Transcript: Episode 0077

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00:00:37.291 --> 00:00:39.471
Welcome to the Stone Choir Podcast.

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I am Corey J.

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And I'm still, whoa.

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This week's Stone Choir is a little different from our standard episodes.

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Last week, we joined Will Spencer from the Renaissance of Men Podcast and recorded a wide-ranging discussion.

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Many of the topics will be familiar to the Stone Choir audience.

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We discussed the origin of the Stone Choir Podcast, why we started the podcast, why we address some of the topics that we do, why it is important to speak the truth and the consequences of doing so, and a number of related topics.

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Those are covered largely in this first episode.

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We covered additional topics as well.

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There will be a second episode released at some point in the future.

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The audio for that is not currently publicly available.

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This is the first segment, which runs about two and a half hours.

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The second segment runs about four, four and a half hours.

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And again, that will be released in the future.

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That second segment, just like this one, will be released in the future on the main Stone Choir stream.

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I have left in Will Spencer's introductory monologue, which begins now.

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My guests this week are the hosts of the most popular podcast.

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No one is allowed to admit that they listen to.

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For part one of an epic six and a half hour conversation, please welcome Corey Mahler and Wo from Stone Choir.

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First of all, welcome to all my new listeners.

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If this is your first time here, I begin all of my episodes with an extended monologue to set the stage for the conversation and my guests.

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Please bear with me because I promise that there's a point, and an important one at that.

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So, I'd like to tell you a story.

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I didn't pay any attention at all to the 2016 election.

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I left the United States for South America in March of that year, so I was far too busy on the road to even think about American politics.

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Plus, at the time, I was still a more or less blue-pilled liberal.

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I knew about Jeffrey Epstein and that whole underworld, but I hadn't yet cracked feminism, the New World Order, or anything like that.

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So, as far as politics was concerned, I knew Hillary Clinton would get the nomination.

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Everyone knew it.

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And I just assumed that November 2016 would be her coronation, and I didn't think much about it.

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When Donald Trump got the nomination, I thought that was odd, but from a distance, I just assumed it was part of the American right-wing decline into idiocracy.

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Again, being a blue-pilled liberal at the time, I genuinely believed that red-state Americans were what was wrong with the nation, and that evangelical Christians, and more specifically Southern Baptists, were driving the whole mess.

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So you can imagine my shock and comic surprise at God's goodness and sense of humor when years later on Sunday during service, I realized that I had ended up as a member of an SBC church.

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But that's another story for another time.

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Back to 2016.

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So, from July through November 2016, I was finishing my travels in South America and then on my way to Japan, thinking not at all about the election.

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I did notice two good friends consistently posting on Facebook in support of Trump and getting absolutely dragged over it.

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I also participated in such a dog pile, though not with my friends, but in a men's group.

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Another man I didn't know posted his support for Trump.

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This man was the one guy in a group of hundreds of men who spoke up.

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Then the entire group, including me, landed on him.

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And I can't even say what I did.

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But that was about as much as I thought about or participated in the 2016 election.

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I didn't even vote that year.

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As I said, I was busy and the outcome seemed obvious until the election happened.

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I remember watching it on TV and checking my Facebook feed.

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I, like many, assumed that the outcome was certain.

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But then, one by one, I started watching my hardcore liberal friends in San Francisco begin to freak out.

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I remember one man wrote something like, Hold fast!

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encouraging everyone as if the ship was sinking.

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And then suddenly it was over.

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I think I was watching CNN when they called it.

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I remember being in stunned shock, feeling a note of grief, probably mostly in sympathy with my friends, though also because of the uncertainty Trump's election represented.

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And then I went to sleep.

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And then a funny thing happened.

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Rather than joining my friends, doubling down in opposition to Trump, the thought crossed my mind.

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There must be more going on here than I recognized.

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I wasn't caught up in the election fervor.

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I wasn't wearing my team jersey.

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I was watching my country from afar take a direction I didn't expect.

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Nor did I question the legitimacy of the election.

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I believed that Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide.

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That the outcome apparently was not obvious, said nothing to me about objective reality being wrong.

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Rather, the outcome told me that I was wrong regarding something fundamental about my nation, though I didn't know what.

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Far more people disagreed with me and my friends than I realized.

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They were not living in my world.

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I was in theirs.

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That meant there was more for me to understand.

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So what did I do?

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I reached out to my two friends on Facebook who had been courageously posting in support of Trump.

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One was a man, the other was a woman.

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What I said to them both was that the election outcome was a surprise and that I didn't understand it.

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I said to them, I have no preconceived notions, no agenda.

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I am a blank slate.

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Please help me understand what just happened.

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And they did.

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The rest, as they say, is history.

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I share that story by way of introduction to how I conduct myself as a man in relation to intellectual inquiry.

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For things that matter, I do not accept as factual or true what other people say about an individual, his beliefs, or his words.

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I go and listen for myself.

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I do not care about being right.

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I care about the truth.

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If the truth makes me wrong, then praise God and hallelujah, I just got a little bit closer to the truth and I didn't need those lies anyway.

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They were only doing me harm, as all lies do.

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This perspective carries on to today and I believe is why I became a Christian.

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I did not accept the truths of Eastern mysticism and the New Age.

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I went around the world to experience them for myself, uncritically even.

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But while on that road, I encountered questions that my fellow believers would not and could not answer.

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I wanted the truth more than I wanted their acceptance, more than I wanted 20 years of my life's pursuits to mean something.

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And so, I stepped across the last border of that land, leaving literally everything behind, wading into the waters of the Spokane River and finding myself in the forgiving arms of Christ.

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I sold all I had and bought the field.

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Four years later, here I am.

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I look back on my life and can see in the long view that this is not any good inherent in me but is in the working of the Holy Spirit that I can trace back to being as young as 11 or 12 years old.

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I suppose if I thought about it or asked my dad, I could go back even further.

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I want to know from myself, not because anyone tells me, because people can and often do get it wrong.

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I am capable of discerning the truth from myself and thus I do.

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I must.

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Because if capable men and yes, women, lack the intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral courage to confront their errors, then there's no hope for the lesser men and women not to mention children either.

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In today's world, this same attitude I've spent 30 years cultivating is even more desperately needed.

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Everyone wants to tell us everything.

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And with all the information and human history available to us with a few taps of our thumbtips, no one wants us investigating anything.

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And yet we have to.

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Because the lies are deep and thick and sticky, these webs ensnare many of us.

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Which is why we need men to help us cut our way out with the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, and its courageous truth.

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Which brings me to my guests this week.

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Their names are Cory Mahler and Woe, the latter of which is a pseudonym.

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And they're the hosts of Stone Choir, an informative, enjoyable, and well-produced podcast.

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Okay, sounds good so far.

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There's just one problem.

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They tackle ideas that a lot of people invested in the success of the regime, whether consciously or otherwise, don't like.

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Over 75 episodes and counting, they've covered a number of different topics, including headship and submission right down to the level of men's and women's biological design.

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They've also covered notions of race, its reality, and the significance of those facts on evangelism.

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They've talked about Christianity and the Jews, conspiracy theories and truth, anonymity, slander, IQ, love, Christian nationalism, forgotten doctrines of scripture, and much more.

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But crucially, one of their most impactful topics is the growing institutional corruption of Christian denominations, in their case, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, or the LCMS.

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Long regarded as one of America's most conservative Christian denominations, it too has fallen prey to wokeness and corruption at apparently the highest levels.

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Woe and Corey watched all this happen in 2020 and 2021, as many of us did in our own way, and they decided to do something about it.

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So they started a podcast called Stone Choir to help clear away false teachings and bad ideas because they saw few others in Christendom, behind the pulpit or otherwise, doing anything at all.

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Then they applied their considerable intelligence to a recent update of the core doctrinal teachings of Lutheranism called the Larger Catechism, and it was as if they had kicked the hornet's nest.

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This led to a sequence of events including doxing, threats of violence, and much more.

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I'll let them share the story.

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But, their story highlights something important that I think should have resonance with every man and woman listening.

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Truth is expensive.

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Proverbs chapter 23 verse 23 says, Buy the truth and sell it not, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.

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If truth were cheap or easy, everyone would profess it.

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If it didn't take courage to share the truth or the intellectual acumen to discern it, we wouldn't value those who speak and write it either.

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But we do, because the truth is rare.

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Today, we may be more saturated with lies than perhaps any other point in human history since Christ.

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And so men are needed to stand up, to speak up, to investigate, and to share what they discover no matter the cost, shining light into the darknesses they can.

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Yes, it's a tall order, and it's a call too many men reject.

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They either shy away from the truth, backing down from the fight, or they go charging into battle like a berserker, rusty swords swinging wildly.

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But the truth we need is more like a scalpel, wielded with precision by deft hands.

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And if you ask me, that is the Stone Choir MO, and that's what makes them dangerous.

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Which is why various forces on the internet made them personas non grata, smearing their names across social media.

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And that's also why, when I first heard about their podcast, I went to listen.

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Like Trump and My Journey to Christ, I didn't accept what I was told as fact simply because I was told it.

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I wanted to know for myself.

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My hope with this interview is that you'll learn what I did, that slander as a weapon is no match for the force of truth and men bold and brilliant enough to wield it.

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In our conversation, we discussed how Corey and Woe met and started Stone Choir, counting the cost for speaking truth, why to investigate where Satan is attacking, the turn upstream and conflict with the LCMS, Woe's doxing and its consequences, why there is no political solution to a creational problem, and finally, finding a courageous church.

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As you heard me say at the outset, this is part one of our conversation, just the first two hours or so.

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You can find the other four and a half hours available for paid subscribers only on my sub stack, in that episode we discuss the four waves of feminism, the two things Satan wants to subvert, differences between the races, why the enemy can't act without human agents, feminism, racism, the Jews and Hitler, and finally, the responsibility that comes with conspiracy information.

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Now after my conversation with Cory and Woe, which you'll hear that I enjoyed very much, I thought hard about whether to release the second segment separately.

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I finally decided that for my audience, it would be best if you bought a ticket to the show.

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We discussed topics that, for the moment, pushed the limits of the Overton window for many, though not all of the participants in the Christian dialogue.

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A month from now, though, who knows?

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So the episode is opt-in, and I hope it's worth it.

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I think it is.

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In fact, I think it's one of my best episodes ever.

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But even if you're uninterested in listening further, I still believe the Stone Choir story has relevance to my listeners, which is one of the many reasons why I decided to release this segment to the public.

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Whatever you think of their ideas, whether you agree with them or not, or whether you ever put on even a single episode of their podcast, I think you'll hear that their intelligence and faithfulness shines through.

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They are nothing if not reasoned, rational, and committed men, no matter what you've heard.

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Plus, if one of my core values is finding the truth for myself, I'd like my listeners to have the same opportunity.

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Again, once you're done with this first segment, you can find the remainder of the interview on Substack at

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If you enjoy the Renaissance of Men podcast, thank you.

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Please leave us a 5-star rating on Spotify and a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

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If this is your first time here, welcome.

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I release new episodes about the Christian counterculture, masculine virtue, and the family every week.

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And one last thing briefly before we begin.

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We all know how the game is played today.

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So I encourage everyone listening to embrace the truth that agreeing with one thing Corey and Woe have said does not immediately mean that you agree with everything they've ever said on Stone Choir or anywhere else.

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The only package deal in history is the Bible.

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That book, if you don't take it all, you leave it.

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Fallible men like the rest of us, you get to pick and choose, no matter what the Wokesters say.

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Because that is one of the chief tactics of slander.

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With anything any fallible man says, including and especially me, you can take the truth you discern to be accurate and discard the rest without giving it another thought.

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I have freedom of intellectual inquiry, and so do you.

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And I believe our right to free speech includes our right to hear.

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So please welcome this week's guest on the podcast, Corey Mahler and Woe from Stone Choir.

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Woe and Corey, thanks so much for joining me on the podcast today.

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Thank you for having me.

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Thank you for having us.

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I've been devouring as much of your content as time allows, and I know that we're going to have a ton of stuff to talk about today.

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But first, I just want to say thank you for all the work that you guys have been putting into your podcast because I don't actually listen to a lot of podcasts, and I've enjoyed yours an immense amount.

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So thank you so much for that.

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You're welcome.

00:16:15.151 --> 00:16:15.891
Glad it paid off.

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So I think for a start, just for my own personal curiosity, is when did you start the Stone Choir podcast and why?

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And how did you guys meet in the first place?

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Like what was the inspiration behind Stone Choir?

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And then we'll get into some of the stuff with the LCMS as well.

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I'll let you take that one.

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Corey and I have known each other, I don't know, four or five years at this point.

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It's a little hard to say, time's kind of a blur.

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We met as in a group of Lutherans.

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And it's funny, initially we had a number of mutual friends who should have known to introduce us.

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And it took them like two years to unify the groups.

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I honestly don't understand.

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Like one of the things I've always been best at is kind of matchmaking guys who should talk to other guys.

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Even if I don't particularly have something in common with them, I can still understand like this guy needs to talk to this guy because they're gonna love it.

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And so once Corey and I met, I'm like, why didn't you introduce us?

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We're like the same guy just with two kind of weird variations on the same thing.

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So anyway, once we met, we hit it off and we were mostly thinking and talking about theology and Lutheranism in particular in the state of the world and just privately on top of what we would do publicly on Twitter, et cetera.

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And we were both simultaneously observing all the same things.

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We noticed the same stuff.

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And Cory has of course always been Cory J.

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Mahler publicly.

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He's the least pseudonymous man on the internet.

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And it's like he catches a rash of crap for things that someone who's pseudonymous or completely anonymous doesn't.

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You know, when your name is not known, you're somewhat immunized from certain types of attacks.

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And I've always been pseudonymous on the internet.

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We did one of our early episodes talking about pseudonymity.

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Like what's the difference between that sort of conduct?

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Is there a Christian implication to it in various things?

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And for my purposes, I just, as I said before I was doxed and after I was doxed, there's nothing about my background that if you know that, it's gonna really tell you anything more about me.

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Like whatever it is that I have to say, just put out there.

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Like here's what I think.

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I don't have a credential to back it up, take it or leave it.

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And so Corey and I were both observing the same problems in the church and because I wasn't yet, I wasn't public to the point of like using my voice.

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And so I knew that that would be the sort of thing that could potentially get me doxxed.

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I didn't want it for the aggravation and also for the sake of extended family.

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I don't have a wife or kids or anything.

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So like it's not gonna hurt me personally, but it's still disruptive to people you know, when someone's coming after you, the way they come after Corey.

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So there was no upside.

00:19:06.871 --> 00:19:07.851
There was only downside.

00:19:08.271 --> 00:19:17.451
And so for that reason, although we knew for a while that we wanted to do a podcast, like I don't know if we wanted to, we knew there was inevitable we were going to have to.

00:19:17.971 --> 00:19:21.051
And I was kind of waiting to put that off as long as possible.

00:19:21.731 --> 00:19:32.491
And towards the end of the middle of 2022, certain things were happening in the LCMS that made it clear that this, our hands were gonna be forced.

00:19:33.791 --> 00:19:39.271
And so we'd start talking a little more seriously about the idea behind starting a podcast and what will we approach.

00:19:39.471 --> 00:19:48.211
And we finally decided to pull the trigger and we were gonna begin October 21st, 2022, which was Reformation Day.

00:19:48.851 --> 00:19:53.131
And that a couple things happened a few weeks before that and like, okay, we're gonna push up a couple of weeks.

00:19:53.151 --> 00:19:54.751
And so we kind of just hit the ground running.

00:19:54.771 --> 00:19:57.571
So we never wanted to have a podcast.

00:19:57.951 --> 00:20:10.391
We felt that our hands were forced because there were things that were happening in the church and in the world that were either being not addressed correctly, were being misaddressed or were being covered up by people who should have known better.

00:20:11.111 --> 00:20:25.731
And we both been sitting here listening to some other guys in the same space who should have, they certainly do know what's going on, but they either didn't have the aptitude, the courage or the ability to speak up and say the things that we knew that we could say.

00:20:26.091 --> 00:20:27.531
And so finally we're like, you know what?

00:20:27.551 --> 00:20:28.711
No one else is gonna do this.

00:20:29.251 --> 00:20:30.051
We're gonna have to.

00:20:30.291 --> 00:20:32.331
And so that was really the Genesis of Stone Choir.

00:20:32.771 --> 00:20:35.091
And hence the name of, you know, the stones crying out.

00:20:36.771 --> 00:20:37.151

00:20:38.331 --> 00:20:57.431
And that essentially covered it, that we really figured that if there were men currently in this space, if we take the term more generally, so the Christian right, say, who took up the mantle and addressed these issues, then we wouldn't necessarily have to do so.

00:20:58.451 --> 00:21:01.011
That was not happening with many of the issues.

00:21:01.031 --> 00:21:22.211
You can tell from some of the topics we've covered on the podcast, we're covering things that other men are simply not covering, particularly Christian men, which is one of the problems that we were seeking to address is that some of these issues were being discussed on the political right, but they were being discussed from an atheist framework, not from a Christian framework.

00:21:22.891 --> 00:21:37.731
And it's necessary to address them from a Christian framework for a number of reasons, but two of the most salient reasons to do it from a Christian perspective is so that other Christian men know these are issues about which Christian men can speak in the public sphere.

00:21:38.731 --> 00:21:54.931
And so that those who look at the church with a little bit of apprehension, perhaps, or disdain in some cases, realize there are actual Christian men who care about these issues and can speak about them truthfully and forcefully, as opposed to what we hear from far too many pulpits these days.

00:21:56.731 --> 00:22:06.731
So, when you stepped up to do this again, specifically, when you say the church, you're talking about the Lutheran church as opposed to just Christendom more broadly?

00:22:08.031 --> 00:22:13.151
When I say the church in this case, I'm talking about the church, uppercase C, the whole church.

00:22:13.391 --> 00:22:25.031
The Lutheran church, specifically, we have problems that we are addressing in the Lutheran church, particularly in the American context, although the problems are similar in other parts of the world that have Lutheran churches as well.

00:22:26.171 --> 00:22:28.631
But I mean the church more generally.

00:22:28.651 --> 00:22:30.531
I mean all Christian men.

00:22:30.551 --> 00:22:48.571
Okay, yeah, I think certainly there are probably a lot of men listening and a lot of men out there today that can relate to that feeling of seeing that there's something wrong, more than one thing, saying that there's many things wrong, that no one is speaking about it, especially on the right from any sort of impactful way.

00:22:48.591 --> 00:22:57.331
And the ones who are speaking about it from an atheist or an even pagan perspective and wondering where are the Christian men speaking up on behalf of these things in the world and the church.

00:22:57.631 --> 00:23:00.851
So I think a lot of men, myself included, actually can relate to that.

00:23:01.251 --> 00:23:09.331
So, but when you started doing it, did you anticipate ahead of time the road that would be ahead?

00:23:09.631 --> 00:23:16.291
And some of the things that we'll get into with the Lutheran church obviously is a big part of that, but did you anticipate running into the headwinds?

00:23:16.791 --> 00:23:18.351
Or did you count the cost, I suppose?

00:23:19.491 --> 00:23:20.071

00:23:21.291 --> 00:23:22.491
Yes, we both knew what was coming.

00:23:23.691 --> 00:23:35.631
One of the things in the episode that I mentioned, it was called Name No Man's Nose, where we did this, I think, in November of 2022, it was about six months before I was doxxed, was basically my response to being doxxed.

00:23:35.651 --> 00:23:47.891
And I said in that episode, I know at some point I'm going to get doxxed because of this show, because I say the same things in person, to pastors and other people in the church, that I was going to say on Stone Choir.

00:23:48.171 --> 00:23:49.771
I'm not secretive about this.

00:23:51.111 --> 00:23:57.551
And so I knew before I had been doxxed, that eventually that would happen in punishment for speaking at these things.

00:23:57.891 --> 00:24:05.391
In the specific topics that we address, it was actually the subject of this week's show just yesterday, the target selection.

00:24:05.591 --> 00:24:08.811
How do we pick the things that we want to discuss?

00:24:09.391 --> 00:24:25.831
And so we knew that we were primarily going to be talking, we were primarily going to touch on hot button issues, not because we want to stir up controversy or be dramatic or a pain in the butt, but simply because there are things happening in the world.

00:24:25.851 --> 00:24:28.371
Satan is on the move and everyone sees that.

00:24:28.911 --> 00:24:31.171
Unbelievers, believers, everyone sees that.

00:24:31.711 --> 00:24:45.431
And what we have found over the last number of years before we started was that many in the church were doing a worse job of identifying the spiritual undertones to the attacks, relatives even pagans and unbelievers.

00:24:45.731 --> 00:24:49.771
Guys who have no basis whatsoever in the church can see Satan on the move.

00:24:50.111 --> 00:24:57.591
In the things that happened in the summer of 2020 and all the surrounding events, people without any church background are like, this is evil.

00:24:57.871 --> 00:25:00.691
This stuff that's happening is telling me that there must be a Satan.

00:25:01.031 --> 00:25:03.051
If there's a Satan, then there's gotta be a God.

