“Baptism Now Saves You”
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Welcome to the Stone Choir podcast. I am Corey J. Moeller, and I'm still woe.
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On today's Stone Choir, we're going to be discussing the subject of baptism. On Stone
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Choir, we are obviously talking about theology in general, but we don't typically get too much into
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systematics. We don't delve into specific issues, certainly ones that are well fleshed out in
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church history. Today is probably going to be one of the rare episodes where we're going to talk
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about something where we have literally nothing new to say. The reason that we're doing this is,
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one, we've had number of requests from folks asking us to describe the sacraments from a
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Lutheran perspective. Lutherans are good at theology, not because we have smart Lutherans
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today, but just because we inherited something that was correct and competent from better men.
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Unfortunately, Lutherans today are incredibly terrible at telling people, A, we exist, or B,
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what we believe, or why we believe it. I think most people hear about Lutherans. The only thing
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you have in mind is the tranny. That's frankly the vision of Lutheranism in the West today.
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It's not wrong. Most Lutherans are like that, but the no true Scotsman fallacy is not an absolute
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because there's such a thing as a Scotsman. There's also such a thing as an actual Lutheran,
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and that's what Cori and I are. Today's episode is going to discuss the sacrament of baptism.
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In the future, we'll do one on the sacrament of Holy Communion. The reason that we're doing it in
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addition to just a number of people asked is that these are things that are instituted by God
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that are foundational to the Christian faith. It was a natural follow-on from last week's episode
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where we're discussing forgiveness. In that episode, we were chiefly focused on the forgiveness
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from God that we extend to each other and interceding on behalf of each other to God
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for the forgiveness of our mutual sins. We mentioned in the episode that there are the
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means of grace, the means by which God provides forgiveness to us in this life, in time and
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space forgiveness is delivered, not only at the cross, but personally. I want to briefly acknowledge
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a couple things. One, when a Lutheran says sacrament, we don't mean the same thing as
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the Roman Catholics, for example. I know the majority of our listeners at this point are not
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Lutheran, so for the folks who are Lutheran, a lot of what we say is probably going to be old hat
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for the rest. We're trying to make the best form of the argument for what we believe is a scriptural
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view of baptism. Effectively, if this were a formal debate, this would be the affirmative side for
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the premise. We're making the argument. Part of that is that we're going to be saying things
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that will contradict what the majority of our audience believe about these things.
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I want to acknowledge that up front that we're not trying to pick a fight, we're not trying to pick
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on anyone or to talk down to you or to condemn you or your churches. This is Christian doctrine.
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I think we all agree that this stuff is worth getting right. I think we all agree that this
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stuff is important. We disagree on the details. In scripture, it talks about that being part
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of the Christian life. When you look at the New Testament, inside the New Testament, as the earliest
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church in the very first century was being formed, they were arguing about things. There were
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disagreements and there was a right side and there was a wrong side, but those errors existed inside
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the church. There's a case where Paul rebukes Peter to his face for his false teaching. These are
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apostles we're talking about. Peter straightened out. Paul got it right. Peter was wrong. He was
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in error. He was called to repent and they had that sorted out. It is not outside of proper
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church practice for brothers in the faith to talk to each other, frankly. It's not so much in concern
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that, oh, I'm concerned that you're wrong or you're concerned that I'm wrong. It's that this is God's
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stuff. This is not our stuff. The approach that Cory and I take and that we encourage everyone to
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take is to treat God's things as His and to receive them on His terms as He intends. When we find in
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our own circumstances that our churches are failing in some way, a greater way or a small way,
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to deliver God's things as God describes them, that is an immediate problem for us in our own
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personal circumstances to deal with. As we go through this, I want to acknowledge that we're
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going to say some things that some of you are not going to like. I know that. One of us is wrong,
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at least. Maybe both of us are wrong, but just as a reasonable argument, if we say one thing about
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baptism and you say the opposite, one of us must necessarily be wrong. It's not accusatory to say
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somebody's wrong here. It's simply an evaluation of the equation. The equation doesn't bounce.
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You've got to balance that before both sides can be right. We're going to make the case for what
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we believe Scripture says about these things. Obviously, it will be from a Lutheran perspective,
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but we believe this is what Scripture says. I don't want people to come away from this
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feeling doubts or concerns that you have a bad church. If you think negative things about us,
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that's fine. I don't want you to listen to this and suddenly have deep concerns about your church.
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First, worry about Scripture and about whether or not you believe it. If, in that evaluation,
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you find that you have concerns about your church, those are problems we all face in our own lives,
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we're not going to tell you what to do. I want to acknowledge that some of these things are
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contrary to some of your church teachings. We all know this. These are 500-year-old discussions.
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They said, we have nothing new to say here, but we're going to try to make the case clearly for
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what we believe Scripture teaches because, particularly for Lutherans, the sacraments,
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baptism and communion are foundational to our approach to the Christian life. A lot of what
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we talk about on Stone Choir is about the Christian life for us personally, by virtue of our theological
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frame. The sacraments underpin all of that. We allude to it sometimes. We want to spend an hour or so
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here today specifically laying out the case for what we believe Scripture says about baptism,
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because it underpins everything else that we believe and what else comes up. As we said elsewhere,
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when there's discussion and debate around doctrine, it's not about winning arguments,
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it's not about beating up on someone. It's about having more of what God wants us to have.
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God gave us these gifts in Scripture. He gives us these gifts in time for our benefit. The reason
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that these things are worth fighting for and fighting against and about is that when we don't
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get them right, we have less of the good things that God wants for us. That's our chief concern,
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is why we're talking about it, even knowing that some of you are going to disagree. I hope that
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when you disagree with some of the things that we say, one, I hope that you'll receive it in the
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spirit in which it's given, which is not to beat up on you, even though some of the things that we
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are going to say are going to be very stark. I don't want that to be taken as a personal attack.
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Ultimately, is a concern that downstream from these beliefs is the comfort of the Gospel. It's
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the comfort of the things that God wishes for us to have. Everything that we talk about is in view
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of God's gifts to us, in view of the fact that there will come a day in your life where everything's
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on fire, where you were at rock bottom, where something is just unspeakably horrible. Those
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are the moments when having your theological ducks in a row is paramount, because if you have a mess
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going into the battle, you're already way behind. You're already down points before you even come
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under fire, and we don't want that for each other. We're going to go through the passages. This is
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basically a Bible study today. We have more Bible than we can. We're going to get through in an hour,
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but we want to make clear the case for what baptism should mean in the Christian life,
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because it means a great deal. To begin with, I want to just give a brief example of framing.
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Imagine a scenario where you walk up to me and I hand you a $100 bill,
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and then you put it in your pocket and you walk away. Later on, you describe that scene to someone
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else. There are two ways you can describe it. A, I walked up to this guy and he handed me a $100
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bill, and I looked at it, and it was a real $100 bill. I was amazed, and I put it in my pocket,
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and I walked away. That's one telling of the story. That's true. It's accurate. It's what happened.
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B, I walked up to this guy and he was holding a $100 bill, and he reached out to hand it to me,
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and I looked at it, and I saw the $100 bill, and I wanted it, and I grabbed it in my hands,
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and I took it between my fingers, and I pulled it close, and I held it up to my eyes, and I looked
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it, and I peered it intensely, and I saw this is a $100 bill. This is real. I was excited,
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and I put it in my pocket, and I walked away. That's also accurate. That's a retelling of the
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same events. Both are factually correct, but what's the difference between them? The first one,
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the emphasis is on me handing you a $100 bill, and then the second one, the emphasis is on you
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taking it and making it yours. In the second telling, I very quickly vanish,
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and it's just you and the $100 bill, and you interacting with it. In both of those cases,
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there's a giver, and there's a receiver, and the emphasis is on whether you focus on the giver
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or you focus on the receiving. As we talk about the sacraments, it's fundamentally when there
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are disagreements, particularly among Protestants. Roman Catholics and Lutherans are actually almost
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entirely on the same page about baptism with one important exception, but it's kind of peripheral.
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It's important, but it's not the main thrust of the question. For everyone else, there are varying
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degrees of substantial disagreement, and it has to do with that framing. Is this a giving and a
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giver, or is this an action by someone where God was somehow involved, but as soon as we came on the
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picture, it's all about us? Those two frames really separate the two different views of the sacrament
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of baptism. When Lutherans say sacrament, we mean something slightly different than Roman Catholics.
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For Lutherans, there are two chief sacraments based on this definition, instituted by Christ
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himself with physical means for the forgiveness of sins. There are some other things that Roman
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Catholics have that they call sacraments that are very salutary. Marriage in particular was
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instituted by God in the garden. It's older than either baptism or communion. Lutherans don't consider
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that sacramental because, although it's holy, which is the root of sacrament, one of the roots,
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it doesn't impart forgiveness of sins. When we're talking about sacraments, the emphasis is on
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God giving a physical means for forgiveness of sins. When we use that term, that's specifically
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what it means. The word also forgives sins. Absolution also forgives sins. There are other
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places that these come to us, but it's only in baptism and communion that there's a physical
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means tied to the promise of forgiveness, which is why we call these the means of grace.
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So to start with the Scripture, we will turn first to Matthew 28, the end of the book of Matthew.
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This is, of course, the Great Commission. Undoubtedly, almost all of you will be familiar
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with this before I even read it. Now, the 11 disciples went to Galilee to the
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mountain to which Jesus had directed them, and when they saw him they worshiped him,
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but some doubted, and Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has
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been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
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Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded
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you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age. This is one of two verses, two
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sections of Scripture. We will be going over today, where we're going to take
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some time to slow down and break down exactly what is going on here. And yes, look at the Greek a
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little bit. And the reason for that is that too often when we're reading this, we just kind of
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read through it quickly, and we sort of fly over this. Instead of actually looking at what
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exactly is being said, what is Scripture telling us? What are the words being used? What do they
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mean? Why do they matter? What doctrine is being put forth here? And so let's look at exactly
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what Christ is telling us. He's giving commands here, and he's giving a reason for it. And so we
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have the imperative to start off the command, go, go therefore, therefore. To what does that refer?
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Why go? Because all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Christ. And therefore,
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he is commanding us to go. And what are we to do in this going? We are to make disciples of whom,
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of all nations. Incidentally, this is tied into other episodes, other matters we've discussed,
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because it is the word for nation or race there. We are to make disciples of all races,
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of all nations. You can use either word. But now we come to the part that is key for what we will
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be discussing about baptism in this episode. We are told to go and make disciples of all nations.
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But then we are told how to do that, how we are to make these disciples. There are two things
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that are given. The first is baptizing. Baptism is given first, that's noteworthy. Out of two
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things we are to do to make disciples, we are first to baptize. Then we are to teach them.
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Now, the underlying Greek terms, which thankfully do come through in the English translation, are
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in the same tense here, baptizing and teaching. Baptizantes and didescantes are the two words
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there in the Greek. But this tells us how we make Christians. This is the standard way that you make
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a Christian. You baptize the person in the triune name of God. Then you teach the person
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all that Christ has commanded us to observe. That's how you make a Christian.
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Now, today we may look at that and think that maybe it's backward to some degree,
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but that's only because everything around us is in shambles. Because if you think about it,
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how does one usually come to faith? Well, one usually comes to faith because one's parents
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take one to church. You don't usually come to faith because someone convinced you, or
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however you wish to word this, as an adult. That is unusual. That is outside the normal
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Christian experience. Because the normal Christian experience, what God wants for us,
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is to grow up in a Christian nation, in a Christian family, to be Christian from birth.
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That is the goal. That is how things should be. And so it is baptizing. And yes,
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we Lutherans do believe in infant baptism. We will go over this at some point in this episode,
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but really it runs through the entirety of the scripture sections, dealing with baptism.
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But so we baptize infants, and then we bring them up in the faith. It's not just a matter of being
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baptized and, oh, well, I'm over the line. I'm good. I'm done. No, you are baptized,
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and then you progress in the faith. That's, of course, sanctification as part of that,
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but just being instructed in the faith. And so here, just to start off, we have
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the words of Christ commanding us to make disciples of all nations, of all races,
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by doing two things, the first of which is baptizing them. This is an incredibly important
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part of the Christian life. It is not something that is ancillary or secondary or something that
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can be ignored. It is placed right here in Christ's command to spread the faith as the first item.
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We have to pay attention to the words of Christ and the way that He spoke them,
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the words He chose, the order in which He put them. And He says, baptize and teach.
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And it's notable here in Matthew 28 that these are the very last words of that gospel. It doesn't
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say it, but Jesus obviously ascended into heaven. We know that from the other gospels.
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So this is the very end of Jesus' earthly ministry, the very last thing that He says,
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which is pretty important. The very last thing that God says before He ascends into heaven is go and
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baptize. I think that throughout church history, we've taken that seriously. And again, virtually,
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basically every Christian denomination, including by definition, believes that baptism is something.
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God had some to do with it. There's some called baptism. What we disagree on are the details.
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And so today's episode is talked about the details, but I think as Corey just laid out up front,
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this is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. And it's notable that this is where God tells us
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how to baptize, baptizing them them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
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This is the Trinity. One of the atheist reddit tier memes is that, oh, the Trinity was unknown
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until AD 325. And then Constantine made it up. Before that, there was no Trinity. No one who's
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ever read the Bible would believe that. That's stupid beyond comprehension. Jesus Christ says
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the names of the persons of the Trinity and says, you will baptize in my name.
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This is Elohim. This is God Almighty. This is the three persons and one God that it confessed
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in all three ecumenical creeds. I think what's particularly interesting about Jesus' earthly
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ministry ending with baptism in Matthew 28 is that it perfectly bookends where Jesus' earthly
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ministry begins in Matthew 3. Matthew 1 and 2, you have his genealogy, his conception of the birth,
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and then John the Baptist. In Matthew 3, the very first thing that Jesus does at the beginning of
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his earthly ministry is to be baptized by John the Baptist. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the
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Jordan to John to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, I need to be baptized
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by you, and do you come to me? But Jesus answered him, let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for
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us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he consented. And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went
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up from the water and, behold, the heavens were open to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending
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like a dove and coming to rest on him. And, behold, a voice from heaven said, this is my beloved Son
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with whom I am well pleased. This is notable for two reasons. One, Jesus is being baptized.
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And as John said, why would you come to me to be baptized? I need to be baptized by you.
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And Jesus said that all good things would be fulfilled, all righteousness would be fulfilled.
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The reason I think that this book ends Matthew 28 so perfectly is that this is the physical
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manifestation of the Trinity. You have the Son, the second person of the Trinity, emerging from
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the waters of baptism. You have the Holy Spirit alighting on him as a dove. And you have God the
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Father speaking audibly for all to hear, saying, this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.
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So here's the Trinity in baptism. Matthew 28, you have the Trinity as part of baptism.
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There's never been any doubt about the Trinity. From the first time that God referred to himself
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as plural in Genesis until now, until the creeds and the councils, Christianity has always worshiped
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a triune God. God revealed more of himself over time. But the simple fact is that anyone who just
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read the Bible and never read Reddit would never have any doubt that there's something
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triune. Now, triune was a neologism that was created specifically to try to describe what's
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going on here, to try to give one name to the three persons and one God. In a great many of the
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early debates in the Christian church were, how do we deal with three persons? How do we have a
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Father and a Son and the Holy Spirit? What is the difference? Is there a difference? Is it permissible
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to say different? All those debates are part of the controversies around the Trinity and around
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Christology as well. The fact that Jesus went into the water and then came out and all three parts of
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the Trinity appeared, book ends 28 so perfectly because this is the moment where Jesus put the
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power of baptism into the water. Jesus did not have his sins washed away in the Jordan. We'll
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get to in a minute what baptism does for us. When Jesus was baptized, he was putting into the water
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that which we receive by faith in time in the future. And so God is laying this out perfectly
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for us to know, A, this is really important and it's coming for me, and B, it's a physical thing.
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You know, the combination of the water and the word in baptism is what makes this a sacrament.
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God said do this, he said say this, and he said use this. And the third this is the water.
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When the water is present and the word is spoken, that is baptism. That's what God promises. And so
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all the promises that we're going to get to elsewhere in Scripture that are attendant to this
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sacrament hinge on those things being done. And the fact that God commanded it, again that goes
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back to what the story I gave at the beginning about the $100 bill. When God says do this,
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and then we do it, if we put the focus on ourselves and say here's look what I did,
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I went into the Jordan. I went into the Jordan three times as my grandparents did. My grandparents
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were Baptists. They were baptized in the Jordan at least twice. They were baptized many times over
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their lives. And it worked. The first one worked. We'll talk about multiple baptisms, but on my
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dad's side they were Baptists for I don't know how long. So if you're Baptists and you're listening,
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I'm not trying to pick on you. My grandmother and grandfather are heaven right now. They were Christians.
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I think they got some things wrong and it didn't impair their faith. But again when we talk about
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what God promises and what he gives to us, it's not about saying well you got this wrong. It's not
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about getting a higher score on the test. It's about receiving the gifts that God is giving to us.
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As he describes in scripture in our lives, and the beauty of the sacraments of baptism and
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holy communion is that with the physical element that we're going to get to that was here with John
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the Baptist, the application of water and the word, that becomes a physical touchstone in the life
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of a Christian to point to a moment in time, in space, where something happened. And I think
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that's a key element of the Lutheran sacramentology is that here's a physical thing that actually
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happened. It removes theology from the realm of the theoretical or kind of metaphysical. I'm thinking
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and loving and worshiping, but it's all inside. It's all attitudinal. And the problem with framing
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your faith in terms of how I feel or what I think or what I'm doing because of how I think or feel
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is that there are days when you're going to fall short. There are days when you're just not going
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to feel it. There are days when you're going to get it wrong. And if the root of your faith is
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I'm doing the stuff on the day when you don't feel like doing the stuff or you doubt maybe that you
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ever sincerely believed or did the stuff in the past, that's an open door for Satan to slide through
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and to say, aha, gotcha. You were never a Christian in the first place. And so the promise of salvation
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that we're going to get into, that Christ puts in the water of baptism here, seals a promise from God
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that no man can take away. Satan can't take it away. We can throw it away. It is possible for us
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to despise our baptisms, but God keeps his promises to us. He will do what he says he's going to do.
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And so when we talk about all of this, we're emphasizing what God is doing in baptism,
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precisely so that in those moments where we doubt ourselves, we still have something to cling to.
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We still have God's promises to cling to because you can always count on that. There may come a
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time in your life when literally the only thing you can comprehend, I believe that God is God.
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That may be all you have. You may not believe that your sins are forgiven. You may not believe that
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even that Jesus died for you. If you can still believe that God is God, Scripture will give you
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the chance to work your way back through faith, through the Holy Spirit, to where God wants you.
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But if you root your faith and your confidence in my stuff, in my doing, in my past actions,
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in my beliefs, then you're being deprived of one of the greatest sources of joy and comfort in the
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Christian life. And that's why this is so fundamental to Lutheran and we live to Christian
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theology. It's not just sacramentology. This is a key part of the Christian life because
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it's how Jesus began his ministry and it's how he ended it. And he ended it at the beginning
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of the church age saying, go and do this for everyone else. This thing that I have now done for
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you, give it to everyone because this is my thing. I need everyone to have it because it does what I
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promise it's going to do. If you go up to a random Lutheran and ask what baptism is,
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you should get an answer that is roughly what we have said thus far, because in part it's just
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going to be a quote from the small catechism. And this is my putting on notice all of the
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Lutheran listeners that you should have this answer memorized and in mind if someone asks you,
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but from the small catechism, what is baptism? Baptism is not simple water only, but it is the
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water comprehended in God's command and connected with God's word. And I want to read two paragraphs
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from the large catechism that expand on this and also preemptorily respond to a particular objection.
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From this now learn a proper understanding of the subject and how to answer the question what
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baptism is, namely thus, that it is not mere ordinary water, but water comprehended in God's word
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and command, and sanctified thereby, so that it is nothing else than a divine water, not that the
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water itself is nobler than other water, but that God's word and command are added. Therefore,
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I exhort again that these two, the water and the word, by no means be separated from one
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another imparted, for if the word is separated from it, the water is the same as that with
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which the servant cooks, and may indeed be called a bathkeeper's baptism, but when it is added,
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as God has ordained, it is a sacrament, and it is called Christ baptism, which is the central
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point that we're making here about the difference between the sacrament and mere water.
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Mere water is not a baptism. If I run up to you and throw a bucket of water at you,
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that doesn't count as a baptism, because in order for it to be a baptism,
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we have to do what Christ commanded us to do, and what did He command us to do?
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He commanded us to baptize in the triune name, yes, with water. Both elements have to be present,
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or it is not the sacrament, because the sacrament is instituted by God in a certain way,
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and so it is that sacrament, if it is done in that way. This is not to say, and I know that
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some of the audience who are a little more versed in theology will be thinking in the back of their
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mind, ex opre operato, that's not what I'm saying, that's not what we're advocating here. It is not
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the sacrament, simply because the thing is done. Faith is still required, it is still faith
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that receives the gift, yes, faith itself is also a gift, but faith receives the gift of regeneration,
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the gift of salvation, and so it's not simply because you speak the words and there's water,
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faith is also present, because faith is the central part of the Christian religion. These gifts of
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God can be received only in faith, just as a promise can be trusted only in hope or faith.
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That's the only way to receive a promise, the only way to receive the good things of God is via faith.
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But I would also like to expand here on something that Woe just said, and that is,
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when discussing baptism with others, I will often receive the question,
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why do we need baptism? Why do we need a physical sign?
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Now, of course, my first instinct is going to be the instinct for most Lutherans is to shut
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my sinful mouth and not question why God has done what God has done. However, in this case,
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I think that it is reasonable and I think that we can give an answer. To some degree,
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there's some speculation in this, but it is also based on the totality of the verses dealing
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with baptism and also the Lord's Supper in Scripture, and incidentally also circumcision,
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which is typological of baptism, we'll get more into that later. But why do we have this physical
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sign? And the reason is simple, we're physical. You're listening to this with physical ears,
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or if you're reading it, you're reading it with physical eyes. Presumably no one has translated
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or copied it over into Braille yet. But you are interacting with this in a physical way because
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you are physical. Now, you aren't just physical because you are, of course, a spirit, a soul,
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and a body. Again, this is not where we're getting into tripartite versus dipartite or
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that whole philosophical theological argument. That's not the point. The point is that you are
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not simply physical and not simply spiritual. You are both joined together, and so we have both
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in Scripture because God is coming to you as the totality of what you are, because God is super
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abundant with His grace and His gifts. He doesn't just give you one way for the forgiveness of sins.
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He gives you many. You have the Lord's Supper, you have baptism, you have confession and absolution,
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you have confessing your sins directly to God, you have the Word, you have all of these various
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ways because God's gifts are super abundant. And so the reason we have baptism is because if you hear
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the Word, well, that's received by the mind, and we'll, again, not dwell on the distinction
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between the mind and the spirit here, but that is received not so much by the physical you
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as by the spiritual you. And so what is the body doing in that interchange?
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Well, it's sort of passively listening and relaying that information. However,
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if you are immersed under water, well, the body understands water quite well. And so
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in the sacraments, we have this joining together of the physical element and the Word,
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so the whole man, the total man, the body and the spirit together can grasp this thing.
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That is God helping you to truly believe that He is bringing His gifts to you.
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That is why you have the physical combined with the Word. That is why they are both important.
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And as that small catechism, quote, discussed, it's not the simple water that's doing it,
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it's the water and God's promise. And I think one of the hang-ups that some Protestants have is that
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it's just simple water. It came from the tap and we do the episode on communion. It's the same
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thing. It's bread and it's wine. It's not magic bread, it's magic wine. It's normal material stuff
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plus the Word of God. And there is a big strain in theology where people flee from that. Like,
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well, that's too simple. That's too easy. I don't see it. I don't believe it.
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Part of the reason that this sacramental understanding is pivotal is that if you deny that
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simple things can also be God's things, that's a Christological heresy. That is denying God
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because how did God come among us as a baby? He was an infant lying in a manger. He was in a stall
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for livestock. He was swaddled and his parents loved him. He was probably a very cute baby,
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but Jesus pooped his diapers. Mary had to clean him up because he pooped himself. You look at
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this baby and you trust in the promise of God that this is the Messiah, but you're also looking at
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a tiny screaming infant that's pooping and peeing because it's what humans do. And so the natural
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material mind to look at that thing, to look at that small child and say, I can't be God,
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look at that. It's small and weak and doesn't know anything. How can that be God? That can be
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really God. Well, if you trust in God's promises that he had made up to that point and the miracle
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of the birth, then it becomes very easy because you're not trusting in a magic baby. You're trusting
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in God's promises. And then it ceases to be magic. It's simply God. It's something that is
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supernatural and transcendent in a way that we cannot possibly comprehend and we're fine with that.
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Sacrament is something that we get through Latin from the Greek word mystery. These things are
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mysteries. When God, the Almighty, the Infinite, the Eternal, the Omniscient, the Omnipresent,
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acts in space and time within creation, it's going to look weird. So you end up with Jesus
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in a manger and yet he's fully God and fully man at the same time. It's not two halves glued together.
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You know, there are all sorts of Christological heresies that go along with trying to rationally
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explain what's in the manger and what's on the cross. When we believe and confess what Scripture
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says about all of these things, there come times when we're talking about the sacraments and we're
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talking about Christ's union of God and man, where reason fails us. And there are not many
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places in the faith where that's the case, but this is one of them. And I think chief among the
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arguments that we have among denominations about the sacraments is fundamentally unbelief that God
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can do these miraculous things that he says he can do when we're talking about the material world.
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In John 3, a man came to Jesus by night and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you're a teacher,
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come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him. Jesus answered him,
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truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus
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said to him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb
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and be born? Jesus answered him, truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the
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spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which
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is born of the spirit is spirit. Do not marble that I said to you, you must be born again.
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The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from
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or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the spirit. So when Jesus answers Nicodemus,
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you must be born of the water and the spirit, this is catechesis about baptism. Anytime word
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and water are connected, the spirit and water are connected in Scripture, it's pointing to baptism.
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It's pointing to the promise they got placed in the water when Jesus was himself baptized.
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I think one of the chief hang-ups that a lot of Protestants have come from a misunderstanding
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of the solace. Corey was talking a minute ago about receiving these things by faith, including
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baptism, imparting faith, as we'll get to some of those verses, and then faith receiving that gift
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itself. It's a case where reason kind of falls down, but it's important for us just to acknowledge
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that when God's acting, we can't necessarily make sense of it, but we have to believe it.
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And so when God connects water to a promise, we take it at face value. And I think that a lot of
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the arguments against this view of baptism come down to misunderstanding the solace. Corey did
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a video a while ago that's up on YouTube, we'll put in the show notes, specifically going into what
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sola fide actually means. This is not what most of you think. If you actually understand the Latin
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behind it and the arguments that were being made at that time, faith alone does not mean
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faith and nothing else, because it's not what we find in Scripture. We find faith and other things,
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but along with all of that, wherever you have God's word and you have his promises, you will also
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have other things. And sometimes those are signs, sometimes they're symbols. That does happen.
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Baptism is more than a symbol because it is doing something. When Jesus says you must be born of
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water and the Spirit, think about your birth. We've talked in the past about the obedience
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the Lazarus had when Jesus says Lazarus come out. How much cooperation was there in that moment?
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We're a dead man. Here's God and obeys him from the grave, from death. It's the same thing at the
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other end of life here. When Jesus says you must be born of water and the Spirit, talking about a
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rebirth, it's saying you're starting from scratch. You don't have agency in your birth. We have no
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control over the day of our birth, the hour of birth. We're along for the ride as God doing
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something through our mothers in a miracle. It's a miracle that plays out every day, but it's no
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less miraculous for it. When we are born of water, it is the same sort of passive birth
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that we have in baptism. The fact that there is human participation in baptism goes back to the
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allusion to receiving a $100 bill. If I hand you a $100 bill and you make the story about
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all the activity that you did related to you grasping it and receiving it and taking it,
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if it's all about you, that's not really the story. That's not a fair accounting of what
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actually happened. When Jesus talked about you being born of water and the Spirit,
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that is a rebirth that He's giving us. It's a rebirth that He put into the water for us to receive.
