The Required Confession



aka Eschatologuy

When the world demands that we speak falsely about the faith, we are required to speak the truth; when the world demands that we speak truthfully about the faith, but neglect certain truths, then it is those very truths the world tells us to ignore that we must profess all the more loudly. Satan, although he is the father of lies, does not always lie; where it is possible to do so, it is often far more effective to mislead with the truth — to lie by omission. This is what the world so often demands of Christians today.

If the world says we must call slavery sin, then we affirm that Scripture does not call slavery sin and even commands it in places. If the world says we must tolerate homosexuality or false religions, then we affirm that Scripture condemns such things as abomination. If the world tells us that it is fine to say that our sins crucified Christ, that the Romans crucified Christ, and that Pilate crucified Christ, but that we must not say that the Jews murdered Christ, then we affirm in no uncertain terms that the Jews murdered Christ.

There are no optional parts of Scripture — we, as Christians, are required to affirm the full counsel of God. To deflect with an irrelevant truth is no less a lie than an affirmative false statement. Whether you are fated to be a confessor or a martyr is in God’s hands, but it is in your hands to decide whether you will follow God or yield to the world.

There is no promise of salvation for those who apostatize by denying the Word of God.

If I profess with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace to him, if he flinches at that one point.

— St. Martin Luther, Confessor

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Show Notes

  • Scripture readings from the end of the episode:
    • Acts 7:51–53
    • John 8:34–47
    • Matthew 12:14
    • John 5:18
    • John 7:1
    • John 7:19–20
    • John 10:31
    • John 11:8
    • John 11:53
    • Matthew 26:3–4
    • John 5:16–17
    • Acts 2:22–25
    • Acts 2:36–41
    • Acts 3:14–15
    • Acts 5:27–33
    • 1 Thessalonians 2:14–16
    • Luke 23:13–16
    • Matthew 27:20
    • Luke 23:18–23
    • Matthew 27:24–26
  • HB 1076 (the South Dakota law mentioned in the episode) [PDF]
  • IHRA definition of “antisemitism” (with examples)

Parental Warnings

The word “masturbation” is used once in the middle of the episode.


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Galatians 3:28



aka Eschatologuy

Galatians 3:28 is, perhaps, the most abused verse in modern churches (a term that should, arguably, be in quotes), and this is not without reason. Satan attacks where he knows there is purchase to be found or headway to be made. In entirely unambiguous terms, Galatians 3:28 affirms the very real existence of race, hierarchy, and sex (i.e., that we are created either male or female) — the very things that the modern world constantly attacks and denies.

We must be careful readers when it comes to Scripture. God does not choose His words idly and we should not skim over them. We do not usually focus on a single verse to this extent, but it is incumbent on faithful Christians to defend where the battle is joined. In today’s episode, we will arm you to detect abuses of this verse, to defend yourself against those abuses, and to understand the wealth of what God has transmitted to us in a mere twenty-three words).

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Show Notes

  • Galatians (The entire letter will take you no more than fifteen minutes to read.)
  • “What We Believe” from the ‘Black Lives Matter’ website [via]

See Also

Parental Warnings



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The Judaizing Heresy



aka Eschatologuy

Judaizing has been a problem in the Church from the beginning. Even St. Peter fell prey to the Judaizers and their attempt to import into Christianity the false beliefs of Judaism. Today, Judaizing takes a number of forms. In this episode, we will cover circumcision, the use of “Yahweh” (and “Yeshua”), and several related matters.

As Christians, we must always ask ourselves both what the source of the thing is and what the purpose of the thing is. When it comes to Judaizing, the source is not God and the purpose is from Satan. The Jews do not have a special relationship with God or even any relationship with God, because they rejected His Son, and the Word of Scripture is clear:

No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.

Why would we, as Christians, who have the Son by Faith, ask the Jews, who reject the Son and therefore do not have the Father, anything about religion?

What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols?

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Further Reading

Parental Warnings

We have a frank discussion about circumcision, including some technically ‘explicit’ language, in this episode — you may wish to screen it before listening to it with your children.


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Dispensing with Dispensationalism



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Dispensationalism is a modern heresy. (No, we are not going to bury the lede.) Taking shape, primarily, in the 1800s and 1900s, Dispensationalism posits a distinction between God’s plans for ‘Israel’ and the Church — this is contrary both to Scripture and to the historical teachings of the Church. God is no polygynist — He has but one bride.

Today, the churches, particularly in the US, are rife with Dispensationalist teachings, and it is our duty as Christians to refute these lies. God has only ever had one plan for humanity and one path to salvation — declared to the first man, Adam, in Genesis 3:15 and echoed throughout the pages of Scripture; there is no path to the Father except through the Son. In today’s episode, we go over the history of Dispensationalism, what Dispensationalism teaches, and why we, as Christians, must oppose this particularly pernicious false doctrine.

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Further Reading

Parental Warnings



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The Sword of Christ by Giles Corey



aka Eschatologuy

Modern churches, by and large, have been subverted — we all know this. Is the subversion of the churches an argument against Christianity? Of course not. The Church fought for decades against the very sort of infiltration and subversion that is, today, destroying our churches before our very eyes.

Further, the Christian faith is the foundation of the West — the West is Christendom and Christendom is the West. Without a restoration of the Christian faith, there will be no revival in the West. As Christians, we must know both where the battle is joined and how we are to fight.