00:25:03.711 --> 00:25:18.811
And so those guys who are not Christians or who had left the church are like, I see this sort of evil in the world, real spiritual evil, not just mean people, not just bad politics, actual malevolence of a spiritual nature, non-materialist.

00:25:19.451 --> 00:25:21.531
Guys who had been materialists would see that.

00:25:21.551 --> 00:25:26.091
It was their first introduction in some cases to spiritual ideas of anything.

00:25:26.111 --> 00:25:31.151
I mean, their first discovery was, there's something that we call Satan.

00:25:31.851 --> 00:25:35.671
I know that there's this group of people that talk about Satan, let me go see what they have to say.

00:25:35.891 --> 00:25:43.631
And what they were seeing from the church was the same sorts of things that were being said in the world about race, about sex, about everything.

00:25:44.131 --> 00:25:59.291
Write down the list where you have, I frequently talk about the MSNBC talking points of worldly, the global religion, the things that the DEI programs, the things that HR departments say are the same things that the church is saying.

00:25:59.451 --> 00:26:01.691
And they're both talking about them in moral terms.

00:26:02.371 --> 00:26:09.371
And so one of the reasons that we started the show is that we had these guys who should, like these are the primary object of the gospel.

00:26:09.611 --> 00:26:15.491
These are the people to whom every church in the country should be reaching out, saying, hey, you're looking for God.

00:26:15.691 --> 00:26:19.051
You might not even know it, but you're looking for God right now because you're seeing evil.

00:26:19.371 --> 00:26:25.491
We know the other side, and it's infinitely more powerful than things that have you scared enough that you're looking for him.

00:26:26.351 --> 00:26:27.871
And yet we don't see that in our churches.

00:26:27.991 --> 00:26:28.871
We see the opposite.

00:26:28.891 --> 00:26:33.631
We see our own churches, all of them, not one particular denomination is, I agree completely with Corey.

00:26:33.811 --> 00:26:43.991
Although we, in some cases, focus principally on LCMS and general confessional Lutheran questions, fundamentally it's about all the conservative denominations.

00:26:44.011 --> 00:26:56.171
What's really just is shorthand for the actual Christian denominations because the mainstream churches fundamentally aren't Christian at all, even though there's some Christians in them, their doctrine is completely anti-Christ.

00:26:56.931 --> 00:27:01.991
And it's more aligned with the world even than what the conservative denominations are doing.

00:27:02.531 --> 00:27:15.391
But as a means of outreach, when we try to reach guys who are embracing paganism because it seems trad, it's like, well, I know the white people used to do good stuff and they used to worship trees, so I'm gonna worship trees.

00:27:15.891 --> 00:27:19.571
And we try to say like, no, no, no, let's start from the beginning.

00:27:19.811 --> 00:27:21.631
There's a lot more going on that you're missing.

00:27:21.971 --> 00:27:28.851
And there's virtually no one in the church who will talk to those men in ways that don't call them, in ways that don't lie about the world.

00:27:28.871 --> 00:27:45.371
Because there are things in the world, subjects of race, of sex, of headship, that are controversial because believing the right things about them necessarily causes you to have to denounce the state of the world, of politics, of everything we see around us.

00:27:45.571 --> 00:27:49.951
You have to say, this is bad, and there's actually a scriptural basis for why I can say that.

00:27:50.471 --> 00:27:59.171
So our hands were forced because the church was failing and we saw like the laundry list of all the issues that we would have to tackle.

00:27:59.191 --> 00:28:07.071
And like, yeah, like this, we know we're gonna be going right downtown, right over target where all the maximum amount of anti-aircraft is gonna be.

00:28:07.291 --> 00:28:12.391
We're gonna be flying low and we're gonna be bombing the crap out of the things that are most important to Satan.

00:28:13.071 --> 00:28:16.591
So yeah, we knew it was gonna cause trouble and we did it anyway.

00:28:16.751 --> 00:28:17.991
It wasn't to cause trouble.

00:28:18.011 --> 00:28:20.651
It wasn't to be controversial.

00:28:20.671 --> 00:28:22.891
It was because this is where the fight is.

00:28:23.231 --> 00:28:26.531
Satan has picked this battle and all we can do is show up and fight it.

00:28:28.751 --> 00:28:47.111
So then maybe I wanna back up a little bit and say, as I've listened through the episodes, we started in, I think you said October 2022 when you started Stone Choir and also from 2020 when sort of the George Floyd riots happened and that was a big awakening for a lot of people.

00:28:47.451 --> 00:29:05.191
But maybe we can go just a little bit further back because, well, I've heard you talk a little bit about your background and sort of your theological evolution, sort of the questions that you didn't ask that you then started asking at one point in time that led you to a place where you had, in many ways, the answers that men have been looking for.

00:29:05.491 --> 00:29:11.311
What started, so maybe let's go back pre your meeting or pre, you know, even pre 2020.

00:29:11.991 --> 00:29:17.171
What was the path leading for both of you men to the point where you could cross paths in the first place?

00:29:18.331 --> 00:29:25.411
I think in some ways it started with our engagement with the political and not necessarily overtly in Christian terms.

00:29:25.431 --> 00:29:30.751
You know, when I first got on Twitter in 2017, I wasn't talking about being a Christian.

00:29:30.771 --> 00:29:34.731
I've always been a Christian, but like it was never, it wasn't something I talked to people about.

00:29:35.271 --> 00:29:40.051
Wasn't something I was consciously embarrassed of, but it was like, that's the Sunday stuff.

00:29:40.091 --> 00:29:47.651
You know, I did what everybody does, where you sequester your private little Christian personal beliefs and you don't upset anybody by bringing them up.

00:29:48.251 --> 00:29:51.511
And so like, you know, once in a while stuff will come up and I wouldn't be embarrassed about it.

00:29:51.811 --> 00:30:01.471
I remember having lunch with coworkers, you know, 10 years ago, you know, talking, ironically, one of the only guys that I worked with that I had agreement with was a Muslim.

00:30:01.711 --> 00:30:04.511
Cause you know, we both agreed that there was a God.

00:30:04.531 --> 00:30:06.211
We both agreed that there was a flood.

00:30:06.231 --> 00:30:13.271
And so I remember one day we were having lunch and like, we were the only two that had any, any sort of spiritual basis for anything.

00:30:13.531 --> 00:30:15.511
And everyone else was just completely materialist.

00:30:15.531 --> 00:30:21.791
It's like, you sometimes find strange friends in the world, but I was never evangelistic about anything.

00:30:22.571 --> 00:30:42.651
And so when I got online and started talking about politics, it took me a year or two of addressing political issues, addressing kind of, I began to realize in my own mind that the things that we were seeing in the political sphere ultimately weren't going to have political solutions.

00:30:43.291 --> 00:30:45.851
I say ultimately, like there are things that have to be done politically.

00:30:47.191 --> 00:30:52.731
But if you don't understand the spiritual undertones, you're going to make poor political decisions.

00:30:53.151 --> 00:30:58.531
There are things that you have to understand about the creator before you can understand creation.

00:30:58.811 --> 00:31:00.911
And politics is fundamentally about creation.

00:31:01.251 --> 00:31:07.531
So there's stewardship, there are things we have to do in creation, but absent knowledge of God, we're not going to do nearly as good of job.

00:31:08.251 --> 00:31:16.811
And so as I was talking about online with guys about politics, I started realizing more and more that I was having to talk about religion.

00:31:17.271 --> 00:31:24.851
I was having to say, wait a minute, I remember when I was, you know, my kid when I was being catechized, there was something about, you know, some small aspect of it.

00:31:25.191 --> 00:31:30.551
And so I kind of almost evangelized myself initially just from my catechesis as a teenager.

00:31:30.851 --> 00:31:35.991
As I was talking politically, I realized, no, I need God to answer some of these questions.

00:31:36.511 --> 00:31:53.911
And that was for me kind of a personal transformation, just realizing I'm wasting my time talking about politics because ultimately it's not going to help any of these people because we can't necessarily win the political battles, but we have to do what's right in God's eyes and then let him take care of the rest.

00:31:54.151 --> 00:31:56.671
And that's not in any way a we lose down here attitude.

00:31:56.991 --> 00:31:58.831
It's just let's put the first thing first.

00:31:59.411 --> 00:32:01.371
And so that was my transition.

00:32:01.551 --> 00:32:03.731
I eventually rebranded online.

00:32:03.751 --> 00:32:13.891
I more or less stopped talking about political stuff, not that I don't care, but that I realized until we shore up the spiritual, everything else is going to continue to be in shambles.

00:32:14.291 --> 00:32:19.191
Because if you just want to debate politics, well, then pagans have an equal seat at that table.

00:32:19.211 --> 00:32:24.891
And I'm not necessarily going to win an argument with them from principle if I can't talk about the supernatural.

00:32:24.911 --> 00:32:34.011
So we just, I took everything one step back so I could get to the foundational level and then be confident I was going to be on firm ground as I tackled all these other things.

00:32:34.571 --> 00:32:37.411
And ultimately that's the only place where these answers can be found.

00:32:37.891 --> 00:32:38.191

00:32:39.231 --> 00:33:02.991
I think you're mirroring a journey that a lot of men have gone on over the past, certainly myself, over the past four years, but some men less time, some men more, the recognition that there is no, that the answer is the problems that we're struggling with at this moment in human history, while they appear on the surface to be political or economic or cultural, that they're actually fundamentally spiritual questions.

00:33:03.371 --> 00:33:13.391
I think a lot of people, men in particular, and women as well in their own way, have been pushed, have been pushed to that point, looking beyond themselves or beyond material means for answers.

00:33:14.271 --> 00:33:15.351
I can relate to that very much.

00:33:15.371 --> 00:33:17.131
So, Corey, was it similar for you?

00:33:17.151 --> 00:33:21.311
I get the sense that you've been a little bit more openly online for a little bit longer.

00:33:22.371 --> 00:33:24.251
To some degree, yes, with some of these things.

00:33:24.271 --> 00:33:26.791
And largely, I was also focused on politics.

00:33:26.811 --> 00:33:31.291
I did political science as my main undergraduate degree.

00:33:31.311 --> 00:33:34.531
So I've been focused on that sort of thing for quite some time.

00:33:34.551 --> 00:33:39.431
And I worked in politics for a while, not as the front man, but behind the scenes.

00:33:39.451 --> 00:33:43.631
I did get out the vote efforts and organization and all that stuff in a handful of different states.

00:33:45.031 --> 00:33:48.931
I guess people can probably guess for which party, as much as I don't like them sometimes.

00:33:49.231 --> 00:33:58.311
But really, I started taking Christianity, my faith, more seriously, because I've been a Christian my entire life.

00:33:58.331 --> 00:33:59.711
I was raised in a Christian family.

00:33:59.731 --> 00:34:00.851
My parents are still married.

00:34:00.871 --> 00:34:01.751
They're both Christian.

00:34:01.771 --> 00:34:03.831
I was baptized by my father in a church.

00:34:04.091 --> 00:34:08.191
He's not a pastor, but that was something they permitted fathers to do at that church.

00:34:08.851 --> 00:34:11.851
I was not, however, raised Lutheran.

00:34:11.891 --> 00:34:13.011
I've mentioned it before.

00:34:13.011 --> 00:34:28.171
I was sort of half, not even really half, but half Lutheran, half non-denominational, which really means Baptist in the US context, because I attended an LCMS school, but I went to a non-denominational church.

00:34:29.351 --> 00:34:40.351
Then my parents eventually switched churches, and we wound up going to a church that technically, historically was Lutheran, but it's the Covenant Church, which is now basically non-denominational.

00:34:40.371 --> 00:34:44.831
Thankfully, one of the good ones under that umbrella, not one of the more lefty ones.

00:34:45.391 --> 00:34:57.811
But I really didn't pay that much attention to theology and doctrine, all of these various things, because I was more focused on politics and philosophy and those, because those were the things that I was doing in, like I said, undergrad.

00:34:58.851 --> 00:35:10.591
But I started to take Christianity more seriously again, probably a little while after I graduated law school, so probably right around 2013.

00:35:11.131 --> 00:35:17.891
And then I read a lot of theology, a lot of the relevant literature in this area.

00:35:18.631 --> 00:35:20.551
And I didn't actually start with Lutheranism.

00:35:20.571 --> 00:35:31.171
I started with the reform because by and large, we have a fairly largely reformed context here in the United States, if we take the term very broadly.

00:35:31.491 --> 00:35:36.231
Because even the Baptists are sort of at the edge of the reformed umbrella.

00:35:36.611 --> 00:35:40.431
And so I read a lot of the reformed theology first.

00:35:40.851 --> 00:35:46.411
And I read through a lot of other things as well, not just reformed Lutheran, but I eventually got around to reading the Lutherans.

00:35:47.611 --> 00:35:56.971
Perhaps some will think that's odd that I would end with reading the Lutherans because as a German, from a Lutheran background, you think I'd start there, but I didn't.

00:35:57.591 --> 00:36:03.971
And so it wasn't until really about 2016, 2017, when I started to read a lot of the Lutheran materials.

00:36:04.371 --> 00:36:23.371
And that's when I officially joined an LCMS congregation and started to take Lutheranism more seriously, because I was convinced by the Book of Concord, by Luther, by the arguments from the Lutheran divines that this is a correct interpretation, a correct exegesis of scripture.

00:36:23.951 --> 00:36:26.431
And so that's when I started to take that seriously.

00:36:26.991 --> 00:36:32.251
However, I did not immediately launch into teaching or anything like that.

00:36:32.591 --> 00:36:40.271
I took the admonitions of scripture seriously, that if you are a new convert, as it were, you are not supposed to immediately stand up and start speaking publicly.

00:36:40.971 --> 00:36:48.831
And so in 2020, I created a separate Twitter account to discuss theology and Lutheranism, things like that.

00:36:49.491 --> 00:36:51.391
That's my Moller LCMS account.

00:36:51.911 --> 00:36:54.971
My other one is from 2012, I believe, it's much older.

00:36:55.091 --> 00:37:02.071
But that's when I really started discussing Lutheranism and theology and Christianity publicly.

00:37:02.551 --> 00:37:07.531
I'd been discussing politics and things like that publicly for a decade at that point, if not longer.

00:37:08.891 --> 00:37:12.871
But that is when I sort of came to the same conclusions as Woe.

00:37:13.551 --> 00:37:17.871
I'm not disagreeing with what Woe said, but I am putting a nuance on it.

00:37:17.891 --> 00:37:20.031
There is a political solution to all of our problems.

00:37:21.151 --> 00:37:25.991
But the problem is we both see what kind of political solution that is, if it is not a Christian one.

00:37:26.931 --> 00:37:30.591
And that's not a road that anyone should want to go down.

00:37:31.991 --> 00:37:32.451

00:37:32.491 --> 00:37:33.411
That's an ugly road.

00:37:33.931 --> 00:37:42.211
And so we need to have a Christian political right if we are going to accomplish anything that's worth accomplishing.

00:37:42.711 --> 00:37:47.111
Because you can achieve victory in a completely materialistic, atheistic way.

00:37:47.251 --> 00:37:48.951
You can absolutely win like that.

00:37:49.471 --> 00:37:51.151
It's not a victory that's worth having.

00:37:51.851 --> 00:38:06.111
And so there are issues with regard to morality, religion, these other things, these tie into politics, but they're absolutely necessary in order to have the kind of political movement that actually achieves something worth achieving.

00:38:07.031 --> 00:38:14.971
And also, as Will was saying, part of it is just helping all of the men in our society who are essentially lost.

00:38:15.391 --> 00:38:17.611
They're wandering through life with no purpose.

00:38:17.631 --> 00:38:20.511
They hate everything because it seems like everything hates them.

00:38:20.531 --> 00:38:22.231
And in fact, in many cases, that's true.

00:38:23.391 --> 00:38:27.211
But those are the men to whom the church should be reaching out and the church is not.

00:38:27.591 --> 00:38:30.391
And so part of what we're doing is reaching out to those men.

00:38:31.011 --> 00:38:53.111
And yes, of course, if you can get these men who are atomized, who are separated from everything in their life and from their culture, from their family, from their history, if you can get them into a group they know cares about them, you can actually achieve things both with regard to the churches and also with regard to the political sphere.

00:38:53.771 --> 00:38:56.811
It's not that it's a mercenary attempt to organize things.

00:38:56.811 --> 00:38:58.691
It's that this is the truth and it matters.

00:38:59.371 --> 00:39:03.811
Even if you don't wind up with political successes, that's a separate topic perhaps.

00:39:04.771 --> 00:39:08.031
These things matter because these are ultimate things.

00:39:08.551 --> 00:39:10.911
These determine where you spend your eternity.

00:39:12.251 --> 00:39:16.931
And so the politics, the political sphere, the left-hand kingdom is vitally important.

00:39:16.951 --> 00:39:20.431
We'll never minimize the importance of the left-hand kingdom.

00:39:21.111 --> 00:39:23.871
But you have to get things right in the right-hand kingdom as well.

00:39:23.911 --> 00:39:36.391
And we both started looking around roughly the same time at the right-hand kingdom and found that it's in worse shape than the left-hand kingdom, which is almost impressive considering how bad our politics are these days.

00:39:38.231 --> 00:39:47.651
And so the churches, we have to clean house because no one has done it for a century and things have just been allowed to rot and decay and fall apart.

00:39:47.671 --> 00:39:51.151
And that's why we see men leaving the churches in droves and not returning.

00:39:51.691 --> 00:40:01.111
Except for now, since we finally have some men who are preaching and teaching the truth, we do see other men returning to the churches, which is what is necessary.

00:40:01.131 --> 00:40:03.591
You can't have a church that is nothing but women.

00:40:03.811 --> 00:40:05.771
That's not a church, that's a gossip club.

00:40:05.791 --> 00:40:06.091

00:40:07.551 --> 00:40:11.691
I appreciate you calling out that there's an ugly road ahead that nobody wants.

00:40:11.871 --> 00:40:21.051
And the reason why I appreciate you saying that is because, in fact, I was just listening the last episode that I had a chance to really dig into in any depth was the slander episode.

00:40:21.651 --> 00:40:25.431
And one of the things, I think I might have gotten about a third of the way through it.

00:40:25.991 --> 00:40:37.691
So one of the things that seems to have happened here, at least in the way that I've heard people speak about your podcast is painting you both as men that I, from listening to the podcast itself, that I don't think you are.

00:40:38.691 --> 00:40:40.851
Or at least not in so far as I've listened.

00:40:41.811 --> 00:40:45.731
And to hear you say things like that, like this is a road that no one wants to take.

00:40:45.751 --> 00:40:57.851
Cause what's the first slander that always gets thrown at anybody whenever they try, particularly a man whenever he tries to speak up for biblical fidelity against what we might call the post-war consensus, right?

00:40:57.871 --> 00:41:03.191
He gets tarred with a lot of different names, but one of them implies like violent radical, right?

00:41:04.411 --> 00:41:06.231
Wanting to take up a J6, right?

00:41:06.251 --> 00:41:06.991
Something like that.

00:41:07.651 --> 00:41:09.331
And go ahead.

00:41:09.351 --> 00:41:10.931
The term is always Nazi, yes.

00:41:11.051 --> 00:41:11.951
Yeah, I mean, yes.

00:41:11.971 --> 00:41:14.671
I mean, to the extent that's true.

00:41:15.151 --> 00:41:19.211
And I think that there's other words that are used to kind of point in that direction, but essentially, yes.

00:41:19.271 --> 00:41:22.211
Of course, racist is one, misogynist.

00:41:22.231 --> 00:41:29.711
There's a whole universe of terms that Satan uses and abuses to slander men who are just speaking biblical truth.

00:41:29.731 --> 00:41:29.931

00:41:30.271 --> 00:41:44.811
And I think the thing that they focus particularly on culturally today is the physical violence, specifically because the big weapon that's used to silence men is hatred of men's anger, right?

00:41:45.031 --> 00:41:55.291
So what they do is they shame men's righteous anger and hatred, which is one of the episodes I listened to today as well, by accusing men preemptively of violence.

00:41:55.551 --> 00:42:02.691
And so men, they aren't necessarily inclined to that level of violence, so they shut down to avoid the slander.

00:42:02.931 --> 00:42:11.911
So you saying that at the very start that no one wants that ugly path immediately cuts off any notion that, like anyone talking on this call is talking about violent revolution.

00:42:11.931 --> 00:42:13.711
Because that's always the first thing.

00:42:13.731 --> 00:42:16.911
That's what January 6th was, one way or another.

00:42:16.931 --> 00:42:22.011
It was like, look at all these horrible people doing this violent thing to our poor sacred capital, right?

00:42:22.011 --> 00:42:37.711
And it's like, that's not what anyone's necessarily advocating for, though like something like that from the outside might be inevitable depending on where we go with the conversation, like just talking about the threats that America is facing from within, coming over the border and from without, but that's another topic.

00:42:38.091 --> 00:42:50.891
But I think it's important to say that we, as men, can speak up for theological truth, and though that has a quality of aggressiveness to it, the spiritual aggressiveness does not imply physical aggressiveness.

00:42:51.231 --> 00:42:53.251
And I think those two get confused very easily.