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And there is, of course, the even more blunt statement in Mark 16.
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Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
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And I think this is a good point to go over another point of confusion with regard to what
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Lutherans teach. Many do not understand this, and in part it can potentially be a little bit
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confusing. And I know that the rationalists or those who are, let's say, rationalist adjacent
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in the audience are going to hate the way that I phrase this, but I will explain it,
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and it won't be so bad when I'm done. And the question, of course, is baptism necessary?
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The Lutheran answer, the best way that I can find to formulate it, is yes, but no, but yes.
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And the reason for that is that the first answer to is baptism necessary is yes.
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Because what does Scripture say? Well, I just read it.
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Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.
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That makes baptism necessary. As a Christian, you must be baptized. However,
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is it absolutely necessary to be baptized to be saved? To that we must answer no,
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because it is, of course, conceivable that one could come to faith, believe in Christ,
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and not have the opportunity to be baptized, because, for instance, you could be brought to faith
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through the Word, planned to be baptized in three days and get hit by a bus.
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Would you be saved? Yes. And so is baptism absolutely necessary? The answer must be no,
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because there are those who could be saved in the absence of being baptized.
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But the final but yes, is that baptism is indeed necessary, because if you neglect to be baptized,
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if you dishonor baptism, if you consider baptism to be an unimportant thing,
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and so neglect to be baptized, that is proof that you are not actually a Christian.
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And so someone lives and proclaims himself to be a Christian for 40 years, but is never baptized.
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That is very strong evidence that he was not actually a Christian, and so that is the,
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but yes, baptism is necessary. And so that's the Lutheran position, because that's the position
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taken from Scripture, that baptism is necessary for the Christian, but not absolutely necessary,
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but not something that is optional or can be ignored, and so is a true sign of a true Christian.
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And so at first it may seem like that is, when you just hear the way that it's phrased initially,
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irrational, but it's not once it's explained, it's very clear, and it is taken directly from Scripture.
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And of course, the most obvious example that is the thief on the cross. There was a man
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on one side of Jesus who was mocking him, saying, you're the Son of God, take yourself down.
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And there's a man on the other side that said, why do you mock him? We're under condemnation.
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We're going to die, and we deserve it, but this man doesn't. And then he turned to Jesus and said,
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Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus said, I tell you this day,
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you will be with me in paradise. There's no reason to believe that that man was baptized.
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There is, however, reason to believe he had faith, because he confessed his faith. He confessed
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that Jesus was innocent. He confessed that he was going to be in his kingdom that day.
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And his plea was simple, Lord, remember me. And he's the example that's often given to say,
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well, baptism can't possibly count for anything, because here's a man who wasn't baptized.
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The hypothetical, which is absolutely necessary, is what Corey just said. If that man had then,
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if the earthquake had struck before Jesus died, and somehow they all fell down and that thief
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had run off and not died that day, if he had despised baptism, if he had been called upon to be
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baptized, which remember at that time, he knew about Jesus, he may not have known about John.
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We don't know exactly what he knows. We know he witnessed some miracles.
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When the teaching of baptism came to him, as it came to all Christians shortly thereafter,
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had he despised and said, no, I'm good, I've got faith, I don't need baptism,
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he would have been condemned, and Jesus would have had a different answer for him.
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The fact that he confessed and did not have the opportunity for baptism, frankly, that's the whole
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history of believers prior to the institution of baptism. Heaven for 4,000 years was filled
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up with men who were not baptized. They were circumcised, which was a type of baptism,
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but it was a different thing. There are times when God uses different things in different places,
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and the fact that one group of people is not given something, and then the other one is at a
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different time, doesn't mean that we get to ignore what the thing was when God gave it. We have to
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treat it for what it was and what it is and the time in which it's given. And baptism is given to
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us as given in the Church in Matthew 3.28, go therefore and baptize all nations. That's us,
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we're the nations, we're not Jews, most of the audience is sons of Japheth, we're Europeans,
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we're white guys. We're receiving the gift sent to the nations by Paul and the other apostles who
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spread out from that time. And so we are the recipients of the very thing that God desired
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for us, and that included foremost among it baptism. We'll get into here in a minute the
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baptism of households, and we've talked in past episodes, particularly the one on
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election and the one on Christian nationalism about how nations are a superset of the household.
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And so historically, the Christian faith has been spread by prophets often going to
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the King, going to the man in charge. This is what Jonah did in Nineveh, he went to the
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King of Nineveh, told him to repent, said, God's going to kill you all in 40 days.
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The King of Nineveh repented, he told his people to repent and they were saved from God's wrath.
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By God's mercy, they received the word, they were not Jews, they were outside of all the
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covenants that we talk about. And yet when the word came to them, they confessed they repented,
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and they were forgiven. And that came from the top down. That was absolutely Christian
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nationalism in Jonah. And the same thing is the history of the Christian faith in European nations,
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not exclusively, it's not the only way that it happens. There are many listeners today, as Corey
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said, it's weird and kind of broken that there are people who are listening to us, where in some
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cases, this may be one of the first times that some of you are hearing about the Christian faith.
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And that's wonderful. And that's a miracle from God that he's able to use this to reach you.
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And one of the things that you're realizing as you come to that knowledge is that
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your parents sinned against you, your grandparents. Like at some point,
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your ancestors who knew about God forgot him and despised him. And so your inheritance was one
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of damnation. This is what happened to all the nations after the flood and after Babel.
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They scattered and most of them forgot about God. And it was only, it was as far as we can tell,
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it was exclusively, in the end, God preserving the faith through the Jewish people that any
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belief was preserved, because everyone else was apostatizing. Just as the Jews tried to repeatedly,
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for hundreds of years, they were constantly trying to throw God away. God hung on to his people
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because they're elect, they're his. He will not let them get out of his hand. And so the gift of
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baptism, the gift of these means of grace acts in time as a particular touchstone. And
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the belief in the knowledge of that actual activity, again, it takes it away from the realm of the
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hypothetical and the realm of the intellectual and makes it something concrete. I have a certificate
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from the day I was baptized. I was about three years old. I actually remember that day. I was able
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to develop memories pretty early. I don't remember being baptized, but I can remember my dad and the
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Narthex with my mom and the pastor, because the pastor was trying to show my dad how to hold me,
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and he was holding me the wrong way. And I remember the pastor correcting him. That's one of my earliest
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memories. But I do remember that day in 1980. One of the blessings of the traditional Christian
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understanding of baptism is that I can point back to that day. That's part of the reason for giving a
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certificate of baptism. It's not congratulations. Look at the great job you did. It's not an
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achievement certificate. It's a commemoration of an important event in my life. And one of the very
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interesting things, if you do any genealogy for Christians in the West, it's generally,
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sometimes you may not even have a birthday for someone, but you may have a baptismal day instead.
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And there's birth, baptism, wedding, and death are the four days that are traditionally preserved
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for every Christian historically in the West. And genealogies will always have some combination
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of those. And frequently you'll have all four. Baptism is included because Christians have
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always known that it was important. Not as something that we do, but as something that God does for us.
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And so when Jesus talked to Nicodemus about being born from water in the Spirit,
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it was that baptism that's given to us. And pointing to that blessing is a comfort. I can
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take comforter than that to know that no matter what happens to me, God made a promise when his
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name was placed on me. The name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit was placed on me
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in my baptism 43 years ago. That's a permanent marker in my life. Just as my name being written
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in the Book of Life from before eternity is permanent, but I can't see that book. I can't
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see that. That's not real to me in the sense that my baptism was. There was actual witnesses,
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there was an actual act. I was a recipient of it and I received faith. Now, as we look at these
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things, the reason that we're focusing on them is for that purpose. It's for comfort.
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We're going to talk about some things that are going to, as I said earlier, they're going to
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make some of you feel like, oh, we think you're doing something wrong. The point is not whether
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or not we're getting stuff wrong. The point is whether we're receiving what God tells us faithfully.
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Because if we do that, then we're receiving the full measure of what it is he wants us to have.
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Whenever you don't believe God about anything, you're losing out. It's not principally for a
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Christian a question of, oh, am I sinning? Oh, my damn, because I did this. Those are concerns,
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but the chief concern is, am I missing out? We should be jealous of God's things. We should
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want God's stuff because we know that we're adopted sons of God. As Christians who have a
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proper sacramentology, we understand that our baptism is the certain moment of that adoption,
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of that rebirth. I have one of my many Bibles sitting here and turning to the beginning of it,
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it has a page, although in this Bible it's only one page, but for births, marriages,
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baptisms, confirmations and deaths. Of course, confirmations you're not going to find in every
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Bible because that's going to be specific to those traditions that have a confirmation right.
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But that has historically been the standard for Christians. Those were the things that were recorded
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and often they were recorded in the family Bible. And that is part of how genealogical research is
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done. If you can get a hold of the old family Bible, you can get these dates and information.
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Sometimes they're stored in the church records as well. If you can get a hold of those, if they've
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been preserved adequately. That is properly the history of our people. That is properly the
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history of the European peoples is Christianity and the transmission of the Christian faith
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from father to son down through the ages. That is how it is supposed to be. And part of how that is
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done is through baptism, it is through the baptizing of one's children. Now notably, I was not raised
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Lutheran, so I wasn't baptized until I was eleven, but so I was a little older than Woe was.
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But still baptized as a child. You're still a child when you're eleven.
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And if you baptize a child at nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirty, whatever it happens to be,
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as I've said before, it's not really that different from baptizing that same child
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at one or two weeks old or however old it happens to be. We're not bound by the
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stricture of the old covenant. We do not have to baptize on the eighth day.
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It is advisable to baptize as early as possible, but it doesn't have to be on the eighth day.
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But the reason I would say that there's not much of a functional difference is the child is still,
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if the child has been instructed properly, the child is still going to follow what his
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father has told him to do. And so the ten-year-old should be obeying his father no less than the one
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week old. Yes, the ten-year-old can walk up to the baptismal font or the pool, whatever it happens to
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be, and actually verbalize his faith in Christ. But that doesn't make for a real difference between
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that and the infant, because as we've been saying, and as we will show with additional
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scripture proofs, that faith that has given you in baptism is a gift from God.
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If you have faith before you're baptized, well, that faith is still a gift from God.
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The baptism is reinforcing your faith. It is affirming your faith. It is God coming to you again
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to help you and guide you, to strengthen you in the faith, to lead you on the path of regeneration
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sanctification. Yes, you're regenerated when you are given the gift of faith, but sanctification is
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a lifelong process, depending on how you define the term regeneration anyway.
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And just to be extremely clear, Woe said God's people, when we say God's people, I don't want
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anyone in the audience who may be listening to this as the first episode, to come away thinking
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the wrong thing. When we say God's people, we mean the true Israel, the church, we mean believers,
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we mean you, those who have faith from Adam is the first believer to whatever unfortunate man
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is the last one on this earth who has faith, fortunate because he has faith, unfortunate
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because he's lived through whatever came directly before that. Those are God's people.
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God's people are the elect. We do not mean the ethnic Jewish people. There are ethnic Jews
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who are among the elect, who are Christians, very few these days, more historically,
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but the elect are God's people. That is all that term means. These terms are interchangeable.
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We did an episode on this, I'll put it in the show notes for those who did not listen to that yet,
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so they can go back or if you need a refresher. A couple other passages I want to read that talk
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about what baptism actually does in God's words. From Ephesians 5,
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So here we're talking about Jesus washing his bride,
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the church, that's all of us, that's all believers, that's the elect, washing with water and the word,
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mirrored again from Matthew 28 talking about baptism and teaching, that's the water and the word.
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So not only do we have water here talking about washing to present the church, to present you
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as without spot or wrinkle or as blameless, but Jesus is doing the washing. I think that's
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crucial for us when we're discussing baptism, because this is one of the chief points of dispute
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among some Protestants. Who's doing the baptism? Because if it's me doing it, say that Cory had
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more baptized until he was an adult, and I met him, we were friends, and for whatever reason,
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I felt it was appropriate for me to baptize him. Generally, that's disorderly. Generally,
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it's best if a pastor does it, but there are circumstances where it may be appropriate for
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one Christian to baptize another, that's legitimate. It's a question of order, it's not a question of
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legitimacy. If Cory had come to me and I had baptized him in view of Ephesians 5, would you
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conclude that I had washed away his sins, or that he had somehow cleansed himself? Who's doing the
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cleansing and the baptism? It can only possibly be God. So as I said, there's going to be the video
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that we'll link to explaining the solas. When we talk about faith alone, one of the simplistic
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and completely incorrect arguments against this view of baptism is, well, that's works,
01:00:06.680 --> 01:00:13.400
you're talking about doing works. If you believe Ephesians 5, how can you possibly say that that's
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works? When Jesus talks about cleansing us, cleansing the church with a washing of water
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and the word, where is the us in that except as the cleansed, except as the recipient of the grace,
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the recipient of the washing of the baptism? And it is the same thing. Everywhere that you find
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washing and water, it is about baptism. And one of the things that happens when these discussions
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occur interdenominationally is that all these passages that very clearly describe what baptism
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is doing, folks have to ignore them and say, well, it's got nothing to do with baptism because it
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can't possibly mean that if you stick to a works righteousness view of these actions. And the point
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is that this is not works righteousness because they're not our works. They're God's works. The
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story is not you reaching out and taking the $100 bill. The story is the $100 bill being handed
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to you. You're receiving a gift. And to whatever extent you are physically participating, it's
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passive. It's incidental. It's necessary to the reception. But you are the receiver of the gift.
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You're not the one doing it. The same is the case in Titus 3. But when the goodness and loving
01:01:27.960 --> 01:01:33.800
kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us not because of works done by us and righteousness,
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but according to his own mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
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whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior. So the being justified by
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his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. The sayings trustworthy
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and I want you all to insist on these things. The washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy
01:01:58.040 --> 01:02:03.960
Spirit is exactly the same kind of speeches in Ephesians 5. Washing of water with the Word.
01:02:03.960 --> 01:02:09.160
The Word and the Spirit come together through the water. The Word is always paramount. The Word is
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always spoken at all of these moments. Even if it's only the Word, the Word is efficacious on its own
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every Christian knows that. There's no disagreement that the Word is not efficacious on its own.
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The Word when combined with these physical elements and sacraments is equally efficacious.
01:02:27.720 --> 01:02:34.040
The additional benefit of the physical means in the means of grace is not that there's
01:02:34.040 --> 01:02:41.000
extra stuff in baptism, but that there's physical certainty that perhaps Satan can deprive you if
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it's only mental. So if you come to faith by hearing as an adult and then you desire baptism,
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as is often the case in Scripture, there are many who came to be believers and then they were baptized.
01:02:54.120 --> 01:02:59.160
They received the gift of faith and they were baptized and there's some who point to this and
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say well see clearly baptism is a sign of faith that's already received. God gives us the baptism
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because Satan can come along later and attack your belief, can attack your confidence in your own
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belief, and so what the sacraments do, what baptism does, that one moment in time, you know, maybe
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you got a certificate, you have witnesses to it. When you are baptized, past tense, past
01:03:27.240 --> 01:03:34.120
perfect progressive, it's an ongoing permanent state of affairs. I am baptized, not I was baptized.
01:03:34.120 --> 01:03:42.200
It is who I am now. I am baptized into Christ. Even if I had faith before I was baptized, and I
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may well have, my parents were probably reading the Bible to me when I was, you know, two or three,
01:03:46.280 --> 01:03:50.040
and then they had me baptized, but it was pretty much all happening at the same time. There are
01:03:50.040 --> 01:03:53.640
many of you where maybe you hear the word, you come to faith and then you're baptized.
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God gives us the super abundance of his grace precisely because
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10 years from now, you suffer some calamity, you suffer a crisis of faith, and you are doubting
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if you ever believed in God. If your faith is rooted in, yeah, I believed in God really hard,
01:04:14.120 --> 01:04:18.440
and I got baptized because of what I believed, and I was doing all this stuff, and you know,
01:04:18.440 --> 01:04:24.280
God was there, but I was a doer, I was a prime mover. Satan can use that attitude,
01:04:24.920 --> 01:04:29.480
even if in a narrow sense it's true. Ultimately, if you understand faith, you understand that you're
01:04:29.480 --> 01:04:35.000
not doing anything because you were dead in your trespasses, you were reborn in faith. That is
01:04:35.000 --> 01:04:40.680
the gift of God that he gives to us. Even if it's narrowly true that you believed and then you were
01:04:40.680 --> 01:04:46.600
baptized and then you went on, Satan knows that that gap of time between when you were a believer
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and when you were baptized, if you throw the baptism out and say that I did the baptism to,
01:04:51.640 --> 01:04:55.960
I did the believing, and I got the believer's baptism because I was believing, and I was really
01:04:55.960 --> 01:05:00.200
doing a really good job with my faith. That was me doing stuff, me, me, me.
01:05:01.400 --> 01:05:05.400
Satan could come along and say, cast doubt on that and say, well, did you really believe,
01:05:05.400 --> 01:05:08.920
and didn't you have doubts? Wasn't there something about that that didn't add up, or
01:05:08.920 --> 01:05:13.320
maybe you were a hypocrite when you were doing it. Maybe you were a believer, but you were still
01:05:13.320 --> 01:05:17.960
committing these other sins and you ignored it, and later on when those hit you like a ton of
01:05:17.960 --> 01:05:23.640
bricks, you look back and you think, well, did I ever really believe? And some people
01:05:23.640 --> 01:05:28.840
reach that crisis of faith and Satan gets ahold of some of them and tears them away from God
01:05:28.840 --> 01:05:37.960
completely. Baptism, when it is received by a believer, is still a stopgap because baptism is
01:05:37.960 --> 01:05:45.000
an anchor of God's promise in your life, saying it doesn't matter what happened before. It doesn't
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matter if you were a believer before you were baptized because whatever happened before that day,
01:05:50.600 --> 01:05:55.160
when God's word was given to you with the promise in the water,
01:05:57.000 --> 01:06:03.480
that is a moment that is God acting to you. God is pouring out his blessings on you,
01:06:03.480 --> 01:06:09.880
he is washing and cleansing you by the water with the word. If your confidence is in that,
01:06:09.880 --> 01:06:14.840
then you will be confident that no matter what else, you can believe all of Satan's lies
01:06:14.840 --> 01:06:20.280
about you. You can believe his lies about how evil you are and how much wrath you deserve.
01:06:20.280 --> 01:06:26.120
It may be true, but the lie is that you then don't deserve God's mercy, that he hasn't given you his
01:06:26.120 --> 01:06:31.400
mercy. If you subscribe to everything that Satan says about you and about your past,
01:06:32.040 --> 01:06:37.080
but you have the anchor of your baptism and the certainty in God's promise in that moment,
01:06:37.080 --> 01:06:41.320
you cannot be snatched from God's hand because when you look at that and you say, yes,
01:06:41.320 --> 01:06:49.720
God gives this to me, he did this for me, that, as I said, it's a stop gap. It's like a fire break
01:06:49.720 --> 01:06:54.360
and you're fighting a forest fire. Sometimes you set a backfire, so you have to burn everything
01:06:54.360 --> 01:07:00.040
out so there's nothing combustible for the fire to jump across. This is a break, it's a stop gap
01:07:00.040 --> 01:07:07.880
that ensures that whatever goes wrong in your life, it can't go beyond the promise of baptism.
01:07:08.040 --> 01:07:12.840
That's the reason that the sacraments matter. That's the reason that God acting in time matters.
01:07:13.400 --> 01:07:19.240
I've talked to a number of people in the last few months who have heard the show and some of them
01:07:19.240 --> 01:07:25.080
have not been away from the church for a long time. I always ask each of them, were you baptized?
01:07:25.080 --> 01:07:31.400
It's not judgmental, I'm just curious. If someone says, yes, I was baptized a long time ago and I've
01:07:31.400 --> 01:07:36.520
wandered away. I quit believing, I've been an atheist, I quit caring, I'll get the state of
01:07:36.520 --> 01:07:42.120
the church, I don't want any part of this. I can always point any of those people to
01:07:42.120 --> 01:07:48.760
God's promise and their baptism, that God put His name on them and see the blessing of the gift
01:07:48.760 --> 01:07:56.280
of a sacrament is it by taking us out of the equation, by eliminating works, by eliminating our
01:07:58.040 --> 01:08:03.240
needing to get things right, by us needing to have the right faith and the right beliefs,
01:08:03.240 --> 01:08:09.480
when we cling to God's promises, you can hang on to that even after a lifetime of depravity.
01:08:09.480 --> 01:08:15.000
You can do terrible things. If you are coming back around by a miracle of the Holy Spirit,
01:08:15.000 --> 01:08:19.080
when someone comes to me, I'll tell them, I believe that that's God through the Holy
01:08:19.080 --> 01:08:23.960
Spirit given to you in baptism, calling you back to the church, calling you back to the faith
01:08:24.600 --> 01:08:30.200
in these final days. Whether it's five years or a century or a thousand years, I don't know,
01:08:30.200 --> 01:08:34.440
but it certainly feels like the end and we should always have that sense that
01:08:34.440 --> 01:08:39.640
I don't have much time left, I can't put this off because at some point you're going to be
01:08:41.080 --> 01:08:44.840
you're going to be like the thief on the cross, you're going to be facing your final moments
01:08:45.560 --> 01:08:51.560
and if you can say confidently, Lord, remember me and your kingdom in view of your baptism
01:08:51.560 --> 01:08:58.440
and God's promises there, you have confident faith because you're not hinging it on how well you did
01:08:58.440 --> 01:09:03.720
or how much you knew, you're hinging it on, I believe in God's promises, I believe God.
01:09:04.360 --> 01:09:09.800
Not because of any strength or merit in me, but God is God, I know that and I trust that
01:09:09.800 --> 01:09:14.600
despite the fact that I deserve the worst, God desires for me the best and he gave it to me on
01:09:14.600 --> 01:09:20.280
the cross and he gave it to me in baptism and knowing that you receive that past tense in a
01:09:20.280 --> 01:09:25.800
moment in time in a date that can be written on a certificate or in a Bible, there may come a time
01:09:25.800 --> 01:09:30.520
in your life, maybe you never care, for me I've never particularly had to worry about it because
01:09:30.520 --> 01:09:35.640
God has bolstered my faith in other ways, but I always know, you know, all the other bolstering,
01:09:35.640 --> 01:09:39.320
all the other stuff, it's like, oh wow, I have really strong faith, I don't need that stuff, no.
01:09:40.120 --> 01:09:46.200
My baptism underpins all of the other confidence that I have, I know that that's a foundation,
01:09:46.200 --> 01:09:52.920
it's not me, it's not my parents, it's not the water, it's God's promise in the water with the word,
01:09:52.920 --> 01:09:59.720
when those are together, we can be certain and having that is a gift that's worth more than
01:09:59.720 --> 01:10:05.080
anything in this life and so the reason for discussing these things and for calling some of
01:10:05.080 --> 01:10:11.080
you out for what your churches have taught is that teachings that are contrary to this
01:10:11.080 --> 01:10:17.080
deprive you in some cases of that stopgap, they deprive you of the certainty that someone who
01:10:17.080 --> 01:10:21.960
believes not in myself, I don't believe that I did anything or that I deserved anything good,
01:10:22.680 --> 01:10:28.520
but I believe that I was baptized, I know that, that's a certainty and that is a permanent state
01:10:28.520 --> 01:10:34.200
for me because I do not reject it and every day that I am baptized and I cling to it is another
01:10:34.200 --> 01:10:40.200
day that I remain a Christian as a gift from God and when we have that confidence in His promises
01:10:40.200 --> 01:10:44.280
through the sacraments, all the other things that we talk about on the show, we talk about,
01:10:44.360 --> 01:10:48.440
you know, just belief in the face of terrible hatred and awful things happening,
01:10:49.320 --> 01:10:53.560
we can be unflappable in our faith, we can be cheerful spiritual warriors,
01:10:53.560 --> 01:10:57.480
because what can happen? I'm baptized, what are these people going to do to me when God
01:10:57.480 --> 01:11:03.240
placed his name on me? I don't worry about anything when I trust in God, that's a gift
01:11:03.240 --> 01:11:08.840
and it's one that can only possibly come from a belief in the promises God has given in time to us
01:11:08.840 --> 01:11:14.760
physically. In a very real sense, the division here, when it comes to
01:11:16.040 --> 01:11:21.800
how different Christian traditions view the sacraments, and in this episode specifically
01:11:21.800 --> 01:11:29.880
baptism, is whether the sacraments are viewed as law or gospel, whether they are viewed as
01:11:29.880 --> 01:11:36.120
a command from God, something that we must do in order to be saved, which notably,
01:11:37.080 --> 01:11:41.480
that would be work's righteousness, because that would be a requirement placed on us,
01:11:41.480 --> 01:11:48.360
a work that we must do in order to achieve salvation, or in order to retain salvation,
01:11:48.360 --> 01:11:52.840
however you want to look at that, versus the sacraments as gospel.
01:11:54.760 --> 01:12:01.480
The Lutheran view is that the sacraments are gospel. The sacraments are God coming to us
01:12:01.480 --> 01:12:08.600
to offer his gifts to us. All of the actual active part of this
01:12:09.720 --> 01:12:16.840
is on God's side. We receive the gifts, we benefit, God is the one giving us the gifts,
01:12:16.840 --> 01:12:23.480
God is the one doing the work, which notably, Christianity is a work's righteousness religion.
01:12:24.920 --> 01:12:30.520
The distinction between Christianity and other religions that tell you that you
01:12:30.520 --> 01:12:35.720
must do these works to be righteous, is that the works are already done, and they were done by
01:12:35.720 --> 01:12:43.000
Christ. It is his works that make us righteous, and so yes, it's work's righteousness, but it
01:12:43.000 --> 01:12:50.280
is not your works. Your works will not avail you. And so, baptism and the Lord's supper are
01:12:50.280 --> 01:12:56.840
beneficial, they work forgiveness of sins, they salve the wounded or the worried conscious
01:12:56.840 --> 01:13:01.160
because they are from God. And that is a major point.
01:13:02.600 --> 01:13:09.240
If your theology, if what your church teaches, causes you to doubt when it comes to the sacraments,
01:13:11.080 --> 01:13:16.280
there's a very real problem, because these are gifts from God meant to soothe the conscience,
01:13:16.280 --> 01:13:23.880
not to cause you distress or worry or doubt. These are meant to strengthen your faith. That is
01:13:23.960 --> 01:13:30.840
properly what the sacraments are. That is the distinction there. And so, if the sacraments
01:13:30.840 --> 01:13:37.080
are being preached to you as law, that's not what they are. And this is something that we have
01:13:37.080 --> 01:13:43.480
mentioned previously, I've mentioned in a few places. This is a distinction between,
01:13:45.000 --> 01:13:51.000
fundamentally, between Lutherans and other traditions, is the view of what the divine
01:13:51.080 --> 01:13:58.600
service actually is. And the sacraments are a big part of this. Because we view the divine service
01:13:58.600 --> 01:14:07.560
first and foremost as God bringing his gifts to us. This simply follows, of course, from scripture.
01:14:08.280 --> 01:14:13.400
What does scripture say about why we love him? Well, we love him because he first loved us.
01:14:14.760 --> 01:14:20.200
In the divine service, we return thanks to him because he first brings his gifts to us.