In today’s episode, we are joined by an editor from Antelope Hill Publishing to review the book The Sword of Christ by Giles Corey and discuss the issues raised in the book (and maybe a tangent or two).

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Editor at Antelope Hill Publishing

Show Notes

Further Reading

Parental Warnings

This episode contains some discussion of human sacrifice and sex crimes and passing mention of pornography. The book itself contains a number of chapters that are unsuitable for younger readers (but they are not the target audience, anyway).


Although we did receive free review copies of the book, we have not been compensated in any other way (nor are we compensated if you purchase the book via the links on this page).


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The Big Lie



aka Eschatologuy

The truth does not fear examination. That which is true will hold up under scrutiny. As Christians, we are beholden to believe the truth — no matter how unpopular or unpleasant.

Today, we examine one of the foundational myths (read: lies) of the modern world. Virtually all of the evils we see around us today can trace their genesis to the era covered by this episode. This episode may make you uncomfortable, but the truth is worth the cost.

The truth will set you free.

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Show Notes

How many died at Auschwitz?

See Also

Further Reading

Parental Warnings

This episode includes frank discussion of war and some of the things that happen during war (e.g., rape, murder). Additionally, the entire topic of this episode is the Holocaust, which is something you should discuss with your children, but you may not want this episode to be their introduction.


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The Revolutionary Spirit



aka Eschatologuy

Christians must be ready — in season and out of season — to speak the truth. We are not Christians only some of the time, and Christianity, unlike Islam, has no provision for dissimulation — you may not feign to be something other than Christian for the sake of convenience or even safety. Even at risk of life or limb or honor, the Christian must boldly proclaim Christ and Him crucified.

This duty to speak the truth pertains not only to matters of the Christian religion, but also to all other matters. It is not the (perhaps uncharitable formulation of the) Kantian conception of truth — that one must never tell a falsehood of any kind —, but rather a duty to speak the truth when and where the truth is demanded. For instance, the 8th Commandment prohibits us from bearing false witness against our neighbor, and this duty does not terminate upon that neighbor’s death.

The Christian is a Christian at all times and in all things. As Christians, we are to forgive our personal enemies (inimicus), but this does not mean that we have no political or religious enemies (hostis) — for those who are enemies of God are enemies of all Christians. It is the duty, in fact, of Christians to oppose the enemies of God and His Church. And so, in today’s episode, we continue our series on the Jews.

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Parental Warnings



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Lies, Betrayal, and Murder — the Fruits of Another Spirit



aka Eschatologuy

For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!
— 1 Thessalonians 2:14b–16 (ESV)

Over a course of millennia, the Jewish people have shown a pattern of behavior (one that continues to this day) that has brought them into near-constant conflict with their neighbors. Many of our Christian forefathers have commented on this matter (e.g., John Chrysostom, Martin Luther, Paul). It is not inappropriate for Christians to ask questions about the Jews, about their behavior, and about their actions down through history.

In this episode, we examine the history of the Jewish people from just after the time of Christ until just before the Enlightenment. It is in the annals of history that the Jews have proven themselves to be, in the words of Scripture, ‘enemies of all mankind’ who ‘displease God’. Not idly does Christ speak of them as the Synagogue of Satan (n.b., the words He chose).

Christians need not fear the truth, no matter how unpopular (or, in some cases, illegal) it may be. Again, the words of Christ: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28 [ESV]).

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Further Reading

Parental Warnings

We briefly touch on the occult in this episode.


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Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews



aka Eschatologuy

The terms “Hebrew”, “Israelite”, and “Jew” are often conflated and they do, indeed, have overlapping meanings, but they are also distinct terms that sometimes reference diametrically opposed things. A “Jew” can be one who is religiously a Jew, ethnically a Jew, or even one who truly believes (for Scripture speaks in this way). “Israel” can mean the man, the nation, or the Church. It is incumbent on Christians to make careful and correct use of these terms, not to be incautious or sloppy.

Many heresies have arisen in the history of the Church due to deliberate or careless misuse of terms — and many of these heresies persist into the present. For instance, without a false understanding of what the terms “Israel” and “Church” mean, there would be no such thing as ‘Christian’ Zionism. In this episode, we go over the Scriptural (and a bit of the historical) case with regard to the Jews — who they are, what they’ve done, and what that means for Christians.

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Further Reading

Parental Warnings



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Michael ‘Martin Luther’ King: Marxist Agitator



aka Eschatologuy

Last week, we explored the ‘theology’ of Michael ‘Martin Luther’ King; this week, we explore his politics, with a focus on the men and women with whom he surrounded himself. Birds of a feather flock together, and Michael King spent his life surrounded by truly wicked men, many of them Communists. As Christians, we must learn to avoid the trees that produce poisonous fruit, and there can be no doubt what kind of tree Michael King — and the larger ‘civil rights’ movement — was.

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Show Notes

Translation: 'Strengthen the ranks of the International Red Aid! : Let's snatch eight innocent black youths from the hands of the American bourgeoisie!'
Translation: ‘Strengthen the ranks of the International Red Aid! : Let’s snatch eight innocent black youths from the hands of the American bourgeoisie!’

See Also

Parental WarningsnThere is some blunt discussion of sex crimes in this episode and mention of prostitution.


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