40.452
These false teachers have to be destroyed.

01:28:41.432 --> 01:28:50.972
That is going to take the most forceful sort of rebuke and the most public sort of rebuke, as opposed to how you would deal with the private or the secret sins.

01:28:52.252 --> 01:29:02.172
And so if you see someone who is dealing with a false teacher in that way, you as a Christian may not rebuke the way he is doing it.

01:29:02.852 --> 01:29:11.352
Because how he is doing it, if he is doing it publicly and forcefully, as long as of course he himself is teaching rightly, what he is doing is not wrong.

01:29:11.972 --> 01:29:14.312
He is defending God's honor.

01:29:14.332 --> 01:29:16.332
He is defending God's truth.

01:29:16.852 --> 01:29:18.252
That is the concern there.

01:29:18.432 --> 01:29:41.872
The concern is not the reputation of the blasphemer, of the false teacher, of the demon who is standing up and pretending to be an angel of light, pretending to speak in God's name, and teaching falsely and leading other Christians or would-be Christians astray, or leading apostates and unbelievers deeper into hell.

01:29:44.752 --> 01:29:48.632
The central concern is for God and his honor and his truth.

01:29:49.252 --> 01:29:53.072
That is the duty with regard to these matters.

01:29:53.092 --> 01:29:58.692
That is the central duty being upheld by those who are teaching rightly and rebuking false teaching.

01:29:59.852 --> 01:30:06.592
However, there is also that secondary, that subsidiary concern with regard to our Christian brothers.

01:30:08.212 --> 01:30:10.012
False teaching is harmful.

01:30:11.392 --> 01:30:16.032
Even if you don't necessarily believe the false teaching, you now know it.

01:30:16.652 --> 01:30:18.512
There is some knowledge that is bad.

01:30:18.532 --> 01:30:21.532
We've gone over this many times in previous episodes.

01:30:22.072 --> 01:30:24.752
There are things that are harmful simply in the hearing.

01:30:26.432 --> 01:30:29.152
Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world.

01:30:29.172 --> 01:30:31.292
There are going to be false teachers.

01:30:31.572 --> 01:30:37.932
They cannot all be silenced before they speak or before they speak too broadly, before too many men have heard them.

01:30:39.352 --> 01:30:43.712
And so sometimes the best we can do is simply rebuke them and then teach correctly.

01:30:44.372 --> 01:30:48.292
But hearing that false teaching is harmful in and of itself.

01:30:49.412 --> 01:30:52.632
You can't sequester that and delete that from your mind.

01:30:53.092 --> 01:30:54.212
Some of it is there now.

01:30:54.472 --> 01:30:56.372
You've heard the false doctrine.

01:30:56.772 --> 01:30:59.252
It is harmful to hear false things about God.

01:30:59.712 --> 01:31:02.572
Those are things that we as Christians should not want to hear.

01:31:03.452 --> 01:31:11.392
In a fallen world, yes, sometimes we are going to have to hear them so that we are prepared to rebuke them, so we are prepared to stand against them.

01:31:12.132 --> 01:31:19.792
But it would be better if we did not have to, and it is certainly better if false teachers are not out there freely preaching and teaching these things.

01:31:20.632 --> 01:31:36.872
Not only is it an insult to God, it is an affront to God, and it reflects poorly on the society, the nation, that tolerates it, and God will judge that, and I would remind everyone that God does judge nations, not just individuals.

01:31:37.332 --> 01:31:47.632
But not only are all of those concerns, but there is also the concern for those who are Christian, who will be harmed by hearing this wickedness.

01:31:48.552 --> 01:31:56.312
Just as there are things that you should not want to see, there are things you should not want to hear, and we all know the things you should not want to see.

01:31:56.332 --> 01:31:57.032
That one's easy.

01:31:57.052 --> 01:31:58.492
We all immediately grasp that.

01:31:58.512 --> 01:32:04.652
There are horrible things that you could see, and you would be far better off if you had never seen them.

01:32:05.932 --> 01:32:15.412
But the same is true with regard to hearing false things, and it is particularly true with regard to false things about God.

01:32:15.912 --> 01:32:24.952
And so this sort of rebuke of these false teachers can be forceful, can be even perhaps verging on strident.

01:32:25.532 --> 01:32:32.612
This is not a matter where we're concerned about tone, where we're concerned about being mean, we're not being nice enough.

01:32:33.272 --> 01:32:48.852
This is a matter where we are concerned about the truth, where we are centrally concerned about rebukeing those who are lying in God's name, about silencing wicked tongues, about ensuring that the truth is defended, and that the sheep are not harmed.

01:32:50.392 --> 01:32:59.632
This is not a place where the Eighth Commandment factors into defending this man's supposed reputation, or where slander is a concern.