00:42:54.371 --> 00:42:58.891
We've been very clear that it is the duty of the Christian prince to wield the sword.

00:42:59.231 --> 00:43:02.931
And that does, of course, include violence, because that is the nature of a sword.

00:43:02.971 --> 00:43:05.351
A sword solves problems only one way.

00:43:06.471 --> 00:43:18.391
And Lutherans, we have, of course, the Magneburg Confession when it comes to speaking of things like rebellion, revolution, resisting a higher authority who is abusing his office.

00:43:19.371 --> 00:43:24.471
And there are different levels, and there are different things that are permissible, depending on what is being done.

00:43:24.731 --> 00:43:28.011
Because the things that are being done ultimately are being done against God.

00:43:28.411 --> 00:43:35.231
And we see instances of that in scripture, and men will stand up and do what is necessary.

00:43:36.831 --> 00:43:40.711
There is a serious problem in the church when it comes to speaking about violence.

00:43:41.851 --> 00:43:49.031
Part of it is our culture, and part of it is because there's always the looming threat of the FBI knocking down your door, or just no knock rating you.

00:43:49.751 --> 00:43:58.911
But the reality is that if you are arguing that violence is not at all part of the Christian tradition, then you're no longer a Christian, you're an Anabaptist.

00:43:59.571 --> 00:44:08.351
The radical kind of Anabaptist, which there's some irony there because they were actually so violent that the emperor had to call in the troops to quell a rebellion, basically burn a city to the ground.

00:44:08.871 --> 00:44:18.091
But that aside, they are the ones who try to argue, particularly we have some of the modern versions of the Mennonites and others, they're basically pacifists.

00:44:18.111 --> 00:44:19.991
You cannot be a Christian and a pacifist.

00:44:21.131 --> 00:44:22.731
One, it's accusing God of sin.

00:44:22.751 --> 00:44:29.091
You're trying to be more moral than God, which is always sin because you cannot be more moral than morality itself.

00:44:30.211 --> 00:44:40.691
But many of the instances where you have a theophany or a Christophany, particularly in the Old Testament, God is enacting violence on his enemies.

00:44:41.571 --> 00:44:43.271
You can think of Sodom and Gomorrah.

00:44:43.291 --> 00:44:45.991
You can think of the conquest of Canaan.

00:44:46.011 --> 00:44:48.171
You can think of what God did to the Egyptians.

00:44:49.051 --> 00:44:50.591
God is not a pacifist.

00:44:50.891 --> 00:44:52.531
God destroys his enemies.

00:44:53.371 --> 00:45:01.351
This is one of those things, and this comes perhaps from some of the political background, but it's something that we used to recognize in theology as well.

00:45:02.171 --> 00:45:09.551
Ultimately, all of this rests on God's infinite ability to bring infinite violence against those who oppose him.

00:45:10.071 --> 00:45:11.771
That is the basis of God's authority.

00:45:12.791 --> 00:45:15.511
If God could not destroy his enemies, he wouldn't be God.

00:45:15.991 --> 00:45:20.851
And the way that he destroys them is metaphorically, figuratively, with the sword.

00:45:21.051 --> 00:45:23.151
He has better things at his disposal, certainly.

00:45:23.991 --> 00:45:27.831
He can send fire and brimstone and locusts and any number of other things on you.

00:45:28.771 --> 00:45:35.611
But God's power rests upon his infinite power to bring violence against his enemies.

00:45:36.151 --> 00:45:44.551
And so if we're going to condemn violence in a blanket sense as Christians, we're condemning God, that's sin, we can't do that.

00:45:44.571 --> 00:45:48.691
Which is, this is one of those things that we bring up so many times in the podcast.

00:45:49.951 --> 00:45:57.871
Modern morality, we could put that in scare quotes, but modern morality attempts to argue that there's this list of things that you can't do.

00:45:57.891 --> 00:46:02.391
Oh, we're so much more enlightened than our ancestors and these things were wicked and evil.

00:46:02.871 --> 00:46:07.251
Almost every single thing on the list is something that God has done or told us to do.

00:46:07.691 --> 00:46:12.051
And so what they're doing is they're accusing God of sin, they're announcing their own apostasy.

00:46:12.471 --> 00:46:17.471
You cannot believe the things that the modern world tells you to believe and stay a Christian.

00:46:18.091 --> 00:46:20.331
That's why we have episodes, for instance, on slavery.

00:46:20.351 --> 00:46:27.431
You can't say that slavery is per se sinful and be a Christian because God makes regulations for it.

00:46:27.671 --> 00:46:29.811
God gives Abraham slaves.

00:46:30.911 --> 00:46:32.051
God cannot sin.

00:46:32.171 --> 00:46:33.571
What God does isn't sin.

00:46:33.591 --> 00:46:37.471
So if God gives someone slaves, slavery cannot be sin.

00:46:37.671 --> 00:46:39.251
These are just things that people ignore.

00:46:39.271 --> 00:46:43.071
They're right there in scripture, which is one of the things that Woe and I do.

00:46:43.651 --> 00:46:45.011
We pay attention when we read.

00:46:45.571 --> 00:46:55.791
If you just pay attention to scripture while you're reading, many of these things have answers, explicit answers in scripture, sometimes very slightly implicit.

00:46:56.611 --> 00:47:07.431
For instance, when it comes to polygyny, you have to read through the full story of David and Bathsheba to realize God offers David more wives.

00:47:08.591 --> 00:47:09.511
Well, that's polygyny.

00:47:09.571 --> 00:47:11.831
That's God offering a man additional wives.

00:47:12.171 --> 00:47:18.671
You can't say it's sin because you're accusing God of sin, but you have to pay attention when you read that passage and not just gloss over it.

00:47:19.931 --> 00:47:23.531
There's a difference between staring at a book and hallucinating and actually reading it.

00:47:23.931 --> 00:47:28.291
And that's why we keep trying to emphasize to men they need to read scripture.

00:47:28.531 --> 00:47:29.811
You can't just stare at the Bible.

00:47:29.831 --> 00:47:31.191
You don't get credit for trying.

00:47:31.811 --> 00:47:36.891
You have to actually read the thing because God is speaking to you through His word.

00:47:37.471 --> 00:47:40.271
But you have to read what He actually wrote, what He had other men write.

00:47:41.551 --> 00:47:41.851

00:47:42.571 --> 00:47:42.871

00:47:42.891 --> 00:47:51.031
I mean, I talk to, argue with the polygyny bros on social media all the time, particularly on Instagram.

00:47:52.051 --> 00:48:02.851
I agree with you that insofar as like God does offer David multiple wives and there are biblical characters throughout the Old Testament in particular that have multiple wives.

00:48:03.131 --> 00:48:12.771
But the point that I try to make to men is like, that's not normative, like to mistake the behavior of David and Solomon and these other men throughout Scripture.

00:48:13.371 --> 00:48:17.231
What I tell the polygyny bros today is like, bro, you can't get one wife.

00:48:17.251 --> 00:48:19.751
Let's hold off on the talking about the multiple wives thing.

00:48:20.551 --> 00:48:20.791

00:48:20.811 --> 00:48:21.031

00:48:21.391 --> 00:48:29.011
Well, it's the difference between something being morally permissible and something being wise, which we've emphasized that many times.

00:48:29.491 --> 00:48:33.111
It is almost always unwise to have multiple wives.

00:48:33.831 --> 00:48:34.071

00:48:34.711 --> 00:48:38.411
One of the major exceptions, and it's one of the places you see in scripture, is the king.

00:48:39.011 --> 00:48:42.151
It makes sense for a king to have multiple wives for a number of reasons.

00:48:42.271 --> 00:48:45.451
One, of course, is the most obvious, ensuring he has an heir.

00:48:46.151 --> 00:48:46.991
That's an important thing.

00:48:47.011 --> 00:48:49.311
That became a major problem in the Reformation in England.

00:48:49.571 --> 00:48:57.591
If he had just taken additional wives without killing his previous wives or divorcing them, etc., you would have had fewer problems.

00:48:58.111 --> 00:49:00.771
But of course, the Pope didn't permit that, which was a big part of the problem.

00:49:02.251 --> 00:49:04.491
It makes sense for certain men to have multiple wives.

00:49:04.511 --> 00:49:05.431
So the king, it makes sense.

00:49:05.651 --> 00:49:08.951
For most men, you are just inviting strife into your home.

00:49:09.231 --> 00:49:13.931
Look at what happens with some of the men in the Bible who engaged in polygyny.

00:49:14.031 --> 00:49:20.611
The most obvious example is perhaps Solomon, who went way overboard and destroyed himself and his kingdom in the process.

00:49:21.311 --> 00:49:26.531
Just because something is morally permissible does not mean that you should do it in any given situation.

00:49:27.671 --> 00:49:35.291
What we're arguing when we argue over something like polygyny or slavery isn't that you have to legalize it and we should absolutely engage in this.

00:49:35.311 --> 00:49:35.871
It's a good thing.

00:49:37.131 --> 00:49:44.391
It's the difference between saying you are permitted morally to do this and on the other side saying no, this is sin.

00:49:44.411 --> 00:49:48.131
Because when you say no, this is sin, again, you're accusing God of sin.

00:49:48.151 --> 00:49:49.091
So you have to refute that.

00:49:49.111 --> 00:49:51.131
You have to reject that argument.

00:49:51.751 --> 00:49:58.391
And many men have trouble drawing that distinction, that difference between permissibility and wisdom.

00:49:59.031 --> 00:50:02.951
Some of our enemies, of course, are just conflating the two because they're malicious.

00:50:04.031 --> 00:50:07.251
But there are those who just don't grasp that distinction.

00:50:07.251 --> 00:50:08.471
And it's vitally important.

00:50:08.951 --> 00:50:11.911
Because God does not always say you must.

00:50:12.111 --> 00:50:13.671
Sometimes he says you may.

00:50:13.691 --> 00:50:15.091

00:50:15.571 --> 00:50:15.911

00:50:16.371 --> 00:50:16.691

00:50:16.911 --> 00:50:43.971
And I think what this all points to is that speaking the clear truth of Scripture, what it says about men and women, and as you guys talk about in the podcast, what it says about race, what it says about all of these subjects that are so deeply confrontational to our modern political era or modern political ethics such as they are, is the part where that gets very scary to people.

00:50:44.331 --> 00:50:49.211
It gets very frightening because it truthfully turns our entire wicked age on its head.

00:50:49.331 --> 00:50:53.291
And our wicked age is standing on its head anyway, so it writes the ship.

00:50:53.671 --> 00:50:59.051
But people will look at that, and they will feel very deeply confronted by those ideas.

00:50:59.491 --> 00:51:03.491
And that confrontation, that feeling of being confronted by the truth leads to fear.

00:51:04.051 --> 00:51:10.151
And fear puts people in this kind of fight-or-flight state, right, being confronted with the truth.

00:51:10.411 --> 00:51:14.311
And their thought immediately goes to the idea of violence.

00:51:15.371 --> 00:51:18.791
And this is how discussion, this is why the FBI gets involved.

00:51:18.811 --> 00:51:23.911
This is why these no-knock raids get involved, is because you have people speaking up for biblical truth.

00:51:24.191 --> 00:51:25.991
The truth is, in a sense, violence.

00:51:26.211 --> 00:51:27.971
The truth is aggressive to lies.

00:51:28.311 --> 00:51:36.511
And when we live in an era that is built upon a foundation of lies, naturally people are going to draw that conclusion.

00:51:36.911 --> 00:51:42.811
And I think it's important to speak to that conclusion right away in order to set the ground to approach truth at all.

00:51:43.211 --> 00:51:57.671
Because if you think about how dumbed down people have gotten, the inability to see that simple distinction between must and may, that very simple, like, must do this set of things, you may do this set of things, people just don't get that.

00:51:57.871 --> 00:52:01.151
But if you were to rewind the clock, I don't know, how far back do you want to go?

00:52:01.751 --> 00:52:03.311
People would understand that distinction.

00:52:03.331 --> 00:52:13.131
So in this dumbed down environment, where people can't understand these fine distinctions between what scripture says our behavior as humans should be and could be, people don't get that.

00:52:13.151 --> 00:52:21.151
So they're naturally going to jump immediately to fear and naturally to the kind of response that they didn't project onto the people who are trying to tell them the truth.

00:52:21.651 --> 00:52:30.451
And so that's why it's important to set this ground of, we'll call it rationality, to say, look, we're talking about things that will feel very confronting.

00:52:31.011 --> 00:52:31.791
And that's okay.

00:52:31.811 --> 00:52:38.271
Well, you said, I think it was in one of the episodes today, that you don't give much regard to your emotions.

00:52:38.351 --> 00:52:40.491
And I really appreciated that because I can relate to it.

00:52:40.511 --> 00:52:51.991
So maybe you can speak to that point in particular because not giving regard to your emotional response, to our emotional response to a fact, is so crucial to navigate through that.

00:52:52.011 --> 00:52:54.131
So maybe you can unpack that a little bit.

00:52:55.231 --> 00:52:59.551
My personal approach has always been just try to get things right.

00:53:00.791 --> 00:53:04.931
It's more important to me to be right than pretty much anything else.

00:53:05.311 --> 00:53:07.931
And I don't say that in any sort of idolatrous fashion.

00:53:07.951 --> 00:53:12.911
It's just the truth for me is the root, the truth of whatever.

00:53:13.291 --> 00:53:21.551
And then when I look at the truth about whatever, if I don't like it or if it doesn't make me feel good, okay, whatever, that's the truth too.

00:53:21.951 --> 00:53:26.251
Sometimes the truth that I read in the Bible is that I'm a poor miserable sinner.

00:53:26.691 --> 00:53:30.951
I read through passages and like, yep, this is a laundry list of all the crap I was doing.

00:53:31.551 --> 00:53:32.771
And it's disgusting.

00:53:33.271 --> 00:53:43.591
But I don't look at it and try to find some excuse for how that was contextual to the climate in that day and it doesn't apply to me and so I'm not actually a sinner.

00:53:43.911 --> 00:53:45.251
No, I'm absolutely a sinner.

00:53:45.551 --> 00:53:48.211
And God knew it and he wrote about it and I look at it.

00:53:48.391 --> 00:53:53.771
And so the fact that maybe it doesn't make me feel good is secondary, the fact that it's true.

00:53:54.571 --> 00:54:01.311
And I think that you're talking about people having emotional responses to many of the things that we talk about.

00:54:02.151 --> 00:54:12.671
A lot of that is fundamentally rooted in just the pure feminization of all of Western culture, where it is terrifying not to be a member of the crowd.

00:54:13.451 --> 00:54:26.751
And this is particularly acute, I think, in the church, because Christians are already inherently on the outs with the world to some extent, because you kind of have to believe in the supernatural to be a Christian, although plenty really don't anymore.

00:54:27.871 --> 00:54:33.691
But you're already sort of on the edge of the cusp of permissibility in the public sphere.

00:54:34.211 --> 00:54:42.931
And then if you say things like sodomy is a sin, or things like maybe girls shouldn't go to college, and maybe you can make a scriptural argument for that.

00:54:43.391 --> 00:54:58.751
Suddenly, if you're making a moral argument from scripture, so you're talking as a Christian, all the other Christians who were fitting in with MSNBC and with their HR departments five minutes ago, you show up and say, hey, this thing over here, this is actually a sin too.

00:54:59.211 --> 00:55:07.831
That is a threat because they are then being forced to choose between a moral principle, a question of truth, and continuing to fit in with the herd.

00:55:08.551 --> 00:55:21.691
And so it's mercenary self-defense that there's this visceral fear and hatred and all these emotions that are brought to bear against whatever guy is speaking up and saying, hey, this is what God actually says.

00:55:22.511 --> 00:55:24.491
And you see that everywhere in scripture.

00:55:24.511 --> 00:55:28.651
The prophets would show up from God and say, hey, this is what God actually says.

00:55:28.911 --> 00:55:30.091
And generally, they were killed.

00:55:30.411 --> 00:55:35.011
People got mad, they got offended, they was disruptive to their worlds.

00:55:35.031 --> 00:55:37.011
And so the easy thing to do is you kill the guy.

00:55:37.451 --> 00:55:38.831
And Corey and I are not prophets.

00:55:38.851 --> 00:55:39.591
We don't need to be.

00:55:39.811 --> 00:55:40.631
We have the Bible.

00:55:40.951 --> 00:55:46.371
But to whatever extent there's a difference between us and other men, it's just like Corey said, I read it.

00:55:46.471 --> 00:55:51.211
And sometimes I'll read something that I've glossed over 50 times.

00:55:51.831 --> 00:56:01.491
And then for whatever reason, on a particular day I read it, I'm like, oh wow, I'm making a connection now to something in my life or to something in the world that's real.

00:56:01.511 --> 00:56:03.871
It's not some wild fantasy version.

00:56:05.091 --> 00:56:06.851
It's like it slaps you in the face.

00:56:07.251 --> 00:56:12.111
Sometimes the Holy Spirit slaps you in the face and says, this right here, this is what's important.

00:56:12.771 --> 00:56:17.111
And as part of the episode we did this week, we were talking about target selection.

00:56:17.531 --> 00:56:23.691
One of the things that Cory and I are good at doing is just listening to what the enemy is upset about.

00:56:24.211 --> 00:56:28.171
When guys start screaming about things that we didn't even think were that interesting.

00:56:28.431 --> 00:56:31.711
Like Cory and I have talked a lot about race and we hate the subject.

00:56:31.911 --> 00:56:34.231
It's dumb, it's boring, it's tedious.

00:56:34.651 --> 00:56:37.211
I would really like never have to talk about it for the rest of my life.

00:56:37.451 --> 00:56:42.011
I don't find it interesting, but the enemy gets a vote.

00:56:42.831 --> 00:56:50.111
And so when the world is saying, you can't do this for religious reasons, for moral reasons, that's when we pay attention.

00:56:50.691 --> 00:56:55.271
And that's where the truth versus popularity thing comes into.

00:56:55.631 --> 00:56:58.471
Is it going to stink if you say the opposite of what the world says?

00:56:58.491 --> 00:56:59.171
Yeah, probably.

00:56:59.711 --> 00:57:12.971
And I think one of the hard things for a lot of guys who maybe don't have a tremendous amount of aptitude in this space is that there are certain people that just want to be disagreeable for its own sake.

00:57:13.391 --> 00:57:14.991
Is the opposition defiant disorder?

00:57:15.011 --> 00:57:17.351
You're just going to do the opposite of whatever people are saying.

00:57:17.671 --> 00:57:20.091
And that's not at all what we're articulating.

00:57:20.451 --> 00:57:24.531
We try to listen and understand why is race important?

00:57:24.691 --> 00:57:25.831
And we have an answer for that.

00:57:26.011 --> 00:57:27.251
We have an answer that's scripture.

00:57:27.271 --> 00:57:30.751
We have an answer that's rooted in the entirety of the history of humanity.

00:57:30.971 --> 00:57:34.231
And we can make the case for why race is an issue today.

00:57:34.571 --> 00:57:39.171
We can put that in the context on the timeline and clearly explain to anyone who will listen.

00:57:39.811 --> 00:57:41.671
You mentioned the Slander episode.

00:57:42.151 --> 00:57:43.571
There are three types of people in the world.

00:57:43.891 --> 00:57:49.651
There's the people who've never heard of Stone Choir before, which is most of your audience, just virtually everyone on the planet.

00:57:50.071 --> 00:57:53.831
And then there's the small number of people who just listened because they were recommended by friends.

00:57:54.251 --> 00:57:56.531
And they check it out and some think it's interesting.

00:57:57.131 --> 00:58:02.351
And then there's a set of people who've never listened to a word that we say, but they've entertained all the slander against us.

00:58:02.911 --> 00:58:12.091
And that goes back to you were talking about the words that are used for men who are going to step outside the boundary of permissible discourse.

00:58:12.671 --> 00:58:17.931
You get tarred with all those brushes to make you untouchable, which is fundamentally what we are.

00:58:17.951 --> 00:58:27.731
Corey and I have been rendered untouchable by the slander, not by what we say, but by what is said about us and then what is entertained by those who listen to it.

00:58:28.271 --> 00:58:29.851
And it's part of life.

00:58:30.091 --> 00:58:31.311
It's not a complaint.

00:58:31.611 --> 00:58:37.151
It's shameful for those who have participated, because when people actually listen, they enjoy it.

00:58:37.311 --> 00:58:40.911
And if you've never heard anything about us, a lot of people are going to enjoy it.

00:58:40.931 --> 00:58:43.691
And if you don't enjoy it, it's just because you're bored, you don't find it interesting.

00:58:43.931 --> 00:58:49.111
But you would never conclude all the terrible things that are said about us by the slanders.

00:58:49.531 --> 00:58:56.091
And so that sort of defamation and cutting out of the herd, we did an episode on the enemy's playbook.

00:58:56.891 --> 00:58:58.271
Those are Alinsky's rules.

00:58:58.631 --> 00:59:02.931
You pick people out who are causing a problem and you cut them off for the herd so they have no support.

00:59:02.951 --> 00:59:04.471
That's basically where we're left.

00:59:04.691 --> 00:59:13.111
There is a huge number of people in our audience that I know for a fact listen, that will never publicly acknowledge it because it would cost them something.

