The Church



aka Eschatologuy

What do we mean by “Church” or “church”? When we use this term (or these terms, when writing permits distinguishing them with the capital letter), we really mean a handful of distinct things — it is important to keep these clear. In today’s episode, we go over the Church (universal), the church (institutional), and the church (local, congregational). For the Christian, there is great comfort in recognizing the reality of the Church, even when the churches may be in disarray.

“In short, according to Lutheran teaching, it is faith in the Gospel which in every case establishes membership in the Christian Church. To him who believes the Gospel, membership in the Christian Church may not be denied; of him who rejects the Gospel, membership in the Christian Church may not be asserted. Excommunication pronounced against true believers does not deprive them of membership in the Church.”
Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics

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2 Replies to “The Church”

  1. What is it you find problematic about Doug Wilson and the Moscow crowd?


    1. Doug Wilson has a number of tendencies that are, at best, questionable, not least of all his constant counter-signaling of actual Christian Nationalism. As Lutherans, we would, of course, not agree with some of his (Reformed) theology, but the primary issues we would highlight would be more practical in nature.