01:32:59.652 --> 01:33:03.992
I'm not saying that you lie about him, because that is a different matter.

01:33:04.872 --> 01:33:23.692
But if you are simply standing up, speaking the truth about a wicked man who is doing this in public, and then rebukeing him, all of these concerns in Scripture about if your brother, or if a brother, or when your brother, any of those concerns, they are absolutely not in play.

01:33:24.252 --> 01:33:47.552
And if a Christian tries to inject them into the matter, then you can rebuke him, because he has now aided that false teacher, and he himself is guilty of sin, to some degree guilty of the false sin of the false preacher himself, because when you aid someone who is teaching falsely, when you aid someone who is sinning, particularly openly, you have become complicit in that sin.

01:33:48.092 --> 01:33:52.052
And so part of this is not being complicit in the sins of others.

01:33:52.972 --> 01:34:11.632
As Woe said, if you stand there silently, when God puts you in the position with the ability to rebuke false teaching, you have become complicit in it via your silence, because it is possible to become complicit in evil without doing anything except standing there with your mouth shut.

01:34:12.932 --> 01:34:16.892
An astonishing example of this complicity that I just came across last week.

01:34:17.492 --> 01:34:19.892
I had occasion to look at the LCMS bylaws.

01:34:19.932 --> 01:34:23.612
I was interested in what it would take to expel a president of the LCMS.

01:34:24.772 --> 01:34:31.212
LCMS bylaws 2.16 on the expulsion of a president of the synod from membership in the synod.

01:34:31.232 --> 01:34:46.412
So this is effectively removing the president himself from the roster of all the members of synod, which if you remember from previous episodes or if you haven't been in the LCMS, pastors in congregations are members of synod, individual Christian men are not.

01:34:47.072 --> 01:34:52.572
So there are no Christian men that are members of synod, it's pastors in its congregations.

01:34:53.652 --> 01:35:09.832
The bylaw related to removing a man from the roster has to do with open and notorious public sin, public false teaching, all manner of things that cross so many lines that the next step is to effectively defrock them.

01:35:10.432 --> 01:35:36.412
Here's what bylaw 2.16 says, If the Council of Presidents by 51% of the votes of the district presidents determines that bylaw section 2.16 applies, then the Council of Presidents shall ensure that the accuser has met face to face with the accused president of the synod in the manner described in Matthew 18.15, even if the alleged violation of Article 13 of the Constitution is considered to be quote unquote public.

01:35:38.572 --> 01:35:41.692
This provision of Matthew 18.15 shall be followed.

01:35:42.012 --> 01:35:47.152
The reputation of all parties to the matter is to be protected as commanded in the Eighth Commandment.

01:35:47.532 --> 01:35:54.392
Now as Corey just delineated a few minutes ago, this is in direct contradiction to Lutheran confessions.

01:35:54.872 --> 01:36:04.812
The Lutheran confessions expressly state that the manner of sin in Article 13, I'm not going to bother reading, that it clearly applies here.

01:36:05.212 --> 01:36:13.412
Open public notorious sin is the only reason that 51% of the presidents would say we have to remove the president of the Senate.

01:36:14.292 --> 01:36:27.152
The Missouri Senate bylaws codify a direct repudiation of what scripture says about Matthew 18 and a direct repudiation of what the Lutheran confessions say in the Large Catechism about the Eighth Commandment.

01:36:27.572 --> 01:36:30.572
It's astonishing to me and yet it's not astonishing at all at this point.

01:36:30.972 --> 01:36:39.992
This is actively blasphemous in the bylaws of the corporation and is there falsely to protect his courageous said to protect blasphemers.

01:36:40.352 --> 01:36:47.892
None of this would ever apply because remember it takes 51% of the presidents to say this man needs to be removed and then they would begin the proceedings to affect that.

01:36:48.452 --> 01:36:53.552
What this says is that the accuser of the man as though there's an accuser when there's public and notorious sin.

01:36:53.892 --> 01:36:57.072
I think that's one of the greatest lies in all of this.

01:36:57.492 --> 01:37:10.732
When Matthew 18 is misapplied in cases where it has nothing, no bearing whatsoever, is the notion that there has to be some individual accuser to be personally offended by whatever has happened.

01:37:11.112 --> 01:37:11.952
Because what does that do?

01:37:11.972 --> 01:37:13.532
It sets up a he said, she said.

01:37:13.832 --> 01:37:16.012
It means you have an accuser and you have the accused.

01:37:16.112 --> 01:37:16.572
Well, no.

01:37:17.072 --> 01:37:27.412
When we have cases of open, notorious public sin, of false teaching, of false prophets like we have with the current president, it's blasphemous.

01:37:27.632 --> 01:37:30.532
It's open public blasphemy against God Almighty.