00:59:13.591 --> 00:59:14.271
And that's fine.

00:59:14.411 --> 00:59:15.111
I get that.

00:59:15.431 --> 00:59:16.751
But those are the stakes.

00:59:17.391 --> 00:59:18.951
That's the message to everyone.

00:59:19.311 --> 00:59:31.111
We are so far outside of the bounds of what's permissible, not because we say anything that's bad or mean or false, certainly, but we're saying the things that the world says you can't say.

00:59:31.511 --> 00:59:32.971
And for us, that's just the roadmap.

00:59:33.211 --> 00:59:50.711
If there's a set of things that the world says, you can have your pride parade, you can do all these wicked things, but you can't do this, when someone with a moral compass that not only broken but inverted points away from these things, that's where we know we need to go take a look.

00:59:51.191 --> 00:59:59.511
And that doesn't mean you automatically do the opposite, but you have to look and what we find is that every one of those things is basically a roadmap for obedience to God.

01:00:01.551 --> 01:00:05.351
It's because you were slandered that I discovered your podcast in the first place.

01:00:06.311 --> 01:00:15.451
One of our mutuals named Nick, he posted on Twitter, he said something, how's everyone enjoying the podcast that none of us are supposed to be listening to?

01:00:16.211 --> 01:00:17.211
Words along those lines.

01:00:17.551 --> 01:00:20.511
And I was like, I wasn't quite sure what that was.

01:00:20.531 --> 01:00:23.031
I think I had probably heard something like that.

01:00:23.311 --> 01:00:27.271
So I messaged him and then he sent me the show.

01:00:27.571 --> 01:00:49.451
And I don't know that I have, maybe you call it opposition defiant disorder, but my general response is if I see all the people who I don't like or that I dislike dogpiling on something, my tendency is like, well, what is this thing that they're all dogpiling on because they're so wrong about everything else when we go check out what's going on here.

01:00:49.471 --> 01:00:59.211
So that was ultimately my introduction to your work because I felt that you guys deserved a fair hearing for who you actually were.

01:01:00.151 --> 01:01:04.011
And so I went and I listened with really no preconceived notions.

01:01:04.011 --> 01:01:17.271
It's just my experience is that whenever, you know, the people, let's say the people that I dislike all start dogpiling on somebody, it's almost never as bad as they say it is.

01:01:17.351 --> 01:01:20.371
It's actively an attempt to slander, to drive away.

01:01:20.951 --> 01:01:22.871
And I go walking towards that.

01:01:23.071 --> 01:01:31.051
And I've appreciated listening to the episodes and also now speaking to you both and getting to hear the background behind it.

01:01:31.071 --> 01:01:44.091
Because I can relate very much to the showing up in the church, I guess the capital C church in a way, and coming from the world and seeing all of these problems that are so out there.

01:01:44.111 --> 01:01:49.751
I came in from the secular world and I was just getting all the dirt off that's out there.

01:01:50.151 --> 01:01:53.831
And I come walking into the church and I'm like, it's in here too.

01:01:54.611 --> 01:01:55.651
What are you guys doing?

01:01:56.071 --> 01:01:57.491
You guys are supposed to have the truth.

01:01:57.511 --> 01:01:58.051
What are you doing?

01:01:58.551 --> 01:02:06.051
And so I can relate very much to the impulse to, well, there's no one around here who's saying anything about it.

01:02:06.071 --> 01:02:07.171
I guess we're the guys.

01:02:07.951 --> 01:02:13.571
And I can also relate very much to the counting the cost part of that as well.

01:02:13.851 --> 01:02:18.151
And so now it's kind of starting to make a little bit of sense.

01:02:18.811 --> 01:02:25.231
Not that it didn't before, but it's making a lot of sense to understand the feeling of this is wrong.

01:02:25.491 --> 01:02:26.791
This is not scriptural.

01:02:27.651 --> 01:02:29.751
God has something to say about this.

01:02:29.931 --> 01:02:36.991
I believe one of you said politics is about creation and start putting all the pieces together and say, okay, we're going to do this.

01:02:37.351 --> 01:02:46.471
We're going to lean into this and we're going to push through this in the hopes that maybe you could reach out and connect with the young men that you really want to reach.

01:02:46.591 --> 01:02:55.291
And so that's the next set of questions that I want to ask is because I was just at the new Christendom Conference, the Building Christian Boroughs Conference in Ogden, Utah about two weeks ago.

01:02:56.691 --> 01:03:02.231
And one of the things that was very apparent to me was, first of all, the room was full of mostly young men.

01:03:02.251 --> 01:03:04.071
And when I say young, I say under the age of 40.

01:03:04.491 --> 01:03:15.251
So maybe peaking between 25 and 35, but certainly younger between 20, 25, and then older, like quote unquote older from like 35 to 40 with their families and stuff like that.

01:03:15.631 --> 01:03:18.991
I don't know that I saw many men in the room who are over the age of 40.

01:03:19.251 --> 01:03:20.371
I don't think that's a bad thing.

01:03:20.391 --> 01:03:20.991
It's just what it is.

01:03:21.651 --> 01:03:33.471
But I think the reason why that particular conference and the speakers there had such appeal is there were so many young men who are aware of the subjects that you guys talk about.

01:03:35.091 --> 01:03:44.171
And seeing pagans talk about these subjects very boldly, being very wrong in their foundations, but speaking about them very boldly and also drawing bad conclusions.

01:03:45.091 --> 01:04:00.751
And they see this and they're longing for anyone inside their churches to say these things or to even explore the topics instead of shoving it in the closet and tucking it away, which seems to be the approach of basically every church out there, almost every church out there right now.

01:04:01.071 --> 01:04:17.971
So when you started the podcast, given both of your individual journeys, how you met, etc., did you set out to say, we're trying to reach out to, I guess I'll use the word disaffected men, or was it more like these are the subjects that we're going to explore because we have the capacity to do so?

01:04:18.071 --> 01:04:23.131
Did you know who you wanted to talk to, or did you know what you wanted to talk about, or perhaps both?

01:04:24.271 --> 01:04:28.651
I would say that it's both of those just because the Venn diagram is practically a circle.

01:04:29.451 --> 01:04:38.211
The topics that need to be covered are going to have an interest for those men who would be targeting anyway.

01:04:38.451 --> 01:04:41.431
If we were deliberately targeting them, we'd talk about these subjects.

01:04:41.451 --> 01:04:44.231
By talking about these subjects, we are targeting them.

01:04:44.491 --> 01:04:47.911
So it's just sort of a natural consequence of the things that we are addressing.

01:04:48.851 --> 01:05:01.511
Because the men who have the capacity to deal with these issues are the very men that we need in the church and also the very men who have, for the last century or so, been driven out of the churches.

01:05:02.231 --> 01:05:04.651
Which is why the churches are in the state they're in.

01:05:04.891 --> 01:05:08.691
Because again, they're all run by women and effeminate men.

01:05:09.691 --> 01:05:15.511
That is not a recipe for a successful organization of any kind, particularly not for the church.

01:05:16.351 --> 01:05:32.711
And that's why, again, so many young men despise the churches because all they have seen is weak pastors who get pushed around by the women in their congregations and then they go and preach lies, just to double down on how reprehensible they are.

01:05:33.271 --> 01:05:35.871
There's no good reason any man would ever join that.

01:05:36.711 --> 01:05:46.591
You can look, even if you were convinced fully, by scripture, that God is real, that scripture is true, why would you join one of those churches?

01:05:47.691 --> 01:06:06.051
The only reason you join one of those churches is if you have someone giving you the correct information, teaching you correctly with regard to Christianity and what the Christian faith actually holds, and then you view the churches as a battlefield because the churches need to be taken back.

01:06:06.051 --> 01:06:18.331
The same as the state, the same as the secular realm, because Satan has conquered them by and large, particularly the mainline churches, but the conservative churches, so called, aren't safe either.

01:06:18.851 --> 01:06:20.711
They are also in terrible shape.

01:06:21.031 --> 01:06:24.831
We have many churches that are supposedly conservative.

01:06:24.851 --> 01:06:28.131
We just saw this with the Southern Baptist Convention particularly.

01:06:28.151 --> 01:06:34.431
They're just the most recent example, but many supposedly conservative churches are effectively ordaining women.

01:06:35.091 --> 01:06:46.111
Even the ones who don't permit women to get up behind the pulpit if they have a pulpit and preach are letting women do things where they are effectively in the office of pastor.

01:06:46.511 --> 01:06:49.171
They are acting as if they were ordained.

01:06:49.191 --> 01:06:52.191
They are in some cases doing things where they're basically ordained.

01:06:52.591 --> 01:06:54.871
In the LCMS, we have the problem with deaconesses.

01:06:55.171 --> 01:06:58.391
The way that that is conducted, it makes it seem like they're ordained.

01:06:59.051 --> 01:07:14.831
Now, the conservatives in the LCMS will deny that up one side, down the other, but the reality is what they are presenting to the world and what they are instilling in these young women and other women by proxy is that women can do whatever men can do.

01:07:15.791 --> 01:07:18.331
This is the groundwork for ordaining women.

01:07:18.331 --> 01:07:28.611
Now, they may never get around to actually ordaining women so long as they haven't had a split that is probably coming if this continues on the current trajectory.

01:07:29.771 --> 01:07:30.511
But it doesn't matter.

01:07:31.191 --> 01:07:39.511
If you let women and others who are not supposed to be in that office do all the things the office does, you've effectively ordained women.

01:07:39.731 --> 01:07:46.551
And so there's no reason for men to join those churches because you have an HR department at your work probably.

01:07:47.091 --> 01:07:48.171
They're obnoxious enough.

01:07:48.211 --> 01:07:51.131
Why would you elect to have another one in your life?

01:07:51.591 --> 01:07:53.451
Because that's all most modern churches are.

01:07:54.371 --> 01:07:58.531
It's a bunch of effeminate men who are going to tell you, well, you can't do that because it's mean.

01:07:59.631 --> 01:08:07.911
Instead of defending the truth, it's as if pastors have just completely forgotten that there is a stricter judgment awaiting them.

01:08:08.371 --> 01:08:10.591
You don't become pastor because it's comfortable.

01:08:10.871 --> 01:08:15.691
You become a pastor because you have the aptitude for it and you believe you have been called to it.

01:08:16.091 --> 01:08:21.131
And then there are certain restrictions, somewhat stringent restrictions on your life going forward.

01:08:21.471 --> 01:08:24.331
And there are requirements for what you must do in that office.

01:08:24.671 --> 01:08:28.311
And if you do not live up to them, the stricter judgment awaits.

01:08:29.531 --> 01:08:31.171
They should fear and they don't.

01:08:32.191 --> 01:08:54.351
And I think a big part of the reason that you see rooms full of guys under 40 all invigorated and passionate about facing in the same direction, in many cases, just trying to figure these things out together, is that unfortunately what passes for bold leadership in the conservative churches is being anti-sodomy and anti-abortion.

01:08:55.151 --> 01:08:56.451
And they won't even call it sodomy.

01:08:56.471 --> 01:09:00.851
They will say, oh, I'm anti-LGBTQ because that's bad for people.

01:09:01.571 --> 01:09:02.651
But they won't call it sodomy.

01:09:02.671 --> 01:09:04.211
They won't even call it homosexuality.

01:09:04.631 --> 01:09:09.571
So they will adopt the frame of the wicked world, and then they'll say, but that's sin.

01:09:09.851 --> 01:09:11.631
And then you ask, what kind of sin is it?

01:09:11.911 --> 01:09:25.331
And that was part of the controversy with the large catechism last year for the LCMS, was basically taking things like sodomy and raping children and putting it in the same bucket as looking at a girl in a maquette if you're not married to her.

01:09:26.571 --> 01:09:36.051
That sort of equivocation is revolting to younger men and using the same definition as you, like basically millennials and younger, that's revolting.

01:09:36.271 --> 01:09:39.611
It's obviously not an actual bold confession.

01:09:39.951 --> 01:09:47.051
It's an excuse to sort of stand on the street corner and pretend to be a Christian who's actually deeply rooted.

01:09:47.511 --> 01:10:00.731
When you just picked a single point on the battlefield, when there's all these other places where they are in complete agreement with the very same sodomites that they're condemning for that particular sin, but they agree with them politically about everything else.

01:10:01.351 --> 01:10:11.131
And so it's young men almost exclusively that can clearly see that there are a lot of people in the church in leadership positions who are hoaxes, they're frauds.

01:10:11.571 --> 01:10:13.751
They can say, oh, I'm so bold.

01:10:13.991 --> 01:10:15.551
I'm so politically involved.

01:10:15.571 --> 01:10:18.051
I'm so passionate because I condemn abortion.

01:10:18.291 --> 01:10:18.631

01:10:19.111 --> 01:10:22.531
Sacrificing babies to Satan, you think, is a bold confession?

01:10:22.551 --> 01:10:24.251
That's not even table stakes.

01:10:24.971 --> 01:10:27.291
It's inhuman for that to even be a question.

01:10:27.511 --> 01:10:29.891
So you don't get any points for being anti-abortion.

01:10:30.351 --> 01:10:39.251
But that issue for the last 50 years has given a lot of guys who are complete cowards, complete feminists cover for all the other things that they're pushing.

01:10:39.511 --> 01:10:44.451
And as long as once a year they'll go to the pro-life rally, they can say, look how bold my stand is.

01:10:44.711 --> 01:10:45.431
It's garbage.

01:10:45.931 --> 01:10:52.431
And so when Cory and I come along, and we'll point fingers at every single other thing they're lying about, men notice.

01:10:52.711 --> 01:10:53.811
Like, yeah, they're right.

01:10:54.291 --> 01:10:56.191
What about all the other stuff in the Bible?

01:10:56.651 --> 01:11:03.331
You pick this one or two, these one or two issues, and that's your confession, and you ignore everything else and let the world burn.

01:11:03.951 --> 01:11:05.651
They know that that's not real Christianity.

01:11:05.991 --> 01:11:14.611
And that's the reason that things like that meeting in Utah and all these other things that are going on, including Stone Choir itself, are a threat.

01:11:15.051 --> 01:11:23.451
Because when men get together and start talking about these subjects without being bounded by HR, you can start reading the Bible again.

01:11:23.471 --> 01:11:24.731
You can start believing it again.

01:11:25.031 --> 01:11:27.231
And that is the single biggest threat to everything.

01:11:27.471 --> 01:11:28.911
It's a threat inside the church.

01:11:29.031 --> 01:11:30.491
It's a threat politically.

01:11:30.971 --> 01:11:32.051
It's a threat to Satan.

01:11:32.551 --> 01:11:40.571
And the fact that he's controlling all these things independently, seemingly not obviously in some cases, but it's clear that the influence is there.

01:11:41.031 --> 01:11:43.011
It's men getting together and saying, you know what?

01:11:43.531 --> 01:11:44.431
No holds barred.

01:11:44.711 --> 01:11:47.011
Let's look at everything from scratch.

01:11:47.371 --> 01:11:53.271
And let's be faithful to the teachings that have been consistent with Scripture historically and see where the chips fall.

01:11:53.511 --> 01:11:58.011
And if it turns out that we have adopted beliefs that are false, we need to repent.

01:11:58.411 --> 01:11:59.291
We need to repent.

01:11:59.751 --> 01:12:01.611
It's not just about calling others to repent.

01:12:01.931 --> 01:12:04.091
It's about saying, I got something wrong.

01:12:04.291 --> 01:12:05.051
I fell for it.

01:12:05.291 --> 01:12:06.191
I went along with it.

01:12:06.451 --> 01:12:07.811
I realized now I was in error.

01:12:08.291 --> 01:12:10.411
I reject my own sin and I repent.

01:12:10.811 --> 01:12:13.851
And that's a bridge too far for pretty much everybody over 40.

01:12:14.591 --> 01:12:16.431
Yes, unfortunately.

01:12:17.311 --> 01:12:25.811
Okay, so I think I want to operationalize this, because we're talking about going to war for the truth.

01:12:25.831 --> 01:12:27.411
We're talking about being confrontational.

01:12:27.431 --> 01:12:29.711
We're talking about churches chasing out young men.

01:12:29.731 --> 01:12:33.231
We're talking about churches ordaining female pastors.

01:12:33.271 --> 01:12:38.571
And so you mentioned the larger catechism, the larger catechism I've heard you refer to it.

01:12:38.591 --> 01:12:47.671
So when you started the Stone Choir, had this come into being yet, or was that a little bit down the road?

01:12:47.711 --> 01:12:54.851
And maybe you can unpack for the listeners who aren't familiar with Lutheranism, who don't know what the large catechism is.

01:12:55.131 --> 01:13:01.771
Maybe you can unpack a little bit the structure of your denomination and understand how key this document is and some of the figures behind it.

01:13:02.731 --> 01:13:03.751
Sure, I'll take that one.

01:13:04.291 --> 01:13:11.111
The Lutheran Confessions are technically and properly called the Book of Concord.

01:13:11.291 --> 01:13:15.191
The Book of Concord was published in 1580.

01:13:15.951 --> 01:13:19.491
It is comprised of a number of different documents.

01:13:21.211 --> 01:13:24.991
The large catechism is one of those, and it's particularly important.

01:13:25.011 --> 01:13:26.331
I'll return to that in a minute, though.

01:13:27.331 --> 01:13:48.691
The documents that comprise the Book of Concord, other than obviously it has a preface, it includes the three universal creeds, the Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Confession, the Small Cult Articles, an article, a treatise on the Pope, the Small Catechism, the Large Catechism, and then the formula of Concord has both an epitome and a solid declaration.

01:13:49.691 --> 01:13:56.671
These documents span from 1530, which is when the Augsburg Confession was first introduced.

01:13:56.691 --> 01:14:01.211
That was incidentally the 494th anniversary two days ago.

01:14:01.951 --> 01:14:04.511
The presentation of that to the Emperor at Augsburg.

01:14:05.551 --> 01:14:10.491
So we'll have a major anniversary coming up here in six years for the Reformation just generally.

01:14:11.511 --> 01:14:15.351
But the various documents address various things.

01:14:15.511 --> 01:14:20.851
The formula of Concord is very much a technical, theological document.

01:14:20.871 --> 01:14:26.251
It's meant to iron out some squabbles that were in the Lutheran Church and some other things like that.

01:14:26.631 --> 01:14:31.671
But the catechisms are particularly important for a specific reason.

01:14:32.311 --> 01:14:36.191
The small catechism is memorized by all Lutheran children.

01:14:37.131 --> 01:14:41.711
The large catechism is expounding on the small catechism.

01:14:41.731 --> 01:14:58.191
The large catechism is what fathers are supposed to use to teach their wives and their children the faith because you have them memorize the small catechism and then you teach them more about the sections of the small catechism from the large catechism.

01:14:59.131 --> 01:15:15.291
And so if you can subvert the catechism that is used, and this has been an ongoing problem in the Lutheran Church and in other churches as well, but how they subvert it is they'll republish a new small catechism.

01:15:15.491 --> 01:15:22.251
The text of the small catechism will stay the same, but they'll add a bunch of questions and answers or explanatory notes or things like that.

01:15:22.271 --> 01:15:32.651
So it's honestly, it's very similar to what happened with the Schofield Bible, because the Schofield Bible itself is the King James.

01:15:33.671 --> 01:15:39.611
Now, we aren't particularly fond of the King James in the modern context for reasons we've gone into before.

01:15:40.071 --> 01:15:41.711
It's not that we don't like the King James.

01:15:41.751 --> 01:15:42.671
I read the King James.

01:15:42.691 --> 01:15:43.731
I have no problem with it.

01:15:44.271 --> 01:15:46.771
I usually read the ESV, but I read that one as well.

01:15:47.751 --> 01:15:58.491
The issue with the Schofield Bible was the footnotes, because a lot of the men reading the King James couldn't understand the English of the King James, but the footnotes were in modern English.

01:15:58.991 --> 01:16:02.311
So they read the footnotes, and then they just preached whatever the footnotes said.

01:16:03.131 --> 01:16:10.511
The same thing happens when you start adding all of these notes and explanations and questions and answers and all this other crap to the small catechism.

01:16:11.131 --> 01:16:18.591
That stuff winds up being what is actually taught in your schools and then what is preached in your pulpits and what your people actually believe.

01:16:19.251 --> 01:16:27.591
And so subverting the small catechism has been an ongoing effort in many Lutheran denominations for a long time, for decades.

01:16:27.911 --> 01:16:39.811
That's an ongoing problem, largely from the 60s as is expected because that's sort of when Satan really began in earnest his current push to subvert everything in our society and particularly in the churches.

01:16:41.071 --> 01:16:52.951
But the large catechism with annotations and other crap in it, that one is sort of the first major salvo with regard to subverting the large catechism.

01:16:54.291 --> 01:16:59.691
And it's still the text of the large catechism, but it has all of these essays along with it.

01:17:00.231 --> 01:17:05.211
Some of them aren't terrible, but some of them are outright Marxist.

01:17:06.311 --> 01:17:24.031
It's the Frankfurt School being funneled in to the LCMS via these essays, via this commentary on the large catechism that is published as a volume and intended for basically everyone in the LCMS to use this thing, and they are currently using it in the seminaries.