01:14:21.240 --> 01:14:27.160
We are not going to church. We are not going to the divine service first and foremost
01:14:27.160 --> 01:14:33.480
to offer our sacrifice of thanks and praise to God. We do that, but we do that in response to
01:14:33.480 --> 01:14:40.200
his bringing gifts to us. That is the Lutheran view, and we believe that is what is consonant
01:14:40.200 --> 01:14:46.120
with what scripture teaches. God brings good things to us. We give thanks for those good things.
01:14:47.080 --> 01:14:54.360
God loved us first, so we can love him in return. And that comforts the troubled conscience.
01:14:54.360 --> 01:14:59.640
There is no comfort if you believe that it is works righteousness, if you believe that you
01:14:59.640 --> 01:15:05.480
have to do X, Y, and Z in order to be good enough for salvation, because that ultimately leads to
01:15:05.480 --> 01:15:11.160
despair. Because you will never be good enough. Because you are still fallen and sinful.
01:15:11.160 --> 01:15:17.400
It is comforting to know that you do not have to do all of these things. Yes,
01:15:17.400 --> 01:15:22.040
there will be good works in your life, as we continually say. We are not denying the Christian
01:15:22.040 --> 01:15:28.360
will. The Christian must have good works. What we are saying is that just like in the last episode,
01:15:28.920 --> 01:15:35.480
you're forgiven because Christ already completed the work. The work is done. And so your good works
01:15:35.480 --> 01:15:42.040
are meritorious, even if imperfect, because of the perfect work of Christ. You are able to return
01:15:42.040 --> 01:15:48.520
to God thanksgiving and praise, because he has first brought his gifts to you. When you were a
01:15:48.520 --> 01:15:55.080
child in baptism, or if you converted as an adult, as an adult in baptism, every time you go to the
01:15:55.080 --> 01:16:01.880
Lord's table and receive his gifts there, every time you hear the absolution, every time you read
01:16:01.880 --> 01:16:07.240
his word, that is God bringing his gifts to you, because he is super abundant in how he brings
01:16:07.240 --> 01:16:14.680
his gifts and his grace to you. God is not a stingy father. God's gifts are overflowing.
01:16:15.720 --> 01:16:21.720
He gives them to us in many different ways to keep us strong and steadfast in the faith.
01:16:23.320 --> 01:16:28.920
And Woe just read from Ephesians 5, and this should bring to mind Ephesians 4 as well.
01:16:29.720 --> 01:16:34.600
There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your
01:16:34.600 --> 01:16:41.960
call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is overall and through
01:16:41.960 --> 01:16:47.160
all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.
01:16:48.840 --> 01:16:54.440
And I hope that when you read that, you think of the Nicene Creed, because that is just part of
01:16:54.440 --> 01:17:01.640
the Nicene Creed right there from Ephesians 4. I will recite the last part of the Nicene Creed,
01:17:01.640 --> 01:17:07.480
part 3. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the
01:17:07.480 --> 01:17:12.760
Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified,
01:17:12.760 --> 01:17:18.920
who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy Christian, an apostolic church. I acknowledge
01:17:19.160 --> 01:17:23.800
one baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
01:17:23.800 --> 01:17:26.360
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
01:17:29.320 --> 01:17:33.000
The one baptism point, which is here both in the Creed,
01:17:34.120 --> 01:17:38.520
and in Ephesians 4, and elsewhere in Scripture as well, is very important,
01:17:39.480 --> 01:17:45.240
and this is to respond to an objection that is sometimes raised. There are those who will try
01:17:45.240 --> 01:17:50.760
to divide baptism into two separate things. They will try to say there's a water baptism
01:17:50.760 --> 01:17:56.360
and there's a spirit baptism. Scripture doesn't do that. The creeds don't do that. The Church has
01:17:56.360 --> 01:18:00.760
never done that. The Fathers of the Church don't write about that. This is not something
01:18:00.760 --> 01:18:05.800
that is part of Christianity. This is an enthusiastic position in the technical,
01:18:05.800 --> 01:18:10.840
philosophical, or theological sense. It is something that is not part of Christianity.
01:18:11.560 --> 01:18:17.880
Ephesians is very clear here. Scripture is very clear. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
01:18:19.160 --> 01:18:24.360
So if someone comes to you and says, well, water baptism, whatever is going to come after that
01:18:24.920 --> 01:18:31.160
is most likely going to be blasphemous, because there's one baptism. That is the teaching of
01:18:31.160 --> 01:18:36.600
Scripture. There's no division between supposive water baptism and spirit baptism.
01:18:36.840 --> 01:18:41.720
As was mentioned earlier, when I was going over why do we have baptism? Why do we have this physical
01:18:41.720 --> 01:18:47.320
thing? There is the water which the body can comprehend. There is the word which the mind
01:18:47.320 --> 01:18:53.800
can comprehend, because you are both body and spirit. And so God brings both together in the
01:18:53.800 --> 01:19:00.280
sacrament to bring them to you. So it is one baptism. Yes, it has water. Yes, the spirit,
01:19:00.360 --> 01:19:04.760
yes, the spirit, capital S is involved, but it is one baptism.
01:19:05.880 --> 01:19:12.520
In this constant reminder of our baptism is often a part of the architecture of many Lutheran
01:19:12.520 --> 01:19:19.000
churches. There's no set way for a church to look, so it's not universal. But very frequently,
01:19:19.000 --> 01:19:24.760
especially in older Lutheran churches, you will find that the baptismal font is in the way.
01:19:25.320 --> 01:19:29.000
You know, there are pews on either side. There's the altar at the front. There are the doors in
01:19:29.000 --> 01:19:35.960
the back from the narthex. And frequently, the baptismal font will be in the aisle. Sometimes
01:19:35.960 --> 01:19:39.960
it's right in the middle in the back. Sometimes it's right in the middle in the center. They actually,
01:19:39.960 --> 01:19:44.600
you know, cut the pews out in the center, so there's the baptismal font right in the middle of the
01:19:44.600 --> 01:19:49.720
church. Sometimes it's right up front in front of the altar. And sometimes it's off to one side of
01:19:49.720 --> 01:19:57.080
the front or the rear. But it's always prominently featured, even though it's rarely used. And the
01:19:57.080 --> 01:20:03.880
reason that we will position the fonts in such a way is, again, as a reminder of your one baptism,
01:20:04.440 --> 01:20:09.960
to remind you that on the day you were baptized, you were washed and cleansed and brought into
01:20:09.960 --> 01:20:16.840
this family. Even if you had faith before, you see, it's the superabundance of God's gifts
01:20:17.400 --> 01:20:21.880
is always something to be celebrated. And we're always thankful for the gift of faith that we
01:20:21.880 --> 01:20:28.040
receive, however we receive it. Maybe we received it from a missionary at church camp or something.
01:20:28.040 --> 01:20:32.840
That was the first time you heard, and then later on, your baptize. Maybe your baptism was
01:20:32.840 --> 01:20:39.080
your introduction into God's family as an infant, as a child. Maybe that was the very beginning.
01:20:39.640 --> 01:20:44.360
Whatever it was, the baptism is that touchstone. It's saying, yes, this moment. There may have
01:20:44.360 --> 01:20:49.480
been other moments before. They don't diminish this moment, just as this moment of baptism
01:20:49.560 --> 01:20:56.120
doesn't diminish the others. I think one thing that does actually diminish our baptism is then
01:20:57.000 --> 01:21:01.080
to think, well, maybe it didn't count. Maybe I got to do it again. Because then you're turning
01:21:01.080 --> 01:21:06.600
into something that you're doing. And when you insert yourself into the equation as the doer,
01:21:08.280 --> 01:21:15.800
what's left for God? If it's an outward sign of what you believe, you're robbing God of a glory
01:21:15.800 --> 01:21:22.920
that He promises He has in Scripture. In Acts 22, Paul actually talks about this in his own conversion
01:21:22.920 --> 01:21:29.160
experience. And one Ann and I, as a devout man, according to the law, well spoken by of all the
01:21:29.160 --> 01:21:35.160
Jews who lived there, came to me and standing by me, said to me, Brother Saul, receive your sight.
01:21:35.160 --> 01:21:39.800
And at that hour, I received my sight and saw him. And he said, the God of our fathers appointed
01:21:39.800 --> 01:21:44.440
you to know his will, to see the righteous wanted to hear a voice from his mouth. For you will be a
01:21:44.440 --> 01:21:51.480
witness to him, to everyone of what you have seen and heard. And now, why do you wait? Rise and be
01:21:51.480 --> 01:21:58.040
baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name. Now here's Paul, describing Ann and I as
01:21:58.040 --> 01:22:05.560
telling him, rise and be baptized and wash away your sins. And baptize and wash away your sins
01:22:05.560 --> 01:22:13.880
is not two separate things. It's baptized to wash away your sins. It's one joint act. The baptism
01:22:13.880 --> 01:22:18.600
is the washing of sins. And Ann and I is telling Paul to do this. He's saying, Paul, wash away your
01:22:18.600 --> 01:22:25.880
sins. Well, can Paul do that? Does Paul have the power to wash away his sins? No, only God can
01:22:25.880 --> 01:22:32.200
wash away sins. And yet Christians are free to phrase this thing in this way, because God's the
01:22:32.200 --> 01:22:37.880
doer. We are the proximate actors for these things. When we're talking about sacraments,
01:22:37.880 --> 01:22:45.080
whether it's baptism or the Eucharist, there's a man doing something in physical space and time
01:22:45.080 --> 01:22:48.680
with a physical element, whether it's the bread of the wine or the water in baptism.
01:22:49.400 --> 01:22:55.400
Someone's doing something. And when we believe scripture, we believe that that act of the man
01:22:56.360 --> 01:23:02.280
is not any sort of act unto itself. It's obedience only in the sense that it is performing
01:23:02.360 --> 01:23:09.560
that which God has ordained. This is God's thing. When Ann and I told Saul, rise and be baptized
01:23:09.560 --> 01:23:16.680
and wash away your sins, he was describing God's action, God's action in baptism to wash away sins.
01:23:16.680 --> 01:23:22.600
And so we have confidence that God does that in baptism because he says he does. And again,
01:23:22.600 --> 01:23:29.720
the only way to have a view of baptism that makes it strictly us doing something and God
01:23:29.720 --> 01:23:34.840
just kind of watching and maybe applauding like, oh, good job. Well done performing that ordinance.
01:23:36.680 --> 01:23:42.040
If you do that, you eliminate all the forgiveness of sins that God promises he has there.
01:23:42.040 --> 01:23:46.600
If it's just me doing something, if it's just me washing away my sins and baptism,
01:23:47.160 --> 01:23:54.440
I'm toast. Am I going to make it? I can't wash crap. I can't do anything by myself. I'm dead in
01:23:54.440 --> 01:24:00.600
my sins and trespasses. It is only God acting through the water and the word that makes anything
01:24:00.600 --> 01:24:07.080
possible that has any spiritual significance. And it is spiritually significant. Washing away your
01:24:07.080 --> 01:24:12.920
sins, that's everything. That is the Christian life. That is the gospel in a nutshell. To have
01:24:12.920 --> 01:24:22.120
your sins washed away is the promise of the cross. We got to believe that. It's central. It is the
01:24:22.120 --> 01:24:28.760
foundation of the Christian faith. And so it's tragic to me that for centuries there have been
01:24:28.760 --> 01:24:37.240
disagreements among various church bodies because I'm sympathetic to some of the Roman Catholic
01:24:37.240 --> 01:24:44.600
claims that the Reformation was a disaster because they're not entirely wrong. When we realized
01:24:44.600 --> 01:24:51.080
that the Pope was lying, that the Pope was doing bad things, one of the reactions to that
01:24:51.080 --> 01:24:57.880
realization was to say, let's burn it all down. The Pope lied about something. Let's assume he
01:24:57.880 --> 01:25:01.800
lied about everything. Everything he ever told us to do, we're going to do the opposite. We're not
01:25:01.800 --> 01:25:06.600
going to do that anymore. Which was foolish and it was evil because it was never the Pope saying
01:25:06.600 --> 01:25:11.080
to do this stuff in the first place. That's a denial of the history of the Christian church.
01:25:11.080 --> 01:25:16.680
The Christian church didn't start with any popes. The Christian church started at Pentecost. There's
01:25:16.680 --> 01:25:21.720
no Pope there. If you want to have a Pope, if you want to have the Pontiff of Rome, it was James.
01:25:22.600 --> 01:25:29.240
The brother of Jesus, biological brother, the son of Mary James, was the first Bishop of Rome.
01:25:29.240 --> 01:25:34.440
So the notion that came about in the Reformation that, well, those guys got something wrong.
01:25:34.440 --> 01:25:40.920
Let's get rid of everything was tremendously disastrous because what we're describing of
01:25:41.000 --> 01:25:47.400
view of baptism is very much what Rome believed for the most part. The one specific distinction
01:25:47.400 --> 01:25:51.880
that I think is crucial, not so much for this argument, but for other discussions, is that
01:25:52.520 --> 01:25:58.120
the Roman Catholics believe that when you are baptized, that it also washes away your original
01:25:58.120 --> 01:26:05.480
sin, your concupiscence, meaning that you are now free to either sin or not sin, that it's possible
01:26:05.480 --> 01:26:11.320
for you to live a sinless life after your baptism, which is the opposite of what Paul says.
01:26:11.320 --> 01:26:15.000
He says that he struggles against his own flesh and does the very things that he wishes he couldn't
01:26:15.000 --> 01:26:21.640
do. He clearly still has original sin. Scripture's clear about that. So it's one specific distinction,
01:26:21.640 --> 01:26:27.320
and both Rome and the East will say that baptism washes away original sin. That has other errors
01:26:27.320 --> 01:26:31.720
downstream, but they're not really what we're talking about today. But the rest of what they
01:26:31.720 --> 01:26:36.040
believe is basically what we're saying because it was the historic view of the church, including
01:26:36.040 --> 01:26:40.360
infant baptism. You can go back to the very earliest church fathers and the very earliest
01:26:40.360 --> 01:26:47.640
archaeological evidence of the church, and infants were baptized. There was never any
01:26:47.640 --> 01:26:53.240
out notion that you had to be of a certain age to have a certain agreement, to have faith before
01:26:53.240 --> 01:26:59.080
you could receive this outward sign of an inward turning. That was not the Christian view for
01:26:59.720 --> 01:27:05.160
over a thousand years. There were some that thought that, but it was not what the church
01:27:05.160 --> 01:27:11.000
predominantly held, which is why Rome ended up on the same side as Lutherans, because they just went
01:27:11.000 --> 01:27:15.960
along with the majority because it was correct. Majority is not an argument or something being
01:27:15.960 --> 01:27:21.320
right. We're Lutherans. We're happy to say a bunch of people got a bunch of stuff wrong.
01:27:21.320 --> 01:27:26.360
The question is always, what does Scripture say? So you don't appeal to the church fathers. You don't
01:27:26.440 --> 01:27:33.640
appeal to popes or swamis. You appeal to what Scripture says, which is why this episode is a
01:27:33.640 --> 01:27:37.960
Bible study. When you look at what all these things say, they say that there's a washing of
01:27:37.960 --> 01:27:45.560
regeneration. They say that sins are washed away in baptism, so we believe it. We also believe
01:27:45.560 --> 01:27:51.560
that we cannot save ourselves. That faith alone is true. We know that we're receiving faith in
01:27:51.560 --> 01:27:59.000
baptism, and that is the saving grace of baptism. The reception of faith is the reception of salvation,
01:27:59.000 --> 01:28:05.560
which is what God promises. It all adds up when you just believe God and you don't make it too
01:28:05.560 --> 01:28:10.840
complicated. If you try to start saying, well, it looks like I'm doing something, well, are you?
01:28:12.280 --> 01:28:16.520
This is the argument that comes up with James and those who say that we can save ourselves.
01:28:16.520 --> 01:28:21.160
The epistle of James is a lot of stuff about the law, a lot of stuff about, here's what the
01:28:21.160 --> 01:28:27.720
Christian life looks like. That's not an epistle that's addressed to unbelievers. That does not
01:28:27.720 --> 01:28:33.320
belong to unbelievers. It belongs to those who have the Holy Spirit saying, okay, the Holy Spirit
01:28:33.320 --> 01:28:39.080
dwells within you. Here's what the Christian life looks like. When you have God, you do this.
01:28:39.080 --> 01:28:44.840
When you don't have God, you do the other thing, just as when you have life, your heart beats.
01:28:45.400 --> 01:28:51.320
You breathe. You don't have a choice. You can momentarily stop your breathing, but you can't
01:28:51.320 --> 01:28:55.560
control your heart. You can't control your breathing for very long because you would die.
01:28:56.360 --> 01:29:03.080
These are functions of life. Good works are a function of the Christian life. It's not an
01:29:03.080 --> 01:29:10.200
activity that we willingly engage in. It's an activity that is a sign that the life is present.
01:29:10.840 --> 01:29:15.480
That's a distinction. And when you try to take credit for stuff, it's like taking credit for
01:29:15.480 --> 01:29:19.880
your heartbeat. That doesn't even make any sense. The same is true of our good works.
01:29:20.600 --> 01:29:23.880
When a Christian has good works, they're not for us to take credit for.
01:29:24.840 --> 01:29:29.320
They're the heartbeat of the Christian life, and they're gifts that God gives us to give to others.
01:29:31.000 --> 01:29:35.000
Undoubtedly, when many of you started listening to this episode,
01:29:35.560 --> 01:29:40.200
a particular verse came to mind, and it should. It should come to mind.
01:29:40.840 --> 01:29:47.000
A verse from 1 Peter. I'll actually read the surrounding verses as well, not just the verse
01:29:47.000 --> 01:29:54.120
itself. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous,
01:29:54.120 --> 01:29:58.760
that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,
01:29:59.320 --> 01:30:04.280
in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey,
01:30:04.360 --> 01:30:09.240
when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared,
01:30:09.240 --> 01:30:13.240
in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.
01:30:14.120 --> 01:30:19.880
Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body,
01:30:19.880 --> 01:30:25.400
but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
01:30:25.400 --> 01:30:29.560
who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels,
01:30:29.560 --> 01:30:32.440
authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.
01:30:34.520 --> 01:30:38.760
Now, there are a few reasons that I wanted to read the additional context,
01:30:38.760 --> 01:30:42.440
not to dwell on the descent into hell, that's for another day, another episode,
01:30:43.320 --> 01:30:51.800
but we have in 1 Peter 321 a reference to this, and which corresponds to this,
01:30:51.800 --> 01:30:56.920
but we have to know what that this is, and that this is in the previous verse,
01:30:57.560 --> 01:31:03.320
that is, the ark, that is, Noah and his family being preserved in the ark,
01:31:04.120 --> 01:31:09.960
and what we have here is typology. Now, there's typology all throughout scripture,
01:31:10.680 --> 01:31:16.680
typology is one of the favorite devices God uses when teaching through scripture,
01:31:17.240 --> 01:31:24.600
we have types of Christ, we have types of regeneration, we have types of justification,
01:31:24.680 --> 01:31:29.960
we have the comparison of marriage to the relationship of Christ to the church,
01:31:29.960 --> 01:31:35.640
there is typology all throughout scripture, and that is what we have here in 1 Peter 321.
01:31:37.400 --> 01:31:44.680
Baptism is the anti-type, and the verse is very clear, baptism now saves you,
01:31:45.240 --> 01:31:48.760
and so if someone comes up to you and tells you, baptism does not save you,
01:31:49.480 --> 01:31:54.200
there's a very real problem, because what he's just told you is directly contrary to the
01:31:54.200 --> 01:32:00.360
literal word for word statement from 1 Peter, baptism now saves you,
01:32:02.280 --> 01:32:05.240
and some of you may be thinking, well, there's a clause in the middle there,
01:32:05.240 --> 01:32:09.160
when you translate something, you can move around dependent clauses, that's fine,
01:32:10.600 --> 01:32:18.040
but here the dependent clause just emphasizes the point, because it says baptism, which
01:32:18.040 --> 01:32:24.200
corresponds to this, and as I've already said, the this here, this is anti-type,
01:32:25.080 --> 01:32:28.680
baptism is the anti-type, and corresponds to the type.
01:32:30.280 --> 01:32:33.960
Well, let's look at the nature of a type and an anti-type.
01:32:35.000 --> 01:32:38.280
What is the relationship of a type to an anti-type?
01:32:39.720 --> 01:32:47.000
A type, presages, prefigures, comes before points to, it is in a way related to the anti-type,
01:32:47.880 --> 01:32:55.080
but it is necessarily inferior to the anti-type, state another way, the anti-type is the fulfillment,
01:32:55.080 --> 01:33:00.760
the perfection, or the completion of the type, or of the types, usually there's more than one.
01:33:01.880 --> 01:33:11.000
Here, we have the type as Noah and his family being saved by the ark from the flood.
01:33:11.960 --> 01:33:17.000
We have water, of course, which is typological here, the water of the flood,
01:33:17.000 --> 01:33:20.440
which did indeed save Noah and his family from the wicked world,
01:33:20.440 --> 01:33:25.800
the waters of baptism being the anti-type of that, but from what was Noah saved?
01:33:27.160 --> 01:33:33.080
Noah and his family were saved from temporal death, yes, they were also saved
01:33:33.080 --> 01:33:39.800
from the sinful wicked world, but primarily here by the ark, they were saved from temporal death.
01:33:41.000 --> 01:33:48.680
Well that's the type, and again, the anti-type must be greater, and so if baptism is the anti-type,
01:33:48.680 --> 01:33:53.480
what is the only thing that is greater than temporal death? Well, that's eternal death,
01:33:53.480 --> 01:33:59.880
that is the only thing that is greater than temporal death. And so baptism being the anti-type
01:33:59.880 --> 01:34:05.000
must save you from something that is greater than temporal death, and so it saves you from
01:34:05.000 --> 01:34:10.120
eternal death. Well how are you saved from eternal death? This is important, you must know this as
01:34:10.120 --> 01:34:18.760
a Christian, you are saved from eternal death by faith because it is faith that receives salvation,
01:34:18.760 --> 01:34:27.400
it is faith that regenerates. And so baptism gives you faith. That's all this verse means,
01:34:27.400 --> 01:34:32.200
because if baptism saves you, and it saves you from something greater than temporal death,
01:34:32.760 --> 01:34:38.200
it must save you from eternal death. Well, the only means by which you can be saved
01:34:38.200 --> 01:34:46.360
from eternal death is faith. Baptism now saves you simply means baptism gives you faith.
01:34:47.640 --> 01:34:52.680
Now, if you already have faith, baptism is going to strengthen your faith. But if you are an infant
01:34:52.680 --> 01:34:58.920
and you are without faith, baptism will give you faith. And this is one of the reasons that we
01:34:58.920 --> 01:35:06.360
baptize infants. There are other scriptures we will get to shortly. But baptism is not limited
01:35:07.320 --> 01:35:15.000
only to adults, only to those who can profess their faith. Now, typically, if we have an adult
01:35:15.000 --> 01:35:22.360
convert, we do wait to baptize that person because we want the person to understand baptism. But that
01:35:22.360 --> 01:35:27.480
isn't truly a necessary part of the sacrament. And it's certainly not necessary for the infant.
01:35:29.080 --> 01:35:35.240
Because this is, again, God's work, not man's work. And that is the fundamental question.
01:35:35.880 --> 01:35:42.520
If you come to this, thinking about it as it being God's work, then you are less concerned
01:35:42.520 --> 01:35:49.560
about the state of the man being baptized. Because God doesn't rely on that. It's the same as
01:35:49.560 --> 01:35:53.720
when we speak of whether or not the sacraments could be administered by wicked men.
01:35:54.840 --> 01:36:00.120
Those who say they cannot are called donatists and they are heretics. Because the sacraments
01:36:00.600 --> 01:36:05.800
are God's work. And so it does not depend on the man administering the sacraments as to whether
01:36:05.800 --> 01:36:12.040
or not they are valid. It depends upon God's work. Because he is the one who has promised
01:36:12.040 --> 01:36:19.800
to be present to do certain things in the sacraments. And so here, we don't look to the nature
01:36:19.800 --> 01:36:25.080
of the one being baptized. We don't look to whether or not the infant can profess faith. We know,
01:36:25.080 --> 01:36:29.960
of course, that an infant cannot profess faith. Now, that does not mean that an infant does not have
01:36:30.040 --> 01:36:38.440
faith. Because incidentally, when Scripture speaks of Timothy, it says that he is familiar with the
01:36:38.440 --> 01:36:45.160
Scriptures from his infancy. It's not childhood because the word that is used there is brephos,
01:36:45.160 --> 01:36:53.240
which is Greek for infant, or even fetus, which is also the word that is used in some other parts
01:36:53.240 --> 01:36:59.960
of Scripture, some other Scripture passages, dealing with little children. Because often,
01:36:59.960 --> 01:37:06.760
Christ speaks about bringing the little children to him, not hindering them. And in some of those
01:37:06.760 --> 01:37:14.200
verses where he speaks of not hindering the little children, he uses brephos, which is again
01:37:15.400 --> 01:37:21.400
the smallest of infants. That is an infant that you carry around or even a reference to an unborn
01:37:21.400 --> 01:37:28.040
child. Because we have several different words for children or infants that are used in Scripture
01:37:28.040 --> 01:37:33.320
that sometimes unhelpfully are all translated as children into the English. Sometimes we do have
01:37:33.320 --> 01:37:40.840
the word infant, but you have technon, pideon, and brephos, brephos being again the youngest.
01:37:40.840 --> 01:37:47.240
It can literally mean fetus in Greek. So I want to read again briefly a passage from Ephesians 5
01:37:47.240 --> 01:37:53.800
in contrast or compare it to the 1st Peter quotation. As Christ loved the church and gave
01:37:53.800 --> 01:37:59.640
himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with
01:37:59.640 --> 01:38:06.600
the word. Now compare this with baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you not as removal
01:38:06.600 --> 01:38:11.720
of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of
01:38:11.720 --> 01:38:18.040
Jesus Christ. Now how do you have an appeal to God for a good conscience? Am I just going to go
01:38:18.040 --> 01:38:24.200
to God in prayer and say, you know, I feel pretty good about today. I didn't do too bad. I have a
01:38:24.200 --> 01:38:29.640
clean conscience. I go to bed and I think, yeah, I really nailed it today. I didn't do any sins,
01:38:29.640 --> 01:38:35.000
no sins at all in this house. A, if that's your prayer, you're not going to be praying to begin
01:38:35.000 --> 01:38:42.040
with because you're not Christian. B, it's just absurd. It's the exact opposite. So
01:38:43.400 --> 01:38:51.240
in 1 Peter 3, when he says baptism is not a removal of dirt, remember Ephesians 5 is talking
01:38:51.240 --> 01:38:58.040
about washing away filth. The filth is the sins and the only possibility for an appeal of a clean
01:38:58.040 --> 01:39:06.680
conscience before God is without sins. And the only way to have that state is through washing of
01:39:06.680 --> 01:39:12.760
baptism. And so this is one of the reasons that Lutherans always point back to baptism, because
01:39:13.720 --> 01:39:19.800
in contradistinction to the Roman Catholic view that it washes away your original sin and all
01:39:19.800 --> 01:39:24.840
your sins at that point, and then you basically reset the clock and you're back to zero sins,
01:39:24.840 --> 01:39:28.360
and then you start racking up sins and you have to go to confession, and
01:39:28.360 --> 01:39:36.280
yeah, keep getting those new sins taken away. The scriptural view is that all of your sins
01:39:36.280 --> 01:39:41.320
are washed away in baptism. Well, what about the sins I commit after baptism? Yes,
01:39:42.040 --> 01:39:45.880
just as all of your sins are paid for at the cross. Well, what about all the sins that I
01:39:45.880 --> 01:39:50.440
committed after Jesus died on the cross? Well, in this day, that's literally all of them. None of us
01:39:50.440 --> 01:39:55.640
are over 2,000 years old. Every sin we've ever committed was committed after Jesus died on the
01:39:55.640 --> 01:40:02.600
cross for it. And this is one of the places where the illogicality of God's action in time and creation
01:40:03.400 --> 01:40:09.720
makes it possible for us to say dumb stuff, because if suddenly you start bounding God's
01:40:09.720 --> 01:40:17.320
promises by time, which is created time as part of creation, it's not inherent. It is a product
01:40:17.320 --> 01:40:22.760
of what God desires. And then he works within it, but he's not bound by it, which is why every
01:40:22.760 --> 01:40:29.080
sin you're ever going to commit was paid for on the cross. And so when we are washed in baptism,
01:40:29.080 --> 01:40:34.520
and the reason that we say I am baptized is precisely because of this. All of your sins are
01:40:34.520 --> 01:40:40.920
washed away. Are you going to keep sinning? Yes. Are those sins also washed away in baptism? Yes.
