On Human Race: Scripture and Soteriology



aka Eschatologuy

Race is a biological and a theological reality. The God Who created the Universe also created the races of men. The differences between and among the races of men have very real consequences for society, for neither the individual nor the average member of a given race is identical to or interchangeable with members of another race.

Scripture is not silent on these matters — God is not silent on these matters. Society would simultaneously have you deny the reality of human race and focus on a (deliberate) misconception of it in detrimental ways. In this episode, we ground our five-part series on race in the Word of God. There is truth in Creation, for it was written by the Author of all truth, but God did not leave these matters to ‘chance’ or simply to the discernment of men. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture speaks of the reality and the importance of human race.

What God has created, let not man deny or destroy.

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5 Replies to “On Human Race: Scripture and Soteriology”

  1. Genesis 10:4-5

    The sons of Javan:Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittites and the Rodanites.(From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.)

    The Bible says that this son of Japeth was the most faithful to God’s command to disperse, and in turn perhaps this is something of a prophecies that these are the tribes who would go on to convert the most of the world through their global sea-going empires.


  2. I have a couple questions. How do you guide a White person with regard to honoring parents and their people when said parents/people physically, sexually, and mentally abused them as a child, and abandoned them very young? How do they honor such ones, especially when parents are unrepentant and continue to threaten them?

    Additionally, how do you minister to people who married someone from a different ethnic background, and additionally, how can we take care of kids who are from such marriages? I ask as a White person who married a Hispanic male. Thankfully, he is a Christian. Neither of us was raised in the faith.

    God bless you. I appreciate your honest input regarding these subjects.


    1. It is possible to honor a person because of the position of authority or respect given him by God without having that person in your life. If a parent was abusive (leaving aside the potential problems with that term), then it is acceptable not to involve that parent in your life. You must forgive that parent, because we are commanded to forgive all transgressions against us, but that does not mean you have to act foolishly if bringing that person back into your life would endanger you or your children.

      As to interracial marriage, the woman becomes part of her husband (i.e., the one-flesh union) and so she rightly becomes part of his extended family. Mixed-race children will have to choose with which race they ‘identify’, and they should generally choose their father’s race. All of this does tend to complicate things unnecessarily, but it is the reality of the world in which we live. (I have also addressed this topic here.)

      Also, in the case of Hispanics, there is a world of difference between, e.g., a Mexican and a Spaniard. A Spaniard is European, so a marriage to another European would be a (perhaps very) distant cousin marriage, but a marriage between a European and a Mexican is more mixed (as the Mexicans themselves are a mixed race).

      These are, of course, contentious matters only in this life — none of these things will be a source of conflict, et cetera, in Paradise.


  3. I’m am SOOOOOO excited that I literally stumbled across this show!!! Not even sure how I got here, but I’ve been longing for Christian voices that were honest about these no-no topics! I have so many questions lol. Looking in to how to subscribe and follow everything you guys do now.


    1. As to subscribing, I would very highly recommend using the RSS feed directly instead of just finding the show in a podcast catalog (e.g., Apple Podcasts, Spotify). The RSS feed is essentially uncensorable.