01:17:24.051 --> 01:17:27.131
They're using this abomination to teach pastors.

01:17:28.131 --> 01:17:58.851
And so when this thing was first released, we got a hold very early on of an electronic copy of it, and we read through the almost thousand-page document, however many pages it actually is, and then we did with Ryan Turnipseed a YouTube video just assessing some of the more problematic, the more heinous parts of these essays, some of the things that are put forward in this annotated so-called large catechism.

01:17:59.971 --> 01:18:03.491
And it became a big issue in the LCMS.

01:18:03.951 --> 01:18:06.411
But of course, that wasn't addressed.

01:18:06.431 --> 01:18:16.571
Yes, initially, Harrison pulled it back, halted publication in order to seem like he was doing something, because we stopped his vacation.

01:18:16.591 --> 01:18:21.131
He had to come back from Hawaii, which is part of the reason he doesn't like us.

01:18:21.151 --> 01:18:22.631
I'm sure that plays into it a little bit.

01:18:23.191 --> 01:18:26.831
But he almost immediately resumed publication of this thing.

01:18:26.851 --> 01:18:30.311
They just stopped it temporarily to say, we'll look into it.

01:18:30.771 --> 01:18:37.791
And then they started attacking us, because of course it's shoot the messenger, not actually deal with the content of the message.

01:18:39.311 --> 01:18:41.591
And so this thing is still out there.

01:18:41.851 --> 01:18:42.811
It's still being published.

01:18:42.831 --> 01:18:44.471
Like I said, it's being used in the seminaries.

01:18:44.551 --> 01:18:46.731
It is being pushed by CPH.

01:18:47.211 --> 01:18:54.791
The goal of Satan, the goal of the authors of this abomination, is to make this the official doctrine of the LCMS.

01:18:55.291 --> 01:18:57.571
And so it won't matter what the Book of Concord says.

01:18:58.371 --> 01:19:03.411
It's the same sort of game that Rome plays and that other Magisteriums play.

01:19:04.311 --> 01:19:15.531
It doesn't matter what your confessional document says, if no one ever uses it, they only use the explanations of it, because it matters what the explanation says.

01:19:16.211 --> 01:19:30.411
And so that's the goal, is to subvert the Book of Concord, because the things that are wrong, the things that are wicked in the annotations in those essays, by and large are addressed in the Book of Concord, and it says the exact opposite.

01:19:31.431 --> 01:19:37.531
But it doesn't matter, because the game Satan is playing is redefining terms, subverting them, explaining them away.

01:19:37.771 --> 01:19:39.851
It's the same thing that he always does.

01:19:40.291 --> 01:19:47.171
Just like they try to say that Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't about sodomy, wasn't about sexual perversion, wasn't that wicked.

01:19:47.191 --> 01:19:48.731
Oh, they were just being inhospitable.

01:19:49.531 --> 01:19:50.911

01:19:51.111 --> 01:19:56.911
That's of course completely ridiculous, because if that were the case, God would have wiped 90% of humanity off the map ages ago.

01:19:57.431 --> 01:20:02.231
But this is the same game we see with Satan everywhere.

01:20:02.831 --> 01:20:04.491
He does this in the political sphere.

01:20:04.491 --> 01:20:05.771
He does this in the churches.

01:20:06.851 --> 01:20:10.231
But it is happening in earnest now in the LCMS.

01:20:10.851 --> 01:20:12.731
This is not the first problem, as I said.

01:20:12.751 --> 01:20:25.171
They've done this with the Small Catechism previously, and they've also done this with various essays and opinion pieces published by the CTCR, which is the theological, the doctrinal body in the LCMS.

01:20:26.251 --> 01:20:29.911
That's the body to which questions are supposed to be posed, and then they give a definitive answer.

01:20:30.571 --> 01:20:33.511
They have been publishing wicked things from the 1960s forward.

01:20:34.051 --> 01:20:35.571
Again, not surprising.

01:20:35.591 --> 01:20:37.531
The 60s is the decade from hell.

01:20:39.491 --> 01:20:53.011
And it finally got to the LCMS, because the LCMS was one of the last standing, most conservative denominations in the American context.

01:20:54.651 --> 01:21:02.811
It has had problems for some time, and part of the reason that it's so insular and isolated is the World Wars, because the LCMS is largely German.

01:21:03.571 --> 01:21:06.731
And so there was political and other problems that played into it.

01:21:07.711 --> 01:21:19.151
But Satan finally got around to actively attempting to subvert the LCMS, and Matthew Harrison is playing a key role in that, because he is currently the leader of the LCMS, not for better, but definitely for worse.

01:21:20.651 --> 01:21:25.551
When did you guys notice this personally start happening?

01:21:25.931 --> 01:21:35.931
Because I've watched some of the turn-up stream, and how long into doing the Stone Choir podcast did that fateful stream happen?

01:21:35.951 --> 01:21:38.651
I'll be sure to put the link to the stream in the show notes.

01:21:39.011 --> 01:22:03.211
Because I guess the question is, did you go into the podcast knowing, starting Stone Choir, knowing like, okay, we're probably going to speak up to this in this denomination, because you guys said that you had met in some Lutheran groups, and then you had the turn-up stream, and then of course, all hell broke loose, perhaps literally, or what was the sequence of events that all these things kind of took place in?

01:22:04.391 --> 01:22:12.591
We actually described this in excruciating detail in the longest episode we'll probably ever do, the timeline of recriminations.

01:22:13.791 --> 01:22:18.631
That is an episode that we began with the suicide of George Floyd.

01:22:19.211 --> 01:22:36.071
When Floyd killed himself in 2020 with a fentanyl overdose, Matt Harrison put out a press release in the name of every church, every pastor, and every LCMS individual in the country saying that basically it was a murder.

01:22:36.211 --> 01:22:42.511
He, in our name, called the police officers who had been involved in that arrest, murderers.

01:22:42.951 --> 01:22:47.251
He said that they were guilty of taking his life, and he basically called for their heads.

01:22:47.951 --> 01:22:52.491
So independently, Corey and I each sent letters to him in our own names.

01:22:52.611 --> 01:22:53.511
I signed my name.

01:22:53.531 --> 01:22:56.771
I doxed myself to Harrison in 2020.

01:22:57.211 --> 01:23:04.251
And if he had bothered to read that letter, he would have been able to personally dox me as soon as we started the show, because I was saying the same things three years later.

01:23:05.391 --> 01:23:10.631
What we said to him was that you have defamed these men who have not...

01:23:10.651 --> 01:23:18.211
He put this out about four weeks after the suicide, which was about two weeks after the full police video came out.

01:23:18.691 --> 01:23:25.351
So anyone who had bothered to pay attention knew that that man had been saying, I can't breathe for 10 minutes before he was put on the ground.

01:23:26.711 --> 01:23:31.391
And so Harrison didn't care about that because he is a racial agitator.

01:23:31.771 --> 01:23:39.611
Everything that he does is rooted in tearing down anything that he sees in opposition to black America.

01:23:39.811 --> 01:23:41.951
That's one of the crucial things that he has.

01:23:42.411 --> 01:23:51.031
Both of his sons have married outside of their race, and he's thrilled that one of his own grandchildren has more African DNA than German DNA.

01:23:51.231 --> 01:23:53.771
He thinks that's just the most special thing in the world.

01:23:54.271 --> 01:24:00.411
And so he's personally invested for mercenary reasons and for false political reasons to push this crap.

01:24:01.131 --> 01:24:03.071
And so George Floyd kills himself.

01:24:03.091 --> 01:24:05.031
He puts out this demonic press release.

01:24:05.251 --> 01:24:10.111
Corey and I, each independently, not knowing each other at the time, sent him personal letters and said, this is crap.

01:24:10.371 --> 01:24:11.451
It was a couple of pages long.

01:24:11.471 --> 01:24:12.191
It was very respectful.

01:24:12.811 --> 01:24:19.571
But that was certainly for me, and I think for Corey as well, our first indication that we were dealing with a man who was not Christian.

01:24:20.011 --> 01:24:24.151
Because some of the way that he wrote that could not have been written by a Christian.

01:24:24.751 --> 01:24:26.871
But we didn't make that argument public.

01:24:26.891 --> 01:24:28.671
We didn't accuse him of that at that time.

01:24:29.151 --> 01:24:35.251
We certainly condemned and continued to condemn for a year the fact that he had defamed these men.

01:24:35.431 --> 01:24:42.431
I was hoping the chauvin would win in court so that he would sue them for defamation because it would have been trivial for him to win.

01:24:43.811 --> 01:24:45.311
We knew that Harrison was bad.

01:24:45.331 --> 01:24:46.231
We knew that he was evil.

01:24:46.251 --> 01:24:48.991
We knew he was a liar and that his conscience was seared.

01:24:49.331 --> 01:24:56.411
So when things started going south in 2022 that caused us to begin Stone Choir, we began that in October.

01:24:56.431 --> 01:25:00.991
The Large Catechism came out about January 20th, roughly.

01:25:01.371 --> 01:25:02.591
We immediately got a copy.

01:25:03.011 --> 01:25:10.251
Ryan Turnipseed put out his thread with a bunch of screenshots from the Large Catechism itself and published to the world.

01:25:10.271 --> 01:25:11.631
Hey, this is really bad.

01:25:11.911 --> 01:25:16.591
There's a bunch of stuff in here that's not remotely Christian, never mind not being Lutheran.

01:25:17.531 --> 01:25:18.891
And it got a lot of traction.

01:25:19.091 --> 01:25:19.891
And that's why...

01:25:19.911 --> 01:25:23.711
And so that fight began on Twitter.

01:25:25.111 --> 01:25:31.071
The thread was several days, I think close to a week before the turn upstream, if I remember correctly.

01:25:32.431 --> 01:25:43.191
And then about 30 minutes before we began recording the turn upstream where we were going to discuss all the same things that were in that thread, we got a notice that they were pulling it from sale.

01:25:43.211 --> 01:25:46.131
And it was pulled from sale for about a week.

01:25:47.171 --> 01:25:54.271
And then when it was republished about February 1st, Harrison additionally said, This is wonderful.

01:25:54.291 --> 01:25:55.631
We stand by everything in it.

01:25:56.011 --> 01:25:58.271
We roundly condemn the wicked.

01:25:58.291 --> 01:26:03.971
Basically calling us Nazis for opposing, pushing pedophilia in the church.

01:26:04.491 --> 01:26:12.051
And then three weeks after that, Missouri Synod put out a press release, explicitly condemning Stone Choir in all but name.

01:26:12.631 --> 01:26:32.311
It was made very clear that everything that had happened, he tried to frame it as exclusively online rabble rousers who had this political ax to grind that were outside the church, were wicked men, and he swore in public in writing that he was going to see every one of those men on the stream excommunicated.

01:26:33.071 --> 01:26:38.511
And the four men on that stream have subsequently all been driven out of the LCMS by his hand.

01:26:38.871 --> 01:26:52.471
Now, O'Brien has since joined another church, and that's a separate matter of drama, but these top-down things are, they're mercenary self-defense by a wicked man to cover up the fact that he's burning this church down.

01:26:52.971 --> 01:26:54.811
And I don't care about him personally.

01:26:55.131 --> 01:26:56.331
I could care less.

01:26:56.351 --> 01:26:59.071
I'm not interested in personalities.

01:26:59.371 --> 01:27:14.431
I'm interested in the fact that one of the few Christian denominations that has consistently been on the right side of most of these things, this guy is now turning it inside out and wearing it as a skin suit, and people don't see it, because we're all nice Christian guys.

01:27:14.451 --> 01:27:15.691
We don't want to be disagreeable.

01:27:16.071 --> 01:27:19.931
The guy who's in charge, who everyone has agreed, he's the man.

01:27:20.091 --> 01:27:20.751
Let's back him.

01:27:20.771 --> 01:27:21.591
Let's back his play.

01:27:22.591 --> 01:27:25.771
He's consistently nudging things very slowly.

01:27:26.511 --> 01:27:29.231
All of the large cataclysm was not particularly slow.

01:27:29.471 --> 01:27:31.451
That was really an acceleration on his part.

01:27:31.751 --> 01:27:39.071
But it was still relatively subtle, to the point that you can play Talmudic games and try to read between the lines and say, oh, he didn't really mean that.

01:27:39.371 --> 01:27:44.511
Which is the whole point, to introduce doubt and uncertainty and to give the enemy a foothold.

01:27:45.111 --> 01:27:46.131
Corey and I have none of that.

01:27:46.151 --> 01:27:46.951
We can see through it.

01:27:46.971 --> 01:27:48.211
We've fought these fights before.

01:27:48.231 --> 01:27:50.491
We've dealt with men like that before.

01:27:50.751 --> 01:27:53.351
Men who are wicked, who do not have the Holy Spirit.

01:27:53.611 --> 01:27:55.031
We know how they play.

01:27:55.451 --> 01:27:56.831
And so we just said, yup, here it is.

01:27:57.571 --> 01:27:58.251
It was not him.

01:27:58.271 --> 01:28:01.631
It was about the fact that their lives were being told about God in God's name.

01:28:02.071 --> 01:28:08.791
That is always going to cause me to show up and always going to cause me to cause problems for someone when I have some place to say something.

01:28:09.211 --> 01:28:11.871
And because this was in our own house, we went after it.

01:28:12.671 --> 01:28:18.391
And part of the reason for calling it Stone Choir is that we say that we're the stones crying out.

01:28:18.411 --> 01:28:20.111
We don't have a vocation to do this.

01:28:20.391 --> 01:28:25.591
I don't have credentials to say that I have permission to criticize other guys about theology.

01:28:26.331 --> 01:28:27.231
All I have is a Bible.

01:28:27.711 --> 01:28:30.731
And that's not me and my Bible under a tree.

01:28:30.731 --> 01:28:44.411
It's saying when God gives a man the Holy Spirit and additionally gives him other gifts of reason and intellect and whatever else and personality, if he doesn't show up, if Cory and I didn't show up to this fight, we would be wicked.

01:28:44.771 --> 01:28:56.171
Because we have been equipped in a way that few men have been to be able to deal with all of this at once, to deal with the complexity, to deal with the confrontation, to deal with the personal fallout.

01:28:56.571 --> 01:28:57.611
We're fine with all of it.

01:28:57.971 --> 01:28:59.471
This is easy mode for us.

01:28:59.751 --> 01:29:04.251
Whereas for most men, any one of these things would be nearly insurmountable.

01:29:04.711 --> 01:29:07.831
And so that's why it's part of why we started Stone Choir.

01:29:08.251 --> 01:29:10.511
We saw that no one else was going to show up to the fight.

01:29:10.531 --> 01:29:19.671
And I think that personally for me looking back, I'm not going to ascribe miraculous intervention on God's part that that's how this played out.

01:29:19.691 --> 01:29:25.491
But we were up and running three months, four months before this happened.

01:29:26.031 --> 01:29:29.471
And we hadn't really delved too much into controversial stuff yet.

01:29:29.811 --> 01:29:35.091
In fact, the most controversial episodes that we did were after the LCMS doxed me.

01:29:35.371 --> 01:29:38.591
They doxed me in retaliation for that.

01:29:38.611 --> 01:29:42.971
And then we went to town because they thought that we were afraid and ashamed and blah, blah, blah.

01:29:42.991 --> 01:29:43.411
We're not.

01:29:43.771 --> 01:29:44.591
I'm not ashamed.

01:29:44.911 --> 01:29:47.171
If I get something wrong, that's what bothers me.

01:29:47.591 --> 01:29:50.071
It doesn't bother me if someone else doesn't like me.

01:29:50.391 --> 01:29:52.911
If I get something wrong, if I sin, that's my concern.

01:29:53.131 --> 01:29:56.271
And so if someone calls me to repent and they're right, I'm going to thank them.

01:29:56.391 --> 01:29:57.271
I'm going to push back.

01:29:57.291 --> 01:29:59.311
I mean, that's the Christian attitude.

01:29:59.631 --> 01:30:07.351
But if someone attacks me for saying what God says, then they have created a problem for themselves that if they just left me alone, they wouldn't have had it.

01:30:08.531 --> 01:30:23.771
And I think this is why you've catalyzed so many men and so many listeners, is that they see what's wrong and they see what's wrong, we'll say, acutely in their own churches, like meaning their own church buildings or maybe the denominations as well.

01:30:24.231 --> 01:30:28.251
And they see what's wrong and they don't find anyone talking about it.

01:30:28.531 --> 01:30:31.791
And maybe they themselves don't have the capacity to talk about it.

01:30:32.171 --> 01:30:41.911
And not only that, they would be dealing at a far lower degree of scale than with an entire denomination, than with the head of the entire denomination.

01:30:42.511 --> 01:30:48.991
And so I think there's something very inspiring about saying, there's no one else here, I guess we're the guys.

01:30:49.351 --> 01:30:57.471
So we're going to get up and running to talk about the things that no one else is going to, particularly because we want to talk about it for our own sake, not just for others' sake.

01:30:57.811 --> 01:30:59.071
So we're going to start talking about it.

01:30:59.091 --> 01:31:05.851
And then here's this moment where this document comes out and it's sort of like a proof of concept.

01:31:05.871 --> 01:31:07.911
Like here's all these things that are very wrong.

01:31:08.231 --> 01:31:11.011
And so we've already been up and running, so we're going to talk about it.

01:31:11.211 --> 01:31:16.171
And you're going to get on the stream, and you're going to have that direct confrontation with the dragon.

01:31:16.491 --> 01:31:20.531
And the dragon's going to roar and breathe fire and then dox you.

01:31:21.191 --> 01:31:22.271
And we'll talk about that.

01:31:22.711 --> 01:31:26.551
And then the response is like, well, that didn't hurt very much.

01:31:26.711 --> 01:31:29.351
And then you double down, and then you lean into it even further.

01:31:29.371 --> 01:31:37.791
Because whoa, I remember when you and I were talking, and it was like, oh yeah, no, you guys did all your spiciest episodes, let's say, after they doxed you.

01:31:37.891 --> 01:31:40.591
They didn't dox you for the spiciest episodes.

01:31:40.891 --> 01:31:43.491
And I think that there's something very admirable about that.

01:31:43.511 --> 01:31:52.791
And I think that there are a lot of men that they might, in another life, wish to be the men capable of doing that, but certainly they have that fighting spirit within themselves.

01:31:52.811 --> 01:32:19.031
So I've appreciated learning about the saga, of course, way after the fact, because I think it speaks to what a lot of men wish that they had the capacity to do, or would pray to have the capacity to do, which is to say, Lord, give me the strength to speak truth into this situation, whatever the situation is, maybe it's my household, maybe it's my church, maybe it's my business, maybe it's my whole denomination, maybe it's my entire nation, give me the strength to do that.

01:32:19.411 --> 01:32:25.911
And you guys stepped into it reluctantly, which is, of course, the stories of all the best warriors are the reluctant warriors.

01:32:26.451 --> 01:32:36.291
So let's talk now about what specifically was it, were some of the things, of course, I know this, I just want to make sure that everyone's operating on the same page with the narrative.

01:32:36.571 --> 01:32:43.871
What were some of the specific things within the larger catechism that were like, that's really bad and there's no place to hide from it?

01:32:43.891 --> 01:32:46.651
Because I know what some of these are, so I just want to hear you guys talk about them.

01:32:47.651 --> 01:32:48.771
Let you start that one off.

01:32:52.091 --> 01:33:18.471
The principal one, there was one particular one, I think it's by far the most egregious and the most effective weapon that we had that they handed to us was a quote on one of the sexuality ones that I made a slide for and spread that far and wide online because it really went directly to the fact that these are not just subtle theological issues.

01:33:19.051 --> 01:33:20.251
Let me read this quote for you.

01:33:20.271 --> 01:33:27.911
This is from one of the contemporary annotations, one of the essays that was written, in this case incidentally by a girl.

01:33:28.971 --> 01:33:47.651
She wrote on behalf of the church, quote, however, though some of us are burdened with homosexual lust, pornographic addiction, transgenderism, pedophilia, and polyamory, more often they're the speck in our neighbor's eye rather than the log in our own.

01:33:48.711 --> 01:33:54.171
And so I made a slide of that with the LCMS logo and I highlighted burdened pedophilia and speck.

01:33:54.731 --> 01:34:01.691
I think that was the single most devastating thing that came out of all that because mothers noticed.

01:34:02.551 --> 01:34:10.491
You know, there are things that where guys can argue over fiddly stuff and like that's, guys like arguing over fiddly stuff.

01:34:10.511 --> 01:34:19.771
You know, everybody wants to have some strongly held opinion about some ecumenical council and pick a side and use words no one's ever heard before and fight it out.

01:34:20.091 --> 01:34:21.471
That's not what we're talking about here.

01:34:21.831 --> 01:34:29.471
We're talking about Matt Harrison's LCMS saying that there are some people that are burdened with raping children, but that's just a speck in their eye.

01:34:30.071 --> 01:34:31.491
And we took exception to that.

01:34:31.851 --> 01:34:32.851
We thought, you know what?

