


aka Eschatologuy

Leadership is a natural aspect of the interrelationships of men. Any given group of men, left to its own devices, will form into a hierarchy, with a leader at the top. The modern world would have us deny this reality, because it runs directly counter to Egalitarianism.

To men, God has given many gifts, but He has given them unequally — this is part of His design, and we are not permitted to deny or to ignore it. The husband is the head of his wife — he must lead, and she must submit. The leader is the head of his group, of his organization, of his church, of his nation — he must lead, and those under him must support and follow. It is not a mindless, slavish following of orders that is commanded or in sight; rather, it is a right recognition of the existence of hierarchy and one’s place within it.

We are endeavoring to rebuild from the wreckage of a shipwrecked world, and the reestablishment of hierarchy and of leadership is no small part of that task.

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Parental Warnings



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3 Replies to “Leadership”

  1. I absolutely love what you both are doing here on the Stone Choir podcast and have listened to every episode, many more than once.

    However, I do have a bone to pick with Woe and the way he constantly refers to women as girls. He often talks about men and girls as if those were equal categories. They’re not. Men don’t marry girls, at least I hope they don’t. They marry women, i.e. adult females. Girls don’t vote, women do (whether they should or not is a whole other question). It’s demeaning to women to always be calling them ‘girls’, most especially when you never call men ‘boys.’

    Okay, rant over. And l really do appreciate everything you do and the wisdom you impart.


    1. He does that to make a point about headship. Less frequently, it is simply the contrast between girls and guys (because no one says “gals” anymore).


  2. William Cunningham Sat 11 May 2024 at 18:12 EDT

    So, my wife says, ‘Check this out!’ I know the painting presented- Bismark being the king maker in 1876. Good start.