01:37:30.972 --> 01:37:32.852
The only accuser is Christ himself.

01:37:33.732 --> 01:37:40.832
And although Christ is going to accuse men like him at Harrison on Judgment Day, every district president has a duty today to also accuse him.

01:37:41.192 --> 01:37:47.632
Every pastor has a duty to point to the things that have been falsely said about the Christian religion by men like him.

01:37:48.332 --> 01:37:49.212
And it doesn't happen.

01:37:49.532 --> 01:38:00.272
And the bylaws of the corporation are there to insulate such men from accountability to the Christian church, which in effect says it's not a Christian church, and it isn't.

01:38:00.632 --> 01:38:13.252
There are Christian churches among it, but the congregations are going to need to flee or be destroyed because this sort of pernicious denial of scripture can only ever possibly have the result of destroying faith.

01:38:13.872 --> 01:38:28.292
And part of the point of this episode is this stuff, the failure to correctly address sin, to publicly address the wrong sins, all these are ways that Satan is going to exploit our own sinful fallen nature because we're all sinners.

01:38:28.312 --> 01:38:30.852
You know, it's the gimmick you're told as a little kid.

01:38:31.132 --> 01:38:34.152
If you point your finger at somebody, they're three fingers pointed back at you.

01:38:34.632 --> 01:38:36.552
It's kind of dumb, but it's also true.

01:38:37.012 --> 01:38:40.832
You don't want to be pointing fingers unless there's something this serious.

01:38:41.372 --> 01:38:50.152
But the reason that that's a dumb example is that there's no accuser when someone is doing something so open and egregious and notorious.

01:38:50.512 --> 01:38:54.872
It's not that, oh, I'm offended by this, is that this offends God.

01:38:55.132 --> 01:38:57.212
This is clearly against scripture, whatever it is.

01:38:57.592 --> 01:39:04.852
That's why our compass needs to be pointed at God first and foremost and then to correct others and say, look, man, you're not pointing at God anymore.

01:39:04.872 --> 01:39:08.752
You need to get back on the right path and have your compass pointed at God too.

01:39:09.272 --> 01:39:17.172
And you will know when your compasses are pointed in the same direction and you're basing that on scripture, then you know that you're talking about the same God again.

01:39:17.772 --> 01:39:21.712
And so many of these disputes come to where our compasses are pointing.

01:39:22.032 --> 01:39:24.512
These guys will point to something that's not scriptural.

01:39:24.832 --> 01:39:27.832
They'll point to the global religion and say, this is what I believe.

01:39:28.212 --> 01:39:34.012
These historical events of the 20th century, this is what I determine faith and damnation based on.

01:39:35.572 --> 01:39:45.112
We will link once again for about the fifth time in the show notes, an essay by Professor Marquart, who's sainted, who was discussing many of these subjects we're talking about today.

01:39:45.552 --> 01:39:49.852
And he found a quote from Luther that's perfectly apt.

01:39:50.512 --> 01:39:54.472
Luther said, faith and love are two different things.

01:39:54.992 --> 01:39:57.932
Faith tolerates nothing, love tolerates everything.

01:39:58.252 --> 01:40:00.452
Faith curses, love blesses.

01:40:00.892 --> 01:40:02.832
Faith seeks revenge and punishment.

01:40:03.152 --> 01:40:05.012
Love seeks to spare and to forgive.

01:40:05.432 --> 01:40:13.512
Therefore, when faith and God's word are involved, there can be no more loving or being patient, but only anger, zeal and scolding.

01:40:13.972 --> 01:40:19.052
All prophets also acted in this way, that in matters of faith, they showed no patience or mercy.

01:40:20.392 --> 01:40:22.812
In odds face, this seems like a very heartless quote.

01:40:23.052 --> 01:40:29.512
It seems like a quote that's completely at odds with what I just read a few months ago from Galatians in First Timothy.

01:40:29.532 --> 01:40:30.752
It's loveless, right?

01:40:30.992 --> 01:40:41.592
And so, Marquart's dealing directly with the accusation of lovelessness, which is why one of the first things that we incorporated by reference was the episode that we did on perfect hatred.

01:40:41.972 --> 01:40:53.692
Because if you do not understand perfect hatred, Christian hatred, the duty of every Christian to hate that which God hates, none of the rest of this will make sense, along with the episodes that Cory mentioned that we did on love.

01:40:54.352 --> 01:40:56.632
You can't understand rebuke.

01:40:56.772 --> 01:41:04.392
In fact, you can't understand faith if you don't understand love for that which God loves and hatred for that which God hates.

01:41:05.612 --> 01:41:11.912
We're dealing here when we're talking about rebuke and reproof and correction of error of things that God hates.

