The Timeline of Recriminations



aka Eschatologuy

In this episode, we go through the timeline of what has transpired since the LCMS — largely at the behest of Matthew Harrison — published the so-called “Annotated Large Catechism”. The behavior of Synod has been anything but Christian, and wicked deeds should be exposed to the light of day. Satan is on the move, and far too many men in collars are far too willing to do his bidding.

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Parental Warnings

This episode will probably not interest children, and some sensitive topics (including pedophilia and rape) are briefly discussed throughout.


At one point, I (Mahler) state that I handed the AALC a hard drive with information pertaining to Jordan Cooper, but I misspoke, because what I handed them was, in fact, a flash drive.


The transcript for this episode can be found here

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Against the Antichrist



aka Eschatologuy

Matthew Harrison is head of the largest (supposedly) Confessional Lutheran body in the Western world — the LCMS. During his tenure, he has overseen the greatest decline in membership in the history of the LCMS, the closure of LCMS schools and congregations, and the collapse of LCMS organizations. Now, to top off his legacy, Harrison is pushing false doctrine via ‘new’ versions of core confessional, Lutheran documents (e.g., the Small Catechism and the Large Catechism). He is even exporting this doctrine abroad.

Of course, the focus on exporting doctrine is nothing new — Harrison has spent his tenure with his focus everywhere but on the sheep God entrusted to his care (and for which God will one day command him to account). Harrison and those around him personally hate this podcast and its hosts, because we are speaking the truth about the Christian faith and about what men like Harrison are doing to the Church. In this episode, we review Harrison’s recent letter ‘denouncing disturbing ideologies’.

Christians do not speak as Harrison speaks. We will all have to choose a side. For their part, the following men have thrown in their lot with Satan and the kingdom of Antichrist:

  • Matthew Harrison, President of the LCMS
  • Peter K. Lange, 1st Vice President of the LCMS
  • John C. Wohlrabe Jr., 2nd Vice President of the LCMS
  • Scott R. Murray, 3rd Vice President of the LCMS
  • Nabil S. Nour, 4th Vice President of the LCMS
  • Christopher Esget, 5th Vice President of the LCMS
  • Benjamin T. Ball, 6th Vice President of the LCMS
  • the 35 District Presidents of the LCMS

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Parental Warnings

The word "jackass" is used once in this episode at around 01:30:00.


The transcript for this episode can be found here

Other transcripts can be found here

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Here We Stand



aka Eschatologuy

We are Lutherans — this is not something we hide. Neither do we hide the problems in our church body (in fact, we highlight them on this very podcast). However, that we recognize there are problems does not mean that we intend to leave. We remember our Confirmation Oath and we take it seriously:

Do you intend to continue steadfast in this confession and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it?

We each answered “Yes.” to this question, at different times and in different congregations, but in the same Synod and in the same faith. We intend to remain steadfast to the end, come what may. Our Lutheran forebears have suffered much through the centuries for the truth of God’s Word — persecution by pope and emperor, the Thirty Years’ War (including the siege and sack of Magdeburg), suspicion and hostility from the State, the abiding interest of Satan and his minions, et cetera —, and we will follow in their footsteps if God wills it.

It is our firm conviction that Lutheranism is the correct teaching of God’s truth. In this episode, we (briefly) cover our reasons for becoming and remaining Lutheran, and we make clear that we are not going anywhere. We will fight for our Synod, because she is worth defending.

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

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The transcript for this episode can be found here

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