Capitalist Idolatry



aka Eschatologuy

Of all the idols of modern man, Capitalism may be one of the most challenging to overcome. Not because the wickedness of Capitalism is not manifest, for it is (and we will demonstrate this in today’s episode), but because it has been sold as the only alternative to Communism — a system so wicked that no Christian can possibly support it. Yet the choice is not binary, and those who would claim that it is seek to mislead the Christian into supporting a system that is, in point of fact, anti-Christ.

It is the lack of concern for one’s neighbor — a feature built into the Capitalist system and inextricable from it — that should immediately raise alarm bells for the Christian man. Under Capitalism, it is the maximum extraction of profit (itself a dubious category, insofar as it is a vague term) that serves as guiding principle, and yet this is an alien and hostile thing to the Christian system of ethics and morality. Need it even be said that the extraction of maximized profits runs diametrically counter to the second-greatest commandment:

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, God repeatedly states His concern for the poor, the needy, and the exploited, and yet Capitalism relies, in no small part, upon the extraction of profits from those very categories of the most vulnerable. Ours is not a Marxist critique of Capitalism, but a Christian one. The central question: Is Capitalism compatible with Christianity? We answer in the negative.

Mammon is an old god, an idol served by many men from may nations across many centuries. The love of money is not the root of all evils, but, in the words of Scripture, it is certainly the root of many evils, and, in fact, may serve as the stumbling stone upon which faith may founder:

»For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.«
— 1 Timothy 6:10 (ESV)

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The Revolutionary Spirit



aka Eschatologuy

Christians must be ready — in season and out of season — to speak the truth. We are not Christians only some of the time, and Christianity, unlike Islam, has no provision for dissimulation — you may not feign to be something other than Christian for the sake of convenience or even safety. Even at risk of life or limb or honor, the Christian must boldly proclaim Christ and Him crucified.

This duty to speak the truth pertains not only to matters of the Christian religion, but also to all other matters. It is not the (perhaps uncharitable formulation of the) Kantian conception of truth — that one must never tell a falsehood of any kind —, but rather a duty to speak the truth when and where the truth is demanded. For instance, the 8th Commandment prohibits us from bearing false witness against our neighbor, and this duty does not terminate upon that neighbor’s death.

The Christian is a Christian at all times and in all things. As Christians, we are to forgive our personal enemies (inimicus), but this does not mean that we have no political or religious enemies (hostis) — for those who are enemies of God are enemies of all Christians. It is the duty, in fact, of Christians to oppose the enemies of God and His Church. And so, in today’s episode, we continue our series on the Jews.

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Michael ‘Martin Luther’ King: Marxist Agitator



aka Eschatologuy

Last week, we explored the ‘theology’ of Michael ‘Martin Luther’ King; this week, we explore his politics, with a focus on the men and women with whom he surrounded himself. Birds of a feather flock together, and Michael King spent his life surrounded by truly wicked men, many of them Communists. As Christians, we must learn to avoid the trees that produce poisonous fruit, and there can be no doubt what kind of tree Michael King — and the larger ‘civil rights’ movement — was.

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Show Notes

Translation: 'Strengthen the ranks of the International Red Aid! : Let's snatch eight innocent black youths from the hands of the American bourgeoisie!'
Translation: ‘Strengthen the ranks of the International Red Aid! : Let’s snatch eight innocent black youths from the hands of the American bourgeoisie!’

See Also

Parental WarningsnThere is some blunt discussion of sex crimes in this episode and mention of prostitution.


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