01:41:12.732 --> 01:41:17.752
And while it is not licensed, therefore, for us to hate anyone who makes a mistake, because that's all of us.

01:41:18.092 --> 01:41:19.392
We all make mistakes every day.

01:41:19.412 --> 01:41:23.792
We sin, we get things wrong, we lie knowingly and by omission.

01:41:24.692 --> 01:41:28.992
We're sinners, we're human, we're creatures, we've fallen, we get things wrong.

01:41:29.552 --> 01:41:36.232
And so the distinction needs to be between hating that which God hates and hating people.

01:41:36.572 --> 01:41:38.252
And it's not always the same thing.

01:41:39.592 --> 01:41:47.372
If I get something wrong and you believe that I'm a Christian, the first approach should be, well, you know, this guy made a mistake, he sinned.

01:41:47.392 --> 01:41:48.732
I don't hate him.

01:41:48.992 --> 01:41:52.992
I want to try to straighten him out so that we're both on the same page with regard to God.

01:41:54.232 --> 01:41:58.072
That approach has to be rooted in faith.

01:41:58.092 --> 01:42:00.032
That's always going to be about telling the truth.

01:42:00.052 --> 01:42:06.572
Just as in the example, the doctor refused to give a potentially fatal diagnosis because he didn't want the guy to feel bad.

01:42:06.892 --> 01:42:07.672
That's not loving.

01:42:08.292 --> 01:42:20.012
And so that's the point of Luther's quote is that when you, it's not setting faith and love and opposition, it's saying that when we're dealing with matters of faith, of salvation, of doctrine, we can't give an inch.

01:42:20.652 --> 01:42:21.752
Satan wants to give an inch.

01:42:21.772 --> 01:42:25.032
He wants you to give up just the tiniest bit, the pinch of incense.

01:42:25.272 --> 01:42:27.332
There are so many examples throughout scripture.

01:42:27.972 --> 01:42:35.092
Beginning in the garden, when Eve recounted what Adam had told her, God said about the fruit, she said that she would die.

01:42:35.332 --> 01:42:36.092
What did Satan say?

01:42:36.472 --> 01:42:37.712
You will not surely die.

01:42:37.732 --> 01:42:38.772
It's not going to be that bad.

01:42:38.792 --> 01:42:39.512
You'll be fine.

01:42:40.272 --> 01:42:42.292
That's the eternal cry of hell.

01:42:42.672 --> 01:42:43.672
It's not that bad.

01:42:43.692 --> 01:42:44.792
You're going to be fine.

01:42:45.312 --> 01:42:46.412
And who doesn't want to hear that?

01:42:46.852 --> 01:42:49.612
Whatever you do wrong, you want to hear it's going to be okay, right?

01:42:50.092 --> 01:42:52.852
You don't want to hear that you have a potentially fatal disease.

01:42:53.152 --> 01:42:54.732
You don't want to hear that you've sinned.

01:42:55.152 --> 01:42:56.872
You want to hear that it's going to be hunky-dory.

01:42:57.432 --> 01:43:02.352
And there's a distinction between it's going to be hunky-dory and Jesus died for your sins.

01:43:02.872 --> 01:43:04.932
The distinction is whether or not a sin occurred.

01:43:05.292 --> 01:43:06.772
He goes, oh, I feel bad.

01:43:06.792 --> 01:43:07.612
Maybe I didn't get it right.

01:43:07.632 --> 01:43:08.552
Like, no, I sinned.

01:43:08.932 --> 01:43:10.052
I sinned against God.

01:43:10.452 --> 01:43:14.712
And if I sinned against another man or whatever, I sinned first and only against God.

01:43:16.612 --> 01:43:18.852
Faith deals with that honestly.

01:43:19.192 --> 01:43:29.292
And it deals with it heartlessly in a sense that my heart isn't going out to someone saying, oh, well, yeah, they're sinning and they're lying and they're doing all the stuff, but I really like them.

01:43:29.612 --> 01:43:31.452
So I'm not going to tell them.

01:43:31.572 --> 01:43:36.612
Like, no, the more you love someone, the more urgent it is to correct their error.

01:43:37.512 --> 01:43:47.192
And so that's why so often we will try to delineate between that which is emotional and that which is factual, because our emotions will almost always mislead us.

01:43:47.772 --> 01:43:50.032
And it doesn't mean that they should be completely disregarded.

01:43:50.432 --> 01:43:51.552
I gave the example earlier.

01:43:51.932 --> 01:44:01.352
The scriptural admonitions for a Christian rebuking another Christian acknowledge the fact that you can do it in such a way that you'll drive someone further from God.

01:44:01.992 --> 01:44:08.032
If they've sinned and you clobber them, when it's the wrong thing to do in wisdom, you can make things worse.

