Love: Family, Friends, Tribe, and Nation



aka Eschatologuy

Love and duty are matters of concentric circles — to the closer is the greater duty and the greater love owed. In the previous episode in this series, we covered the facets of self-sacrifice love (agape) and charity (caritas); in this episode, we cover familial and brotherly or fraternal love, emotional (amor) and intellectual (dilectio) love, and piety (the historical, proper sense) and paternal love — three pairs, as it were. We call these facets, because it is not that love can be dissected and broken down into constituent parts; rather, it is that love is expressed in different ways between different people at different times. The love a husband has for his wife is not the same as the love a man has for his nation.

If we are commanded to love, then we must certainly understand what it means to love. We must know whom (and what) we must love and what is the nature and scope of that love. The world would deceive us by calling that which is not — and often even that which cannot be — love ‘love’. As Christians, we are commanded to be wise, and love — to whom it is owed and how it must or must not be expressed — is assuredly a matter of wisdom.

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See Also

Further Reading

Parental Warnings

“Homosexual fornication” and “sodomy” are used as descriptors for an example around the 40:00 mark, but the matter is not discussed in detail or explicitly.


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Against the Clockwork Universe



aka Eschatologuy

God is both transcendent — above all things — and immanent — pervading and sustaining all things. From the grand scale of galaxies down to the microscope scale of cells, molecules, and atoms, God is involved in everything in His Universe. Contrary to this reality, Deism would argue that God created the Universe and then stepped back to let it run — like a very complex clock.

Deism has crept into both our culture and the Church over time. In the Church, Deism often takes the form of a semi-Gnostic denial of the flesh via a denial of the consequences of sin. Contrary to this, the Christian faith teaches that not only is God involved in all things, but also that there are temporal consequences of sin that are not removed, in many cases not even alleviated, by faith in Christ.

The eternal consequences of sin are removed from the Christian by the blood of Christ, but the temporal consequences generally remain. A denial of temporal consequences is often tantamount to a denial of the flesh, which is a Gnostic denial of God. Right doctrine affirms both the flesh and the spirit, and God’s transcendent and immanent control over both.

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Parental Warnings

The second half of this episode contains a frank (and extended) discussion of sexual matters. You should discuss these issues with your children, but you may not want them to listen to this episode.


The transcript for this episode can be found here

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On Human Race: Racism



aka Eschatologuy

Racism is not a sin. The modern-day ‘sin’ of racism was invented in the 19th century and then imported into the churches from the decadent and decaying culture. If you think that racism is a sin, then you have been misled.

In this episode, we go over the history of the term “racism” — where it originated and how it entered our modern culture — and take a look at how Satan is using it to destroy the Church. This is the culmination of our series on race and the most important episode in the series. This episode may make you uncomfortable, but the truth is worth the price.

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Show Notes

See Also

Parental Warnings

Some discussion of sexual matters, but not in explicit terms.


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Neglected Matters: Shaking off the Dust, Usury, Woman and Work, Head Coverings



aka Eschatologuy

In a sense, there are no minor doctrines in Scripture. It is only in relation to major, central doctrines (e.g., Atonement, Justification), that any Scriptural doctrine can be termed ‘minor’. However, the Word of God is abundantly clear:

2 Timothy 3:16–17 (ESV): »16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.«

There is no room in the Christian life for ignoring — and particularly not for rejecting — anything in Scripture. What God has spoken is true, for God is Truth. Those who would abandon any doctrine risk losing the whole — and their souls with it.

Neglect does not an adiaphoron make.

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Through the Window: On Frame



aka Eschatologuy

What is the difference between an immigrant and an invader? Well, it depends. The difference may be one of legality (i.e., the positive law) or it may be one of frame. If one man tells you that he is “for immigration” and another tells you that he is “against immigration”, then the latter has likely ceded ground without even realizing it. Words, of course, matter, but so does the way in which we (and others) employ them. Correct framing may win a conflict before it has even begun, but incorrect framing can just as easily make victory impossible.

For the Christian, it is vitally important to be able to identify and to assess framing. Wicked men can — and do — employ framing to ensnare the Christian, to elicit from the Christian support for wicked positions he would not wittingly support. In fact, you may hold positions contrary to Scripture because of how they were framed — and because you failed to examine what you believe.

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According to Their Generations



aka Eschatologuy

Most modern Christians have bought into the cultural argument that the provenance of ideas does not matter, but this is not the Scriptural view of things. God is deeply interested in genealogy — and that includes the genealogy of ideas — and Christians should take the matter seriously. Ideas, beliefs, et cetera, should not be analyzed in a vacuum — they should be analyzed according to their nature and according to their source.

In this episode, we address a number of related issues including genealogy, ideas, the genealogy of ideas, ancestry, the Fourth Commandment, and morality.

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Show Notes

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