01:34:33.751 --> 01:34:45.991
They're passages about millstones, about God saying these people are going to be killed for eternity because what they are talking about is far more heinous than the speck in your eye.

01:34:46.171 --> 01:34:48.991
It's a complete misapplication of that verse.

01:34:49.391 --> 01:34:51.551
It's a complete misapplication of Christian doctrine.

01:34:52.611 --> 01:34:55.711
One of the episodes we did was entirely on all sins are not equal.

01:34:56.111 --> 01:34:58.131
Like I gave the example of a girl in a bikini.

01:34:58.351 --> 01:35:02.451
It's absolutely sinful and damning for you to lust after someone.

01:35:02.891 --> 01:35:17.531
But heterosexual lust for a member of the opposite sex who is not your spouse is not the same degree of sin as something that is fundamentally disordered against nature, disordered against creation itself.

01:35:18.291 --> 01:35:21.631
And so sodomitic lust is disordered against creation.

01:35:22.011 --> 01:35:24.811
It's completely disordered for a man to desire another man.

01:35:25.031 --> 01:35:26.311
And scripture makes that clear.

01:35:26.851 --> 01:35:36.291
And then further to separate desires from what is natural, to misdirect them towards children and then to act upon it, it's unspeakable.

01:35:36.451 --> 01:35:37.671
It should be unthinkable.

01:35:38.171 --> 01:35:41.371
And the fact that these people had the temerity to do...

01:35:42.091 --> 01:35:51.191
This is part of the thing, like the LGBTQIA++, that whole rainbow coalition, that spectrum of sexualities includes pedophilia.

01:35:51.471 --> 01:35:55.351
P's in some of those acronyms and they all know it because it's how they reproduce.

01:35:56.131 --> 01:36:09.231
This was the Missouri Synod leapfrogging ahead of most other churches to the very cutting edge of this degeneracy, to say that wanting to have sex with children is another sexual orientation.

01:36:09.891 --> 01:36:12.291
That's literally the context that they provided.

01:36:12.871 --> 01:36:25.271
And so of all the errors in there, I principally focused on this one just because it makes clear not only can you not have the Holy Spirit and produce this sort of thing, your hard drive needs to be handed over to someone.

01:36:25.291 --> 01:36:26.571
You're going to die in prison.

01:36:27.171 --> 01:36:30.491
No one writes this unless they are demonically wicked.

01:36:30.811 --> 01:36:33.571
This is so far beyond disputes.

01:36:34.171 --> 01:36:35.531
You're reformed and we're Lutheran.

01:36:35.551 --> 01:36:37.831
We disagree to some extent on the sacraments.

01:36:38.311 --> 01:36:39.331
I don't think you're wicked.

01:36:39.731 --> 01:36:41.431
I haven't even asked you about that.

01:36:41.551 --> 01:36:42.811
They're basic confessions.

01:36:42.831 --> 01:36:43.691
They're basic things.

01:36:43.731 --> 01:36:48.611
We've done episodes about different groups believe this about baptism, about communion.

01:36:49.051 --> 01:36:50.591
These are disagreements in the church.

01:36:50.631 --> 01:36:52.011
They're doctrinal disagreements.

01:36:52.371 --> 01:36:54.011
They're scriptural cases to be made.

01:36:55.091 --> 01:36:58.111
When you're talking about raping kids, there's no scriptural case to be made.

01:36:58.431 --> 01:37:00.451
There's nothing except for millstones.

01:37:01.011 --> 01:37:02.451
That's why a lot of this is political.

01:37:02.811 --> 01:37:04.771
There is a political side.

01:37:04.971 --> 01:37:14.011
There's a fact that until fairly recently, it was legal in the United States for pedophiles to be executed by the state, and the Supreme Court shot that down.

01:37:14.271 --> 01:37:18.591
It's just being challenged recently, where some states are passing those laws again.

01:37:18.971 --> 01:37:21.531
They're illegal at a federal level, so that's going to get battled out.

01:37:21.551 --> 01:37:23.351
But this is what we're talking about.

01:37:23.571 --> 01:37:30.831
If someone's willing to do this in the world, and then we have churches running interference and say, well, that's the speck in their eye.

01:37:31.151 --> 01:37:38.451
You have a child raper next door, but you cursed at the TV when the football played and go the way you like.

01:37:38.471 --> 01:37:39.511
You're just as bad as them.

01:37:39.531 --> 01:37:40.511
Take that speck out first.

01:37:40.711 --> 01:37:41.571

01:37:41.911 --> 01:37:43.371
We're not dealing with Christians at all.

01:37:44.251 --> 01:37:45.431
And so that's the most egregious.

01:37:45.451 --> 01:37:46.811
Some of the others are a little more subtle.

01:37:46.831 --> 01:37:50.951
There were ones about gentrification was condemned as a sin.

01:37:52.351 --> 01:37:54.691
Like Corey Selle is just, where did this come from?

01:37:55.051 --> 01:38:04.131
And this is not, it's brazen, radical, left-wing, we call it political, some people call it woke.

01:38:08.191 --> 01:38:10.991
To call something woke is to trivialize it.

01:38:11.271 --> 01:38:12.651
And this stuff is not trivial.

01:38:12.911 --> 01:38:16.891
This stuff is rooted in actual spiritual malevolence.

01:38:17.391 --> 01:38:23.151
And the fact that it seems incoherent, it seems irrational, is part of how they get away with it.

01:38:23.531 --> 01:38:27.931
Because you think it's, like, there was a headline this week where milk was called racist.

01:38:28.571 --> 01:38:31.051
And people are like, oh, that's so woke, they're so retarded.

01:38:31.071 --> 01:38:33.031
No, milk is racist.

01:38:33.651 --> 01:38:38.611
The ability to metabolize milk, to metabolize lactose, is racially based.

01:38:38.951 --> 01:38:40.591
Milk is absolutely racist.

01:38:40.971 --> 01:38:43.051
Whites can do it and most other races can't.

01:38:43.071 --> 01:38:43.851
Milk's racist.

01:38:44.171 --> 01:38:44.831
They're right.

01:38:45.111 --> 01:38:45.851
They're not woke.

01:38:45.871 --> 01:38:46.571
They're not stupid.

01:38:46.951 --> 01:38:48.971
What they're doing is they're attacking white people.

01:38:49.251 --> 01:38:52.031
And that's the unifying theory behind all of these things.

01:38:52.411 --> 01:39:04.071
It's part of the reason that the pagan versus Christian stuff is, it's one of the reasons we talk about race because there's so many guys that want to be propositional in their ideas about nationhood.

01:39:04.511 --> 01:39:07.011
When that's not what Satan's doing.

01:39:07.271 --> 01:39:09.991
Satan's not going after the idea of an American.

01:39:10.151 --> 01:39:11.931
He's specifically going after whites.

01:39:12.611 --> 01:39:17.411
If every single white in this country were exterminated, that would be a victory condition.

01:39:17.711 --> 01:39:19.871
They've made that very clear.

01:39:20.071 --> 01:39:21.291
These are controversial things.

01:39:21.311 --> 01:39:22.131
They upset people.

01:39:22.151 --> 01:39:24.431
Most people have never thought about them and they don't want to.

01:39:24.671 --> 01:39:30.931
And there's not a lot of church writing about this stuff because when in history has milk ever been attacked?

01:39:31.411 --> 01:39:34.631
And so most people see that and they just throw up their hands like that's crazy.

01:39:34.911 --> 01:39:37.291
We're able to understand it's not crazy at all.

01:39:37.311 --> 01:39:39.671
There's a root behind why they're picking that fight.

01:39:40.211 --> 01:39:44.231
So this week about when these fights are picked, we got to listen.

01:39:44.671 --> 01:39:45.891
Why would they go after milk?

01:39:46.111 --> 01:39:47.231
Why do they go after math?

01:39:47.251 --> 01:39:50.771
Why do they go after showing up on time and saying those are all racist?

01:39:51.051 --> 01:39:54.331
It's because certain races can't do those things, literally.

01:39:54.591 --> 01:39:56.751
They're physically incapable of doing those things.

01:39:57.051 --> 01:40:05.611
And when people in the church lie about that, we can't evangelize to pagans because they see that we're foolish and Satan just keeps moving the ball.

01:40:08.731 --> 01:40:16.331
If you ever want a reason to hate Justice Kennedy, he is the one who authored the majority opinion in that case.

01:40:16.351 --> 01:40:17.131
That's Kennedy v.

01:40:17.151 --> 01:40:17.791

01:40:18.611 --> 01:40:29.071
And I don't actually recommend reading that fact pattern unless you don't already hate those who push this sort of thing, particularly with regard to pedophilia.

01:40:30.271 --> 01:40:33.111
You're not going to forget the fact pattern if you read it, so fair warning.

01:40:34.811 --> 01:40:56.611
One of the reasons that I, in particular, woe is well, though, one of the reasons I'm prepared to deal with some of these problems, and in particular when I read through things like the so-called large catechism with annotations and contemporary applications, that word alone should probably alert most men to potential problems.

01:40:57.371 --> 01:41:05.211
But one of the things that prepared me for reading it and finding these problems is that I am very familiar with the writings of the Frankfurt School.

01:41:05.371 --> 01:41:07.991
So I am familiar with cultural Marxism.

01:41:08.011 --> 01:41:12.351
I've read, I won't say most, but actually it might be most.

01:41:12.371 --> 01:41:17.211
I've read many of their works, particularly of the central thinkers so-called of that school.

01:41:17.471 --> 01:41:27.071
And so when I read through these essays, I notice things that other men are going to miss because I know how Marxists work.

01:41:27.531 --> 01:41:29.191
I know Satan's playbook.

01:41:29.191 --> 01:41:36.091
I know the way that he is going to build his arguments, the words he's going to use, the way he's going to shade things.

01:41:36.771 --> 01:41:38.671
And I see it in these essays.

01:41:39.811 --> 01:41:45.511
And it almost reminds me of, that was I believe Justice Potter Stewart who said, I know it when I see it, of pornography.

01:41:46.931 --> 01:41:48.011
It's the same with this.

01:41:48.291 --> 01:41:52.311
If you know it, you are going to recognize it immediately for what it is.

01:41:52.711 --> 01:41:58.391
So when I read through these essays, I saw Marxism all over the place in a number of them.

01:41:58.911 --> 01:42:07.011
And it's incredibly obvious what Satan is attempting to do, because he uses the same playbook everywhere, and he uses it because it works.

01:42:07.831 --> 01:42:13.131
Because ignorant men and also wicked men just let him do it.

01:42:14.231 --> 01:42:23.271
And we have that happening in the LCMS, because very few pastors have done anything in opposition to this wickedness.

01:42:24.371 --> 01:42:27.151
This is now, again, being used in the seminary.

01:42:28.531 --> 01:42:30.631
Probably in both seminaries, I believe, at this point.

01:42:31.611 --> 01:42:33.631
The LCMS has two seminaries, one in St.

01:42:33.651 --> 01:42:35.011
Louis and one in Fort Wayne.

01:42:35.871 --> 01:42:38.791
This is being used to train future pastors.

01:42:39.411 --> 01:42:42.231
This is going to be pushed by those pastors, the fathers.

01:42:42.511 --> 01:42:44.851
Fathers are going to use this to teach their children.

01:42:46.131 --> 01:42:54.071
This alone is enough to undermine any teaching of actual Christian doctrine in the LCMS, because it's not just the beginning.

01:42:55.211 --> 01:43:00.051
This is another step in what Satan has been doing for a number of decades.

01:43:00.071 --> 01:43:05.291
It is a major step, but this will be used as the foundation for even more wicked things.

01:43:05.871 --> 01:43:09.131
If this is permitted to stand, the LCMS may as well be Elka.

01:43:09.551 --> 01:43:21.331
And for those who are not as familiar with how Lutheranism, although Elka is not really Lutheran, but how Lutheranism works in the US, you have a handful of relatively conservative denominations, and then you have Elka.

01:43:21.831 --> 01:43:24.511
Elka is the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

01:43:25.051 --> 01:43:27.811
Unfortunately, they still are allowed to use that name.

01:43:28.211 --> 01:43:29.231
They're not even Christian.

01:43:30.231 --> 01:43:40.431
I know the Presbyterians will immediately recognize this because you have the three major groups in Presbyterianism, and they're basically in ranked order of least to most faithful.

01:43:40.991 --> 01:43:43.651
We kind of have the same thing going in Lutheranism in America.

01:43:49.851 --> 01:43:56.811
So, when I saw the bit about pedophilia, well, I think you sent it to me, and then I listened to it on the turnip stream.

01:43:56.851 --> 01:44:00.211
I mean, there really is no way around that.

01:44:00.231 --> 01:44:03.051
Like, you can understand certain denominations.

01:44:03.271 --> 01:44:08.311
Like, I'm aware of some stuff that's been happening in the OPC lately with softening of language.

01:44:08.331 --> 01:44:10.071
I watched a YouTube video about that.

01:44:10.091 --> 01:44:18.971
A couple guys discussing, you know, well, why are they going to change this provision to essentially something from something clear to something substantially less clear?

01:44:18.991 --> 01:44:20.671
And these two guys are talking about it on YouTube.

01:44:20.691 --> 01:44:22.151
Like, we really just don't understand this.

01:44:22.471 --> 01:44:25.711
And it just kind of seems like they are genuinely unaware of what's going on.

01:44:26.071 --> 01:44:34.491
So there are these subtle shadings of language that open the door, a crack for larger transgressions down the line.

01:44:35.071 --> 01:44:59.531
But it seemed to me that just seeing that one line, that likening pedophilia to all these other more normal sins, I guess you'd say, or more everyday sins or properly ordered sins, it was crossing a major, major line and a massive overplaying of the hand or perhaps a total revelation of what's going on in this absolutely unmistakable way.

01:44:59.971 --> 01:45:19.291
And just to put the pieces together, it was because you and Ryan on the turnip stream and then one other man, you guys got together on this four-way, I think it was like a YouTube, a Zoom call perhaps, and maybe it was live streamed, I'm not sure, that you called these things out, you brought destruction down on yourselves from the top.

01:45:19.311 --> 01:45:32.171
And not only because of this, but you brought destruction down on yourselves from, and I don't mean to put this in your hands, understand, I just mean that you spoke into this thing and Matthew Harrison publicly declared that you four must be destroyed for speaking into this.

01:45:32.771 --> 01:45:54.731
And so I want to talk, I want to move into talking about some of the racial issues that we got to, but before we do that, I want to hear a little bit about that moment when it's like you spoke into something truthfully and openly that needed to be spoken into that I think a lot of men listening would wish they had the opportunity to have the courage to draw their swords and say, we will not stand for this.

01:45:55.351 --> 01:46:04.911
Maybe you can talk a little bit about that moment, the stream and the aftermath, and then we can get into the milk and all that stuff, which is sort of the meat of the Stone Choir podcast as I've listened to it anyway.

01:46:06.051 --> 01:46:23.251
That moment really wasn't that interesting for us evolutionarily because by that point, as we said in that episode that we did on the timeline of recriminations where we go over all of these events, Corey and I both knew after Floyd's suicide that Harrison was apostate.

01:46:24.071 --> 01:46:36.371
So the fact that he went mask off in the large cataclysm, I was kind of surprised at the aggressiveness of how openly he was going to be apostate but the fact didn't surprise me.

01:46:37.171 --> 01:46:42.391
The degree of openness did, but it wasn't a revelation.

01:46:44.411 --> 01:46:47.591
Stone Choir exists because pastors have been faithless.

01:46:48.351 --> 01:46:54.591
If pastors in the LCMS were addressing these things as they have a duty to God to do, we wouldn't exist.

01:46:55.351 --> 01:46:57.751
It's another part of the reason we're called Stone Choir.

01:46:58.291 --> 01:47:01.071
We don't have a vocation to tackle these issues.

01:47:01.491 --> 01:47:08.971
There's no line item in any charter that says, here's the office of the guy that's going to complain about people doing this stuff in the church.

01:47:09.651 --> 01:47:11.571
Pastors are supposed to police this stuff.

01:47:11.971 --> 01:47:13.051
That's what they say.

01:47:13.431 --> 01:47:18.971
The theology of the LCMS pastorate is that they have a duty to address these issues.

01:47:19.951 --> 01:47:24.511
But when push comes to shove, what pastors do is they put their heads down.

01:47:24.731 --> 01:47:25.991
They pretend it doesn't exist.

01:47:26.011 --> 01:47:27.231
They say it's not their problem.

01:47:27.251 --> 01:47:28.171
It's none of their business.

01:47:29.031 --> 01:47:33.571
And the LCMS own bylaws expressly forbid them from publicly disagreeing.

01:47:34.111 --> 01:47:43.431
If there are doctrinal disputes within the LCMS, pastors who are members of the corporation of the LCMS, it's called the roster.

01:47:43.911 --> 01:47:46.031
Corey and I were not members of the LCMS.

01:47:46.051 --> 01:47:49.831
We were members of congregations which were members of the LCMS.

01:47:49.851 --> 01:47:51.711
So there's a level of indirection there.

01:47:52.211 --> 01:47:56.791
So laymen so-called are members of the LCMS, were members of churches.

01:47:57.231 --> 01:48:12.131
The churches and the pastors themselves are members of the corporation, which means that the members of the corporation, the pastors and the churches collectively, can be kicked out of the corporation, which means you don't have access to the payroll, like the benefits program.

01:48:12.411 --> 01:48:14.571
You don't have access to receive new pastors.

01:48:15.011 --> 01:48:19.331
So it's close to a death sentence for a congregation to be kicked out.

01:48:19.811 --> 01:48:26.511
And it's basically a death sentence for a pastor to be removed from the roster because no one else in the Missouri Synod can call him.

01:48:28.311 --> 01:48:32.351
As a result, virtually no pastors are willing to stand up to any of this stuff.

01:48:33.071 --> 01:48:40.051
A remarkable thing happened in the immediate aftermath of Ryan Turnip Seed's thread and the turn upstream.

01:48:40.651 --> 01:48:45.211
For a period of about 10 days, there were a whole bunch of pastors who had kept their heads down.

01:48:45.411 --> 01:48:48.151
They hadn't fought back against any of this crap for years.

01:48:49.071 --> 01:48:55.111
They forgot that they were beholden to the congregation and they actually did their jobs for a couple of weeks.

01:48:55.571 --> 01:48:56.531
They said, this is bad.

01:48:56.551 --> 01:48:58.791
This is clearly false doctrine.

01:48:59.431 --> 01:49:05.551
Then the corporation slammed the blast doors on the 1st, when it was re-released, the 1st of February.

01:49:05.571 --> 01:49:16.111
Then on, I think, the 21st or 22nd, when the press release was put out that said that there were basically Nazis running wild in the LCMS and they were going to be excommunicated.

01:49:16.771 --> 01:49:23.431
That pretty much completely shut down all pastoral objections to these things in public.

01:49:24.111 --> 01:49:31.171
One of the things that we said in that stream is part of the reason that we have been targeted, part of the reason that we're such a threat is we're not beholden to anyone.

01:49:31.731 --> 01:49:38.751
There's nothing that they can do to us to prevent us from speaking against these things.

01:49:39.851 --> 01:49:47.491
It's a Wild West sort of scenario that's not good for anyone, because you don't want to have men just running around taking shots of things.

01:49:47.911 --> 01:49:55.051
It's disruptive, but the fundamental problem is if the church weren't doing this stuff, we wouldn't exist.

01:49:55.491 --> 01:49:59.431
If the church had small problems, we never would have started talking about it.

01:49:59.871 --> 01:50:02.411
Every church has had small problems and sometimes big ones.

01:50:02.691 --> 01:50:04.751
You can even work through some of the big ones.

01:50:05.231 --> 01:50:14.711
What we saw for the last few years was that there is a tectonic shift that is going to end Christianity within the LCMS.

01:50:15.131 --> 01:50:18.751
It's not only ceasing to be Lutheran and ceasing to exist.

01:50:19.391 --> 01:50:25.751
The number of members has nearly dropped in half since Harrison took the presidency in 2010.

01:50:26.171 --> 01:50:26.831
It's dying.

01:50:27.511 --> 01:50:30.331
Even though it's dying, they're still trying to kill it with false doctrine.

01:50:30.611 --> 01:50:32.251
That's why the fight has to.

01:50:41.771 --> 01:50:50.351
The battle lines were drawn a little bit publicly because there were a whole bunch of guys on Twitter and elsewhere on social media who immediately condemned all of us.

01:50:50.791 --> 01:50:52.811
Said, you have no business doing that.

01:50:52.831 --> 01:50:56.251
How dare you criticize the Pope in Rome?

01:50:56.271 --> 01:51:00.571
The replay of the Reformation that occurred in that moment is hard to overstate.

01:51:01.091 --> 01:51:07.651
I was actually just yesterday, I spent like three hours watching a documentary series on the papacy.

01:51:08.491 --> 01:51:23.231
And in the episode that they did on Leo X, who was the Pope during the Reformation, at least the early part of it, over and over the things that they were saying about the disputes between Luther and Rome and the behavior of both sides, the echoes were unmistakable.

01:51:23.451 --> 01:51:27.671
One of the points that they made was that Luther was a master of social media.