01:44:08.452 --> 01:44:13.272
You can compound one sin with another sin by failing to be wise about the situation.

01:44:14.032 --> 01:44:18.652
But your devotion must be to faith and to truth.

01:44:18.992 --> 01:44:20.212
And that is to God's will.

01:44:20.572 --> 01:44:22.332
God's eternal will doesn't change.

01:44:23.072 --> 01:44:28.352
And the love that we have for each other must always be bounded by saying, I'm going to tell the truth.

01:44:28.912 --> 01:44:32.812
That's one of the things that Corey and I are good at, even though it makes many people dislike us.

01:44:33.112 --> 01:44:34.212
They kind of like us.

01:44:34.952 --> 01:44:40.332
These guys, I try to pull up with them, but then they say this stuff that's really upsetting.

01:44:40.692 --> 01:44:42.352
And they wander off in disgust.

01:44:42.372 --> 01:44:44.152
It happens fairly often.

01:44:44.792 --> 01:44:49.732
And all I can say is that I love you enough that I'm not going to lie.

01:44:50.752 --> 01:44:54.372
I love you enough that I'm okay with you hating me for telling you the truth.

01:44:55.072 --> 01:45:02.352
And if I fall too far off that side of the horse, I confess to God that that is my weakness.

01:45:02.692 --> 01:45:04.432
But it's also one of my strengths.

01:45:04.772 --> 01:45:05.972
It's one of Corey's strengths.

01:45:06.532 --> 01:45:11.812
The fact that someone will be angry doesn't give us any information about whether we're right or wrong.

01:45:12.332 --> 01:45:16.552
And that's the essence of Luther's quote about faith and love being two different things.

01:45:17.432 --> 01:45:22.452
The faith that we as Christians are to bring to these matters isn't set against love.

01:45:22.812 --> 01:45:23.932
It's driven by love.

01:45:24.472 --> 01:45:27.032
But love cannot dominate faith.

01:45:27.652 --> 01:45:29.492
Because love can't override truth.

01:45:30.092 --> 01:45:32.112
That's why we talk about the transcendental sometimes.

01:45:32.132 --> 01:45:36.252
We talk about God's nature, which is unknowable and impossible in perfection.

01:45:36.272 --> 01:45:43.772
But when we talk about these different essential pieces of it, God is love and God is truth, and those are not in opposition.

01:45:44.032 --> 01:45:45.812
So Luther's not citing them in opposition.

01:45:45.832 --> 01:45:46.612
Neither are we.

01:45:47.292 --> 01:45:57.512
The doctor that fails to diagnose a fatal disease, the Christian who fails to diagnose a fatal sin in the name of love is not being loving at all.

01:45:58.352 --> 01:46:04.812
I think that's one of the crucial things we have to address in our own lives when we're looking at the sins, the mistakes, the errors of others.

01:46:05.712 --> 01:46:07.932
Are we being loving by letting something go?

01:46:08.032 --> 01:46:19.452
And in some cases, not necessarily with sin, but things that are just, you know, if I think you're wrong about the 20th century or the 19th century or the 18th century, I might think you're wrong about any number of things.

01:46:19.672 --> 01:46:26.012
I'm not going to chase you around yelling at you about it unless something is actually going to rise to the level of salvation.

01:46:26.672 --> 01:46:32.732
That is when faith must override the loving tolerance of brothers just being human.

01:46:33.272 --> 01:46:34.032
We're all human.

01:46:34.052 --> 01:46:35.052
We make mistakes.

01:46:35.512 --> 01:46:53.932
When it's sin that's involved and when it's sin that's misleading others, a different set of rules apply because truth must dominate, our faith must dominate, and that is not set against love, but love cannot be used to say, well, I love this guy so much, I'm not going to tell him the truth.

01:46:54.412 --> 01:46:55.752
That is an incoherent sense.

01:46:56.072 --> 01:47:00.252
You cannot love someone such that you do not tell them that, which is true.

01:47:00.532 --> 01:47:09.892
There's wisdom in how you approach it, but to remain silent when a man is endangering his soul is hatred, even when it makes you feel better, even when it makes him feel better.

01:47:10.252 --> 01:47:16.412
Frankly, when there's sin and there's error involved and everybody feels better, that's your sign that something's gone horribly wrong.

01:47:17.312 --> 01:47:22.692
It's the crucial element of this episode is that there are times when you got to make people feel bad.

01:47:23.232 --> 01:47:27.652
This episode, last week's episode, there are times when you have to make people feel bad.

01:47:27.832 --> 01:47:28.912
Not necessarily everyone.

01:47:29.052 --> 01:47:33.692
It's not necessarily the duty of every single Christian in every single case to address every single error.

