On Human Race: Foundational Matters



aka Eschatologuy

We are all sons of Adam — no Christian can deny this. However, we are not all sons of Japheth, nor are we all sons of Ham, and nor are we all sons of Shem. The descent of the nations (i.e., races) of man are given in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10). Nature is entirely in accord with Scripture. The nations can be seen in a number of ways — geographically, genotypically, behaviorally.

In this episode, we will be covering the fundamentals of human race. In a future episode, we will cover the theological import of these facts (if you are looking for Galatians 3:28, please wait for that future episode). This topic makes many Christians uncomfortable, but discomfort is not the standard — truth is. Test what we say against Scripture and against the natural facts.

Percentage of Shared DNA

Nothing we say in this episode (except some of the scientific matters) would sound at all out of place to the overwhelming majority of your ancestors — yes, even the Christian ones. So you must ask yourself: Was the Church and every Christian wrong for thousands of years or has the modern world drifted away from the truth? We can give you the information, but you must make that decision for yourself.

As we will cover in the episode, there are four categories of men when it comes to understanding and accepting the reality of race:

  1. the Atheist/Evolutionist (who can prove race from the science, but often denies it nonetheless);
  2. the Marxist (who once affirmed the reality of race, but now denies it for political purposes);
  3. the naïve Christian or otherwise (who holds ‘one race, the human race’, parroting the second category, perhaps unwittingly); and
  4. the Christian who affirms the reality of God’s created order, which includes race.

We are firmly in the fourth category. Listen carefully, and join us. God’s truth is always better than whatever anyone else can promise.

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The Enemy’s Playbook



aka Eschatologuy

The enemy has a playbook. If you learn his playbook, then you can identify enemy action. In today’s episode, we review the enemy playbook, and show how it has been used to destroy the West and is currently being used to destroy the Church.

Unfortunately, many pastors, teachers, and others, all of whom should know better, unwittingly follow the enemy playbook and act as agents of the enemy in the process. You are commanded to be as wise as a serpent — this episode aims to help you fulfill that duty. Do not become an unwitting agent of the Enemy.

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Here We Stand



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We are Lutherans — this is not something we hide. Neither do we hide the problems in our church body (in fact, we highlight them on this very podcast). However, that we recognize there are problems does not mean that we intend to leave. We remember our Confirmation Oath and we take it seriously:

Do you intend to continue steadfast in this confession and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it?

We each answered “Yes.” to this question, at different times and in different congregations, but in the same Synod and in the same faith. We intend to remain steadfast to the end, come what may. Our Lutheran forebears have suffered much through the centuries for the truth of God’s Word — persecution by pope and emperor, the Thirty Years’ War (including the siege and sack of Magdeburg), suspicion and hostility from the State, the abiding interest of Satan and his minions, et cetera —, and we will follow in their footsteps if God wills it.

It is our firm conviction that Lutheranism is the correct teaching of God’s truth. In this episode, we (briefly) cover our reasons for becoming and remaining Lutheran, and we make clear that we are not going anywhere. We will fight for our Synod, because she is worth defending.

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

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Perfect Hatred



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As Christians, we are required to affirm the whole counsel of God — and that particularly includes those parts that the modern world would prefer to ignore, or even to condemn. We are told that love is a matter of permissiveness and that Christians must not — cannot — hate. But is that what Scripture says about the matter?

The numbers certainly tell a different story. For Scripture certainly speaks of love:

  • αγαπη (‘love’) — 115, NT; 15, LXX
  • αγαπαω (‘to love’) — 143, NT; 213, LXX
  • αγαπησις (‘loving’) — 0, NT; 8, LXX
  • αγαπητος (‘beloved’) — 61, NT; 17, LXX

but it just as certainly speaks of hate:

  • μισεω (‘to hate’) — 40, NT; 143, LXX
  • μισος (‘hate’) — 0, NT; 11, LXX
  • μισητος (‘hateful, hated’) — 0, NT; 4 LXX
  • εχθρα (‘enmity’) — 6, NT; 15, LXX
  • εχθρος (‘hostile’) — 32, NT; 320, LXX

We dare not attempt to be more righteous than God, and we dare not call anything God does or commands wicked. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” If God says to hate, then it is our duty to understand what we must hate, and (if possible) why.

He, who does not hate, does not love.