01:40:41.000 --> 01:40:47.880
Your baptism is a permanent state because it's a moment in time for you to point to for comfort,
01:40:48.600 --> 01:40:55.000
but it's not the only moment that that forgiveness is given. That forgiveness,
01:40:55.000 --> 01:41:02.360
that washing away, is the new state you have as a Christian. When we are adopted as sons of God
01:41:02.360 --> 01:41:08.280
in baptism, the adoption is permanent because the baptism is permanent. It's part and parcel.
01:41:09.160 --> 01:41:13.240
You become a part of the body of Christ, you become a part of the bride of Christ,
01:41:13.240 --> 01:41:19.000
who in Ephesians 5 is washed clean from this filth, from our filth, so that the clean conscience
01:41:19.000 --> 01:41:24.760
that we have, that we can make an appeal to God for, is in view of the baptism that's taken away
01:41:24.760 --> 01:41:29.560
those sins. One of the other last passages that we're going to get to today is from Acts 2.
01:41:30.280 --> 01:41:33.240
Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the
01:41:33.240 --> 01:41:37.880
apostles, Brothers, what shall we do? And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized. Every one
01:41:37.880 --> 01:41:42.360
of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive
01:41:42.360 --> 01:41:46.920
the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promises for you and for your children, for all those far off.
01:41:47.720 --> 01:41:53.640
Everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself. So here again we have God saying,
01:41:54.520 --> 01:42:00.680
repent and be baptized, for the forgiveness of your sins. It's always the same thing. The
01:42:00.680 --> 01:42:06.040
repentance imparts forgiveness, the baptism imparts forgiveness, the baptism and the forgiveness
01:42:06.040 --> 01:42:12.440
work together. It's all one thing. And I think that one of the real weaknesses of systematic
01:42:12.440 --> 01:42:17.800
theology and of the sort of autistic view that we often bring to Scripture is
01:42:19.400 --> 01:42:23.160
trying to figure out if it's this thing or it's that thing. Because if it's one thing,
01:42:23.160 --> 01:42:30.360
it can't be the other. If it's water, it can't have forgiveness. Well, if it's man, it can't be God.
01:42:30.360 --> 01:42:34.120
Like I said earlier, you have to be really careful when you're talking about God's things,
01:42:34.120 --> 01:42:38.120
because one thing can also be another thing. It can be two things at once.
01:42:38.760 --> 01:42:41.960
This is, you know, when we've been talking in this episode about typology,
01:42:42.840 --> 01:42:48.120
that is a methodology that men use to understand Scripture. Sometimes I go overboard. Some of
01:42:48.120 --> 01:42:52.760
the early church fathers went completely nuts with typology and just made a mess of everything.
01:42:52.760 --> 01:42:58.440
They wanted every word, every passage to have seven layers of typology, which is just silly.
01:42:59.400 --> 01:43:05.800
The reason that typology is important is that God introduced it just as poetry and storytelling.
01:43:06.360 --> 01:43:13.160
These are things from God. They're not human things that God is operating in our human language,
01:43:13.160 --> 01:43:19.080
so we understand he's the originator of this stuff. Art, beauty, poetry, all these things that are
01:43:20.120 --> 01:43:27.160
desirable, wonderful parts of human life are from God. They're typological too. All the stuff that
01:43:27.240 --> 01:43:30.600
we like, we think, oh, these are human endeavors. These are human expressions.
01:43:31.480 --> 01:43:36.120
They're fundamentally from God. He did it first, and then we have a smaller version of it, an
01:43:36.120 --> 01:43:41.720
imperfect version. When we're talking about typology, it's not like this theological concept that some
01:43:41.720 --> 01:43:47.400
people came up with, and we're sticking it in Scripture. God explicitly says in some places,
01:43:47.400 --> 01:43:53.000
this is a type of this other thing, as Corey was saying earlier. When you're looking at something
01:43:53.080 --> 01:43:56.200
and the desire is to say, well, if it's one thing, it can't be the other thing,
01:43:57.800 --> 01:44:01.640
you have to be really careful that you're not making claims against what God is able to do,
01:44:02.200 --> 01:44:06.840
because as soon as you say God can't, you just stop talking probably for the rest of the day,
01:44:06.840 --> 01:44:11.880
because you've got some sort of problem. You have some spiritual gas that you need to get
01:44:11.880 --> 01:44:18.680
burped out, because you should never say God can't. That's not a thing. It does happen when we
01:44:18.680 --> 01:44:24.840
try to make sense of these things, and we make mistakes. They're well-intentioned mistakes.
01:44:25.400 --> 01:44:30.120
It is a good thing for Christians to try to figure these things out, to try to speak faithfully
01:44:30.120 --> 01:44:37.880
as God speaks, and to when you have a conviction of conscience to stick to your guns. I don't want
01:44:37.880 --> 01:44:41.960
someone who hears us to change their mind just because some podcasts are told you something
01:44:41.960 --> 01:44:48.360
different. That's not a firm foundation for faith. The firm foundation needs to be Scripture,
01:44:48.360 --> 01:44:53.320
which is why this has been a Bible study, because we're talking about these in Lutheran terms and
01:44:53.320 --> 01:44:58.760
from a Lutheran perspective, but we could do a bunch of citations from some of the Lutheran
01:44:58.760 --> 01:45:04.280
Fathers. I think they're interesting sometimes, but it's still only them making arguments from
01:45:04.280 --> 01:45:09.000
Scripture. We also can make arguments from Scripture. Now, as I said at the beginning,
01:45:09.000 --> 01:45:12.280
we're not telling you anything new. We're not making up, this is not like
01:45:12.280 --> 01:45:19.960
Stonequire baptism. There's one baptism. There's one baptism in Scripture. We should all sound the
01:45:19.960 --> 01:45:25.080
same because we're all working from the same book with the same God. The one Lord, one faith,
01:45:25.080 --> 01:45:30.680
one baptism thing is very real. An interesting thing about baptism, as we've talked about a little
01:45:30.680 --> 01:45:38.280
bit earlier, it is not in the faith of the doing that the thing has its efficacy. It's in God's
01:45:38.280 --> 01:45:45.720
promise. Even those who don't believe that baptism does what it says, God will still keep his promise,
01:45:45.720 --> 01:45:51.720
even when the men who are doing it say, I don't believe this, because God doesn't say anything
01:45:51.720 --> 01:45:57.160
to the contrary. God says, do this and the gift is yours. That's another reason why the one baptism
01:45:57.160 --> 01:46:03.320
thing is important. There's no such thing as rebaptism. The only possibility where it might be
01:46:03.320 --> 01:46:08.200
appropriate to baptize someone who thinks they were baptized before is if you're not sure if they're
01:46:08.280 --> 01:46:13.080
baptized in the name of the Trinity. If there's doubt, if you believe that there may have been
01:46:13.080 --> 01:46:19.880
an erroneous baptism or is literally not what it says in Matthew 28, then it is permissible to do
01:46:20.840 --> 01:46:25.400
effectively a provisional baptism. It should be in full view that we're not trying to rebaptize
01:46:25.400 --> 01:46:32.600
this person. We're trying to obey God. We're trying to make sure that we are doing what God commands.
01:46:33.560 --> 01:46:38.520
In this case, it is very much in ordinance. It's God saying, do this. If we think that someone has
01:46:38.520 --> 01:46:43.400
failed in the past, we're still going to do it. That's an act of faith that's perfectly permissible.
01:46:43.400 --> 01:46:50.520
That's entirely Christian. What is not permissible is to say, well, I think Rome's wrong
01:46:50.520 --> 01:46:54.440
about a bunch of stuff. We've got to rebaptize you so you can be made a real Christian. You're
01:46:54.440 --> 01:46:58.920
going to be a Lutheran. You've got to have a Lutheran baptism. The Orthodox are very
01:46:58.920 --> 01:47:03.720
commonly do that. They reject all baptism except their own. That's not scriptural. Again,
01:47:03.720 --> 01:47:10.040
there's one baptism. A baptism in the name of the triune God is valid. That's part of the promise.
01:47:10.040 --> 01:47:13.960
That's part of the confidence is that even when we have these disputes, even when we have these
01:47:13.960 --> 01:47:19.320
disagreements about what's actually going on, we still can have confidence that God has done what
01:47:19.320 --> 01:47:27.240
He said He would do. I hope that if someone is listening in maybe some of this, probably many
01:47:27.240 --> 01:47:33.640
of you the wrong way, if some of your feeling unsettled, know that whatever unsettling feeling
01:47:33.640 --> 01:47:40.200
you have about the theology doesn't undermine God's promise. That's the whole point of this
01:47:40.200 --> 01:47:47.160
entire episode. God's promises are kept because it's God that's making them. When we get stuff wrong,
01:47:48.440 --> 01:47:54.360
when we are foolish, when we are unbelieving, when we're doubting, we can't break God's things.
01:47:54.440 --> 01:47:58.200
Even when we break our own, even when we mess up our own lives, we sin against each other,
01:47:58.200 --> 01:48:03.560
we lie, we get stuff wrong inadvertently, whatever mess we make, we can be confident
01:48:03.560 --> 01:48:10.600
in God's promises. I hope that whatever else you take away from this is you'll keep that in mind.
01:48:10.600 --> 01:48:14.280
It's fundamentally rooting this, not, I know you have to have the perfect confession of this
01:48:14.280 --> 01:48:22.440
stuff. It's that when you believe that God does the things He says He'll do, you have them. It's
01:48:23.400 --> 01:48:27.160
God we're talking about. He's going to do what He said He did. He's already done it.
01:48:27.160 --> 01:48:35.080
You are baptized. That is a promise written in the book of life from before eternity.
01:48:35.080 --> 01:48:40.680
Your name is in the book of life saying I elect you from eternity by God. You receive baptism in
01:48:40.680 --> 01:48:47.640
time, marking you as his child, placing his triune name on you, on a tiny screaming baby who just
01:48:47.640 --> 01:48:53.880
like Jesus in the manger, who was helpless and didn't know anything and was completely dependent.
01:48:54.680 --> 01:49:00.120
We're fundamentally like that spiritually at any age until we have God. You can be the smartest,
01:49:00.120 --> 01:49:05.640
most well-versed man in the world. You're a spiritual infant until God comes to you and gives you
01:49:06.280 --> 01:49:13.160
faith. Very often that comes in baptism. The confidence that God is going to keep his word
01:49:13.160 --> 01:49:18.760
is the whole point of this. It's the whole benefit of this type of sacramentology. Again,
01:49:18.760 --> 01:49:24.280
it's not like here's a strategy for a greater confident faith. This is what God says we should
01:49:24.280 --> 01:49:29.560
have and when we believe it, everything works out. It's a recurring theme on Stone Choir.
01:49:30.120 --> 01:49:34.120
If you have a normal, healthy family and you do normal, healthy family things,
01:49:35.080 --> 01:49:39.480
you will be blessed and you will have the things that God promises. When we do the
01:49:39.480 --> 01:49:43.880
thing the way God says to do it, we get the good things that come from it. That's the case in
01:49:43.880 --> 01:49:49.400
everything. This is just another example of that, but it's a crucial one because everything else may
01:49:49.400 --> 01:49:55.160
go wrong. But because your baptism is past tense, because it's a moment in time, when you realize
01:49:55.160 --> 01:50:01.320
that that past tense is actually present tense, you can have faith and confidence throughout
01:50:01.320 --> 01:50:07.560
your life. Whatever goes wrong, whatever happens, you're confident that you are baptized. In that
01:50:07.560 --> 01:50:11.000
gift that God promised, he continues to deliver to you every day.
01:50:12.840 --> 01:50:17.560
There's one more point that I would like to cover before we close out this episode,
01:50:18.280 --> 01:50:25.240
and then a couple sections of scripture related to infant baptism, just because I know that's going
01:50:25.240 --> 01:50:32.120
to be a difficult one for some people. But the issue that I want to address first is a seemingly
01:50:32.120 --> 01:50:38.200
minor one, but it has been an ongoing fight in the history of the church between traditions.
01:50:40.120 --> 01:50:48.600
And that is the method or the mode, the means of baptism. There are four. There's aspersion,
01:50:48.600 --> 01:50:54.760
effusion, immersion, and submersion. And for those who are unfamiliar with the terms,
01:50:54.760 --> 01:51:00.280
aspersion is sprinkling, effusion is pouring, and then I think we all know what immersion and
01:51:00.280 --> 01:51:04.120
submersion are, the distinction being whether or not you go completely under the water.
01:51:06.120 --> 01:51:13.560
These are all valid. And the reason they are all valid is because that the wording of scripture,
01:51:13.560 --> 01:51:19.400
what scripture says, is what is required for baptism and what does scripture say?
01:51:20.120 --> 01:51:25.880
Scripture says water and word. Scripture does not specify the amount of water.
01:51:26.520 --> 01:51:31.320
Scripture does not say that you have to use a certain method of applying the water.
01:51:31.320 --> 01:51:36.600
Scripture simply says water and the word. Now,
01:51:38.280 --> 01:51:43.400
many of those who were baptized in scripture were indeed baptized by immersion or submersion. We
01:51:43.400 --> 01:51:49.080
don't necessarily know which one of those two, because they were baptized in a river. We know that.
01:51:49.160 --> 01:51:55.800
But there are probably others who were baptized with alternative methods, because
01:51:55.800 --> 01:52:00.200
do bear in mind this is a part of the world where fresh water is not always available in
01:52:00.200 --> 01:52:05.560
large quantities, particularly depending on the time of year. Even the Jordan largely dries up.
01:52:08.280 --> 01:52:13.080
Now, of course, speculation is not a valid reason to draw a conclusion when it comes to
01:52:13.080 --> 01:52:18.920
scripture. But I already pointed out that scripture simply requires water and the word. It does not
01:52:18.920 --> 01:52:26.040
require an amount of water. And also we have the historical argument, not in terms of historical
01:52:26.040 --> 01:52:31.880
practice, although that is somewhat compelling, but the historical argument that God has given faith
01:52:31.880 --> 01:52:38.840
to those who were baptized using a spursion or a fusion. There are those who were baptized as
01:52:38.840 --> 01:52:45.400
children using those methods and they were given faith. They became Christians because of that
01:52:45.400 --> 01:52:54.600
baptism. God is not going to bring his gifts if we are deliberately or even accidentally
01:52:54.600 --> 01:53:00.440
not complying with what he has said is the requirement. And God has given his blessing
01:53:00.440 --> 01:53:06.920
very clearly to all four of these methods. Because again, this just goes back to the
01:53:06.920 --> 01:53:13.080
fundamental difference that we have, whether it is God's gift he is bringing to men or something
01:53:13.080 --> 01:53:19.000
men are doing for themselves. Because certainly the amount of water is not going to matter.
01:53:20.040 --> 01:53:24.760
If it is God's gift, if God is the one doing it, because scripture doesn't specify,
01:53:25.400 --> 01:53:29.240
but if it's men doing it, then perhaps we need more of a show, we need more water.
01:53:29.240 --> 01:53:35.560
And so this is going to flow naturally from your belief about the nature of baptism. The same thing
01:53:35.560 --> 01:53:44.520
is true of infant baptism, which I will get to in a minute here. Now, there is one final point about
01:53:44.520 --> 01:53:49.720
the method that I want to make that is sort of an ancillary point, but it is worth addressing.
01:53:51.880 --> 01:54:01.640
Subversion is the best method in terms of the picture it portrays. Because what is baptism?
01:54:01.640 --> 01:54:07.880
Baptism fundamentally is being buried with Christ and resurrected to a new life. And
01:54:07.880 --> 01:54:16.920
submersion shows that illustrates that in the best way. And so for almost aesthetic reasons,
01:54:17.960 --> 01:54:22.760
but for clearly typological reasons, submersion, there is a very good argument for it. Now,
01:54:22.760 --> 01:54:28.360
perhaps not for infants, we're not saying do what the the EO do and triple submerged infants,
01:54:28.360 --> 01:54:33.880
that's probably overboard, pouring or sprinkling perfectly fine for the infant.
01:54:35.640 --> 01:54:41.240
But typologically for adults, submersion is probably best. And Luther said the same,
01:54:41.240 --> 01:54:46.680
this is long been something that Lutherans and others who do practice these other methods would
01:54:46.680 --> 01:54:53.960
still agree. Part of the reason we do pouring is as a statement of belief that this is something
01:54:53.960 --> 01:54:58.360
from God. And so it is not something man is doing, it is not the amount of water that matters.
01:55:00.840 --> 01:55:05.000
But then to close out this episode, I said I wanted to read a couple passages
01:55:05.960 --> 01:55:11.080
that deal with infant baptism. I already addressed one, I didn't read it, but that was from Second
01:55:11.080 --> 01:55:16.120
Timothy, dealing with Timothy, who had been familiar with the scriptures from, it says,
01:55:16.120 --> 01:55:21.960
childhood in the English standard version. But the word there is actually infant or infancy,
01:55:22.600 --> 01:55:29.080
brephos. And I want to read from Luke, Luke two, actually I'll start with Luke 18.
01:55:30.520 --> 01:55:35.640
Now they were bringing even infants, brephos, to him that he might touch them, and when the
01:55:35.640 --> 01:55:39.720
disciples saw it, they rebuked him. But Jesus called them to him saying,
01:55:40.280 --> 01:55:45.720
let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.
01:55:46.280 --> 01:55:51.800
Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter
01:55:51.800 --> 01:55:58.920
it. And then from Luke two, and this will be a sign for you, you will find a baby,
01:55:58.920 --> 01:56:02.520
brephos, wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.
01:56:04.680 --> 01:56:13.240
And so we have here in these two verses taken together, a picture of God's great gifts to us,
01:56:14.040 --> 01:56:21.080
the Christian life, and how we are to share these gifts, how we are to facilitate God bringing
01:56:21.080 --> 01:56:25.960
these gifts to the next generation, to our fellow Christians, to our own children.
01:56:27.400 --> 01:56:33.000
Christ is very clear, do not hinder the little children, but let them come unto me.
01:56:33.880 --> 01:56:38.040
Bring them to Christ, you are supposed to bring your children to Christ. Well how do you bring
01:56:38.040 --> 01:56:43.560
your little children, your brephos, or pydion, whichever one it happens to be, because pydion
01:56:43.560 --> 01:56:49.880
is still a little child, how do you bring your children to Christ? Well we saw at the beginning,
01:56:49.880 --> 01:56:56.280
that's the great commission, you bring them to Christ by baptizing them and then teaching them.
01:56:58.040 --> 01:57:04.280
And so you baptize your children, this is why Lutherans and others teach that infant baptism
01:57:04.280 --> 01:57:08.520
is proper, it is why it has been the practice of the church from the beginning.
01:57:10.600 --> 01:57:16.120
Yes there's also the fact that it is typologically related to circumcision, which was done on the
01:57:16.120 --> 01:57:23.000
eighth day, certainly an eight day old child is an infant still. But fundamentally we are simply
01:57:23.000 --> 01:57:28.440
obeying the words of Christ when he tells us to let the children come to him, do not hinder them,
01:57:29.400 --> 01:57:36.200
for to such belongs the kingdom of God. And so we hear and obey, he says to bring the children to
01:57:36.200 --> 01:57:41.960
him we bring them to him, how do we bring them to him? By giving them faith, how do we give them
01:57:41.960 --> 01:57:49.240
faith? The only way that God has given us to give them faith, by baptizing them. We baptize them,
01:57:49.240 --> 01:57:54.360
but really it is God using our hands to do the work, God is the one baptizing them,
01:57:54.360 --> 01:57:59.560
and that is why they are baptized in the triune name, because it is the triune God who is baptizing
01:57:59.560 --> 01:58:05.880
them, because it is his baptism, it is his sacrament, it belongs to him not to man, because it is his
01:58:05.880 --> 01:58:15.720
work not man's. And we see this connection here in Luke with the term brephos. You have the infants
01:58:15.720 --> 01:58:23.720
who are brought to Christ, and you have that infant Christ lying in the manger. All of the promises
01:58:23.720 --> 01:58:31.160
of Scripture are in that manger with that infant, and all of the promises of Scripture are brought
01:58:31.160 --> 01:58:39.320
to infants in baptism, because that is how God has created it, that is how God has organized it,
01:58:39.320 --> 01:58:47.800
and so we simply obey. And so baptism is a gift from God to the church, it is a gift from God
01:58:48.360 --> 01:58:55.240
to the elect, it is a gift from God to me and to you and to your children.
01:58:55.880 --> 01:58:59.960
We're going to close simply with the words from Romans 6.
01:59:01.000 --> 01:59:05.960
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound, by no means?
01:59:06.760 --> 01:59:11.480
How then can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who have been
01:59:11.480 --> 01:59:16.680
baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by
01:59:16.680 --> 01:59:22.920
baptism into death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father,
01:59:22.920 --> 01:59:33.880
we too might walk in newness of life. Amen.
00:00:00 – 00:00:10: Don't.
00:00:10 – 00:00:24: What?
00:00:24 – 00:00:44: Welcome to the Stone Choir podcast. I am Corey J. Moeller, and I'm still woe.
00:00:44 – 00:00:50: On today's Stone Choir, we're going to be discussing the subject of baptism. On Stone
00:00:50 – 00:00:55: Choir, we are obviously talking about theology in general, but we don't typically get too much into
00:00:55 – 00:01:01: systematics. We don't delve into specific issues, certainly ones that are well fleshed out in
00:01:01 – 00:01:07: church history. Today is probably going to be one of the rare episodes where we're going to talk
00:01:07 – 00:01:12: about something where we have literally nothing new to say. The reason that we're doing this is,
00:01:12 – 00:01:19: one, we've had number of requests from folks asking us to describe the sacraments from a
00:01:19 – 00:01:25: Lutheran perspective. Lutherans are good at theology, not because we have smart Lutherans
00:01:25 – 00:01:29: today, but just because we inherited something that was correct and competent from better men.
00:01:29 – 00:01:35: Unfortunately, Lutherans today are incredibly terrible at telling people, A, we exist, or B,
00:01:35 – 00:01:41: what we believe, or why we believe it. I think most people hear about Lutherans. The only thing
00:01:41 – 00:01:47: you have in mind is the tranny. That's frankly the vision of Lutheranism in the West today.
00:01:47 – 00:01:54: It's not wrong. Most Lutherans are like that, but the no true Scotsman fallacy is not an absolute
00:01:54 – 00:01:59: because there's such a thing as a Scotsman. There's also such a thing as an actual Lutheran,
00:01:59 – 00:02:05: and that's what Cori and I are. Today's episode is going to discuss the sacrament of baptism.
00:02:05 – 00:02:12: In the future, we'll do one on the sacrament of Holy Communion. The reason that we're doing it in
00:02:12 – 00:02:16: addition to just a number of people asked is that these are things that are instituted by God
00:02:16 – 00:02:22: that are foundational to the Christian faith. It was a natural follow-on from last week's episode
00:02:22 – 00:02:28: where we're discussing forgiveness. In that episode, we were chiefly focused on the forgiveness
00:02:28 – 00:02:34: from God that we extend to each other and interceding on behalf of each other to God
00:02:35 – 00:02:41: for the forgiveness of our mutual sins. We mentioned in the episode that there are the
00:02:41 – 00:02:48: means of grace, the means by which God provides forgiveness to us in this life, in time and
00:02:48 – 00:02:55: space forgiveness is delivered, not only at the cross, but personally. I want to briefly acknowledge
00:02:55 – 00:03:00: a couple things. One, when a Lutheran says sacrament, we don't mean the same thing as
00:03:01 – 00:03:05: the Roman Catholics, for example. I know the majority of our listeners at this point are not
00:03:05 – 00:03:10: Lutheran, so for the folks who are Lutheran, a lot of what we say is probably going to be old hat
00:03:10 – 00:03:16: for the rest. We're trying to make the best form of the argument for what we believe is a scriptural
00:03:16 – 00:03:24: view of baptism. Effectively, if this were a formal debate, this would be the affirmative side for
00:03:25 – 00:03:31: the premise. We're making the argument. Part of that is that we're going to be saying things
00:03:31 – 00:03:36: that will contradict what the majority of our audience believe about these things.
00:03:36 – 00:03:41: I want to acknowledge that up front that we're not trying to pick a fight, we're not trying to pick
00:03:41 – 00:03:49: on anyone or to talk down to you or to condemn you or your churches. This is Christian doctrine.
00:03:49 – 00:03:53: I think we all agree that this stuff is worth getting right. I think we all agree that this
00:03:53 – 00:04:01: stuff is important. We disagree on the details. In scripture, it talks about that being part
00:04:01 – 00:04:08: of the Christian life. When you look at the New Testament, inside the New Testament, as the earliest
00:04:08 – 00:04:13: church in the very first century was being formed, they were arguing about things. There were
00:04:13 – 00:04:19: disagreements and there was a right side and there was a wrong side, but those errors existed inside
00:04:19 – 00:04:27: the church. There's a case where Paul rebukes Peter to his face for his false teaching. These are
00:04:27 – 00:04:32: apostles we're talking about. Peter straightened out. Paul got it right. Peter was wrong. He was
00:04:32 – 00:04:39: in error. He was called to repent and they had that sorted out. It is not outside of proper
00:04:39 – 00:04:47: church practice for brothers in the faith to talk to each other, frankly. It's not so much in concern
00:04:47 – 00:04:52: that, oh, I'm concerned that you're wrong or you're concerned that I'm wrong. It's that this is God's
00:04:52 – 00:04:59: stuff. This is not our stuff. The approach that Cory and I take and that we encourage everyone to
00:04:59 – 00:05:08: take is to treat God's things as His and to receive them on His terms as He intends. When we find in
00:05:08 – 00:05:14: our own circumstances that our churches are failing in some way, a greater way or a small way,
00:05:14 – 00:05:20: to deliver God's things as God describes them, that is an immediate problem for us in our own
00:05:20 – 00:05:26: personal circumstances to deal with. As we go through this, I want to acknowledge that we're
00:05:26 – 00:05:31: going to say some things that some of you are not going to like. I know that. One of us is wrong,
00:05:31 – 00:05:36: at least. Maybe both of us are wrong, but just as a reasonable argument, if we say one thing about
00:05:36 – 00:05:44: baptism and you say the opposite, one of us must necessarily be wrong. It's not accusatory to say
00:05:44 – 00:05:49: somebody's wrong here. It's simply an evaluation of the equation. The equation doesn't bounce.
00:05:50 – 00:05:55: You've got to balance that before both sides can be right. We're going to make the case for what
00:05:55 – 00:06:01: we believe Scripture says about these things. Obviously, it will be from a Lutheran perspective,
00:06:01 – 00:06:06: but we believe this is what Scripture says. I don't want people to come away from this
00:06:06 – 00:06:12: feeling doubts or concerns that you have a bad church. If you think negative things about us,
00:06:12 – 00:06:19: that's fine. I don't want you to listen to this and suddenly have deep concerns about your church.