01:47:33.992 --> 01:47:35.172
That would be mass chaos.

01:47:35.752 --> 01:47:41.392
These are matters of wisdom and patience and love, but the love must serve God.

01:47:41.412 --> 01:47:43.812
It cannot serve another man's feelings.

01:47:45.932 --> 01:48:00.672
So I know it is not a perfect analogy, but I will leave you with this analogy to sort of couch the differences here between and among private, semi-private, we could call it, and public.

01:48:03.992 --> 01:48:09.212
There are two distinct kinds of juridical systems, of court systems.

01:48:10.472 --> 01:48:19.272
The best example would be the US versus, say, Germany, many of the EU countries, but we will use Germany for this example.

01:48:20.972 --> 01:48:25.232
The difference is the adversarial versus the inquisitorial system.

01:48:25.732 --> 01:48:36.532
There are many differences here, and as I said, the analogy is not perfect, but it is a good way to help keep these parts in mind, to think about the difference here between the private and the public.

01:48:37.492 --> 01:48:47.852
The inquisitorial system is what you use for the private matters, the private sins, the secret sins, in the words of The Large Catechism.

01:48:48.592 --> 01:48:51.252
The adversarial system is what is used for public sin.

01:48:52.592 --> 01:48:57.952
The difference between the two systems, the inquisitorial system, first off, there is no jury.

01:48:59.272 --> 01:49:06.432
Second, the judge plays a much more active role, and the goal is simply to arrive at truth.

01:49:06.832 --> 01:49:11.812
The goal is to figure out what happened and what is right, what should be done.

01:49:13.672 --> 01:49:22.552
The adversarial system, which is the system we have in the United States, the judge plays a less active role, a less thorough role.

01:49:23.032 --> 01:49:27.632
It is the parties that independently collect evidence as opposed to an inquisitorial system.

01:49:27.652 --> 01:49:36.432
The judge collects the evidence, and then in the actual case, in the courtroom, the parties are adversarial.

01:49:36.612 --> 01:49:38.052
They are against one another.

01:49:38.332 --> 01:49:41.212
It is a contest between the two sides.

01:49:41.852 --> 01:49:45.232
The judge serves as sort of a referee, is how you could think of him.

01:49:46.772 --> 01:49:47.752
And there is a jury.

01:49:47.772 --> 01:49:50.972
There isn't always a jury, but for the sake of the analogy, there's a jury.

01:49:53.092 --> 01:49:59.472
That is how you should view the public sin, the public dispute, because that is the public dispute.

01:49:59.772 --> 01:50:05.152
You have one side that has said something, that's one of the attorneys, or one of the parties.

01:50:05.752 --> 01:50:07.852
You have the other side who says something else.

01:50:08.232 --> 01:50:10.092
That's the other party, the other attorney.

01:50:11.292 --> 01:50:16.692
They are going to use the evidence they have amassed to argue for their side.

01:50:17.472 --> 01:50:23.912
Now, of course, ultimately, the judge is God, and God, in the actual case, gets the final say.

01:50:24.192 --> 01:50:28.312
He plays a more active and final role than the judge would in the analogy.

01:50:29.872 --> 01:50:34.332
But you are the jury, because every Christian is part of the jury.

01:50:34.972 --> 01:50:40.172
You have to decide which side is right when it comes to these public contests.

01:50:40.852 --> 01:50:48.412
The arbiter, of course, is God's word, so you could also think of God's word as the judge, because that is what God has given us to judge.

01:50:49.812 --> 01:50:55.532
His word is also, incidentally, the judge in the inquisitorial system, but that is a different approach.

01:50:55.972 --> 01:51:04.932
And the reason it's different is because the parties are not supposed to be adversarial in the sense that they are in the adversarial system.

01:51:05.392 --> 01:51:06.872
The goal is to find that truth.

01:51:07.572 --> 01:51:16.992
You are all working together to find the truth, using God's word as the ultimate arbiter, because it is the only arbiter in these matters.

01:51:18.032 --> 01:51:34.792
And so if you think of the difference between private and public sin as being these two different approaches, but with that same central truth of God's word, then it gives you a mental framework into which you can slot things that you encounter in your life.

01:51:37.032 --> 01:52:16.272
If you encounter a public sin, if you are in a position to rebuke that you have the abilities God has given you, the knowledge, the attributes, the aptitude, whatever it happens to be, God has given you these things, then by all means, you may be the one to stand up and rebuke that, to teach correctly with regard to the topic about which someone else was teaching falsely, or it may be the case that you're part of the jury in this particular instance, and so you look for those who are defending the false teaching, or in this case you've already found that man, you look for the man who is rebuking him, and then you use God's word to determine which one is correct.

