Against the Clockwork Universe



aka Eschatologuy

God is both transcendent — above all things — and immanent — pervading and sustaining all things. From the grand scale of galaxies down to the microscope scale of cells, molecules, and atoms, God is involved in everything in His Universe. Contrary to this reality, Deism would argue that God created the Universe and then stepped back to let it run — like a very complex clock.

Deism has crept into both our culture and the Church over time. In the Church, Deism often takes the form of a semi-Gnostic denial of the flesh via a denial of the consequences of sin. Contrary to this, the Christian faith teaches that not only is God involved in all things, but also that there are temporal consequences of sin that are not removed, in many cases not even alleviated, by faith in Christ.

The eternal consequences of sin are removed from the Christian by the blood of Christ, but the temporal consequences generally remain. A denial of temporal consequences is often tantamount to a denial of the flesh, which is a Gnostic denial of God. Right doctrine affirms both the flesh and the spirit, and God’s transcendent and immanent control over both.

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Parental Warnings

The second half of this episode contains a frank (and extended) discussion of sexual matters. You should discuss these issues with your children, but you may not want them to listen to this episode.


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The Generational Divide



aka Eschatologuy

Curses and blessings are not always — or even usually — individual affairs. The sins of the fathers do, in fact, fall to their sons. A wicked generation can doom all those who follow, but a righteous generation can bestow blessings on children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. In this episode, we look at the nature of generations, how they are treated in Scripture, and what these things mean for us today.

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The introductory Old Testament reading mentions rape.


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Sweat the Small Stuff



aka Eschatologuy

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Too many despair of finding solutions to the problems we face because they focus on the wrong things. We face grand problems, certainly, but those are largely not our concern, at least not our daily concern. The right focus for most men is the everyday — putting in an honest day’s work, being a good husband, and raising godly children.

There is no immediate solution to every problem we face and no leader can resolve everything overnight. The Christian life is lived out in the small matters, even more than it is in the grand ones. We prove our faith with our works. The works, of course, do not save us, but they do naturally flow from a living faith. With regard to the kingdom of the left hand, we have a great deal of control and we should strive to make things better as we are able — plant trees, help your neighbor, think of the future. With regard to the Kingdom of the right hand, that outcome is in God’s hands, and we have no need to worry.

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” — Martin Luther

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Parental Warnings

Some (not explicit) discussion of sexual matters.


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Listener Feedback 001



aka Eschatologuy

Our first listener feedback episode. It took us only six months — please calibrate your expectations accordingly. If you have more questions, submit them now to make it into the next listener feedback episode.

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The Fear of the Lord



aka Eschatologuy

Thou shalt have no other gods.

What does this mean?
We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

In our modern context, we often gloss over the first word in that list: fear. We know that we should love and trust God, but we have come to neglect that we must also fear Him. The word “fear” appears hundreds of times in Scripture, and a great many of those instances are part of commands to fear the Lord.

The fear of the Lord is not an animalistic fear or the sort of fear that one has for an encounter with a bear or a particularly nasty storm, but it is also not entirely other from that sort of fear. The proper fear of the Lord for the Christian is a filial fear — the right and good fear that a son has for his father. In fact, we cannot properly love or trust God without first fearing Him.

The fear of the Lord is good; it is the beginning of wisdom; it revives the soul.

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Judge (Not)



aka Eschatologuy

The Law is God’s eternal, unchanging, unchangeable will and all men are required to order their lives according to it — including Christians. Although Christians are no longer under the curse of the Law, this does not mean that we are not to comport our behavior with the Law. As regenerate Christians, we walk in the Law and thereby produce fruits in keeping with a living faith.

Similarly, Christians are to assess, to discern, to judge. We must judge not only our own actions — assessing whether or not they are in accord with God’s Law —, but also the actions of fellow Christians, whom we must rebuke as brothers when and where they transgress. God’s Word, in fact, gives the steps we are to follow when rebuking brothers. The world will latch on to the words “judge not” and attempt to make this the whole of what Scripture teaches, but that is most certainly not the case. Scripture does not contradict Scripture, and in many places Christians are told to judge. Consequently, we must carefully examine what is meant — and what is not meant — by “judge not”.

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Parental Warnings



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All Sins Are Not Equal



aka Eschatologuy

You have undoubtedly heard the phrase ‘all sins are equal’ at some point in your life, but you have just as assuredly not found it in Scripture — it is not there. The Word of God does not teach that all sins are equal; in fact, it teaches quite the opposite: some sins are worse than others.

In this episode, we go through Scripture highlighting a number of sections that deal with degrees of sin or sinfulness. This episode serves both as a standalone episode on the topic of the supposed ‘equality of sins’ and as a foundation for next week’s episode which will cover Antinomianism.

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On Women: Feminism



aka Eschatologuy

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On Women: Scripture and Ontology



aka Eschatologuy

God assuredly knows the purposes for which He made His creatures, the proper ends toward which their lives should be oriented. We can order our lives according to God’s Word and God’s design, and He will bless us, or we can rebel against His Word and His design, and we will suffer. When it comes to the issue of woman and her place in creation, practically the whole of modern society has chosen the path of rebellion.

Women today strive for and grasp at nearly every possible path other than the one designated for them by God. Genesis is clear: Woman was made for man to be a helper for him. This is woman’s telos, this is her purpose, and it is also her only chance at happiness and joy. When we rebel against our nature, we find only misery, suffering, and pain; Feminism is rebellion against the nature of woman — it is the embracing of the woman’s curse in the Fall. As Christians, we cannot be Feminists; rather, we must believe, teach, and confess what God says in His Word about woman, her nature, and her purpose.

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

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Parental Warnings



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Scripture and Slavery



aka Eschatologuy

The modern world contends that slavery is incompatible with Christianity and that Christians must oppose slavery. Is this what Scripture teaches? The Christian must always turn to Scripture, not to the Enlightenment or to the secular oracles who proclaim newfound morality and a progressive revelation.

Scripture actually deals with slavery at length and in detail. In this episode, we go through the Scriptural teaching on slavery. The world may believe whatever it likes, but the Christian must hold firm to the Word of God — and Scripture does not oppose slavery.

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Parental Warnings



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