00:06:20 – 00:06:27: First, worry about Scripture and about whether or not you believe it. If, in that evaluation,
00:06:27 – 00:06:33: you find that you have concerns about your church, those are problems we all face in our own lives,
00:06:33 – 00:06:36: we're not going to tell you what to do. I want to acknowledge that some of these things are
00:06:36 – 00:06:43: contrary to some of your church teachings. We all know this. These are 500-year-old discussions.
00:06:44 – 00:06:49: They said, we have nothing new to say here, but we're going to try to make the case clearly for
00:06:49 – 00:06:54: what we believe Scripture teaches because, particularly for Lutherans, the sacraments,
00:06:54 – 00:07:01: baptism and communion are foundational to our approach to the Christian life. A lot of what
00:07:01 – 00:07:07: we talk about on Stone Choir is about the Christian life for us personally, by virtue of our theological
00:07:07 – 00:07:14: frame. The sacraments underpin all of that. We allude to it sometimes. We want to spend an hour or so
00:07:14 – 00:07:19: here today specifically laying out the case for what we believe Scripture says about baptism,
00:07:19 – 00:07:26: because it underpins everything else that we believe and what else comes up. As we said elsewhere,
00:07:27 – 00:07:32: when there's discussion and debate around doctrine, it's not about winning arguments,
00:07:32 – 00:07:37: it's not about beating up on someone. It's about having more of what God wants us to have.
00:07:37 – 00:07:44: God gave us these gifts in Scripture. He gives us these gifts in time for our benefit. The reason
00:07:44 – 00:07:51: that these things are worth fighting for and fighting against and about is that when we don't
00:07:51 – 00:07:56: get them right, we have less of the good things that God wants for us. That's our chief concern,
00:07:56 – 00:08:00: is why we're talking about it, even knowing that some of you are going to disagree. I hope that
00:08:00 – 00:08:04: when you disagree with some of the things that we say, one, I hope that you'll receive it in the
00:08:04 – 00:08:08: spirit in which it's given, which is not to beat up on you, even though some of the things that we
00:08:08 – 00:08:13: are going to say are going to be very stark. I don't want that to be taken as a personal attack.
00:08:14 – 00:08:21: Ultimately, is a concern that downstream from these beliefs is the comfort of the Gospel. It's
00:08:21 – 00:08:29: the comfort of the things that God wishes for us to have. Everything that we talk about is in view
00:08:29 – 00:08:35: of God's gifts to us, in view of the fact that there will come a day in your life where everything's
00:08:35 – 00:08:41: on fire, where you were at rock bottom, where something is just unspeakably horrible. Those
00:08:41 – 00:08:47: are the moments when having your theological ducks in a row is paramount, because if you have a mess
00:08:47 – 00:08:53: going into the battle, you're already way behind. You're already down points before you even come
00:08:53 – 00:08:59: under fire, and we don't want that for each other. We're going to go through the passages. This is
00:08:59 – 00:09:05: basically a Bible study today. We have more Bible than we can. We're going to get through in an hour,
00:09:05 – 00:09:12: but we want to make clear the case for what baptism should mean in the Christian life,
00:09:12 – 00:09:18: because it means a great deal. To begin with, I want to just give a brief example of framing.
00:09:19 – 00:09:24: Imagine a scenario where you walk up to me and I hand you a $100 bill,
00:09:25 – 00:09:30: and then you put it in your pocket and you walk away. Later on, you describe that scene to someone
00:09:30 – 00:09:38: else. There are two ways you can describe it. A, I walked up to this guy and he handed me a $100
00:09:38 – 00:09:43: bill, and I looked at it, and it was a real $100 bill. I was amazed, and I put it in my pocket,
00:09:43 – 00:09:48: and I walked away. That's one telling of the story. That's true. It's accurate. It's what happened.
00:09:49 – 00:09:54: B, I walked up to this guy and he was holding a $100 bill, and he reached out to hand it to me,
00:09:55 – 00:10:00: and I looked at it, and I saw the $100 bill, and I wanted it, and I grabbed it in my hands,
00:10:00 – 00:10:05: and I took it between my fingers, and I pulled it close, and I held it up to my eyes, and I looked
00:10:05 – 00:10:11: it, and I peered it intensely, and I saw this is a $100 bill. This is real. I was excited,
00:10:11 – 00:10:17: and I put it in my pocket, and I walked away. That's also accurate. That's a retelling of the
00:10:17 – 00:10:24: same events. Both are factually correct, but what's the difference between them? The first one,
00:10:24 – 00:10:30: the emphasis is on me handing you a $100 bill, and then the second one, the emphasis is on you
00:10:31 – 00:10:37: taking it and making it yours. In the second telling, I very quickly vanish,
00:10:37 – 00:10:42: and it's just you and the $100 bill, and you interacting with it. In both of those cases,
00:10:42 – 00:10:49: there's a giver, and there's a receiver, and the emphasis is on whether you focus on the giver
00:10:49 – 00:10:55: or you focus on the receiving. As we talk about the sacraments, it's fundamentally when there
00:10:55 – 00:11:00: are disagreements, particularly among Protestants. Roman Catholics and Lutherans are actually almost
00:11:00 – 00:11:07: entirely on the same page about baptism with one important exception, but it's kind of peripheral.
00:11:07 – 00:11:12: It's important, but it's not the main thrust of the question. For everyone else, there are varying
00:11:12 – 00:11:18: degrees of substantial disagreement, and it has to do with that framing. Is this a giving and a
00:11:18 – 00:11:26: giver, or is this an action by someone where God was somehow involved, but as soon as we came on the
00:11:26 – 00:11:34: picture, it's all about us? Those two frames really separate the two different views of the sacrament
00:11:34 – 00:11:41: of baptism. When Lutherans say sacrament, we mean something slightly different than Roman Catholics.
00:11:42 – 00:11:49: For Lutherans, there are two chief sacraments based on this definition, instituted by Christ
00:11:49 – 00:11:55: himself with physical means for the forgiveness of sins. There are some other things that Roman
00:11:55 – 00:12:00: Catholics have that they call sacraments that are very salutary. Marriage in particular was
00:12:00 – 00:12:05: instituted by God in the garden. It's older than either baptism or communion. Lutherans don't consider
00:12:05 – 00:12:12: that sacramental because, although it's holy, which is the root of sacrament, one of the roots,
00:12:13 – 00:12:18: it doesn't impart forgiveness of sins. When we're talking about sacraments, the emphasis is on
00:12:18 – 00:12:23: God giving a physical means for forgiveness of sins. When we use that term, that's specifically
00:12:23 – 00:12:29: what it means. The word also forgives sins. Absolution also forgives sins. There are other
00:12:29 – 00:12:35: places that these come to us, but it's only in baptism and communion that there's a physical
00:12:36 – 00:12:41: means tied to the promise of forgiveness, which is why we call these the means of grace.
00:12:43 – 00:12:50: So to start with the Scripture, we will turn first to Matthew 28, the end of the book of Matthew.
00:12:50 – 00:12:54: This is, of course, the Great Commission. Undoubtedly, almost all of you will be familiar
00:12:54 – 00:13:00: with this before I even read it. Now, the 11 disciples went to Galilee to the
00:13:01 – 00:13:05: mountain to which Jesus had directed them, and when they saw him they worshiped him,
00:13:05 – 00:13:10: but some doubted, and Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has
00:13:10 – 00:13:16: been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
00:13:16 – 00:13:22: Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded
00:13:22 – 00:13:32: you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age. This is one of two verses, two
00:13:32 – 00:13:36: sections of Scripture. We will be going over today, where we're going to take
00:13:36 – 00:13:41: some time to slow down and break down exactly what is going on here. And yes, look at the Greek a
00:13:41 – 00:13:48: little bit. And the reason for that is that too often when we're reading this, we just kind of
00:13:48 – 00:13:54: read through it quickly, and we sort of fly over this. Instead of actually looking at what
00:13:54 – 00:14:00: exactly is being said, what is Scripture telling us? What are the words being used? What do they
00:14:00 – 00:14:07: mean? Why do they matter? What doctrine is being put forth here? And so let's look at exactly
00:14:07 – 00:14:15: what Christ is telling us. He's giving commands here, and he's giving a reason for it. And so we
00:14:15 – 00:14:22: have the imperative to start off the command, go, go therefore, therefore. To what does that refer?
00:14:22 – 00:14:28: Why go? Because all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Christ. And therefore,
00:14:28 – 00:14:35: he is commanding us to go. And what are we to do in this going? We are to make disciples of whom,
00:14:35 – 00:14:42: of all nations. Incidentally, this is tied into other episodes, other matters we've discussed,
00:14:42 – 00:14:47: because it is the word for nation or race there. We are to make disciples of all races,
00:14:47 – 00:14:56: of all nations. You can use either word. But now we come to the part that is key for what we will
00:14:56 – 00:15:02: be discussing about baptism in this episode. We are told to go and make disciples of all nations.
00:15:03 – 00:15:09: But then we are told how to do that, how we are to make these disciples. There are two things
00:15:09 – 00:15:18: that are given. The first is baptizing. Baptism is given first, that's noteworthy. Out of two
00:15:18 – 00:15:26: things we are to do to make disciples, we are first to baptize. Then we are to teach them.
00:15:27 – 00:15:34: Now, the underlying Greek terms, which thankfully do come through in the English translation, are
00:15:34 – 00:15:41: in the same tense here, baptizing and teaching. Baptizantes and didescantes are the two words
00:15:41 – 00:15:50: there in the Greek. But this tells us how we make Christians. This is the standard way that you make
00:15:50 – 00:15:58: a Christian. You baptize the person in the triune name of God. Then you teach the person
00:15:59 – 00:16:04: all that Christ has commanded us to observe. That's how you make a Christian.
00:16:05 – 00:16:09: Now, today we may look at that and think that maybe it's backward to some degree,
00:16:10 – 00:16:15: but that's only because everything around us is in shambles. Because if you think about it,
00:16:16 – 00:16:22: how does one usually come to faith? Well, one usually comes to faith because one's parents
00:16:22 – 00:16:30: take one to church. You don't usually come to faith because someone convinced you, or
00:16:30 – 00:16:37: however you wish to word this, as an adult. That is unusual. That is outside the normal
00:16:37 – 00:16:42: Christian experience. Because the normal Christian experience, what God wants for us,
00:16:42 – 00:16:47: is to grow up in a Christian nation, in a Christian family, to be Christian from birth.
00:16:48 – 00:16:53: That is the goal. That is how things should be. And so it is baptizing. And yes,
00:16:53 – 00:16:59: we Lutherans do believe in infant baptism. We will go over this at some point in this episode,
00:16:59 – 00:17:04: but really it runs through the entirety of the scripture sections, dealing with baptism.
00:17:05 – 00:17:10: But so we baptize infants, and then we bring them up in the faith. It's not just a matter of being
00:17:10 – 00:17:15: baptized and, oh, well, I'm over the line. I'm good. I'm done. No, you are baptized,
00:17:15 – 00:17:20: and then you progress in the faith. That's, of course, sanctification as part of that,
00:17:20 – 00:17:25: but just being instructed in the faith. And so here, just to start off, we have
00:17:25 – 00:17:32: the words of Christ commanding us to make disciples of all nations, of all races,
00:17:32 – 00:17:38: by doing two things, the first of which is baptizing them. This is an incredibly important
00:17:38 – 00:17:44: part of the Christian life. It is not something that is ancillary or secondary or something that
00:17:44 – 00:17:52: can be ignored. It is placed right here in Christ's command to spread the faith as the first item.
00:17:54 – 00:17:58: We have to pay attention to the words of Christ and the way that He spoke them,
00:17:58 – 00:18:04: the words He chose, the order in which He put them. And He says, baptize and teach.
00:18:06 – 00:18:13: And it's notable here in Matthew 28 that these are the very last words of that gospel. It doesn't
00:18:13 – 00:18:17: say it, but Jesus obviously ascended into heaven. We know that from the other gospels.
00:18:17 – 00:18:23: So this is the very end of Jesus' earthly ministry, the very last thing that He says,
00:18:23 – 00:18:28: which is pretty important. The very last thing that God says before He ascends into heaven is go and
00:18:28 – 00:18:38: baptize. I think that throughout church history, we've taken that seriously. And again, virtually,
00:18:38 – 00:18:43: basically every Christian denomination, including by definition, believes that baptism is something.
00:18:44 – 00:18:49: God had some to do with it. There's some called baptism. What we disagree on are the details.
00:18:49 – 00:18:55: And so today's episode is talked about the details, but I think as Corey just laid out up front,
00:18:55 – 00:19:02: this is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. And it's notable that this is where God tells us
00:19:02 – 00:19:09: how to baptize, baptizing them them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
00:19:10 – 00:19:18: This is the Trinity. One of the atheist reddit tier memes is that, oh, the Trinity was unknown
00:19:18 – 00:19:24: until AD 325. And then Constantine made it up. Before that, there was no Trinity. No one who's
00:19:24 – 00:19:31: ever read the Bible would believe that. That's stupid beyond comprehension. Jesus Christ says
00:19:32 – 00:19:37: the names of the persons of the Trinity and says, you will baptize in my name.
00:19:38 – 00:19:45: This is Elohim. This is God Almighty. This is the three persons and one God that it confessed
00:19:45 – 00:19:51: in all three ecumenical creeds. I think what's particularly interesting about Jesus' earthly
00:19:51 – 00:19:58: ministry ending with baptism in Matthew 28 is that it perfectly bookends where Jesus' earthly
00:19:58 – 00:20:06: ministry begins in Matthew 3. Matthew 1 and 2, you have his genealogy, his conception of the birth,
00:20:06 – 00:20:13: and then John the Baptist. In Matthew 3, the very first thing that Jesus does at the beginning of
00:20:13 – 00:20:20: his earthly ministry is to be baptized by John the Baptist. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the
00:20:20 – 00:20:26: Jordan to John to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, I need to be baptized
00:20:26 – 00:20:32: by you, and do you come to me? But Jesus answered him, let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for
00:20:32 – 00:20:38: us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he consented. And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went
00:20:38 – 00:20:44: up from the water and, behold, the heavens were open to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending
00:20:44 – 00:20:50: like a dove and coming to rest on him. And, behold, a voice from heaven said, this is my beloved Son
00:20:50 – 00:20:59: with whom I am well pleased. This is notable for two reasons. One, Jesus is being baptized.
00:20:59 – 00:21:05: And as John said, why would you come to me to be baptized? I need to be baptized by you.
00:21:06 – 00:21:11: And Jesus said that all good things would be fulfilled, all righteousness would be fulfilled.
00:21:12 – 00:21:17: The reason I think that this book ends Matthew 28 so perfectly is that this is the physical
00:21:17 – 00:21:23: manifestation of the Trinity. You have the Son, the second person of the Trinity, emerging from
00:21:23 – 00:21:30: the waters of baptism. You have the Holy Spirit alighting on him as a dove. And you have God the
00:21:30 – 00:21:37: Father speaking audibly for all to hear, saying, this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.
00:21:37 – 00:21:43: So here's the Trinity in baptism. Matthew 28, you have the Trinity as part of baptism.
00:21:44 – 00:21:48: There's never been any doubt about the Trinity. From the first time that God referred to himself
00:21:48 – 00:21:58: as plural in Genesis until now, until the creeds and the councils, Christianity has always worshiped
00:21:58 – 00:22:05: a triune God. God revealed more of himself over time. But the simple fact is that anyone who just
00:22:05 – 00:22:10: read the Bible and never read Reddit would never have any doubt that there's something
00:22:11 – 00:22:17: triune. Now, triune was a neologism that was created specifically to try to describe what's
00:22:17 – 00:22:23: going on here, to try to give one name to the three persons and one God. In a great many of the
00:22:23 – 00:22:28: early debates in the Christian church were, how do we deal with three persons? How do we have a
00:22:28 – 00:22:34: Father and a Son and the Holy Spirit? What is the difference? Is there a difference? Is it permissible
00:22:34 – 00:22:41: to say different? All those debates are part of the controversies around the Trinity and around
00:22:41 – 00:22:49: Christology as well. The fact that Jesus went into the water and then came out and all three parts of
00:22:49 – 00:22:56: the Trinity appeared, book ends 28 so perfectly because this is the moment where Jesus put the
00:22:56 – 00:23:03: power of baptism into the water. Jesus did not have his sins washed away in the Jordan. We'll
00:23:03 – 00:23:09: get to in a minute what baptism does for us. When Jesus was baptized, he was putting into the water
00:23:09 – 00:23:16: that which we receive by faith in time in the future. And so God is laying this out perfectly
00:23:16 – 00:23:23: for us to know, A, this is really important and it's coming for me, and B, it's a physical thing.
00:23:23 – 00:23:30: You know, the combination of the water and the word in baptism is what makes this a sacrament.
00:23:31 – 00:23:37: God said do this, he said say this, and he said use this. And the third this is the water.
00:23:38 – 00:23:44: When the water is present and the word is spoken, that is baptism. That's what God promises. And so
00:23:44 – 00:23:48: all the promises that we're going to get to elsewhere in Scripture that are attendant to this
00:23:48 – 00:23:56: sacrament hinge on those things being done. And the fact that God commanded it, again that goes
00:23:56 – 00:24:02: back to what the story I gave at the beginning about the $100 bill. When God says do this,
00:24:02 – 00:24:08: and then we do it, if we put the focus on ourselves and say here's look what I did,
00:24:08 – 00:24:13: I went into the Jordan. I went into the Jordan three times as my grandparents did. My grandparents
00:24:13 – 00:24:17: were Baptists. They were baptized in the Jordan at least twice. They were baptized many times over
00:24:17 – 00:24:25: their lives. And it worked. The first one worked. We'll talk about multiple baptisms, but on my
00:24:25 – 00:24:29: dad's side they were Baptists for I don't know how long. So if you're Baptists and you're listening,
00:24:29 – 00:24:33: I'm not trying to pick on you. My grandmother and grandfather are heaven right now. They were Christians.
00:24:35 – 00:24:40: I think they got some things wrong and it didn't impair their faith. But again when we talk about
00:24:40 – 00:24:45: what God promises and what he gives to us, it's not about saying well you got this wrong. It's not
00:24:45 – 00:24:52: about getting a higher score on the test. It's about receiving the gifts that God is giving to us.
00:24:52 – 00:25:00: As he describes in scripture in our lives, and the beauty of the sacraments of baptism and
00:25:00 – 00:25:06: holy communion is that with the physical element that we're going to get to that was here with John
00:25:06 – 00:25:12: the Baptist, the application of water and the word, that becomes a physical touchstone in the life
00:25:12 – 00:25:20: of a Christian to point to a moment in time, in space, where something happened. And I think
00:25:20 – 00:25:27: that's a key element of the Lutheran sacramentology is that here's a physical thing that actually
00:25:27 – 00:25:35: happened. It removes theology from the realm of the theoretical or kind of metaphysical. I'm thinking
00:25:35 – 00:25:42: and loving and worshiping, but it's all inside. It's all attitudinal. And the problem with framing
00:25:43 – 00:25:49: your faith in terms of how I feel or what I think or what I'm doing because of how I think or feel
00:25:50 – 00:25:53: is that there are days when you're going to fall short. There are days when you're just not going
00:25:53 – 00:25:59: to feel it. There are days when you're going to get it wrong. And if the root of your faith is
00:26:00 – 00:26:07: I'm doing the stuff on the day when you don't feel like doing the stuff or you doubt maybe that you
00:26:07 – 00:26:14: ever sincerely believed or did the stuff in the past, that's an open door for Satan to slide through
00:26:14 – 00:26:20: and to say, aha, gotcha. You were never a Christian in the first place. And so the promise of salvation
00:26:20 – 00:26:27: that we're going to get into, that Christ puts in the water of baptism here, seals a promise from God
00:26:27 – 00:26:33: that no man can take away. Satan can't take it away. We can throw it away. It is possible for us
00:26:33 – 00:26:41: to despise our baptisms, but God keeps his promises to us. He will do what he says he's going to do.
00:26:41 – 00:26:46: And so when we talk about all of this, we're emphasizing what God is doing in baptism,
00:26:47 – 00:26:52: precisely so that in those moments where we doubt ourselves, we still have something to cling to.
00:26:52 – 00:26:57: We still have God's promises to cling to because you can always count on that. There may come a
00:26:57 – 00:27:02: time in your life when literally the only thing you can comprehend, I believe that God is God.
00:27:03 – 00:27:09: That may be all you have. You may not believe that your sins are forgiven. You may not believe that
00:27:09 – 00:27:15: even that Jesus died for you. If you can still believe that God is God, Scripture will give you
00:27:15 – 00:27:20: the chance to work your way back through faith, through the Holy Spirit, to where God wants you.
00:27:21 – 00:27:26: But if you root your faith and your confidence in my stuff, in my doing, in my past actions,
00:27:26 – 00:27:32: in my beliefs, then you're being deprived of one of the greatest sources of joy and comfort in the
00:27:32 – 00:27:37: Christian life. And that's why this is so fundamental to Lutheran and we live to Christian
00:27:37 – 00:27:42: theology. It's not just sacramentology. This is a key part of the Christian life because
00:27:43 – 00:27:48: it's how Jesus began his ministry and it's how he ended it. And he ended it at the beginning
00:27:48 – 00:27:53: of the church age saying, go and do this for everyone else. This thing that I have now done for
00:27:53 – 00:27:59: you, give it to everyone because this is my thing. I need everyone to have it because it does what I
00:27:59 – 00:28:04: promise it's going to do. If you go up to a random Lutheran and ask what baptism is,
00:28:04 – 00:28:11: you should get an answer that is roughly what we have said thus far, because in part it's just
00:28:11 – 00:28:17: going to be a quote from the small catechism. And this is my putting on notice all of the
00:28:17 – 00:28:21: Lutheran listeners that you should have this answer memorized and in mind if someone asks you,
00:28:21 – 00:28:28: but from the small catechism, what is baptism? Baptism is not simple water only, but it is the
00:28:28 – 00:28:35: water comprehended in God's command and connected with God's word. And I want to read two paragraphs
00:28:35 – 00:28:43: from the large catechism that expand on this and also preemptorily respond to a particular objection.
00:28:45 – 00:28:50: From this now learn a proper understanding of the subject and how to answer the question what
00:28:50 – 00:28:57: baptism is, namely thus, that it is not mere ordinary water, but water comprehended in God's word
00:28:57 – 00:29:03: and command, and sanctified thereby, so that it is nothing else than a divine water, not that the
00:29:03 – 00:29:10: water itself is nobler than other water, but that God's word and command are added. Therefore,
00:29:10 – 00:29:16: I exhort again that these two, the water and the word, by no means be separated from one
00:29:16 – 00:29:21: another imparted, for if the word is separated from it, the water is the same as that with
00:29:21 – 00:29:27: which the servant cooks, and may indeed be called a bathkeeper's baptism, but when it is added,
00:29:27 – 00:29:35: as God has ordained, it is a sacrament, and it is called Christ baptism, which is the central
00:29:35 – 00:29:42: point that we're making here about the difference between the sacrament and mere water.
00:29:44 – 00:29:49: Mere water is not a baptism. If I run up to you and throw a bucket of water at you,
00:29:49 – 00:29:53: that doesn't count as a baptism, because in order for it to be a baptism,
00:29:54 – 00:29:59: we have to do what Christ commanded us to do, and what did He command us to do?
00:29:59 – 00:30:06: He commanded us to baptize in the triune name, yes, with water. Both elements have to be present,
00:30:06 – 00:30:12: or it is not the sacrament, because the sacrament is instituted by God in a certain way,
00:30:13 – 00:30:21: and so it is that sacrament, if it is done in that way. This is not to say, and I know that
00:30:21 – 00:30:25: some of the audience who are a little more versed in theology will be thinking in the back of their
00:30:25 – 00:30:31: mind, ex opre operato, that's not what I'm saying, that's not what we're advocating here. It is not
00:30:32 – 00:30:39: the sacrament, simply because the thing is done. Faith is still required, it is still faith
00:30:39 – 00:30:46: that receives the gift, yes, faith itself is also a gift, but faith receives the gift of regeneration,
00:30:46 – 00:30:51: the gift of salvation, and so it's not simply because you speak the words and there's water,
00:30:52 – 00:30:59: faith is also present, because faith is the central part of the Christian religion. These gifts of
00:30:59 – 00:31:06: God can be received only in faith, just as a promise can be trusted only in hope or faith.
00:31:07 – 00:31:12: That's the only way to receive a promise, the only way to receive the good things of God is via faith.
00:31:14 – 00:31:19: But I would also like to expand here on something that Woe just said, and that is,
00:31:20 – 00:31:25: when discussing baptism with others, I will often receive the question,
00:31:26 – 00:31:29: why do we need baptism? Why do we need a physical sign?
00:31:29 – 00:31:37: Now, of course, my first instinct is going to be the instinct for most Lutherans is to shut
00:31:37 – 00:31:43: my sinful mouth and not question why God has done what God has done. However, in this case,
00:31:43 – 00:31:49: I think that it is reasonable and I think that we can give an answer. To some degree,
00:31:49 – 00:31:54: there's some speculation in this, but it is also based on the totality of the verses dealing
00:31:55 – 00:32:01: with baptism and also the Lord's Supper in Scripture, and incidentally also circumcision,
00:32:01 – 00:32:07: which is typological of baptism, we'll get more into that later. But why do we have this physical
00:32:07 – 00:32:15: sign? And the reason is simple, we're physical. You're listening to this with physical ears,
00:32:16 – 00:32:21: or if you're reading it, you're reading it with physical eyes. Presumably no one has translated
00:32:21 – 00:32:26: or copied it over into Braille yet. But you are interacting with this in a physical way because
00:32:26 – 00:32:33: you are physical. Now, you aren't just physical because you are, of course, a spirit, a soul,
00:32:33 – 00:32:40: and a body. Again, this is not where we're getting into tripartite versus dipartite or
00:32:40 – 00:32:45: that whole philosophical theological argument. That's not the point. The point is that you are
00:32:46 – 00:32:55: not simply physical and not simply spiritual. You are both joined together, and so we have both
00:32:56 – 00:33:02: in Scripture because God is coming to you as the totality of what you are, because God is super
00:33:02 – 00:33:08: abundant with His grace and His gifts. He doesn't just give you one way for the forgiveness of sins.
00:33:09 – 00:33:15: He gives you many. You have the Lord's Supper, you have baptism, you have confession and absolution,
00:33:15 – 00:33:20: you have confessing your sins directly to God, you have the Word, you have all of these various
00:33:20 – 00:33:27: ways because God's gifts are super abundant. And so the reason we have baptism is because if you hear
00:33:28 – 00:33:35: the Word, well, that's received by the mind, and we'll, again, not dwell on the distinction
00:33:35 – 00:33:41: between the mind and the spirit here, but that is received not so much by the physical you
00:33:41 – 00:33:46: as by the spiritual you. And so what is the body doing in that interchange?
00:33:46 – 00:33:50: Well, it's sort of passively listening and relaying that information. However,
00:33:51 – 00:33:56: if you are immersed under water, well, the body understands water quite well. And so
00:33:57 – 00:34:03: in the sacraments, we have this joining together of the physical element and the Word,
00:34:03 – 00:34:08: so the whole man, the total man, the body and the spirit together can grasp this thing.
00:34:08 – 00:34:15: That is God helping you to truly believe that He is bringing His gifts to you.
00:34:16 – 00:34:22: That is why you have the physical combined with the Word. That is why they are both important.
00:34:23 – 00:34:29: And as that small catechism, quote, discussed, it's not the simple water that's doing it,
00:34:29 – 00:34:36: it's the water and God's promise. And I think one of the hang-ups that some Protestants have is that
00:34:37 – 00:34:44: it's just simple water. It came from the tap and we do the episode on communion. It's the same
00:34:44 – 00:34:53: thing. It's bread and it's wine. It's not magic bread, it's magic wine. It's normal material stuff
00:34:54 – 00:35:05: plus the Word of God. And there is a big strain in theology where people flee from that. Like,
00:35:05 – 00:35:09: well, that's too simple. That's too easy. I don't see it. I don't believe it.