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Amongst the Ashes



aka Eschatologuy

Despair is never the correct response. We live in the ashes of Christendom, and the fires are still burning. Our forefathers were faithless and we now suffer the — accelerating — consequences. However, God has clearly promised that He will relent of whatever disaster He has purposed if a nation will return to Him:

If at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, and if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to do to it. And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it, and if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it.

There is only one solution to the problems we face, because all Truth is One. The answer is not rolling back the clock a decade, two decades, fifty years, a century, because the rot set in long before that. The answer lies in returning to the Lord God, reading and believing His Word, and pulling out of the dive in which we find ourselves before we hit the ground at terminal velocity. We must choose between the faithlessness of our forefathers and the faithfulness of our ancestors, and everything hangs in the balance.

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Speaking the Truth Plainly



aka Eschatologuy

Some subjects are more important than others. No amount of discussing the best color to paint a room is likely to endanger the souls of anyone participating in the discussion or just listening to it, but the same cannot be said of discussion of doctrine and theology.

When we handle the things of God, we are duty bound to be careful, to be clear, and to be true. Needless wrangling over terms and technicalities seldom benefits and often harms.

But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

However, as Christians, we do have a duty to speak of God and His truth. In almost all cases, simple is best. Speak the truth, in season and out. And, of course, know when to hold your tongue.

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.

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Paywalling God



aka Eschatologuy

Who owns the words of Scripture? Does rearranging them change the answer?

We Christians living in the West have inherited a copyright — really, an entire ‘intellectual property’ — regime that rests upon a number of premises, presumptions, presuppositions. It is contended that authors, et al., benefit from the regime. Do they? It is contended that creativity and productivity are incentivized by the regime. Are they?

Even if the contentions that undergird the present copyright regime are, arguendo, true, does that mean that it is morally permissible to subject theological works (at least the sound ones) to the strictures of such system?

What is the purpose of copyright?
What is the purpose of theology?

Are these compatible?

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Neglected Matters: Shaking off the Dust, Usury, Woman and Work, Head Coverings



aka Eschatologuy

In a sense, there are no minor doctrines in Scripture. It is only in relation to major, central doctrines (e.g., Atonement, Justification), that any Scriptural doctrine can be termed ‘minor’. However, the Word of God is abundantly clear:

2 Timothy 3:16–17 (ESV): »16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.«

There is no room in the Christian life for ignoring — and particularly not for rejecting — anything in Scripture. What God has spoken is true, for God is Truth. Those who would abandon any doctrine risk losing the whole — and their souls with it.

Neglect does not an adiaphoron make.

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Through the Window: On Frame



aka Eschatologuy

What is the difference between an immigrant and an invader? Well, it depends. The difference may be one of legality (i.e., the positive law) or it may be one of frame. If one man tells you that he is “for immigration” and another tells you that he is “against immigration”, then the latter has likely ceded ground without even realizing it. Words, of course, matter, but so does the way in which we (and others) employ them. Correct framing may win a conflict before it has even begun, but incorrect framing can just as easily make victory impossible.

For the Christian, it is vitally important to be able to identify and to assess framing. Wicked men can — and do — employ framing to ensnare the Christian, to elicit from the Christian support for wicked positions he would not wittingly support. In fact, you may hold positions contrary to Scripture because of how they were framed — and because you failed to examine what you believe.

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Perspicuous and Vulgar: On the Clarity of Scripture



aka Eschatologuy

Scripture is the Word of the Lord, and the Word of the Lord is understandable by men of average intelligence. Those who deny the perspicuity of the Scriptures are wolves who accuse God of lying and who seek to lead the sheep astray. It is clear that Christians are to read Scripture and that they will be able to understand it — this is a truth found throughout Scripture, not just in a handful of places.

The law of the LORD is perfect, 
      reviving the soul; 
the testimony of the LORD is sure, 
      making wise the simple; 
the precepts of the LORD are right, 
      rejoicing the heart; 
the commandment of the LORD is pure, 
      enlightening the eyes; 
the fear of the LORD is clean, 
      enduring forever; 
the rules of the LORD are true, 
      and righteous altogether. 
More to be desired are they than gold, 
      even much fine gold; 
sweeter also than honey 
      and drippings of the honeycomb. 
Moreover, by them is your servant warned; 
      in keeping them there is great reward. 

Satan adapts his attacks over time, and today he has focused his attack on the clarity of Scripture (for he can no longer simply keep Scripture out of the hands of the laity). The contend that Scripture is unclear, dark, unknowable is to contend that it is not Scripture and to endanger the faith. Christians must affirm — and staunchly defend — the Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God.

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