Christian Nationalism Is Submission to God



aka Eschatologuy

You may have heard of the ‘two kingdoms’ doctrine and have certainly heard of the ‘separation of Church and State’, but is either of these a truly Christian position? Is God Lord only of His Church or does He also rule the kingdoms of this world? As Christians, what are our duties in the context of the State?

The Media, and many others, have spent years, now, shouting about “Christian Nationalism”, but few could even define either term. This episode is both a primer on Christian Nationalism from a Christian perspective and the definitive statement of its core nature. Christian Nationalism is simply Christianity lived out in the left-hand kingdom, for both kingdoms belong to Christ.

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According to Their Generations



aka Eschatologuy

Most modern Christians have bought into the cultural argument that the provenance of ideas does not matter, but this is not the Scriptural view of things. God is deeply interested in genealogy — and that includes the genealogy of ideas — and Christians should take the matter seriously. Ideas, beliefs, et cetera, should not be analyzed in a vacuum — they should be analyzed according to their nature and according to their source.

In this episode, we address a number of related issues including genealogy, ideas, the genealogy of ideas, ancestry, the Fourth Commandment, and morality.

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The transcript for this episode can be found here

Other transcripts can be found here

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Talking Heads: On Headship, Teaching, and Women in the Church



aka Eschatologuy

Some issues arise in time, some issues fade with time, and some issues are perennial. That which is founded in the nature of Creation, which flows from the nature of God, never ceases to be relevant to His Church, to His people. The issues of headship, teaching, and authority are perennial issues, and they often arise in the context of the relationship of men and women and the role of women in the Church or in the churches.

In this episode, we address the Scriptural and the ontological with regard to authority, headship, teaching, and the role of women — both in the Church and in the Christian life.

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