00:35:11 – 00:35:18: Part of the reason that this sacramental understanding is pivotal is that if you deny that
00:35:18 – 00:35:26: simple things can also be God's things, that's a Christological heresy. That is denying God
00:35:27 – 00:35:34: because how did God come among us as a baby? He was an infant lying in a manger. He was in a stall
00:35:35 – 00:35:41: for livestock. He was swaddled and his parents loved him. He was probably a very cute baby,
00:35:41 – 00:35:47: but Jesus pooped his diapers. Mary had to clean him up because he pooped himself. You look at
00:35:47 – 00:35:53: this baby and you trust in the promise of God that this is the Messiah, but you're also looking at
00:35:53 – 00:36:00: a tiny screaming infant that's pooping and peeing because it's what humans do. And so the natural
00:36:01 – 00:36:06: material mind to look at that thing, to look at that small child and say, I can't be God,
00:36:06 – 00:36:12: look at that. It's small and weak and doesn't know anything. How can that be God? That can be
00:36:12 – 00:36:18: really God. Well, if you trust in God's promises that he had made up to that point and the miracle
00:36:18 – 00:36:25: of the birth, then it becomes very easy because you're not trusting in a magic baby. You're trusting
00:36:25 – 00:36:31: in God's promises. And then it ceases to be magic. It's simply God. It's something that is
00:36:31 – 00:36:36: supernatural and transcendent in a way that we cannot possibly comprehend and we're fine with that.
00:36:37 – 00:36:44: Sacrament is something that we get through Latin from the Greek word mystery. These things are
00:36:44 – 00:36:51: mysteries. When God, the Almighty, the Infinite, the Eternal, the Omniscient, the Omnipresent,
00:36:51 – 00:36:59: acts in space and time within creation, it's going to look weird. So you end up with Jesus
00:36:59 – 00:37:06: in a manger and yet he's fully God and fully man at the same time. It's not two halves glued together.
00:37:06 – 00:37:11: You know, there are all sorts of Christological heresies that go along with trying to rationally
00:37:11 – 00:37:17: explain what's in the manger and what's on the cross. When we believe and confess what Scripture
00:37:17 – 00:37:22: says about all of these things, there come times when we're talking about the sacraments and we're
00:37:22 – 00:37:31: talking about Christ's union of God and man, where reason fails us. And there are not many
00:37:31 – 00:37:36: places in the faith where that's the case, but this is one of them. And I think chief among the
00:37:36 – 00:37:42: arguments that we have among denominations about the sacraments is fundamentally unbelief that God
00:37:42 – 00:37:47: can do these miraculous things that he says he can do when we're talking about the material world.
00:37:48 – 00:37:55: In John 3, a man came to Jesus by night and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you're a teacher,
00:37:55 – 00:38:00: come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him. Jesus answered him,
00:38:00 – 00:38:06: truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus
00:38:06 – 00:38:11: said to him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb
00:38:11 – 00:38:18: and be born? Jesus answered him, truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the
00:38:18 – 00:38:23: spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which
00:38:23 – 00:38:28: is born of the spirit is spirit. Do not marble that I said to you, you must be born again.
00:38:28 – 00:38:33: The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from
00:38:33 – 00:38:40: or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the spirit. So when Jesus answers Nicodemus,
00:38:40 – 00:38:47: you must be born of the water and the spirit, this is catechesis about baptism. Anytime word
00:38:47 – 00:38:53: and water are connected, the spirit and water are connected in Scripture, it's pointing to baptism.
00:38:54 – 00:38:59: It's pointing to the promise they got placed in the water when Jesus was himself baptized.
00:39:01 – 00:39:06: I think one of the chief hang-ups that a lot of Protestants have come from a misunderstanding
00:39:06 – 00:39:12: of the solace. Corey was talking a minute ago about receiving these things by faith, including
00:39:13 – 00:39:18: baptism, imparting faith, as we'll get to some of those verses, and then faith receiving that gift
00:39:18 – 00:39:26: itself. It's a case where reason kind of falls down, but it's important for us just to acknowledge
00:39:26 – 00:39:31: that when God's acting, we can't necessarily make sense of it, but we have to believe it.
00:39:32 – 00:39:39: And so when God connects water to a promise, we take it at face value. And I think that a lot of
00:39:39 – 00:39:47: the arguments against this view of baptism come down to misunderstanding the solace. Corey did
00:39:47 – 00:39:52: a video a while ago that's up on YouTube, we'll put in the show notes, specifically going into what
00:39:52 – 00:39:57: sola fide actually means. This is not what most of you think. If you actually understand the Latin
00:39:57 – 00:40:04: behind it and the arguments that were being made at that time, faith alone does not mean
00:40:05 – 00:40:11: faith and nothing else, because it's not what we find in Scripture. We find faith and other things,
00:40:12 – 00:40:18: but along with all of that, wherever you have God's word and you have his promises, you will also
00:40:18 – 00:40:23: have other things. And sometimes those are signs, sometimes they're symbols. That does happen.
00:40:24 – 00:40:33: Baptism is more than a symbol because it is doing something. When Jesus says you must be born of
00:40:33 – 00:40:39: water and the Spirit, think about your birth. We've talked in the past about the obedience
00:40:39 – 00:40:46: the Lazarus had when Jesus says Lazarus come out. How much cooperation was there in that moment?
00:40:46 – 00:40:53: We're a dead man. Here's God and obeys him from the grave, from death. It's the same thing at the
00:40:53 – 00:40:59: other end of life here. When Jesus says you must be born of water and the Spirit, talking about a
00:40:59 – 00:41:06: rebirth, it's saying you're starting from scratch. You don't have agency in your birth. We have no
00:41:06 – 00:41:11: control over the day of our birth, the hour of birth. We're along for the ride as God doing
00:41:11 – 00:41:17: something through our mothers in a miracle. It's a miracle that plays out every day, but it's no
00:41:17 – 00:41:24: less miraculous for it. When we are born of water, it is the same sort of passive birth
00:41:24 – 00:41:31: that we have in baptism. The fact that there is human participation in baptism goes back to the
00:41:31 – 00:41:37: allusion to receiving a $100 bill. If I hand you a $100 bill and you make the story about
00:41:37 – 00:41:41: all the activity that you did related to you grasping it and receiving it and taking it,
00:41:41 – 00:41:47: if it's all about you, that's not really the story. That's not a fair accounting of what
00:41:47 – 00:41:52: actually happened. When Jesus talked about you being born of water and the Spirit,
00:41:53 – 00:41:59: that is a rebirth that He's giving us. It's a rebirth that He put into the water for us to receive.
00:42:01 – 00:42:05: And there is, of course, the even more blunt statement in Mark 16.
00:42:06 – 00:42:11: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
00:42:12 – 00:42:19: And I think this is a good point to go over another point of confusion with regard to what
00:42:19 – 00:42:26: Lutherans teach. Many do not understand this, and in part it can potentially be a little bit
00:42:26 – 00:42:31: confusing. And I know that the rationalists or those who are, let's say, rationalist adjacent
00:42:31 – 00:42:35: in the audience are going to hate the way that I phrase this, but I will explain it,
00:42:35 – 00:42:40: and it won't be so bad when I'm done. And the question, of course, is baptism necessary?
00:42:41 – 00:42:48: The Lutheran answer, the best way that I can find to formulate it, is yes, but no, but yes.
00:42:49 – 00:42:55: And the reason for that is that the first answer to is baptism necessary is yes.
00:42:56 – 00:42:58: Because what does Scripture say? Well, I just read it.
00:42:58 – 00:43:01: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.
00:43:03 – 00:43:09: That makes baptism necessary. As a Christian, you must be baptized. However,
00:43:09 – 00:43:16: is it absolutely necessary to be baptized to be saved? To that we must answer no,
00:43:16 – 00:43:21: because it is, of course, conceivable that one could come to faith, believe in Christ,
00:43:22 – 00:43:28: and not have the opportunity to be baptized, because, for instance, you could be brought to faith
00:43:28 – 00:43:32: through the Word, planned to be baptized in three days and get hit by a bus.
00:43:33 – 00:43:39: Would you be saved? Yes. And so is baptism absolutely necessary? The answer must be no,
00:43:39 – 00:43:44: because there are those who could be saved in the absence of being baptized.
00:43:45 – 00:43:53: But the final but yes, is that baptism is indeed necessary, because if you neglect to be baptized,
00:43:54 – 00:44:01: if you dishonor baptism, if you consider baptism to be an unimportant thing,
00:44:01 – 00:44:07: and so neglect to be baptized, that is proof that you are not actually a Christian.
00:44:08 – 00:44:13: And so someone lives and proclaims himself to be a Christian for 40 years, but is never baptized.
00:44:14 – 00:44:19: That is very strong evidence that he was not actually a Christian, and so that is the,
00:44:19 – 00:44:25: but yes, baptism is necessary. And so that's the Lutheran position, because that's the position
00:44:25 – 00:44:32: taken from Scripture, that baptism is necessary for the Christian, but not absolutely necessary,
00:44:32 – 00:44:38: but not something that is optional or can be ignored, and so is a true sign of a true Christian.
00:44:39 – 00:44:45: And so at first it may seem like that is, when you just hear the way that it's phrased initially,
00:44:46 – 00:44:52: irrational, but it's not once it's explained, it's very clear, and it is taken directly from Scripture.
00:44:53 – 00:44:58: And of course, the most obvious example that is the thief on the cross. There was a man
00:44:58 – 00:45:03: on one side of Jesus who was mocking him, saying, you're the Son of God, take yourself down.
00:45:04 – 00:45:07: And there's a man on the other side that said, why do you mock him? We're under condemnation.
00:45:09 – 00:45:14: We're going to die, and we deserve it, but this man doesn't. And then he turned to Jesus and said,
00:45:14 – 00:45:18: Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus said, I tell you this day,
00:45:18 – 00:45:23: you will be with me in paradise. There's no reason to believe that that man was baptized.
00:45:24 – 00:45:29: There is, however, reason to believe he had faith, because he confessed his faith. He confessed
00:45:29 – 00:45:34: that Jesus was innocent. He confessed that he was going to be in his kingdom that day.
00:45:35 – 00:45:43: And his plea was simple, Lord, remember me. And he's the example that's often given to say,
00:45:43 – 00:45:48: well, baptism can't possibly count for anything, because here's a man who wasn't baptized.
00:45:50 – 00:45:56: The hypothetical, which is absolutely necessary, is what Corey just said. If that man had then,
00:45:57 – 00:46:03: if the earthquake had struck before Jesus died, and somehow they all fell down and that thief
00:46:03 – 00:46:12: had run off and not died that day, if he had despised baptism, if he had been called upon to be
00:46:12 – 00:46:17: baptized, which remember at that time, he knew about Jesus, he may not have known about John.
00:46:17 – 00:46:20: We don't know exactly what he knows. We know he witnessed some miracles.
00:46:22 – 00:46:26: When the teaching of baptism came to him, as it came to all Christians shortly thereafter,
00:46:27 – 00:46:30: had he despised and said, no, I'm good, I've got faith, I don't need baptism,
00:46:31 – 00:46:35: he would have been condemned, and Jesus would have had a different answer for him.
00:46:35 – 00:46:42: The fact that he confessed and did not have the opportunity for baptism, frankly, that's the whole
00:46:43 – 00:46:51: history of believers prior to the institution of baptism. Heaven for 4,000 years was filled
00:46:51 – 00:46:56: up with men who were not baptized. They were circumcised, which was a type of baptism,
00:46:56 – 00:47:02: but it was a different thing. There are times when God uses different things in different places,
00:47:02 – 00:47:07: and the fact that one group of people is not given something, and then the other one is at a
00:47:07 – 00:47:14: different time, doesn't mean that we get to ignore what the thing was when God gave it. We have to
00:47:14 – 00:47:20: treat it for what it was and what it is and the time in which it's given. And baptism is given to
00:47:20 – 00:47:27: us as given in the Church in Matthew 3.28, go therefore and baptize all nations. That's us,
00:47:27 – 00:47:33: we're the nations, we're not Jews, most of the audience is sons of Japheth, we're Europeans,
00:47:33 – 00:47:40: we're white guys. We're receiving the gift sent to the nations by Paul and the other apostles who
00:47:40 – 00:47:46: spread out from that time. And so we are the recipients of the very thing that God desired
00:47:46 – 00:47:52: for us, and that included foremost among it baptism. We'll get into here in a minute the
00:47:52 – 00:47:57: baptism of households, and we've talked in past episodes, particularly the one on
00:47:57 – 00:48:04: election and the one on Christian nationalism about how nations are a superset of the household.
00:48:05 – 00:48:11: And so historically, the Christian faith has been spread by prophets often going to
00:48:12 – 00:48:17: the King, going to the man in charge. This is what Jonah did in Nineveh, he went to the
00:48:17 – 00:48:21: King of Nineveh, told him to repent, said, God's going to kill you all in 40 days.
00:48:22 – 00:48:27: The King of Nineveh repented, he told his people to repent and they were saved from God's wrath.
00:48:27 – 00:48:32: By God's mercy, they received the word, they were not Jews, they were outside of all the
00:48:32 – 00:48:37: covenants that we talk about. And yet when the word came to them, they confessed they repented,
00:48:37 – 00:48:42: and they were forgiven. And that came from the top down. That was absolutely Christian
00:48:42 – 00:48:48: nationalism in Jonah. And the same thing is the history of the Christian faith in European nations,
00:48:48 – 00:48:53: not exclusively, it's not the only way that it happens. There are many listeners today, as Corey
00:48:53 – 00:49:00: said, it's weird and kind of broken that there are people who are listening to us, where in some
00:49:00 – 00:49:06: cases, this may be one of the first times that some of you are hearing about the Christian faith.
00:49:06 – 00:49:11: And that's wonderful. And that's a miracle from God that he's able to use this to reach you.
00:49:11 – 00:49:15: And one of the things that you're realizing as you come to that knowledge is that
00:49:15 – 00:49:19: your parents sinned against you, your grandparents. Like at some point,
00:49:19 – 00:49:26: your ancestors who knew about God forgot him and despised him. And so your inheritance was one
00:49:26 – 00:49:31: of damnation. This is what happened to all the nations after the flood and after Babel.
00:49:32 – 00:49:38: They scattered and most of them forgot about God. And it was only, it was as far as we can tell,
00:49:38 – 00:49:46: it was exclusively, in the end, God preserving the faith through the Jewish people that any
00:49:46 – 00:49:51: belief was preserved, because everyone else was apostatizing. Just as the Jews tried to repeatedly,
00:49:51 – 00:49:56: for hundreds of years, they were constantly trying to throw God away. God hung on to his people
00:49:56 – 00:50:02: because they're elect, they're his. He will not let them get out of his hand. And so the gift of
00:50:02 – 00:50:08: baptism, the gift of these means of grace acts in time as a particular touchstone. And
00:50:11 – 00:50:16: the belief in the knowledge of that actual activity, again, it takes it away from the realm of the
00:50:16 – 00:50:22: hypothetical and the realm of the intellectual and makes it something concrete. I have a certificate
00:50:22 – 00:50:27: from the day I was baptized. I was about three years old. I actually remember that day. I was able
00:50:27 – 00:50:32: to develop memories pretty early. I don't remember being baptized, but I can remember my dad and the
00:50:32 – 00:50:38: Narthex with my mom and the pastor, because the pastor was trying to show my dad how to hold me,
00:50:38 – 00:50:43: and he was holding me the wrong way. And I remember the pastor correcting him. That's one of my earliest
00:50:43 – 00:50:52: memories. But I do remember that day in 1980. One of the blessings of the traditional Christian
00:50:52 – 00:50:57: understanding of baptism is that I can point back to that day. That's part of the reason for giving a
00:50:57 – 00:51:02: certificate of baptism. It's not congratulations. Look at the great job you did. It's not an
00:51:02 – 00:51:09: achievement certificate. It's a commemoration of an important event in my life. And one of the very
00:51:09 – 00:51:15: interesting things, if you do any genealogy for Christians in the West, it's generally,
00:51:16 – 00:51:20: sometimes you may not even have a birthday for someone, but you may have a baptismal day instead.
00:51:21 – 00:51:28: And there's birth, baptism, wedding, and death are the four days that are traditionally preserved
00:51:28 – 00:51:33: for every Christian historically in the West. And genealogies will always have some combination
00:51:33 – 00:51:39: of those. And frequently you'll have all four. Baptism is included because Christians have
00:51:39 – 00:51:45: always known that it was important. Not as something that we do, but as something that God does for us.
00:51:45 – 00:51:50: And so when Jesus talked to Nicodemus about being born from water in the Spirit,
00:51:50 – 00:51:57: it was that baptism that's given to us. And pointing to that blessing is a comfort. I can
00:51:57 – 00:52:02: take comforter than that to know that no matter what happens to me, God made a promise when his
00:52:02 – 00:52:07: name was placed on me. The name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit was placed on me
00:52:07 – 00:52:17: in my baptism 43 years ago. That's a permanent marker in my life. Just as my name being written
00:52:17 – 00:52:22: in the Book of Life from before eternity is permanent, but I can't see that book. I can't
00:52:22 – 00:52:27: see that. That's not real to me in the sense that my baptism was. There was actual witnesses,
00:52:27 – 00:52:33: there was an actual act. I was a recipient of it and I received faith. Now, as we look at these
00:52:34 – 00:52:38: things, the reason that we're focusing on them is for that purpose. It's for comfort.
00:52:39 – 00:52:44: We're going to talk about some things that are going to, as I said earlier, they're going to
00:52:44 – 00:52:49: make some of you feel like, oh, we think you're doing something wrong. The point is not whether
00:52:49 – 00:52:55: or not we're getting stuff wrong. The point is whether we're receiving what God tells us faithfully.
00:52:55 – 00:52:59: Because if we do that, then we're receiving the full measure of what it is he wants us to have.
00:53:00 – 00:53:06: Whenever you don't believe God about anything, you're losing out. It's not principally for a
00:53:06 – 00:53:11: Christian a question of, oh, am I sinning? Oh, my damn, because I did this. Those are concerns,
00:53:11 – 00:53:17: but the chief concern is, am I missing out? We should be jealous of God's things. We should
00:53:17 – 00:53:23: want God's stuff because we know that we're adopted sons of God. As Christians who have a
00:53:23 – 00:53:28: proper sacramentology, we understand that our baptism is the certain moment of that adoption,
00:53:28 – 00:53:37: of that rebirth. I have one of my many Bibles sitting here and turning to the beginning of it,
00:53:37 – 00:53:42: it has a page, although in this Bible it's only one page, but for births, marriages,
00:53:42 – 00:53:47: baptisms, confirmations and deaths. Of course, confirmations you're not going to find in every
00:53:47 – 00:53:52: Bible because that's going to be specific to those traditions that have a confirmation right.
00:53:53 – 00:53:59: But that has historically been the standard for Christians. Those were the things that were recorded
00:53:59 – 00:54:04: and often they were recorded in the family Bible. And that is part of how genealogical research is
00:54:04 – 00:54:09: done. If you can get a hold of the old family Bible, you can get these dates and information.
00:54:09 – 00:54:13: Sometimes they're stored in the church records as well. If you can get a hold of those, if they've
00:54:13 – 00:54:21: been preserved adequately. That is properly the history of our people. That is properly the
00:54:21 – 00:54:28: history of the European peoples is Christianity and the transmission of the Christian faith
00:54:28 – 00:54:35: from father to son down through the ages. That is how it is supposed to be. And part of how that is
00:54:35 – 00:54:41: done is through baptism, it is through the baptizing of one's children. Now notably, I was not raised
00:54:41 – 00:54:50: Lutheran, so I wasn't baptized until I was eleven, but so I was a little older than Woe was.
00:54:51 – 00:54:54: But still baptized as a child. You're still a child when you're eleven.
00:54:55 – 00:55:01: And if you baptize a child at nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirty, whatever it happens to be,
00:55:01 – 00:55:08: as I've said before, it's not really that different from baptizing that same child
00:55:09 – 00:55:15: at one or two weeks old or however old it happens to be. We're not bound by the
00:55:15 – 00:55:19: stricture of the old covenant. We do not have to baptize on the eighth day.
00:55:20 – 00:55:26: It is advisable to baptize as early as possible, but it doesn't have to be on the eighth day.
00:55:27 – 00:55:31: But the reason I would say that there's not much of a functional difference is the child is still,
00:55:32 – 00:55:39: if the child has been instructed properly, the child is still going to follow what his
00:55:39 – 00:55:45: father has told him to do. And so the ten-year-old should be obeying his father no less than the one
00:55:45 – 00:55:54: week old. Yes, the ten-year-old can walk up to the baptismal font or the pool, whatever it happens to
00:55:54 – 00:56:03: be, and actually verbalize his faith in Christ. But that doesn't make for a real difference between
00:56:03 – 00:56:08: that and the infant, because as we've been saying, and as we will show with additional
00:56:08 – 00:56:14: scripture proofs, that faith that has given you in baptism is a gift from God.
00:56:16 – 00:56:20: If you have faith before you're baptized, well, that faith is still a gift from God.
00:56:20 – 00:56:26: The baptism is reinforcing your faith. It is affirming your faith. It is God coming to you again
00:56:27 – 00:56:33: to help you and guide you, to strengthen you in the faith, to lead you on the path of regeneration
00:56:33 – 00:56:38: sanctification. Yes, you're regenerated when you are given the gift of faith, but sanctification is
00:56:38 – 00:56:43: a lifelong process, depending on how you define the term regeneration anyway.
00:56:45 – 00:56:50: And just to be extremely clear, Woe said God's people, when we say God's people, I don't want
00:56:50 – 00:56:55: anyone in the audience who may be listening to this as the first episode, to come away thinking
00:56:55 – 00:57:01: the wrong thing. When we say God's people, we mean the true Israel, the church, we mean believers,
00:57:01 – 00:57:09: we mean you, those who have faith from Adam is the first believer to whatever unfortunate man
00:57:09 – 00:57:13: is the last one on this earth who has faith, fortunate because he has faith, unfortunate
00:57:13 – 00:57:20: because he's lived through whatever came directly before that. Those are God's people.
00:57:20 – 00:57:28: God's people are the elect. We do not mean the ethnic Jewish people. There are ethnic Jews
00:57:28 – 00:57:35: who are among the elect, who are Christians, very few these days, more historically,
00:57:37 – 00:57:42: but the elect are God's people. That is all that term means. These terms are interchangeable.
00:57:42 – 00:57:47: We did an episode on this, I'll put it in the show notes for those who did not listen to that yet,
00:57:47 – 00:57:54: so they can go back or if you need a refresher. A couple other passages I want to read that talk
00:57:54 – 00:57:59: about what baptism actually does in God's words. From Ephesians 5,
00:57:59 – 00:58:28: So here we're talking about Jesus washing his bride,
00:58:28 – 00:58:33: the church, that's all of us, that's all believers, that's the elect, washing with water and the word,
00:58:34 – 00:58:41: mirrored again from Matthew 28 talking about baptism and teaching, that's the water and the word.
00:58:41 – 00:58:47: So not only do we have water here talking about washing to present the church, to present you
00:58:47 – 00:58:55: as without spot or wrinkle or as blameless, but Jesus is doing the washing. I think that's
00:58:55 – 00:59:00: crucial for us when we're discussing baptism, because this is one of the chief points of dispute
00:59:00 – 00:59:10: among some Protestants. Who's doing the baptism? Because if it's me doing it, say that Cory had
00:59:10 – 00:59:14: more baptized until he was an adult, and I met him, we were friends, and for whatever reason,
00:59:14 – 00:59:18: I felt it was appropriate for me to baptize him. Generally, that's disorderly. Generally,
00:59:18 – 00:59:23: it's best if a pastor does it, but there are circumstances where it may be appropriate for
00:59:23 – 00:59:27: one Christian to baptize another, that's legitimate. It's a question of order, it's not a question of
00:59:27 – 00:59:37: legitimacy. If Cory had come to me and I had baptized him in view of Ephesians 5, would you
00:59:37 – 00:59:45: conclude that I had washed away his sins, or that he had somehow cleansed himself? Who's doing the
00:59:45 – 00:59:51: cleansing and the baptism? It can only possibly be God. So as I said, there's going to be the video
59:51 – 01:00:01
that we'll link to explaining the solas. When we talk about faith alone, one of the simplistic
01:00:01 – 01:00:06: and completely incorrect arguments against this view of baptism is, well, that's works,
01:00:06 – 01:00:13: you're talking about doing works. If you believe Ephesians 5, how can you possibly say that that's
01:00:13 – 01:00:19: works? When Jesus talks about cleansing us, cleansing the church with a washing of water
01:00:19 – 01:00:27: and the word, where is the us in that except as the cleansed, except as the recipient of the grace,
01:00:27 – 01:00:33: the recipient of the washing of the baptism? And it is the same thing. Everywhere that you find
01:00:33 – 01:00:39: washing and water, it is about baptism. And one of the things that happens when these discussions
01:00:39 – 01:00:45: occur interdenominationally is that all these passages that very clearly describe what baptism
01:00:45 – 01:00:49: is doing, folks have to ignore them and say, well, it's got nothing to do with baptism because it
01:00:49 – 01:00:57: can't possibly mean that if you stick to a works righteousness view of these actions. And the point
01:00:57 – 01:01:03: is that this is not works righteousness because they're not our works. They're God's works. The
01:01:03 – 01:01:09: story is not you reaching out and taking the $100 bill. The story is the $100 bill being handed
01:01:09 – 01:01:16: to you. You're receiving a gift. And to whatever extent you are physically participating, it's
01:01:16 – 01:01:22: passive. It's incidental. It's necessary to the reception. But you are the receiver of the gift.
01:01:22 – 01:01:27: You're not the one doing it. The same is the case in Titus 3. But when the goodness and loving
01:01:27 – 01:01:33: kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us not because of works done by us and righteousness,
01:01:33 – 01:01:40: but according to his own mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
01:01:40 – 01:01:45: whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior. So the being justified by
01:01:45 – 01:01:51: his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. The sayings trustworthy
01:01:51 – 01:01:58: and I want you all to insist on these things. The washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy
01:01:58 – 01:02:03: Spirit is exactly the same kind of speeches in Ephesians 5. Washing of water with the Word.
01:02:03 – 01:02:09: The Word and the Spirit come together through the water. The Word is always paramount. The Word is
01:02:09 – 01:02:15: always spoken at all of these moments. Even if it's only the Word, the Word is efficacious on its own
01:02:15 – 01:02:20: every Christian knows that. There's no disagreement that the Word is not efficacious on its own.
01:02:21 – 01:02:27: The Word when combined with these physical elements and sacraments is equally efficacious.
01:02:27 – 01:02:34: The additional benefit of the physical means in the means of grace is not that there's
01:02:34 – 01:02:41: extra stuff in baptism, but that there's physical certainty that perhaps Satan can deprive you if
01:02:41 – 01:02:48: it's only mental. So if you come to faith by hearing as an adult and then you desire baptism,
01:02:48 – 01:02:54: as is often the case in Scripture, there are many who came to be believers and then they were baptized.
01:02:54 – 01:02:59: They received the gift of faith and they were baptized and there's some who point to this and
01:02:59 – 01:03:06: say well see clearly baptism is a sign of faith that's already received. God gives us the baptism
01:03:06 – 01:03:11: because Satan can come along later and attack your belief, can attack your confidence in your own
01:03:11 – 01:03:18: belief, and so what the sacraments do, what baptism does, that one moment in time, you know, maybe
01:03:18 – 01:03:27: you got a certificate, you have witnesses to it. When you are baptized, past tense, past
01:03:27 – 01:03:34: perfect progressive, it's an ongoing permanent state of affairs. I am baptized, not I was baptized.