01:51:28.311 --> 01:51:35.251
The use of the printing press and the popular appeal to the laity to say like, here you go, Christians, this is what's actually going on.

01:51:35.471 --> 01:51:39.611
Here's what the Bible says, here's what the Pope says, you got to pick one because they don't say the same thing.

01:51:40.431 --> 01:51:43.031
That was revolutionary and it was hugely disruptive.

01:51:43.351 --> 01:51:48.271
The exact same thing played out last year because Ryan Terps, he's really good at social media.

01:51:48.531 --> 01:51:49.691
Corey and I are good at it too.

01:51:49.991 --> 01:51:51.251
We're good at messaging.

01:51:51.751 --> 01:51:56.611
And that can either be used to deceive or can be used to spread truthful messages.

01:51:57.271 --> 01:51:58.391
You're also very good at it.

01:51:58.411 --> 01:52:07.731
You have multimedia empire that you're growing here where you're taking things to people in different contexts and just saying like, look, this is true, but it's not enough to be true.

01:52:07.751 --> 01:52:09.591
You need good production quality.

01:52:09.911 --> 01:52:11.491
You need good arguments.

01:52:11.511 --> 01:52:12.711
You need them well presented.

01:52:13.411 --> 01:52:14.871
Polish has to be a part of it.

01:52:15.431 --> 01:52:25.091
And so the fact that we're good at kind of all of those things simultaneously where our opponents are not, they're ham-fisted and they're bad at these things was tremendously disruptive.

01:52:25.871 --> 01:52:27.971
And like I said, that's potentially a bad thing.

01:52:27.971 --> 01:52:32.731
I don't want an environment where random guys on the internet are just running around taking pot shots.

01:52:33.051 --> 01:52:35.431
That's not good for anyone, per se.

01:52:36.791 --> 01:52:41.471
But at the same time, it is the absolute duty of the churches to be faithful to scripture.

01:52:41.711 --> 01:52:45.451
And the moment that they stop doing that, you're going to find some stones crying out.

01:52:45.931 --> 01:52:47.891
And you're going to find some stones flying.

01:52:48.391 --> 01:52:51.611
And that's, you buy your ticket, you take the ride.

01:52:52.011 --> 01:52:55.311
They picked this fight, and they didn't realize who was showing up.

01:52:55.651 --> 01:53:02.051
The men that they chose as their opponents on the turn-up stream were the worst men in the universe they could have possibly chosen.

01:53:02.411 --> 01:53:04.551
We're all very intelligent.

01:53:04.571 --> 01:53:05.611
We're all very good at this.

01:53:06.011 --> 01:53:09.271
All they had to do was be faithful, and we would have still been on their side.

01:53:09.291 --> 01:53:11.971
It's like this isn't a personality conflict.

01:53:11.991 --> 01:53:13.351
This is about scripture.

01:53:13.591 --> 01:53:15.351
It's about obedience to God.

01:53:16.151 --> 01:53:18.131
I'm going to answer to God for all of this.

01:53:18.471 --> 01:53:21.531
I'm going to stand before the judgment throne and answer for all of this.

01:53:22.051 --> 01:53:23.671
And that's what worries me.

01:53:23.691 --> 01:53:29.211
The hit pieces in the press and all the other stuff that's happened, not interesting.

01:53:29.451 --> 01:53:30.051
It's fine.

01:53:30.371 --> 01:53:32.071
I care about what God thinks about me.

01:53:32.311 --> 01:53:36.171
And if men don't like it, well, that tells me more about them than it does about God.

01:53:38.011 --> 01:53:49.331
I wasn't aware that there were all these incentives from various pastors and members of the roster to make sure that you were quiet.

01:53:49.351 --> 01:53:59.711
I didn't understand the denominational structure where there's actually more interest in making sure that you guys don't speak up than just at the very tippy top level.

01:54:00.371 --> 01:54:08.231
Your truth-speaking highlights the consent to lies or the act of participation in lies from everybody else.

01:54:08.231 --> 01:54:10.391
I didn't fully understand that, and I think I do now.

01:54:11.371 --> 01:54:14.571
It's exactly the same point I was making earlier about abortion.

01:54:15.171 --> 01:54:27.971
There's a subset of guys that are very bold confessors of fights that no one's having anymore, and they rest on their laurels, and they hang their hat on picking those fights about the liturgy and about some other things.

01:54:28.231 --> 01:54:29.211
I love the liturgy.

01:54:29.231 --> 01:54:32.171
I care about those things, but that's not the fight that Satan's picking.

01:54:32.591 --> 01:54:36.911
We're going to show up wherever Satan picks the fight, and that's the problem.

01:54:37.031 --> 01:54:38.511
You correctly identified it.

01:54:38.851 --> 01:54:42.491
We put those men to shame because we went where the puck moved.

01:54:42.971 --> 01:54:47.611
We don't care about the battle from five years or 50 years ago or 500 years ago.

01:54:47.971 --> 01:54:55.011
We care about this year's battle because this year's battle is destroying souls, and no one else was willing to show up.

01:54:55.031 --> 01:55:06.551
In the subsequent convention that occurred, there were a bunch of resolutions both supporting the pedochism and condemning it, and they were all basically shot down.

01:55:06.571 --> 01:55:09.951
The pastors were basically told behind the scenes, don't do this.

01:55:10.231 --> 01:55:22.291
In fact, one of the reasons, one of the ways they were able to shut that down was they lied to them then, I think June or maybe July, with the same lies that Harrison was telling back in February, which is what there are terrorist threats.

01:55:22.811 --> 01:55:30.031
They directly accused Corey and me of violent terrorist threats in order to shut down discussion that this actually happened.

01:55:30.051 --> 01:55:32.371
I have eyewitnesses to the fact that those lies were told.

01:55:32.831 --> 01:55:36.071
And as a result, they were told, well, there were threats of violence made.

01:55:36.291 --> 01:55:37.271
We can't do this.

01:55:37.991 --> 01:55:39.271
And so nothing happened.

01:55:40.151 --> 01:55:47.931
The brazen degree of deceit and cowardice, it's shocking.

01:55:48.311 --> 01:55:54.371
If we're just being jerks on the internet, just call us jerks on the internet, I wouldn't even necessarily disagree.

01:55:54.691 --> 01:55:57.271
But that's not the accusation.

01:55:57.551 --> 01:56:04.871
The accusation is all these things that are complete falsehoods because it's necessary to prevent anyone from actually thinking about the problems.

01:56:05.751 --> 01:56:10.111
We have a church saying it's raping kids as a sexual preference.

01:56:10.631 --> 01:56:11.411
That's the fight.

01:56:12.591 --> 01:56:14.271
Corey, did you have something you wanted to add to that?

01:56:15.351 --> 01:56:17.031
Just sort of a tangential comment.

01:56:17.031 --> 01:56:28.731
I think it's somewhat amusing that this is happening in the Lutheran Church when we have the history of really any of the major figures in Lutheranism.

01:56:29.391 --> 01:56:39.511
These were not men who were afraid to stand up and bear the brunt of the attack by whomever it happened to be or speak their mind, and particularly the LCMS.

01:56:39.531 --> 01:56:44.111
The LCMS is largely, historically at least, and still today, German.

01:56:44.171 --> 01:56:52.471
There's a fair contingent of Scandinavians as well, but Germans aren't known for being afraid to say the truth somewhat bluntly.

01:56:53.211 --> 01:56:56.891
Anyone who's traveled in Germany will of course know that to be entirely true.

01:56:58.311 --> 01:57:13.371
One of the princes at the presentation of the Augsburg Confession, when he was speaking face to face with the emperor, said, rather than deny my god and his gospel, I would sooner kneel down here before your imperial majesty and have my head struck off.

01:57:14.451 --> 01:57:34.811
I think if we come from a line of men who are willing to say that to the face of the emperor, who could very well have done that to him right then and there, I think the least we can do is stand up and tell the truth about Marxism being brought into the LCMS and subverting one of the last few standing actual Christian churches in America.

01:57:34.831 --> 01:57:39.571
Yeah, especially it's such a clear-cut issue.

01:57:40.711 --> 01:57:44.511
There's not a lot of wiggle room when you're talking about pedophilia.

01:57:44.531 --> 01:57:48.971
And that's one of the odd things that seems to be going on right now.

01:57:49.431 --> 01:57:54.111
It would seem to me that that, raping children, right?

01:57:54.471 --> 01:57:55.631
Just call it what it is.

01:57:56.191 --> 01:58:13.251
That that would be the clearest-cut example of something that every normal human being would find so revolting and repulsive as to not just tickle the conscience or prick the conscience, but to outrage the conscience of almost every normal human being.

01:58:13.531 --> 01:58:14.091
Pretty clear.

01:58:15.991 --> 01:58:22.431
That idea is being snuck into a denomination like the LCMS.

01:58:22.451 --> 01:58:26.811
I don't have any experience with the denomination, but I trust you guys when you say that it's one of the faithful ones.

01:58:27.551 --> 01:58:35.011
To that idea, it's beyond offensive that they would try, that they would do that.

01:58:35.031 --> 01:58:37.111
I think you said it was written by a woman as well.

01:58:37.631 --> 01:58:38.991
It's like a double offense.

01:58:40.491 --> 01:58:54.011
I can understand being in, we'll say, a metaphorical room, whether it be social media or you just imagine you're in a giant auditorium full of all the members of this denomination, including pastors and people inside the executive staff.

01:58:55.491 --> 01:58:58.191
Looking around, is anyone going to say anything about this?

01:58:59.231 --> 01:59:00.551
Does anyone have anything to say?

01:59:00.571 --> 01:59:03.591
Then the resonating silence.

01:59:05.211 --> 01:59:07.951
I think, well, you did mention that some mothers did notice that.

01:59:08.531 --> 01:59:18.891
I don't mean to say that no one said anything, but the ability to build a platform to say something from you and Ryan, like you guys and Ryan, is so crucially important.

01:59:19.711 --> 01:59:28.391
It's very telling that you would speak up and you would say these things, and then the immediate response would be executive level condemnation.

01:59:30.011 --> 01:59:31.051
We got you.

01:59:31.351 --> 01:59:33.391
Because the reaction kind of says it all.

01:59:33.811 --> 01:59:49.331
If you speak truth into something that is objectively morally wrong, being spoken by a woman nonetheless, in Lutheranism, I wonder what Luther would have to say about that, that the response came was so swift and so aggressive and so personal.

01:59:49.891 --> 01:59:51.671
It means that you hit the thing.

01:59:52.011 --> 01:59:53.471
You put your finger on the thing.

01:59:53.611 --> 01:59:54.831
So well done with that.

01:59:55.971 --> 02:00:05.911
That particular aspect, that particular issue, at the time, we thought that it was, as most people would assume, it was just theoretical.

02:00:06.651 --> 02:00:16.531
I have subsequently learned that numerous men who were involved in the things that have happened to us, their defense of that false doctrine was more than theoretical.

02:00:17.611 --> 02:00:18.131
Oh, no.

02:00:18.151 --> 02:00:22.011
I'm not going to go beyond that, but yeah.

02:00:23.231 --> 02:00:30.511
The mercenary self-dealing of the things that have occurred to us in punishment for this is just off the charts.

02:00:31.091 --> 02:00:31.791
We don't miss.

02:00:32.131 --> 02:00:34.071
Even we don't even know the shot that we're taking.

02:00:35.531 --> 02:00:47.231
So, Okay, so you talked about, I think it was Matthew Harrison, has his children married outside their race, and so there's a personal aspect to the racial issues that you guys have brought up.

02:00:47.751 --> 02:00:58.531
So it sounds to me like you're saying there's perhaps some personal advocacy on behalf of pedophilia that's coming from within the same executive body without getting too specific about it.

02:00:59.651 --> 02:01:05.891
Yeah, the cadre of men who were involved in my doc saying you have direct connections to that question.

02:01:07.211 --> 02:01:10.011
Going back 15 years that I know of for a fact.

02:01:10.751 --> 02:01:12.891
And so I learned about that afterwards.

02:01:13.131 --> 02:01:23.131
Again, for us principally, the problem is theological, but we can never lose sight of the fact that when we're talking about sin, we're talking about sin in the real world.

02:01:23.211 --> 02:01:25.011
Sin is not theoretical.

02:01:25.771 --> 02:01:27.351
People are hurt by sin.

02:01:27.871 --> 02:01:34.791
And so that's one of the reasons that it's so crucial for any church body to hold the line on these very basic things.

02:01:35.511 --> 02:01:44.151
And although we principally here have highlighted that particular thing, the other things that were done in there were not that egregious.

02:01:44.471 --> 02:01:50.671
They were lesser sins, but they were still wildly impermissible aspect of false doctrine.

02:01:51.211 --> 02:01:56.171
And that was one of the things that the pushback occurred was that, well, you guys have just overplayed your hand.

02:01:56.351 --> 02:01:58.511
You're making a mountain out of a molehill here.

02:01:58.991 --> 02:02:03.911
Sure, maybe things could have been phrased a little bit better, but as Corey said, that's the game they play.

02:02:04.151 --> 02:02:11.091
It's a Martin Bailey play, where they'll advance the ball and then they'll pull it back just a little bit and say, why are you overreacting?

02:02:11.311 --> 02:02:12.871
This is, it's not that big a deal.

02:02:12.891 --> 02:02:23.891
The point that Corey made was that we clearly saw as we were reading through the essays, the additions to this thing, that it was all coming from outside of Christianity.

02:02:24.511 --> 02:02:51.011
And one of the regular points that we make on Stone Choir is that unfortunately the modern Christian has this inherent tendency to want to take things from outside the church, just drag a bag of dog crap off the street and try to baptize it and try to find a proof text to say, yeah, this thing that I found from my HR department, this new morality, let's find a Bible verse that says that I can hold the same thing that HR believes and that the DEI program believes.

02:02:51.471 --> 02:02:52.671
That's not how Christianity works.

02:02:53.071 --> 02:02:56.391
That's your moral compass must be rooted in scripture.

02:02:56.691 --> 02:02:59.651
You don't find morality outside of God's word.

02:03:00.331 --> 02:03:02.831
That's really one of the fundamental aspects of all of this.

02:03:03.171 --> 02:03:18.191
And so often in all of our church bodies, we see people finding new sins and they're not finding them in scripture, but then what will happen, they'll hear somewhere that someone says something is really bad and really mean and really hateful, really dangerous.

02:03:18.211 --> 02:03:21.211
And they'll say, well, I need to find where that is in the Bible.

02:03:21.391 --> 02:03:22.471
That's completely backwards.

02:03:22.791 --> 02:03:25.451
You read your Bible and you discover your own sins.

02:03:25.671 --> 02:03:27.251
That's how Christianity works.

02:03:27.551 --> 02:03:33.011
When you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, these people are playing it in reverse because Satan plays in reverse.

02:03:33.271 --> 02:03:37.391
He says, I got all these other teachings for you and you can go find a proof text if you want.

02:03:37.651 --> 02:03:40.051
Non-Christians don't care as far as they're concerned.

02:03:40.351 --> 02:03:43.251
All these things are moral dicta without any Bible.

02:03:43.271 --> 02:03:44.991
They don't need the Bible though these things are evil.

02:03:45.331 --> 02:03:48.371
And then Christians like, oh, I need to agree with the new morality of the world.

02:03:48.651 --> 02:03:49.951
I gotta find Bible verses.

02:03:50.271 --> 02:03:52.531
And they'll twist some verse to say something.

02:03:52.911 --> 02:04:00.151
We did an entire episode on Galatians 3.28 and how it's complete inversion is fundamentally the roadmap for most of what's happening now.

02:04:00.651 --> 02:04:16.131
It's the church is so averse to fighting in defense of scripture that the Christians so-called are willing to take wicked things from outside of the church and then try to insert them into the Bible and then pretend that they got it from God.

02:04:16.931 --> 02:04:17.791
It's not Christian.

02:04:18.191 --> 02:04:19.591
And that's the problem.

02:04:19.611 --> 02:04:24.891
These things are not just matters of doctrinal dispute among your post-Reformation sects.

02:04:25.291 --> 02:04:26.931
We're talking about very basic stuff.

02:04:26.951 --> 02:04:28.351
Where do you get your right and wrong?

02:04:28.851 --> 02:04:32.171
And today, almost no one gets their right and wrong from the Bible.

02:04:32.431 --> 02:04:39.471
They're getting it from whatever the new morality is in the last six months.

02:04:41.091 --> 02:04:42.671
I hear all of that.

02:04:43.091 --> 02:04:57.811
And I guess, because I deal with it in my own way, not in trying to baptize specific cultural or theological or political errors, but I deal with it, for example, with yoga.

02:04:57.891 --> 02:05:09.531
When I tried to explain to, because I came in from the new age, when I tried to explain to Christians that, no, you can't just baptize yoga because you decide that you're going to say some prayers or read scripture verses while you're doing it.

02:05:09.591 --> 02:05:11.491
That doesn't magically make it okay.

02:05:11.891 --> 02:05:21.411
And in fact, there was a guy I'm in a little bit of a conflict with right now on Instagram, popular, popular creator, Christian Content for Men.

02:05:22.051 --> 02:05:30.931
And he posted a video of, it's this heavy metal rock band that's producing like Christian kind of metal, Christian rock.

02:05:31.611 --> 02:05:41.931
And the thing with it is like, if you were to turn off the audio and just look at it, it would look like any modern rock performance in terms of the imagery.

02:05:42.411 --> 02:05:48.531
And if you were to just turn off the imagery and just listen to the music, it just sounds worldly except for some of the lyrics.

02:05:48.991 --> 02:05:52.031
And I was saying like I'll hard pass on that.

02:05:52.031 --> 02:05:53.491
And a lot of guys got really upset.

02:05:53.511 --> 02:05:58.291
And I'm like, look, you can't just baptize these things from the world and bring them into the Christian church.

02:05:58.311 --> 02:05:59.271
That's not how this works.

02:05:59.611 --> 02:06:02.251
And people get very upset when you try and tell that to them.

02:06:02.271 --> 02:06:15.431
And I did a stream, a live stream last night with a young man, Connor from Forge and Anvil who explained to me, because I bump into this dynamic all the time coming in from the world and just trying to get rid of as much of the world as I possibly can.

02:06:16.011 --> 02:06:18.251
And there have been moments where I couldn't do it fast enough.

02:06:18.611 --> 02:06:23.411
And so I come into the church and I meet so many people that are so attached to their things of the world.

02:06:23.431 --> 02:06:26.291
And when you try and challenge it, they get really touchy about it.

02:06:26.851 --> 02:06:29.291
And so he helped me understand some of why that is.

02:06:29.631 --> 02:06:38.231
But I can definitely understand and relate to the idea that when you're dealing with the political dynamics of a denomination, that there is this temptation.

02:06:38.251 --> 02:06:49.811
And I do mean that, not just in the neutral, like we're all tempted by things, but like the actual satanic temptation to corrupt doctrine, to fit in better with the world.

02:06:50.111 --> 02:06:51.731
Like I see that.

02:06:51.831 --> 02:06:54.591
And I just look at a little tiny piece of it.

02:06:54.611 --> 02:07:02.591
Like I don't mean to compare my little talking about yoga or anything like to what you guys have experienced, but I see that temptation.

02:07:02.611 --> 02:07:05.991
And I think a lot of other young men do as well.

02:07:06.171 --> 02:07:17.971
And they want to be able to say to the people around them, whether it be the men and women around them who are in upside down marriages or daughters going to college, right, is another one.

02:07:17.991 --> 02:07:21.431
And we'll get into all of this and say, that's not scriptural.

02:07:21.951 --> 02:07:29.011
In direct contradiction to the prevailing political climate.

02:07:29.371 --> 02:07:35.251
And so being able to speak into all of these issues at the post where we are as men.

02:07:35.271 --> 02:07:41.251
So there are three guys talking here that have built platforms, podcasts, et cetera.

02:07:41.271 --> 02:07:42.091
We've done that.

02:07:42.451 --> 02:07:52.591
But my hope is for the men and in their own ways, the women who are listening to this, to recognize that this exists in your life somewhere and you've seen it.

02:07:52.691 --> 02:07:55.791
You probably wouldn't be listening to any of us talk if you hadn't seen it.

02:07:56.211 --> 02:08:16.451
And so I just want to encourage everyone listening to take from what Woe and Corey are talking about and apply it to the way that you can speak truth in your own life in support of scripture because these modern aspects of whether it be politics or culture can't simply just be brought into the church and be baptized.

02:08:16.871 --> 02:08:20.571
You can't just like, we're gonna sprinkle some water on it and we're gonna call it Christian.

02:08:20.951 --> 02:08:21.971
That's not how it works.

02:08:21.971 --> 02:08:38.711
And so what you guys sort of, you know, you built the platform, you were ready when the moment came, you didn't know necessarily that you were building it in preparation for this moment, but you had built this and you took it to speak into this pattern that we're all watching.

02:08:38.951 --> 02:08:42.671
Like where are we supposed to go to find refuge from the world?