01:52:17.952 --> 01:52:23.492
The men who are engaged in that public dispute, at least one of them will be using God's word.

01:52:23.792 --> 01:52:33.692
It may be that the false teacher is not, or he may be using it and perverting it, because, of course, as we've mentioned before and as we see clearly in Scripture, Satan loves to pervert God's word.

01:52:34.772 --> 01:52:43.132
But at the very least, the man who is arguing for God's word will be employing it, so at least one party will be employing God's word.

01:52:43.152 --> 01:52:56.472
He can point you to the sections where you can go for yourself and you can read them, and you can see if what one man says or what the other man says is in alignment with what God says, because that is the ultimate arbiter.

01:52:57.612 --> 01:53:10.372
But if you find yourself instead not dealing with this public sin, this public false teaching, if you find yourself dealing with a private sin, then you don't want that adversarial system.

01:53:10.792 --> 01:53:19.432
You are not necessarily in an adversarial position with regard to your brother who has sinned against you or your brother who has come to you and said that you are sinning.

01:53:20.352 --> 01:53:27.212
You are on opposite sides, as it were, with regard to a question, but your goal should be to find the truth.

01:53:27.952 --> 01:53:31.692
The goal in the adversarial system, a lot of times, is just to win.

01:53:33.052 --> 01:53:45.052
In this case, the truth matters, because in this case, of course, it is God's word, and you as the jury should be seeking the truth, and not just which side is better at arguing or happens to be flashier.

01:53:46.172 --> 01:53:48.812
You should want to arrive at a true conclusion.

01:53:50.392 --> 01:53:57.692
The same thing in this case, in this specific facet, is true with regard to the inquisitorial system.

01:53:57.712 --> 01:54:03.892
You should want to arrive at the truth, but you're doing it in a less confrontational way.

01:54:03.912 --> 01:54:09.512
You're not doing it with the same level of acrimony that is going to be there with regard to public sin.

01:54:10.552 --> 01:54:17.612
Because as the quote from Luther said, there is a difference when it comes to matters of the faith versus matters of love.

01:54:18.332 --> 01:54:26.092
And one way you can think of that is the matters of faith are things dealing with the things of God, things dealing with God's truth.

01:54:27.592 --> 01:54:33.552
So if someone is teaching that Jesus Christ is not God, that's a matter of faith.

01:54:33.972 --> 01:54:35.672
That has to be dealt with in a certain way.

01:54:35.692 --> 01:54:42.712
That man must be rebuked in no uncertain terms as a false teacher straight from the pits of hell.

01:54:44.892 --> 01:54:52.752
But if you're dealing with a matter where it is a matter between brothers, you don't deal with that the same way.

01:54:52.772 --> 01:54:54.072
You don't approach that the same way.

01:54:54.092 --> 01:54:55.292
And we all know this.

01:54:56.392 --> 01:54:58.992
We have this distinction also in the left-hand kingdom.

01:54:59.612 --> 01:55:03.472
If you're dealing with politics, that is going to be handled a certain way.

01:55:03.492 --> 01:55:04.912
It is a purely public matter.

01:55:04.932 --> 01:55:06.752
Politics is public.

01:55:07.172 --> 01:55:16.332
Those rebukes, those arguments, the adversarial encounters are going to take on a certain tenor, a certain nature that should not be the case, say, in a family.

01:55:17.452 --> 01:55:18.212
That's private.

01:55:19.112 --> 01:55:24.192
Disputes between and among family members should be handled differently from political disputes.

01:55:24.852 --> 01:55:28.732
Well, one, they shouldn't be broadcast, but they should be handled in love.

01:55:28.772 --> 01:55:30.612
They should be addressed with love.

01:55:31.312 --> 01:55:36.032
The same thing is true when it comes to dealing with your brothers in Christ.

01:55:37.132 --> 01:55:47.692
Yes, you have to be uncompromising with regard to the true things of God, with regard to the faith, with regard to the tenets of the faith, with regard to what is in God's Word.

01:55:48.872 --> 01:55:55.272
But you do that in love, in a way that you are not necessarily going to approach rebuking a false teacher.

01:55:56.992 --> 01:56:02.512
And so don't look for the same behavior if someone is dealing with a private matter versus a public matter.

01:56:03.172 --> 01:56:11.752
Those rebuking public false teachers are going to have to use tactics and engage in a way that would be inappropriate in a private matter.

01:56:12.592 --> 01:56:18.612
It is inappropriate to use the tactics you would use to refute a false teacher, to rebuke him.

01:56:20.372 --> 01:56:29.792
When you're dealing with a dispute with a brother or a sister or a parent, you behave differently in different places.

01:56:30.332 --> 01:56:32.972
You engage differently with different people.