01:03:34 – 01:03:42: It is who I am now. I am baptized into Christ. Even if I had faith before I was baptized, and I
01:03:42 – 01:03:46: may well have, my parents were probably reading the Bible to me when I was, you know, two or three,
01:03:46 – 01:03:50: and then they had me baptized, but it was pretty much all happening at the same time. There are
01:03:50 – 01:03:53: many of you where maybe you hear the word, you come to faith and then you're baptized.
01:03:55 – 01:03:59: God gives us the super abundance of his grace precisely because
01:03:59 – 01:04:07: 10 years from now, you suffer some calamity, you suffer a crisis of faith, and you are doubting
01:04:07 – 01:04:14: if you ever believed in God. If your faith is rooted in, yeah, I believed in God really hard,
01:04:14 – 01:04:18: and I got baptized because of what I believed, and I was doing all this stuff, and you know,
01:04:18 – 01:04:24: God was there, but I was a doer, I was a prime mover. Satan can use that attitude,
01:04:24 – 01:04:29: even if in a narrow sense it's true. Ultimately, if you understand faith, you understand that you're
01:04:29 – 01:04:35: not doing anything because you were dead in your trespasses, you were reborn in faith. That is
01:04:35 – 01:04:40: the gift of God that he gives to us. Even if it's narrowly true that you believed and then you were
01:04:40 – 01:04:46: baptized and then you went on, Satan knows that that gap of time between when you were a believer
01:04:46 – 01:04:51: and when you were baptized, if you throw the baptism out and say that I did the baptism to,
01:04:51 – 01:04:55: I did the believing, and I got the believer's baptism because I was believing, and I was really
01:04:55 – 01:05:00: doing a really good job with my faith. That was me doing stuff, me, me, me.
01:05:01 – 01:05:05: Satan could come along and say, cast doubt on that and say, well, did you really believe,
01:05:05 – 01:05:08: and didn't you have doubts? Wasn't there something about that that didn't add up, or
01:05:08 – 01:05:13: maybe you were a hypocrite when you were doing it. Maybe you were a believer, but you were still
01:05:13 – 01:05:17: committing these other sins and you ignored it, and later on when those hit you like a ton of
01:05:17 – 01:05:23: bricks, you look back and you think, well, did I ever really believe? And some people
01:05:23 – 01:05:28: reach that crisis of faith and Satan gets ahold of some of them and tears them away from God
01:05:28 – 01:05:37: completely. Baptism, when it is received by a believer, is still a stopgap because baptism is
01:05:37 – 01:05:45: an anchor of God's promise in your life, saying it doesn't matter what happened before. It doesn't
01:05:45 – 01:05:49: matter if you were a believer before you were baptized because whatever happened before that day,
01:05:50 – 01:05:55: when God's word was given to you with the promise in the water,
01:05:57 – 01:06:03: that is a moment that is God acting to you. God is pouring out his blessings on you,
01:06:03 – 01:06:09: he is washing and cleansing you by the water with the word. If your confidence is in that,
01:06:09 – 01:06:14: then you will be confident that no matter what else, you can believe all of Satan's lies
01:06:14 – 01:06:20: about you. You can believe his lies about how evil you are and how much wrath you deserve.
01:06:20 – 01:06:26: It may be true, but the lie is that you then don't deserve God's mercy, that he hasn't given you his
01:06:26 – 01:06:31: mercy. If you subscribe to everything that Satan says about you and about your past,
01:06:32 – 01:06:37: but you have the anchor of your baptism and the certainty in God's promise in that moment,
01:06:37 – 01:06:41: you cannot be snatched from God's hand because when you look at that and you say, yes,
01:06:41 – 01:06:49: God gives this to me, he did this for me, that, as I said, it's a stop gap. It's like a fire break
01:06:49 – 01:06:54: and you're fighting a forest fire. Sometimes you set a backfire, so you have to burn everything
01:06:54 – 01:07:00: out so there's nothing combustible for the fire to jump across. This is a break, it's a stop gap
01:07:00 – 01:07:07: that ensures that whatever goes wrong in your life, it can't go beyond the promise of baptism.
01:07:08 – 01:07:12: That's the reason that the sacraments matter. That's the reason that God acting in time matters.
01:07:13 – 01:07:19: I've talked to a number of people in the last few months who have heard the show and some of them
01:07:19 – 01:07:25: have not been away from the church for a long time. I always ask each of them, were you baptized?
01:07:25 – 01:07:31: It's not judgmental, I'm just curious. If someone says, yes, I was baptized a long time ago and I've
01:07:31 – 01:07:36: wandered away. I quit believing, I've been an atheist, I quit caring, I'll get the state of
01:07:36 – 01:07:42: the church, I don't want any part of this. I can always point any of those people to
01:07:42 – 01:07:48: God's promise and their baptism, that God put His name on them and see the blessing of the gift
01:07:48 – 01:07:56: of a sacrament is it by taking us out of the equation, by eliminating works, by eliminating our
01:07:58 – 01:08:03: needing to get things right, by us needing to have the right faith and the right beliefs,
01:08:03 – 01:08:09: when we cling to God's promises, you can hang on to that even after a lifetime of depravity.
01:08:09 – 01:08:15: You can do terrible things. If you are coming back around by a miracle of the Holy Spirit,
01:08:15 – 01:08:19: when someone comes to me, I'll tell them, I believe that that's God through the Holy
01:08:19 – 01:08:23: Spirit given to you in baptism, calling you back to the church, calling you back to the faith
01:08:24 – 01:08:30: in these final days. Whether it's five years or a century or a thousand years, I don't know,
01:08:30 – 01:08:34: but it certainly feels like the end and we should always have that sense that
01:08:34 – 01:08:39: I don't have much time left, I can't put this off because at some point you're going to be
01:08:41 – 01:08:44: you're going to be like the thief on the cross, you're going to be facing your final moments
01:08:45 – 01:08:51: and if you can say confidently, Lord, remember me and your kingdom in view of your baptism
01:08:51 – 01:08:58: and God's promises there, you have confident faith because you're not hinging it on how well you did
01:08:58 – 01:09:03: or how much you knew, you're hinging it on, I believe in God's promises, I believe God.
01:09:04 – 01:09:09: Not because of any strength or merit in me, but God is God, I know that and I trust that
01:09:09 – 01:09:14: despite the fact that I deserve the worst, God desires for me the best and he gave it to me on
01:09:14 – 01:09:20: the cross and he gave it to me in baptism and knowing that you receive that past tense in a
01:09:20 – 01:09:25: moment in time in a date that can be written on a certificate or in a Bible, there may come a time
01:09:25 – 01:09:30: in your life, maybe you never care, for me I've never particularly had to worry about it because
01:09:30 – 01:09:35: God has bolstered my faith in other ways, but I always know, you know, all the other bolstering,
01:09:35 – 01:09:39: all the other stuff, it's like, oh wow, I have really strong faith, I don't need that stuff, no.
01:09:40 – 01:09:46: My baptism underpins all of the other confidence that I have, I know that that's a foundation,
01:09:46 – 01:09:52: it's not me, it's not my parents, it's not the water, it's God's promise in the water with the word,
01:09:52 – 01:09:59: when those are together, we can be certain and having that is a gift that's worth more than
01:09:59 – 01:10:05: anything in this life and so the reason for discussing these things and for calling some of
01:10:05 – 01:10:11: you out for what your churches have taught is that teachings that are contrary to this
01:10:11 – 01:10:17: deprive you in some cases of that stopgap, they deprive you of the certainty that someone who
01:10:17 – 01:10:21: believes not in myself, I don't believe that I did anything or that I deserved anything good,
01:10:22 – 01:10:28: but I believe that I was baptized, I know that, that's a certainty and that is a permanent state
01:10:28 – 01:10:34: for me because I do not reject it and every day that I am baptized and I cling to it is another
01:10:34 – 01:10:40: day that I remain a Christian as a gift from God and when we have that confidence in His promises
01:10:40 – 01:10:44: through the sacraments, all the other things that we talk about on the show, we talk about,
01:10:44 – 01:10:48: you know, just belief in the face of terrible hatred and awful things happening,
01:10:49 – 01:10:53: we can be unflappable in our faith, we can be cheerful spiritual warriors,
01:10:53 – 01:10:57: because what can happen? I'm baptized, what are these people going to do to me when God
01:10:57 – 01:11:03: placed his name on me? I don't worry about anything when I trust in God, that's a gift
01:11:03 – 01:11:08: and it's one that can only possibly come from a belief in the promises God has given in time to us
01:11:08 – 01:11:14: physically. In a very real sense, the division here, when it comes to
01:11:16 – 01:11:21: how different Christian traditions view the sacraments, and in this episode specifically
01:11:21 – 01:11:29: baptism, is whether the sacraments are viewed as law or gospel, whether they are viewed as
01:11:29 – 01:11:36: a command from God, something that we must do in order to be saved, which notably,
01:11:37 – 01:11:41: that would be work's righteousness, because that would be a requirement placed on us,
01:11:41 – 01:11:48: a work that we must do in order to achieve salvation, or in order to retain salvation,
01:11:48 – 01:11:52: however you want to look at that, versus the sacraments as gospel.
01:11:54 – 01:12:01: The Lutheran view is that the sacraments are gospel. The sacraments are God coming to us
01:12:01 – 01:12:08: to offer his gifts to us. All of the actual active part of this
01:12:09 – 01:12:16: is on God's side. We receive the gifts, we benefit, God is the one giving us the gifts,
01:12:16 – 01:12:23: God is the one doing the work, which notably, Christianity is a work's righteousness religion.
01:12:24 – 01:12:30: The distinction between Christianity and other religions that tell you that you
01:12:30 – 01:12:35: must do these works to be righteous, is that the works are already done, and they were done by
01:12:35 – 01:12:43: Christ. It is his works that make us righteous, and so yes, it's work's righteousness, but it
01:12:43 – 01:12:50: is not your works. Your works will not avail you. And so, baptism and the Lord's supper are
01:12:50 – 01:12:56: beneficial, they work forgiveness of sins, they salve the wounded or the worried conscious
01:12:56 – 01:13:01: because they are from God. And that is a major point.
01:13:02 – 01:13:09: If your theology, if what your church teaches, causes you to doubt when it comes to the sacraments,
01:13:11 – 01:13:16: there's a very real problem, because these are gifts from God meant to soothe the conscience,
01:13:16 – 01:13:23: not to cause you distress or worry or doubt. These are meant to strengthen your faith. That is
01:13:23 – 01:13:30: properly what the sacraments are. That is the distinction there. And so, if the sacraments
01:13:30 – 01:13:37: are being preached to you as law, that's not what they are. And this is something that we have
01:13:37 – 01:13:43: mentioned previously, I've mentioned in a few places. This is a distinction between,
01:13:45 – 01:13:51: fundamentally, between Lutherans and other traditions, is the view of what the divine
01:13:51 – 01:13:58: service actually is. And the sacraments are a big part of this. Because we view the divine service
01:13:58 – 01:14:07: first and foremost as God bringing his gifts to us. This simply follows, of course, from scripture.
01:14:08 – 01:14:13: What does scripture say about why we love him? Well, we love him because he first loved us.
01:14:14 – 01:14:20: In the divine service, we return thanks to him because he first brings his gifts to us.
01:14:21 – 01:14:27: We are not going to church. We are not going to the divine service first and foremost
01:14:27 – 01:14:33: to offer our sacrifice of thanks and praise to God. We do that, but we do that in response to
01:14:33 – 01:14:40: his bringing gifts to us. That is the Lutheran view, and we believe that is what is consonant
01:14:40 – 01:14:46: with what scripture teaches. God brings good things to us. We give thanks for those good things.
01:14:47 – 01:14:54: God loved us first, so we can love him in return. And that comforts the troubled conscience.
01:14:54 – 01:14:59: There is no comfort if you believe that it is works righteousness, if you believe that you
01:14:59 – 01:15:05: have to do X, Y, and Z in order to be good enough for salvation, because that ultimately leads to
01:15:05 – 01:15:11: despair. Because you will never be good enough. Because you are still fallen and sinful.
01:15:11 – 01:15:17: It is comforting to know that you do not have to do all of these things. Yes,
01:15:17 – 01:15:22: there will be good works in your life, as we continually say. We are not denying the Christian
01:15:22 – 01:15:28: will. The Christian must have good works. What we are saying is that just like in the last episode,
01:15:28 – 01:15:35: you're forgiven because Christ already completed the work. The work is done. And so your good works
01:15:35 – 01:15:42: are meritorious, even if imperfect, because of the perfect work of Christ. You are able to return
01:15:42 – 01:15:48: to God thanksgiving and praise, because he has first brought his gifts to you. When you were a
01:15:48 – 01:15:55: child in baptism, or if you converted as an adult, as an adult in baptism, every time you go to the
01:15:55 – 01:16:01: Lord's table and receive his gifts there, every time you hear the absolution, every time you read
01:16:01 – 01:16:07: his word, that is God bringing his gifts to you, because he is super abundant in how he brings
01:16:07 – 01:16:14: his gifts and his grace to you. God is not a stingy father. God's gifts are overflowing.
01:16:15 – 01:16:21: He gives them to us in many different ways to keep us strong and steadfast in the faith.
01:16:23 – 01:16:28: And Woe just read from Ephesians 5, and this should bring to mind Ephesians 4 as well.
01:16:29 – 01:16:34: There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your
01:16:34 – 01:16:41: call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is overall and through
01:16:41 – 01:16:47: all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.
01:16:48 – 01:16:54: And I hope that when you read that, you think of the Nicene Creed, because that is just part of
01:16:54 – 01:17:01: the Nicene Creed right there from Ephesians 4. I will recite the last part of the Nicene Creed,
01:17:01 – 01:17:07: part 3. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the
01:17:07 – 01:17:12: Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified,
01:17:12 – 01:17:18: who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy Christian, an apostolic church. I acknowledge
01:17:19 – 01:17:23: one baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
01:17:23 – 01:17:26: and the life of the world to come. Amen.
01:17:29 – 01:17:33: The one baptism point, which is here both in the Creed,
01:17:34 – 01:17:38: and in Ephesians 4, and elsewhere in Scripture as well, is very important,
01:17:39 – 01:17:45: and this is to respond to an objection that is sometimes raised. There are those who will try
01:17:45 – 01:17:50: to divide baptism into two separate things. They will try to say there's a water baptism
01:17:50 – 01:17:56: and there's a spirit baptism. Scripture doesn't do that. The creeds don't do that. The Church has
01:17:56 – 01:18:00: never done that. The Fathers of the Church don't write about that. This is not something
01:18:00 – 01:18:05: that is part of Christianity. This is an enthusiastic position in the technical,
01:18:05 – 01:18:10: philosophical, or theological sense. It is something that is not part of Christianity.
01:18:11 – 01:18:17: Ephesians is very clear here. Scripture is very clear. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
01:18:19 – 01:18:24: So if someone comes to you and says, well, water baptism, whatever is going to come after that
01:18:24 – 01:18:31: is most likely going to be blasphemous, because there's one baptism. That is the teaching of
01:18:31 – 01:18:36: Scripture. There's no division between supposive water baptism and spirit baptism.
01:18:36 – 01:18:41: As was mentioned earlier, when I was going over why do we have baptism? Why do we have this physical
01:18:41 – 01:18:47: thing? There is the water which the body can comprehend. There is the word which the mind
01:18:47 – 01:18:53: can comprehend, because you are both body and spirit. And so God brings both together in the
01:18:53 – 01:19:00: sacrament to bring them to you. So it is one baptism. Yes, it has water. Yes, the spirit,
01:19:00 – 01:19:04: yes, the spirit, capital S is involved, but it is one baptism.
01:19:05 – 01:19:12: In this constant reminder of our baptism is often a part of the architecture of many Lutheran
01:19:12 – 01:19:19: churches. There's no set way for a church to look, so it's not universal. But very frequently,
01:19:19 – 01:19:24: especially in older Lutheran churches, you will find that the baptismal font is in the way.
01:19:25 – 01:19:29: You know, there are pews on either side. There's the altar at the front. There are the doors in
01:19:29 – 01:19:35: the back from the narthex. And frequently, the baptismal font will be in the aisle. Sometimes
01:19:35 – 01:19:39: it's right in the middle in the back. Sometimes it's right in the middle in the center. They actually,
01:19:39 – 01:19:44: you know, cut the pews out in the center, so there's the baptismal font right in the middle of the
01:19:44 – 01:19:49: church. Sometimes it's right up front in front of the altar. And sometimes it's off to one side of
01:19:49 – 01:19:57: the front or the rear. But it's always prominently featured, even though it's rarely used. And the
01:19:57 – 01:20:03: reason that we will position the fonts in such a way is, again, as a reminder of your one baptism,
01:20:04 – 01:20:09: to remind you that on the day you were baptized, you were washed and cleansed and brought into
01:20:09 – 01:20:16: this family. Even if you had faith before, you see, it's the superabundance of God's gifts
01:20:17 – 01:20:21: is always something to be celebrated. And we're always thankful for the gift of faith that we
01:20:21 – 01:20:28: receive, however we receive it. Maybe we received it from a missionary at church camp or something.
01:20:28 – 01:20:32: That was the first time you heard, and then later on, your baptize. Maybe your baptism was
01:20:32 – 01:20:39: your introduction into God's family as an infant, as a child. Maybe that was the very beginning.
01:20:39 – 01:20:44: Whatever it was, the baptism is that touchstone. It's saying, yes, this moment. There may have
01:20:44 – 01:20:49: been other moments before. They don't diminish this moment, just as this moment of baptism
01:20:49 – 01:20:56: doesn't diminish the others. I think one thing that does actually diminish our baptism is then
01:20:57 – 01:21:01: to think, well, maybe it didn't count. Maybe I got to do it again. Because then you're turning
01:21:01 – 01:21:06: into something that you're doing. And when you insert yourself into the equation as the doer,
01:21:08 – 01:21:15: what's left for God? If it's an outward sign of what you believe, you're robbing God of a glory
01:21:15 – 01:21:22: that He promises He has in Scripture. In Acts 22, Paul actually talks about this in his own conversion
01:21:22 – 01:21:29: experience. And one Ann and I, as a devout man, according to the law, well spoken by of all the
01:21:29 – 01:21:35: Jews who lived there, came to me and standing by me, said to me, Brother Saul, receive your sight.
01:21:35 – 01:21:39: And at that hour, I received my sight and saw him. And he said, the God of our fathers appointed
01:21:39 – 01:21:44: you to know his will, to see the righteous wanted to hear a voice from his mouth. For you will be a
01:21:44 – 01:21:51: witness to him, to everyone of what you have seen and heard. And now, why do you wait? Rise and be
01:21:51 – 01:21:58: baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name. Now here's Paul, describing Ann and I as
01:21:58 – 01:22:05: telling him, rise and be baptized and wash away your sins. And baptize and wash away your sins
01:22:05 – 01:22:13: is not two separate things. It's baptized to wash away your sins. It's one joint act. The baptism
01:22:13 – 01:22:18: is the washing of sins. And Ann and I is telling Paul to do this. He's saying, Paul, wash away your
01:22:18 – 01:22:25: sins. Well, can Paul do that? Does Paul have the power to wash away his sins? No, only God can
01:22:25 – 01:22:32: wash away sins. And yet Christians are free to phrase this thing in this way, because God's the
01:22:32 – 01:22:37: doer. We are the proximate actors for these things. When we're talking about sacraments,
01:22:37 – 01:22:45: whether it's baptism or the Eucharist, there's a man doing something in physical space and time
01:22:45 – 01:22:48: with a physical element, whether it's the bread of the wine or the water in baptism.
01:22:49 – 01:22:55: Someone's doing something. And when we believe scripture, we believe that that act of the man
01:22:56 – 01:23:02: is not any sort of act unto itself. It's obedience only in the sense that it is performing
01:23:02 – 01:23:09: that which God has ordained. This is God's thing. When Ann and I told Saul, rise and be baptized
01:23:09 – 01:23:16: and wash away your sins, he was describing God's action, God's action in baptism to wash away sins.
01:23:16 – 01:23:22: And so we have confidence that God does that in baptism because he says he does. And again,
01:23:22 – 01:23:29: the only way to have a view of baptism that makes it strictly us doing something and God
01:23:29 – 01:23:34: just kind of watching and maybe applauding like, oh, good job. Well done performing that ordinance.
01:23:36 – 01:23:42: If you do that, you eliminate all the forgiveness of sins that God promises he has there.
01:23:42 – 01:23:46: If it's just me doing something, if it's just me washing away my sins and baptism,
01:23:47 – 01:23:54: I'm toast. Am I going to make it? I can't wash crap. I can't do anything by myself. I'm dead in
01:23:54 – 01:24:00: my sins and trespasses. It is only God acting through the water and the word that makes anything
01:24:00 – 01:24:07: possible that has any spiritual significance. And it is spiritually significant. Washing away your
01:24:07 – 01:24:12: sins, that's everything. That is the Christian life. That is the gospel in a nutshell. To have
01:24:12 – 01:24:22: your sins washed away is the promise of the cross. We got to believe that. It's central. It is the
01:24:22 – 01:24:28: foundation of the Christian faith. And so it's tragic to me that for centuries there have been
01:24:28 – 01:24:37: disagreements among various church bodies because I'm sympathetic to some of the Roman Catholic
01:24:37 – 01:24:44: claims that the Reformation was a disaster because they're not entirely wrong. When we realized
01:24:44 – 01:24:51: that the Pope was lying, that the Pope was doing bad things, one of the reactions to that
01:24:51 – 01:24:57: realization was to say, let's burn it all down. The Pope lied about something. Let's assume he
01:24:57 – 01:25:01: lied about everything. Everything he ever told us to do, we're going to do the opposite. We're not
01:25:01 – 01:25:06: going to do that anymore. Which was foolish and it was evil because it was never the Pope saying
01:25:06 – 01:25:11: to do this stuff in the first place. That's a denial of the history of the Christian church.
01:25:11 – 01:25:16: The Christian church didn't start with any popes. The Christian church started at Pentecost. There's
01:25:16 – 01:25:21: no Pope there. If you want to have a Pope, if you want to have the Pontiff of Rome, it was James.
01:25:22 – 01:25:29: The brother of Jesus, biological brother, the son of Mary James, was the first Bishop of Rome.
01:25:29 – 01:25:34: So the notion that came about in the Reformation that, well, those guys got something wrong.
01:25:34 – 01:25:40: Let's get rid of everything was tremendously disastrous because what we're describing of
01:25:41 – 01:25:47: view of baptism is very much what Rome believed for the most part. The one specific distinction
01:25:47 – 01:25:51: that I think is crucial, not so much for this argument, but for other discussions, is that
01:25:52 – 01:25:58: the Roman Catholics believe that when you are baptized, that it also washes away your original
01:25:58 – 01:26:05: sin, your concupiscence, meaning that you are now free to either sin or not sin, that it's possible
01:26:05 – 01:26:11: for you to live a sinless life after your baptism, which is the opposite of what Paul says.
01:26:11 – 01:26:15: He says that he struggles against his own flesh and does the very things that he wishes he couldn't
01:26:15 – 01:26:21: do. He clearly still has original sin. Scripture's clear about that. So it's one specific distinction,
01:26:21 – 01:26:27: and both Rome and the East will say that baptism washes away original sin. That has other errors
01:26:27 – 01:26:31: downstream, but they're not really what we're talking about today. But the rest of what they
01:26:31 – 01:26:36: believe is basically what we're saying because it was the historic view of the church, including
01:26:36 – 01:26:40: infant baptism. You can go back to the very earliest church fathers and the very earliest
01:26:40 – 01:26:47: archaeological evidence of the church, and infants were baptized. There was never any
01:26:47 – 01:26:53: out notion that you had to be of a certain age to have a certain agreement, to have faith before
01:26:53 – 01:26:59: you could receive this outward sign of an inward turning. That was not the Christian view for
01:26:59 – 01:27:05: over a thousand years. There were some that thought that, but it was not what the church
01:27:05 – 01:27:11: predominantly held, which is why Rome ended up on the same side as Lutherans, because they just went
01:27:11 – 01:27:15: along with the majority because it was correct. Majority is not an argument or something being
01:27:15 – 01:27:21: right. We're Lutherans. We're happy to say a bunch of people got a bunch of stuff wrong.
01:27:21 – 01:27:26: The question is always, what does Scripture say? So you don't appeal to the church fathers. You don't
01:27:26 – 01:27:33: appeal to popes or swamis. You appeal to what Scripture says, which is why this episode is a
01:27:33 – 01:27:37: Bible study. When you look at what all these things say, they say that there's a washing of
01:27:37 – 01:27:45: regeneration. They say that sins are washed away in baptism, so we believe it. We also believe
01:27:45 – 01:27:51: that we cannot save ourselves. That faith alone is true. We know that we're receiving faith in
01:27:51 – 01:27:59: baptism, and that is the saving grace of baptism. The reception of faith is the reception of salvation,
01:27:59 – 01:28:05: which is what God promises. It all adds up when you just believe God and you don't make it too
01:28:05 – 01:28:10: complicated. If you try to start saying, well, it looks like I'm doing something, well, are you?
01:28:12 – 01:28:16: This is the argument that comes up with James and those who say that we can save ourselves.
01:28:16 – 01:28:21: The epistle of James is a lot of stuff about the law, a lot of stuff about, here's what the
01:28:21 – 01:28:27: Christian life looks like. That's not an epistle that's addressed to unbelievers. That does not
01:28:27 – 01:28:33: belong to unbelievers. It belongs to those who have the Holy Spirit saying, okay, the Holy Spirit
01:28:33 – 01:28:39: dwells within you. Here's what the Christian life looks like. When you have God, you do this.
01:28:39 – 01:28:44: When you don't have God, you do the other thing, just as when you have life, your heart beats.
01:28:45 – 01:28:51: You breathe. You don't have a choice. You can momentarily stop your breathing, but you can't
01:28:51 – 01:28:55: control your heart. You can't control your breathing for very long because you would die.
01:28:56 – 01:29:03: These are functions of life. Good works are a function of the Christian life. It's not an
01:29:03 – 01:29:10: activity that we willingly engage in. It's an activity that is a sign that the life is present.
01:29:10 – 01:29:15: That's a distinction. And when you try to take credit for stuff, it's like taking credit for
01:29:15 – 01:29:19: your heartbeat. That doesn't even make any sense. The same is true of our good works.
01:29:20 – 01:29:23: When a Christian has good works, they're not for us to take credit for.
01:29:24 – 01:29:29: They're the heartbeat of the Christian life, and they're gifts that God gives us to give to others.
01:29:31 – 01:29:35: Undoubtedly, when many of you started listening to this episode,
01:29:35 – 01:29:40: a particular verse came to mind, and it should. It should come to mind.
01:29:40 – 01:29:47: A verse from 1 Peter. I'll actually read the surrounding verses as well, not just the verse
01:29:47 – 01:29:54: itself. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous,
01:29:54 – 01:29:58: that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,
01:29:59 – 01:30:04: in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey,
01:30:04 – 01:30:09: when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared,
01:30:09 – 01:30:13: in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.
01:30:14 – 01:30:19: Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body,
01:30:19 – 01:30:25: but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
01:30:25 – 01:30:29: who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels,
01:30:29 – 01:30:32: authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.