02:08:42.811 --> 02:09:05.831
Where are we supposed to go to find refuge from Satanism essentially masquerading in all of its various forms, if we can't find it in the church and if we can't speak up about it in the form of these little, they're not little, they're just words on a page, but they're, as you said very rightly, they're symptoms of a deeper illness in people's lives.

02:09:06.511 --> 02:09:21.651
That if you're advocating on behalf of this pedophilia issue, like you're not just doing it because you did this in-depth study of it for years and you understand this and you really do think there's a scriptural case, it's like you're trying to cover for your own sin.

02:09:22.131 --> 02:09:34.591
And I think that's the part that gets so difficult for people to do, which is to say, I know that if I speak truth into this moment, I'm going to convict this person of their sin that they don't wanna be convicted of.

02:09:34.931 --> 02:09:38.351
And the result for me is there are going to be consequences.

02:09:38.971 --> 02:09:44.331
And people are afraid to do that for their churches, their families and their businesses.

02:09:44.691 --> 02:09:59.611
And so just before we start getting into some of the more specific topics around race and sex, et cetera, which I think are really important to get into, like maybe you guys can talk a little bit about, we talked about counting the cost.

02:09:59.811 --> 02:10:02.771
What has been the cost for you guys?

02:10:02.791 --> 02:10:12.671
For those who don't know, to the extent that you want to share, because what you've done is essentially convicted an entire denomination, or certainly the executive leadership of a denomination of sin.

02:10:13.311 --> 02:10:23.331
And you've convicted probably also a lot of pastors of the sin of silence, if we can say that such a sin exists, which I think we can probably scripturally support that.

02:10:24.351 --> 02:10:29.511
So what has been the cost to you guys individually, to the extent that you want to share for speaking up and doing this?

02:10:30.771 --> 02:10:31.891
Did you want to take that one first?

02:10:32.991 --> 02:10:40.711
I think the most obvious one, then any man on the political right who has been doxxed is going to understand this.

02:10:42.431 --> 02:10:56.391
If you speak certain truths in the public square, in this day and age, and that becomes associated with your actual name, in my case, obviously, I put my name out there, in Woe's case, he was doxxed.

02:10:57.251 --> 02:11:01.611
But if that happens, one, you are essentially unemployable.

02:11:02.231 --> 02:11:05.951
You are not going to be hired most places because of that.

02:11:05.971 --> 02:11:09.931
So for instance, I am not going to be hired by any large firm at this point.

02:11:10.731 --> 02:11:13.391
If I put in an application, they wouldn't even respond to me.

02:11:13.831 --> 02:11:23.211
Despite the fact that I am an actual expert in a relatively important area of the law, I am now unemployable with regard to that.

02:11:23.871 --> 02:11:28.231
I still do some legal work, but certainly not as much as I would be doing.

02:11:29.451 --> 02:11:37.011
Another example, one thing that is related to this, it's not entirely 100 percent this.

02:11:37.591 --> 02:11:44.711
During the COVID pandemic, I was offered a teaching position at a German university.

02:11:45.571 --> 02:12:00.691
However, because of the restrictions at the time, I would not have been able to accept that position without being vaccinated subsequently, and not that long after actually, maybe two months after that, they lifted some of those restrictions, so I could have taken that job.

02:12:01.011 --> 02:12:06.971
But because of this public activity, there's no chance I would be hired for something like that now.

02:12:07.271 --> 02:12:10.131
And so that was something that I had to forego in order to do this.

02:12:11.331 --> 02:12:15.051
But that is one of the major considerations obviously.

02:12:15.071 --> 02:12:19.011
But of course, there's also the fact that I have been supposedly excommunicated.

02:12:19.031 --> 02:12:20.091
That matter is ongoing.

02:12:20.111 --> 02:12:23.611
I can't really comment further on it because of the fact that it's ongoing.

02:12:24.231 --> 02:12:25.911
Woe was driven out of his church.

02:12:26.951 --> 02:12:35.411
It's all of the things that you would expect to happen because what you've done is taken a stand against the devil and the world.

02:12:35.471 --> 02:12:37.311
And the world is going to attack you back.

02:12:38.251 --> 02:12:45.651
And the supposed Christians who are on the other side, all they've proven is that they are not actually Christians.

02:12:46.051 --> 02:12:57.171
That doesn't mean that every single member of First Lutheran, all of whom failed to veto, as far as I know, the excommunication vote, because they didn't make any of that stuff public as they're supposed to.

02:12:58.591 --> 02:13:01.831
But all of them, I'm not saying that every last one of them is not a Christian.

02:13:02.811 --> 02:13:05.651
What they did was anti-Christian.

02:13:06.471 --> 02:13:07.511
What they did was sin.

02:13:07.631 --> 02:13:08.911
They need to repent of that.

02:13:09.251 --> 02:13:10.411
And hopefully they do that.

02:13:10.711 --> 02:13:24.711
The leadership in particular are particularly guilty of heinous crimes, because what they have done is willfully and maliciously act in an anti-Christian manner at the behest of sinned.

02:13:25.791 --> 02:13:43.691
And so of course, that wound up being the personal cost of, it makes it difficult to find a church, because most pastors again, are not going to be very comfortable standing up under the sort of pressure they are going to receive if I were a member of their church or if Woe were a member of their church.

02:13:44.371 --> 02:13:51.691
Because we have those who are trying to track what we are doing, and they will harass a church if we join that church.

02:13:52.231 --> 02:13:53.551
They will harass the pastor.

02:13:53.571 --> 02:13:55.311
They will harass the congregants.

02:13:55.331 --> 02:14:01.571
That's a very real thing, because Antifa and others have an interest in us in a particular way.

02:14:01.591 --> 02:14:11.251
And so yes, there are very real costs associated with doing this, but as Woe mentioned earlier, one of the benefits that we have is that neither one of us is married.

02:14:11.711 --> 02:14:16.591
So there are some considerations other men have that we do not have.

02:14:17.011 --> 02:14:21.371
You could consider that a cost as well, because if I were to get married, they would attack my wife.

02:14:21.771 --> 02:14:22.391
That's a given.

02:14:22.691 --> 02:14:23.511
The left does that.

02:14:23.531 --> 02:14:24.211
We know that.

02:14:24.771 --> 02:14:30.931
So there are very real personal consequences that come along with a willingness to speak the truth.

02:14:31.531 --> 02:14:40.771
Thankfully, we are dispositionally inclined to speak the truth regardless of consequences, which is probably partly why we're the ones who wound up doing this.

02:14:41.491 --> 02:14:44.311
But that's not to say the consequences don't exist.

02:14:46.191 --> 02:14:49.011
Yeah, I was doxxed by one of my elders.

02:14:49.331 --> 02:14:50.791
Antifa did not doxx me.

02:14:50.871 --> 02:14:54.211
My elder at my local congregation doxxed me to synod.

02:14:54.651 --> 02:14:59.171
Synod doxxed me to a number of other men around the country.

02:14:59.671 --> 02:15:02.491
They in turn doxxed me to Antifa, which made it public.

02:15:04.351 --> 02:15:09.691
And then a hit piece was run against me in the local media, calling me a neo-Nazi podcaster.

02:15:10.591 --> 02:15:15.591
And my congregation, I was never placed under church discipline.

02:15:15.611 --> 02:15:18.031
I've never been under church discipline a moment in my life.

02:15:18.431 --> 02:15:24.191
I would have welcomed it if they had done that so that I could have made a scriptural defense for what I believe.

02:15:25.031 --> 02:15:41.951
Instead, what happened when I was doxxed by the Missouri Synod by Matt Harrison through the Antifa cutout, and then the hit piece was run in the local media, the members of my congregation in effect said, if we ever see your face again, we're not gonna come to church anymore.

02:15:42.751 --> 02:15:45.691
So they effectively said, we're gonna burn down the church if you ever show up again.

02:15:46.011 --> 02:15:47.891
Not excommunication, nothing.

02:15:47.911 --> 02:15:51.811
If we see you again, we will, this church will cease to exist.

02:15:52.451 --> 02:15:52.871
That's wild.

02:15:53.591 --> 02:15:58.871
Which is something that I anticipated in the Name and No Man Knows episode six months prior.

02:15:59.531 --> 02:16:05.371
I said that in the event that all this stuff happens, I may well be excommunicated.

02:16:05.391 --> 02:16:10.731
I said at the time, the only thing they can do is get a restraining order to keep me from coming.

02:16:10.931 --> 02:16:15.131
I didn't actually anticipate that they would metaphorically threaten to burn down the church.

02:16:15.691 --> 02:16:23.611
But I did say at that time that I would not have it on my conscience if other people would not come to church because they hated me so much.

02:16:24.031 --> 02:16:25.271
And that was ultimately what did it.

02:16:25.291 --> 02:16:33.451
It was made clear to me that the members of my congregation hated me so much that they would apostatize rather than be in the same building with me.

02:16:33.951 --> 02:16:46.331
So I withdrew my membership voluntarily for their sake, for the sake of their souls, because although they're unrepentant for the wickedness they did to me, at least hopefully they're still going to church.

02:16:47.711 --> 02:16:50.791
Maybe at some point God will get through to them and they'll repent of those sins.

02:16:51.911 --> 02:16:54.071
After I was doxxed, I laid low for about a month.

02:16:54.111 --> 02:17:00.491
And then I contacted the local OPC congregation and spoke for about 90 minutes with the pastor.

02:17:00.591 --> 02:17:02.011
I told him everything that happened.

02:17:02.531 --> 02:17:07.931
And I said point blank, you have no right as a Christian to tell me that I can't come to your congregation.

02:17:08.291 --> 02:17:17.551
However, with all this is coming, that's going on, I know that people would potentially be scandalized if they learn my name when my state start coming.

02:17:18.111 --> 02:17:19.431
Do I have your permission to come?

02:17:20.211 --> 02:17:23.191
And he said, I need to talk to the elders.

02:17:23.211 --> 02:17:23.991
I'll get back to you.

02:17:23.991 --> 02:17:24.811
They ghosted me.

02:17:24.871 --> 02:17:25.831
So that was my answer.

02:17:26.351 --> 02:17:27.911
So I don't have a church at home.

02:17:28.151 --> 02:17:29.091
I would go to church.

02:17:30.211 --> 02:17:34.111
And the thing is, some people said, well, you can just drive an hour or two hours away.

02:17:34.371 --> 02:17:35.791
It's going to be the same treatment.

02:17:36.431 --> 02:17:39.451
And so this isn't butthurt on my part.

02:17:39.471 --> 02:17:40.351
It's like, well, you don't like me.

02:17:40.371 --> 02:17:42.111
I'm going to take my marbles and go home.

02:17:42.551 --> 02:17:44.971
It's bad for me not to be able to attend church.

02:17:44.991 --> 02:17:45.731
That's harmful.

02:17:46.011 --> 02:17:47.691
That's what Satan was once.

02:17:48.191 --> 02:17:50.851
However, I bear no guilt for it whatsoever.

02:17:51.311 --> 02:17:56.131
I would be going to church every Sunday and every midweek service available if I were permitted.

02:17:56.691 --> 02:18:03.471
So I am not violating the third commandment, the way Lutherans count them, by not attending church.

02:18:03.951 --> 02:18:08.611
I do what I can with study and I pray for the day when these people will repent.

02:18:09.191 --> 02:18:10.851
But that's certainly a cost.

02:18:11.231 --> 02:18:20.511
Additionally, when I was doxxed, I had an outstanding business debt of around $300,000, potentially, that would have come back to me at some point.

02:18:20.831 --> 02:18:23.431
That effectively went to zero the day I was doxxed.

02:18:23.431 --> 02:18:31.411
So I have very real personal financial, just across the board, like what you would expect when you are then rendered unemployable.

02:18:31.951 --> 02:18:36.551
And in my case, I worked for Apple for 15 years and had some savings.

02:18:36.831 --> 02:18:40.791
I poured most of that savings into that business that I ended up selling and closing.

02:18:41.351 --> 02:18:44.091
And then that kind of put me in a position to do this.

02:18:44.751 --> 02:18:48.031
And I was counting on that 300 grand to come back at some point.

02:18:48.051 --> 02:18:56.791
So, but as I've said on the, we've done episodes on Fear of the Lord and Trusting in God, I trust that God will take care of me.

02:18:56.831 --> 02:19:02.871
So I don't worry about any of this and I never have because I know that there's nothing that these people can do.

02:19:03.091 --> 02:19:07.231
There's nothing that Satan can do that can harm me that God won't permit.

02:19:07.251 --> 02:19:12.831
And if I end up like Job, I'm not gonna say curse God and die.

02:19:13.411 --> 02:19:14.951
I'm just gonna take the good with the bad.

02:19:16.611 --> 02:19:21.671
I think that this is one of the things we talked about in the episode on Fear of the Lord.

02:19:23.191 --> 02:19:49.491
One of the reasons that I share some of these stories with people on Stone Choir and elsewhere is not to point to myself or anything, but to say this specific example of faith, not my faith, not that I'm so great, but that when God gives us the confidence in His benevolence, in His love and His care, such that we don't have to worry about what happens in the world, it's the peace which passes all human understanding.

02:19:49.911 --> 02:19:55.031
I don't worry about any of these things, not because I have any confidence in myself, because I trust in God.

02:19:55.591 --> 02:20:01.671
And if I die tomorrow or if somebody hurts me, whatever, I still belong to God no matter what happens.

02:20:02.131 --> 02:20:12.091
And that's the kind of faith that we want to share with everyone, because when you actually believe in fear and love and trust in God like that, nothing else can hurt you.

02:20:12.851 --> 02:20:20.751
Even if you have a family and they come after your family, if they kill your wife and your kids, if the very worst things imaginable happen, you're still in God's hands.

02:20:21.431 --> 02:20:25.431
And a lot of what all of these attacks rely on is people not believing that.

02:20:26.011 --> 02:20:35.211
All the pastors who refuse to acknowledge us, all the men who refuse to acknowledge us in public because they're afraid of the blowback, at some level, that's fundamentally a confession.

02:20:35.251 --> 02:20:38.471
I don't trust that God will take care of me if I'm faithful.

02:20:39.011 --> 02:20:40.771
And I'm not calling those men out.

02:20:41.071 --> 02:20:43.131
I'm not saying they're cowards or anything.

02:20:43.331 --> 02:20:45.851
I'm saying that these are the stakes for these questions.

02:20:46.551 --> 02:20:58.031
When you have men who are used in the Alinsky model as objects of wrath, and that entire playbook plays out, it's a lesson for everyone.

02:20:58.571 --> 02:21:05.771
For us to say, here's all the bad things that happened to us, that tells everyone else in the world, don't say these things, don't say that.

02:21:06.051 --> 02:21:07.451
Look what's gonna happen to you.

02:21:07.951 --> 02:21:09.411
That's the whole point of it.

02:21:09.911 --> 02:21:14.591
And so that's the point of us standing our ground, because it's not our ground, it's God's ground.

02:21:14.871 --> 02:21:17.631
We're standing on God's ground, which is why we haven't gone anywhere.

02:21:18.171 --> 02:21:22.391
If this were just us being stubborn or whatever, I wouldn't have fared as well.

02:21:22.751 --> 02:21:28.591
But because none of this is rooted in me, it's rooted in confidence in God, there's nothing anybody can do.

02:21:29.231 --> 02:21:36.131
And so we will do this as long as we're able, and we're gonna go after whatever sacred cows there are, because it's our duty to God.

02:21:37.431 --> 02:21:40.331
We said earlier, like we're kind of reluctant about starting Stone Choir.

02:21:40.351 --> 02:21:45.711
In my case, because I didn't want to cause problems for others, as I knew would come, not for my own sake.

02:21:46.111 --> 02:21:49.891
I don't care about the consequences for my sake, because I trust in God.

02:21:50.291 --> 02:21:52.251
But I don't want to make things harder for other people.

02:21:53.371 --> 02:22:02.471
But we knew that the gifts and abilities that we had were such that when the time came, when we did join forces and start doing something, it was going to be efficacious and God has blessed it.

02:22:04.791 --> 02:22:13.951
And the blessing from what Stone Choir has done is that we have probably on the order of around 10,000 listeners a week plus or minus.

02:22:14.051 --> 02:22:15.531
We don't have creepy stats.

02:22:15.551 --> 02:22:22.911
We don't really know specifics, but it's a sizable audience for a podcast with no budget and no curb appeal.

02:22:22.971 --> 02:22:24.651
We just sit and talk for two hours.

02:22:25.371 --> 02:22:27.331
That's not a sexy production.

02:22:28.051 --> 02:22:33.151
But people have gravitated towards it because we're saying things that no one else will say and we're saying, it well.

02:22:34.091 --> 02:22:43.071
And one of the amazing fruits has been that there are quite literally hundreds of people who have joined churches, many cases for the first time.

02:22:43.091 --> 02:22:50.291
There are a lot of adults who've been baptized, a lot of families have been, babies have been baptized, specifically because they started listening to Stone Choir.

02:22:50.531 --> 02:22:53.651
And whatever they heard, wherever the catalog was along the way.

02:22:53.951 --> 02:22:56.771
And we don't do a lot of straight theology.

02:22:57.051 --> 02:22:57.911
We're not preaching.

02:22:58.191 --> 02:22:59.851
There's not a law gospel.

02:22:59.871 --> 02:23:00.871
Here's a sermon for you.

02:23:01.231 --> 02:23:04.431
We specifically talk about believing and obeying God.

02:23:04.451 --> 02:23:08.331
And then here's a modern current context where it matters.

02:23:08.591 --> 02:23:10.351
Here's a contemporary application.

02:23:11.071 --> 02:23:13.191
We can do that correctly, unlike the Lutherans.

02:23:13.971 --> 02:23:16.951
The fruit of that has been the people are joining churches and droves.

02:23:17.691 --> 02:23:26.171
And that's frankly, probably the one thing that keeps me going, is knowing that the fruit that has been born by what we're doing is godly.

02:23:26.691 --> 02:23:30.411
And if we vanish tomorrow, those people are going to be Christians the rest of their lives.

02:23:30.791 --> 02:23:40.671
And that trajectory of them in their lives and their families' lives and all the lives that they touch because they're Christians now, that's how the gospel works.

02:23:40.691 --> 02:23:42.031
That's how Christianity works.

02:23:42.191 --> 02:23:43.571
That's how it's always spread.

02:23:44.031 --> 02:23:50.631
And so it's a blessing for us to have an opportunity to be God's instrument for that sort of fruit.

02:23:51.091 --> 02:23:56.011
And the fact that people are screaming and saying mean things, frankly just tells us over target.

02:23:56.031 --> 02:23:59.791
Like you said, you discovered us because terrible people said that we were terrible.

02:24:00.171 --> 02:24:01.611
That's pretty much how it works.

02:24:01.951 --> 02:24:04.231
Terrible people know what the threat is.

02:24:04.571 --> 02:24:05.971
And good people sometimes don't.

02:24:05.991 --> 02:24:08.931
It's one of the things we tell people, listen, listen to the bad people.

02:24:09.251 --> 02:24:11.491
They know better than you do what the threats are.

02:24:11.911 --> 02:24:14.171
And one of those is Corey and myself.

02:24:14.511 --> 02:24:16.551
We're a threat, not to Christianity.

02:24:16.791 --> 02:24:19.071
We're a threat to people who are a threat to Christianity.

02:24:19.471 --> 02:24:23.311
And we do it to encourage other people to become a threat.

02:24:23.331 --> 02:24:27.451
Every listener is now a threat to the things that are harmful to Christianity.

02:24:27.891 --> 02:24:31.971
And it's emboldened men to be faithful and to speak out more faithfully.

02:24:32.511 --> 02:24:42.711
The trajectory, even the Four Stone Choir, Corey and myself denouncing Michael King, Martin Luther King Jr., that wicked demonic liar.

02:24:43.251 --> 02:24:44.311
He's an evil man.

02:24:44.691 --> 02:24:47.511
And when we started saying that a few years ago, almost nobody said that.

02:24:47.531 --> 02:24:52.431
That was a highly revisionist view that it was basically outside of the church.

02:24:52.871 --> 02:24:58.431
And every year around MLK Day, we see more and more Christians saying exactly the same things we've always said.

02:24:58.731 --> 02:25:03.651
That guy is evil, he's bad, he's terrible, his theology is wicked.

02:25:03.871 --> 02:25:06.091
There's nothing redeeming whatsoever about the man.

02:25:06.571 --> 02:25:10.271
That sort of sea change occurs quietly, and no one remembers where they got it from.

02:25:10.471 --> 02:25:11.111
And that's fine.

02:25:11.611 --> 02:25:16.131
The whole point of us spreading these ideas is so that they take on a life of their own.

02:25:16.371 --> 02:25:19.431
No one remembers that they got something from Stone Choir.

02:25:19.631 --> 02:25:20.251
I don't care.

02:25:20.271 --> 02:25:21.651
I don't want credit.

02:25:22.031 --> 02:25:25.751
I want so many men to be saying these things that there's no longer any reason for us to do it.

02:25:28.211 --> 02:25:33.271
As mentioned in my brief introduction to this episode, this is part one of two.

02:25:33.811 --> 02:25:39.431
The second part will be released in the future and will be included in the main Stone Choir stream.