01:56:32.992 --> 01:56:37.572
That is part of just human life, but certainly as part of the Christian life, it's part of wisdom.

01:56:38.372 --> 01:56:47.352
And so this distinction between private matters and public matters, between private sin and public sin, must be maintained.

01:56:48.972 --> 01:56:53.392
Those who attempt to blur them are attempting to mislead you or harm you in some way.

01:56:53.872 --> 01:57:02.352
Whether they are doing it personally or those behind them, the animating intelligence is doing it, it really doesn't matter.

01:57:02.752 --> 01:57:05.412
Because in either case, it is going to harm you if you let it.

01:57:06.212 --> 01:57:07.392
Do not let that harm you.

01:57:07.412 --> 01:57:09.332
Do not conflate these things.

01:57:11.432 --> 01:57:18.412
And so finally, though, I want to go back to that first point, major point that we made.

01:57:19.672 --> 01:57:20.932
Because that is the core of this.

01:57:21.452 --> 01:57:24.192
That was the most important point.

01:57:24.212 --> 01:57:25.652
Yes, the rest of this matters.

01:57:25.972 --> 01:57:26.892
Yes, it is key.

01:57:27.032 --> 01:57:37.992
You have to understand it because it gives you the roadmap, the groundwork, the way to approach these matters, how to deal with these things, how to handle these as a Christian.

01:57:38.832 --> 01:57:42.192
But that first point is what is most important.

01:57:43.812 --> 01:57:54.492
And just like the commandments, the first one is more important than the rest, the second is more important than the third through the tenth, the first point matters the most because it is about God.

01:57:55.472 --> 01:57:56.952
And that is the core of this.

01:57:57.592 --> 01:58:07.392
When dealing with theological questions, when dealing with questions of scriptural truth, we must get them right because these are the things of God.

01:58:07.412 --> 01:58:18.552
We are not permitted to be tolerant, to give leeway, to let bygones be bygones, to let others persist in error, to agree to disagree.

01:58:20.032 --> 01:58:28.452
Because when we are dealing with the things of God, what we are doing and what is our duty is to defend God's honor, to defend God's truth.

01:58:29.032 --> 01:58:30.732
And there is no leeway in that.

01:58:32.092 --> 01:58:38.452
Love covers a multitude of offenses, and so we can do some of that with regard to private matters.

01:58:38.472 --> 01:58:44.592
We can overlook the gruffness of someone or the fact that someone approaches something in an unpleasant way.

01:58:44.592 --> 01:58:49.232
We can let some of those things slide, not with regard to the truth claims.

01:58:50.732 --> 01:58:55.832
And the truth claims are the whole, are the totality of the public matters.

01:58:57.752 --> 01:59:06.292
And so we cannot do what the world says, because what the world always says to us, particularly in this day and age, is that you have to be tolerant.

01:59:07.492 --> 01:59:09.812
You have to be nice, you have to be loving.

01:59:10.432 --> 01:59:18.552
If you don't simply let the other person persist in his error, then you're being unloving, you're being unchristian, you're being unchristlike, you're being hateful.

01:59:19.092 --> 01:59:20.492
All of these accusations.

01:59:21.752 --> 01:59:22.392
Ignore them.

01:59:23.272 --> 01:59:33.152
And ignore them if they are thrown at those who are rebuking false doctrine, because they are not relevant, they do not play a role when it comes to public sin.

01:59:34.572 --> 01:59:38.292
Because what is being defended is God and his truth.

01:59:39.612 --> 01:59:44.912
And for that, it is only an absolute defense that is acceptable.

01:59:45.892 --> 01:59:55.972
Because there is not a single part of scripture which we can yield and remain christian if we are yielding it willfully, if we are yielding it knowingly.

01:59:57.692 --> 02:00:02.212
Absolutely everything God has told us is true, and all of it is worth defending.

02:00:03.892 --> 02:00:14.832
It isn't the case in all things and all parts of life that every hill is worth dying on, but when it comes to God's truth, it is absolutely true that every hill is worth defending.

02:00:15.052 --> 02:00:25.412
Every hill is a hill on which it is reasonable to die, because these are the things of God, and we as christians are not permitted to compromise on them.

02:00:25.812 --> 02:00:35.572
We are not permitted to tolerate false teachers, because God is truth, and any deviation from that is a deviation from God.

02:00:36.312 --> 02:00:42.192
So, as we've said before and will undoubtedly say again, if you aren't moving godward, you're moving hellward.

02:00:42.432 --> 02:00:49.372
So, to compromise on these things, to tolerate false teaching, is to move away from God, is to walk toward hell.

02:00:50.072 --> 02:01:00.332
And that is what we are avoiding, by teaching correctly, by rebuking false teachers, and by doing so publicly, and in an uncompromising way.