01:30:34 – 01:30:38: Now, there are a few reasons that I wanted to read the additional context,
01:30:38 – 01:30:42: not to dwell on the descent into hell, that's for another day, another episode,
01:30:43 – 01:30:51: but we have in 1 Peter 321 a reference to this, and which corresponds to this,
01:30:51 – 01:30:56: but we have to know what that this is, and that this is in the previous verse,
01:30:57 – 01:31:03: that is, the ark, that is, Noah and his family being preserved in the ark,
01:31:04 – 01:31:09: and what we have here is typology. Now, there's typology all throughout scripture,
01:31:10 – 01:31:16: typology is one of the favorite devices God uses when teaching through scripture,
01:31:17 – 01:31:24: we have types of Christ, we have types of regeneration, we have types of justification,
01:31:24 – 01:31:29: we have the comparison of marriage to the relationship of Christ to the church,
01:31:29 – 01:31:35: there is typology all throughout scripture, and that is what we have here in 1 Peter 321.
01:31:37 – 01:31:44: Baptism is the anti-type, and the verse is very clear, baptism now saves you,
01:31:45 – 01:31:48: and so if someone comes up to you and tells you, baptism does not save you,
01:31:49 – 01:31:54: there's a very real problem, because what he's just told you is directly contrary to the
01:31:54 – 01:32:00: literal word for word statement from 1 Peter, baptism now saves you,
01:32:02 – 01:32:05: and some of you may be thinking, well, there's a clause in the middle there,
01:32:05 – 01:32:09: when you translate something, you can move around dependent clauses, that's fine,
01:32:10 – 01:32:18: but here the dependent clause just emphasizes the point, because it says baptism, which
01:32:18 – 01:32:24: corresponds to this, and as I've already said, the this here, this is anti-type,
01:32:25 – 01:32:28: baptism is the anti-type, and corresponds to the type.
01:32:30 – 01:32:33: Well, let's look at the nature of a type and an anti-type.
01:32:35 – 01:32:38: What is the relationship of a type to an anti-type?
01:32:39 – 01:32:47: A type, presages, prefigures, comes before points to, it is in a way related to the anti-type,
01:32:47 – 01:32:55: but it is necessarily inferior to the anti-type, state another way, the anti-type is the fulfillment,
01:32:55 – 01:33:00: the perfection, or the completion of the type, or of the types, usually there's more than one.
01:33:01 – 01:33:11: Here, we have the type as Noah and his family being saved by the ark from the flood.
01:33:11 – 01:33:17: We have water, of course, which is typological here, the water of the flood,
01:33:17 – 01:33:20: which did indeed save Noah and his family from the wicked world,
01:33:20 – 01:33:25: the waters of baptism being the anti-type of that, but from what was Noah saved?
01:33:27 – 01:33:33: Noah and his family were saved from temporal death, yes, they were also saved
01:33:33 – 01:33:39: from the sinful wicked world, but primarily here by the ark, they were saved from temporal death.
01:33:41 – 01:33:48: Well that's the type, and again, the anti-type must be greater, and so if baptism is the anti-type,
01:33:48 – 01:33:53: what is the only thing that is greater than temporal death? Well, that's eternal death,
01:33:53 – 01:33:59: that is the only thing that is greater than temporal death. And so baptism being the anti-type
01:33:59 – 01:34:05: must save you from something that is greater than temporal death, and so it saves you from
01:34:05 – 01:34:10: eternal death. Well how are you saved from eternal death? This is important, you must know this as
01:34:10 – 01:34:18: a Christian, you are saved from eternal death by faith because it is faith that receives salvation,
01:34:18 – 01:34:27: it is faith that regenerates. And so baptism gives you faith. That's all this verse means,
01:34:27 – 01:34:32: because if baptism saves you, and it saves you from something greater than temporal death,
01:34:32 – 01:34:38: it must save you from eternal death. Well, the only means by which you can be saved
01:34:38 – 01:34:46: from eternal death is faith. Baptism now saves you simply means baptism gives you faith.
01:34:47 – 01:34:52: Now, if you already have faith, baptism is going to strengthen your faith. But if you are an infant
01:34:52 – 01:34:58: and you are without faith, baptism will give you faith. And this is one of the reasons that we
01:34:58 – 01:35:06: baptize infants. There are other scriptures we will get to shortly. But baptism is not limited
01:35:07 – 01:35:15: only to adults, only to those who can profess their faith. Now, typically, if we have an adult
01:35:15 – 01:35:22: convert, we do wait to baptize that person because we want the person to understand baptism. But that
01:35:22 – 01:35:27: isn't truly a necessary part of the sacrament. And it's certainly not necessary for the infant.
01:35:29 – 01:35:35: Because this is, again, God's work, not man's work. And that is the fundamental question.
01:35:35 – 01:35:42: If you come to this, thinking about it as it being God's work, then you are less concerned
01:35:42 – 01:35:49: about the state of the man being baptized. Because God doesn't rely on that. It's the same as
01:35:49 – 01:35:53: when we speak of whether or not the sacraments could be administered by wicked men.
01:35:54 – 01:36:00: Those who say they cannot are called donatists and they are heretics. Because the sacraments
01:36:00 – 01:36:05: are God's work. And so it does not depend on the man administering the sacraments as to whether
01:36:05 – 01:36:12: or not they are valid. It depends upon God's work. Because he is the one who has promised
01:36:12 – 01:36:19: to be present to do certain things in the sacraments. And so here, we don't look to the nature
01:36:19 – 01:36:25: of the one being baptized. We don't look to whether or not the infant can profess faith. We know,
01:36:25 – 01:36:29: of course, that an infant cannot profess faith. Now, that does not mean that an infant does not have
01:36:30 – 01:36:38: faith. Because incidentally, when Scripture speaks of Timothy, it says that he is familiar with the
01:36:38 – 01:36:45: Scriptures from his infancy. It's not childhood because the word that is used there is brephos,
01:36:45 – 01:36:53: which is Greek for infant, or even fetus, which is also the word that is used in some other parts
01:36:53 – 01:36:59: of Scripture, some other Scripture passages, dealing with little children. Because often,
01:36:59 – 01:37:06: Christ speaks about bringing the little children to him, not hindering them. And in some of those
01:37:06 – 01:37:14: verses where he speaks of not hindering the little children, he uses brephos, which is again
01:37:15 – 01:37:21: the smallest of infants. That is an infant that you carry around or even a reference to an unborn
01:37:21 – 01:37:28: child. Because we have several different words for children or infants that are used in Scripture
01:37:28 – 01:37:33: that sometimes unhelpfully are all translated as children into the English. Sometimes we do have
01:37:33 – 01:37:40: the word infant, but you have technon, pideon, and brephos, brephos being again the youngest.
01:37:40 – 01:37:47: It can literally mean fetus in Greek. So I want to read again briefly a passage from Ephesians 5
01:37:47 – 01:37:53: in contrast or compare it to the 1st Peter quotation. As Christ loved the church and gave
01:37:53 – 01:37:59: himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with
01:37:59 – 01:38:06: the word. Now compare this with baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you not as removal
01:38:06 – 01:38:11: of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of
01:38:11 – 01:38:18: Jesus Christ. Now how do you have an appeal to God for a good conscience? Am I just going to go
01:38:18 – 01:38:24: to God in prayer and say, you know, I feel pretty good about today. I didn't do too bad. I have a
01:38:24 – 01:38:29: clean conscience. I go to bed and I think, yeah, I really nailed it today. I didn't do any sins,
01:38:29 – 01:38:35: no sins at all in this house. A, if that's your prayer, you're not going to be praying to begin
01:38:35 – 01:38:42: with because you're not Christian. B, it's just absurd. It's the exact opposite. So
01:38:43 – 01:38:51: in 1 Peter 3, when he says baptism is not a removal of dirt, remember Ephesians 5 is talking
01:38:51 – 01:38:58: about washing away filth. The filth is the sins and the only possibility for an appeal of a clean
01:38:58 – 01:39:06: conscience before God is without sins. And the only way to have that state is through washing of
01:39:06 – 01:39:12: baptism. And so this is one of the reasons that Lutherans always point back to baptism, because
01:39:13 – 01:39:19: in contradistinction to the Roman Catholic view that it washes away your original sin and all
01:39:19 – 01:39:24: your sins at that point, and then you basically reset the clock and you're back to zero sins,
01:39:24 – 01:39:28: and then you start racking up sins and you have to go to confession, and
01:39:28 – 01:39:36: yeah, keep getting those new sins taken away. The scriptural view is that all of your sins
01:39:36 – 01:39:41: are washed away in baptism. Well, what about the sins I commit after baptism? Yes,
01:39:42 – 01:39:45: just as all of your sins are paid for at the cross. Well, what about all the sins that I
01:39:45 – 01:39:50: committed after Jesus died on the cross? Well, in this day, that's literally all of them. None of us
01:39:50 – 01:39:55: are over 2,000 years old. Every sin we've ever committed was committed after Jesus died on the
01:39:55 – 01:40:02: cross for it. And this is one of the places where the illogicality of God's action in time and creation
01:40:03 – 01:40:09: makes it possible for us to say dumb stuff, because if suddenly you start bounding God's
01:40:09 – 01:40:17: promises by time, which is created time as part of creation, it's not inherent. It is a product
01:40:17 – 01:40:22: of what God desires. And then he works within it, but he's not bound by it, which is why every
01:40:22 – 01:40:29: sin you're ever going to commit was paid for on the cross. And so when we are washed in baptism,
01:40:29 – 01:40:34: and the reason that we say I am baptized is precisely because of this. All of your sins are
01:40:34 – 01:40:40: washed away. Are you going to keep sinning? Yes. Are those sins also washed away in baptism? Yes.
01:40:41 – 01:40:47: Your baptism is a permanent state because it's a moment in time for you to point to for comfort,
01:40:48 – 01:40:55: but it's not the only moment that that forgiveness is given. That forgiveness,
01:40:55 – 01:41:02: that washing away, is the new state you have as a Christian. When we are adopted as sons of God
01:41:02 – 01:41:08: in baptism, the adoption is permanent because the baptism is permanent. It's part and parcel.
01:41:09 – 01:41:13: You become a part of the body of Christ, you become a part of the bride of Christ,
01:41:13 – 01:41:19: who in Ephesians 5 is washed clean from this filth, from our filth, so that the clean conscience
01:41:19 – 01:41:24: that we have, that we can make an appeal to God for, is in view of the baptism that's taken away
01:41:24 – 01:41:29: those sins. One of the other last passages that we're going to get to today is from Acts 2.
01:41:30 – 01:41:33: Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the
01:41:33 – 01:41:37: apostles, Brothers, what shall we do? And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized. Every one
01:41:37 – 01:41:42: of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive
01:41:42 – 01:41:46: the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promises for you and for your children, for all those far off.
01:41:47 – 01:41:53: Everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself. So here again we have God saying,
01:41:54 – 01:42:00: repent and be baptized, for the forgiveness of your sins. It's always the same thing. The
01:42:00 – 01:42:06: repentance imparts forgiveness, the baptism imparts forgiveness, the baptism and the forgiveness
01:42:06 – 01:42:12: work together. It's all one thing. And I think that one of the real weaknesses of systematic
01:42:12 – 01:42:17: theology and of the sort of autistic view that we often bring to Scripture is
01:42:19 – 01:42:23: trying to figure out if it's this thing or it's that thing. Because if it's one thing,
01:42:23 – 01:42:30: it can't be the other. If it's water, it can't have forgiveness. Well, if it's man, it can't be God.
01:42:30 – 01:42:34: Like I said earlier, you have to be really careful when you're talking about God's things,
01:42:34 – 01:42:38: because one thing can also be another thing. It can be two things at once.
01:42:38 – 01:42:41: This is, you know, when we've been talking in this episode about typology,
01:42:42 – 01:42:48: that is a methodology that men use to understand Scripture. Sometimes I go overboard. Some of
01:42:48 – 01:42:52: the early church fathers went completely nuts with typology and just made a mess of everything.
01:42:52 – 01:42:58: They wanted every word, every passage to have seven layers of typology, which is just silly.
01:42:59 – 01:43:05: The reason that typology is important is that God introduced it just as poetry and storytelling.
01:43:06 – 01:43:13: These are things from God. They're not human things that God is operating in our human language,
01:43:13 – 01:43:19: so we understand he's the originator of this stuff. Art, beauty, poetry, all these things that are
01:43:20 – 01:43:27: desirable, wonderful parts of human life are from God. They're typological too. All the stuff that
01:43:27 – 01:43:30: we like, we think, oh, these are human endeavors. These are human expressions.
01:43:31 – 01:43:36: They're fundamentally from God. He did it first, and then we have a smaller version of it, an
01:43:36 – 01:43:41: imperfect version. When we're talking about typology, it's not like this theological concept that some
01:43:41 – 01:43:47: people came up with, and we're sticking it in Scripture. God explicitly says in some places,
01:43:47 – 01:43:53: this is a type of this other thing, as Corey was saying earlier. When you're looking at something
01:43:53 – 01:43:56: and the desire is to say, well, if it's one thing, it can't be the other thing,
01:43:57 – 01:44:01: you have to be really careful that you're not making claims against what God is able to do,
01:44:02 – 01:44:06: because as soon as you say God can't, you just stop talking probably for the rest of the day,
01:44:06 – 01:44:11: because you've got some sort of problem. You have some spiritual gas that you need to get
01:44:11 – 01:44:18: burped out, because you should never say God can't. That's not a thing. It does happen when we
01:44:18 – 01:44:24: try to make sense of these things, and we make mistakes. They're well-intentioned mistakes.
01:44:25 – 01:44:30: It is a good thing for Christians to try to figure these things out, to try to speak faithfully
01:44:30 – 01:44:37: as God speaks, and to when you have a conviction of conscience to stick to your guns. I don't want
01:44:37 – 01:44:41: someone who hears us to change their mind just because some podcasts are told you something
01:44:41 – 01:44:48: different. That's not a firm foundation for faith. The firm foundation needs to be Scripture,
01:44:48 – 01:44:53: which is why this has been a Bible study, because we're talking about these in Lutheran terms and
01:44:53 – 01:44:58: from a Lutheran perspective, but we could do a bunch of citations from some of the Lutheran
01:44:58 – 01:45:04: Fathers. I think they're interesting sometimes, but it's still only them making arguments from
01:45:04 – 01:45:09: Scripture. We also can make arguments from Scripture. Now, as I said at the beginning,
01:45:09 – 01:45:12: we're not telling you anything new. We're not making up, this is not like
01:45:12 – 01:45:19: Stonequire baptism. There's one baptism. There's one baptism in Scripture. We should all sound the
01:45:19 – 01:45:25: same because we're all working from the same book with the same God. The one Lord, one faith,
01:45:25 – 01:45:30: one baptism thing is very real. An interesting thing about baptism, as we've talked about a little
01:45:30 – 01:45:38: bit earlier, it is not in the faith of the doing that the thing has its efficacy. It's in God's
01:45:38 – 01:45:45: promise. Even those who don't believe that baptism does what it says, God will still keep his promise,
01:45:45 – 01:45:51: even when the men who are doing it say, I don't believe this, because God doesn't say anything
01:45:51 – 01:45:57: to the contrary. God says, do this and the gift is yours. That's another reason why the one baptism
01:45:57 – 01:46:03: thing is important. There's no such thing as rebaptism. The only possibility where it might be
01:46:03 – 01:46:08: appropriate to baptize someone who thinks they were baptized before is if you're not sure if they're
01:46:08 – 01:46:13: baptized in the name of the Trinity. If there's doubt, if you believe that there may have been
01:46:13 – 01:46:19: an erroneous baptism or is literally not what it says in Matthew 28, then it is permissible to do
01:46:20 – 01:46:25: effectively a provisional baptism. It should be in full view that we're not trying to rebaptize
01:46:25 – 01:46:32: this person. We're trying to obey God. We're trying to make sure that we are doing what God commands.
01:46:33 – 01:46:38: In this case, it is very much in ordinance. It's God saying, do this. If we think that someone has
01:46:38 – 01:46:43: failed in the past, we're still going to do it. That's an act of faith that's perfectly permissible.
01:46:43 – 01:46:50: That's entirely Christian. What is not permissible is to say, well, I think Rome's wrong
01:46:50 – 01:46:54: about a bunch of stuff. We've got to rebaptize you so you can be made a real Christian. You're
01:46:54 – 01:46:58: going to be a Lutheran. You've got to have a Lutheran baptism. The Orthodox are very
01:46:58 – 01:47:03: commonly do that. They reject all baptism except their own. That's not scriptural. Again,
01:47:03 – 01:47:10: there's one baptism. A baptism in the name of the triune God is valid. That's part of the promise.
01:47:10 – 01:47:13: That's part of the confidence is that even when we have these disputes, even when we have these
01:47:13 – 01:47:19: disagreements about what's actually going on, we still can have confidence that God has done what
01:47:19 – 01:47:27: He said He would do. I hope that if someone is listening in maybe some of this, probably many
01:47:27 – 01:47:33: of you the wrong way, if some of your feeling unsettled, know that whatever unsettling feeling
01:47:33 – 01:47:40: you have about the theology doesn't undermine God's promise. That's the whole point of this
01:47:40 – 01:47:47: entire episode. God's promises are kept because it's God that's making them. When we get stuff wrong,
01:47:48 – 01:47:54: when we are foolish, when we are unbelieving, when we're doubting, we can't break God's things.
01:47:54 – 01:47:58: Even when we break our own, even when we mess up our own lives, we sin against each other,
01:47:58 – 01:48:03: we lie, we get stuff wrong inadvertently, whatever mess we make, we can be confident
01:48:03 – 01:48:10: in God's promises. I hope that whatever else you take away from this is you'll keep that in mind.
01:48:10 – 01:48:14: It's fundamentally rooting this, not, I know you have to have the perfect confession of this
01:48:14 – 01:48:22: stuff. It's that when you believe that God does the things He says He'll do, you have them. It's
01:48:23 – 01:48:27: God we're talking about. He's going to do what He said He did. He's already done it.
01:48:27 – 01:48:35: You are baptized. That is a promise written in the book of life from before eternity.
01:48:35 – 01:48:40: Your name is in the book of life saying I elect you from eternity by God. You receive baptism in
01:48:40 – 01:48:47: time, marking you as his child, placing his triune name on you, on a tiny screaming baby who just
01:48:47 – 01:48:53: like Jesus in the manger, who was helpless and didn't know anything and was completely dependent.
01:48:54 – 01:49:00: We're fundamentally like that spiritually at any age until we have God. You can be the smartest,
01:49:00 – 01:49:05: most well-versed man in the world. You're a spiritual infant until God comes to you and gives you
01:49:06 – 01:49:13: faith. Very often that comes in baptism. The confidence that God is going to keep his word
01:49:13 – 01:49:18: is the whole point of this. It's the whole benefit of this type of sacramentology. Again,
01:49:18 – 01:49:24: it's not like here's a strategy for a greater confident faith. This is what God says we should
01:49:24 – 01:49:29: have and when we believe it, everything works out. It's a recurring theme on Stone Choir.
01:49:30 – 01:49:34: If you have a normal, healthy family and you do normal, healthy family things,
01:49:35 – 01:49:39: you will be blessed and you will have the things that God promises. When we do the
01:49:39 – 01:49:43: thing the way God says to do it, we get the good things that come from it. That's the case in
01:49:43 – 01:49:49: everything. This is just another example of that, but it's a crucial one because everything else may
01:49:49 – 01:49:55: go wrong. But because your baptism is past tense, because it's a moment in time, when you realize
01:49:55 – 01:50:01: that that past tense is actually present tense, you can have faith and confidence throughout
01:50:01 – 01:50:07: your life. Whatever goes wrong, whatever happens, you're confident that you are baptized. In that
01:50:07 – 01:50:11: gift that God promised, he continues to deliver to you every day.
01:50:12 – 01:50:17: There's one more point that I would like to cover before we close out this episode,
01:50:18 – 01:50:25: and then a couple sections of scripture related to infant baptism, just because I know that's going
01:50:25 – 01:50:32: to be a difficult one for some people. But the issue that I want to address first is a seemingly
01:50:32 – 01:50:38: minor one, but it has been an ongoing fight in the history of the church between traditions.
01:50:40 – 01:50:48: And that is the method or the mode, the means of baptism. There are four. There's aspersion,
01:50:48 – 01:50:54: effusion, immersion, and submersion. And for those who are unfamiliar with the terms,
01:50:54 – 01:51:00: aspersion is sprinkling, effusion is pouring, and then I think we all know what immersion and
01:51:00 – 01:51:04: submersion are, the distinction being whether or not you go completely under the water.
01:51:06 – 01:51:13: These are all valid. And the reason they are all valid is because that the wording of scripture,
01:51:13 – 01:51:19: what scripture says, is what is required for baptism and what does scripture say?
01:51:20 – 01:51:25: Scripture says water and word. Scripture does not specify the amount of water.
01:51:26 – 01:51:31: Scripture does not say that you have to use a certain method of applying the water.
01:51:31 – 01:51:36: Scripture simply says water and the word. Now,
01:51:38 – 01:51:43: many of those who were baptized in scripture were indeed baptized by immersion or submersion. We
01:51:43 – 01:51:49: don't necessarily know which one of those two, because they were baptized in a river. We know that.
01:51:49 – 01:51:55: But there are probably others who were baptized with alternative methods, because
01:51:55 – 01:52:00: do bear in mind this is a part of the world where fresh water is not always available in
01:52:00 – 01:52:05: large quantities, particularly depending on the time of year. Even the Jordan largely dries up.
01:52:08 – 01:52:13: Now, of course, speculation is not a valid reason to draw a conclusion when it comes to
01:52:13 – 01:52:18: scripture. But I already pointed out that scripture simply requires water and the word. It does not
01:52:18 – 01:52:26: require an amount of water. And also we have the historical argument, not in terms of historical
01:52:26 – 01:52:31: practice, although that is somewhat compelling, but the historical argument that God has given faith
01:52:31 – 01:52:38: to those who were baptized using a spursion or a fusion. There are those who were baptized as
01:52:38 – 01:52:45: children using those methods and they were given faith. They became Christians because of that
01:52:45 – 01:52:54: baptism. God is not going to bring his gifts if we are deliberately or even accidentally
01:52:54 – 01:53:00: not complying with what he has said is the requirement. And God has given his blessing
01:53:00 – 01:53:06: very clearly to all four of these methods. Because again, this just goes back to the
01:53:06 – 01:53:13: fundamental difference that we have, whether it is God's gift he is bringing to men or something
01:53:13 – 01:53:19: men are doing for themselves. Because certainly the amount of water is not going to matter.
01:53:20 – 01:53:24: If it is God's gift, if God is the one doing it, because scripture doesn't specify,
01:53:25 – 01:53:29: but if it's men doing it, then perhaps we need more of a show, we need more water.
01:53:29 – 01:53:35: And so this is going to flow naturally from your belief about the nature of baptism. The same thing
01:53:35 – 01:53:44: is true of infant baptism, which I will get to in a minute here. Now, there is one final point about
01:53:44 – 01:53:49: the method that I want to make that is sort of an ancillary point, but it is worth addressing.
01:53:51 – 01:54:01: Subversion is the best method in terms of the picture it portrays. Because what is baptism?
01:54:01 – 01:54:07: Baptism fundamentally is being buried with Christ and resurrected to a new life. And
01:54:07 – 01:54:16: submersion shows that illustrates that in the best way. And so for almost aesthetic reasons,
01:54:17 – 01:54:22: but for clearly typological reasons, submersion, there is a very good argument for it. Now,
01:54:22 – 01:54:28: perhaps not for infants, we're not saying do what the the EO do and triple submerged infants,
01:54:28 – 01:54:33: that's probably overboard, pouring or sprinkling perfectly fine for the infant.
01:54:35 – 01:54:41: But typologically for adults, submersion is probably best. And Luther said the same,
01:54:41 – 01:54:46: this is long been something that Lutherans and others who do practice these other methods would
01:54:46 – 01:54:53: still agree. Part of the reason we do pouring is as a statement of belief that this is something
01:54:53 – 01:54:58: from God. And so it is not something man is doing, it is not the amount of water that matters.
01:55:00 – 01:55:05: But then to close out this episode, I said I wanted to read a couple passages
01:55:05 – 01:55:11: that deal with infant baptism. I already addressed one, I didn't read it, but that was from Second
01:55:11 – 01:55:16: Timothy, dealing with Timothy, who had been familiar with the scriptures from, it says,
01:55:16 – 01:55:21: childhood in the English standard version. But the word there is actually infant or infancy,
01:55:22 – 01:55:29: brephos. And I want to read from Luke, Luke two, actually I'll start with Luke 18.
01:55:30 – 01:55:35: Now they were bringing even infants, brephos, to him that he might touch them, and when the
01:55:35 – 01:55:39: disciples saw it, they rebuked him. But Jesus called them to him saying,
01:55:40 – 01:55:45: let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.
01:55:46 – 01:55:51: Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter
01:55:51 – 01:55:58: it. And then from Luke two, and this will be a sign for you, you will find a baby,
01:55:58 – 01:56:02: brephos, wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.
01:56:04 – 01:56:13: And so we have here in these two verses taken together, a picture of God's great gifts to us,
01:56:14 – 01:56:21: the Christian life, and how we are to share these gifts, how we are to facilitate God bringing
01:56:21 – 01:56:25: these gifts to the next generation, to our fellow Christians, to our own children.
01:56:27 – 01:56:33: Christ is very clear, do not hinder the little children, but let them come unto me.
01:56:33 – 01:56:38: Bring them to Christ, you are supposed to bring your children to Christ. Well how do you bring
01:56:38 – 01:56:43: your little children, your brephos, or pydion, whichever one it happens to be, because pydion
01:56:43 – 01:56:49: is still a little child, how do you bring your children to Christ? Well we saw at the beginning,
01:56:49 – 01:56:56: that's the great commission, you bring them to Christ by baptizing them and then teaching them.
01:56:58 – 01:57:04: And so you baptize your children, this is why Lutherans and others teach that infant baptism
01:57:04 – 01:57:08: is proper, it is why it has been the practice of the church from the beginning.
01:57:10 – 01:57:16: Yes there's also the fact that it is typologically related to circumcision, which was done on the
01:57:16 – 01:57:23: eighth day, certainly an eight day old child is an infant still. But fundamentally we are simply
01:57:23 – 01:57:28: obeying the words of Christ when he tells us to let the children come to him, do not hinder them,
01:57:29 – 01:57:36: for to such belongs the kingdom of God. And so we hear and obey, he says to bring the children to
01:57:36 – 01:57:41: him we bring them to him, how do we bring them to him? By giving them faith, how do we give them
01:57:41 – 01:57:49: faith? The only way that God has given us to give them faith, by baptizing them. We baptize them,
01:57:49 – 01:57:54: but really it is God using our hands to do the work, God is the one baptizing them,
01:57:54 – 01:57:59: and that is why they are baptized in the triune name, because it is the triune God who is baptizing
01:57:59 – 01:58:05: them, because it is his baptism, it is his sacrament, it belongs to him not to man, because it is his
01:58:05 – 01:58:15: work not man's. And we see this connection here in Luke with the term brephos. You have the infants
01:58:15 – 01:58:23: who are brought to Christ, and you have that infant Christ lying in the manger. All of the promises
01:58:23 – 01:58:31: of Scripture are in that manger with that infant, and all of the promises of Scripture are brought
01:58:31 – 01:58:39: to infants in baptism, because that is how God has created it, that is how God has organized it,
01:58:39 – 01:58:47: and so we simply obey. And so baptism is a gift from God to the church, it is a gift from God
01:58:48 – 01:58:55: to the elect, it is a gift from God to me and to you and to your children.
01:58:55 – 01:58:59: We're going to close simply with the words from Romans 6.
01:59:01 – 01:59:05: What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound, by no means?
01:59:06 – 01:59:11: How then can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who have been
01:59:11 – 01:59:16: baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by
01:59:16 – 01:59:22: baptism into death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father,
01:59:22 – 01:59:33: we too might walk in newness of life. Amen.